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U.S. and G5 + 1 Cave to Iran in Nuclear "Deal"


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So Citizen let's assume you know nothing about women in Iran.

How about human rights. Ever heard of those?

You care to explain how this modern, progressive country that you advocate violates human rights. Oh come now, you called Israelis women and child killers and only engage in war with people weaker then them didn't you? That wasn't a translator problem. So tell me how if you notice how evil Israelis are you have no clue about what is going on in Iran hmmmm? Go on tell me what's wrong with these reports, please...please...




Oh come now, how about these 120,000 Iranians, you ever heard about them?


You really want to come on this site and advocate how wonderful this nation is and expect me to stay silent and not challenge you

as being oblivious to what is going on in Iran?

How is it possible even if you depend on the internet and you deliberately look the other way as to what is going on in Iran you would think

you need to lecture anyone on how wonderful Iran is?

Could you not have picked oh say Tonga my fave country or maybe somewhere like Papau New Guinea to advocate? Iran is the best you have?


Oh come now. You would be the first to use the UN to state how evil Israel is and how it violates human rights what about Iran hmmmmm?


Is that rude to point out?

Regards, Mr. Rude Face aka the Zion Lion or as some would say the Lyin Zion lol makes no diff I respond in a jiff

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How does a country enter into talks with Iran and remove a freeze of $150 billion and ignore its human rights record and financing of terrorism? What sane person sits down with a terrorist and human rights violator and says-oh hey let's just forget all that and take your word for it, you won't build nuke weapons and will suddenly cooperate with the world...hmmm?

Oh come now let's review Iran's terrorist record:

In the 1980s, Iranian and pro-Iranian agencies planned and executed these attacks:

1-the suicide bombing of the American embassy in Beirut (18 April. 83), which killed 61 people and left more than 120 wounded;

2-the suicide bombing of the Marines headquarters in Beirut (23 Oct.83), which killed 39 and wounded 40 people;

3-the suicide bombing of the French army barracks in Beirut (23 Oct. 83), which killed 74 and wounded about 15.

How about some of these fun activities by Iran:

  • March 1996 authorities in Belgium found a specially-built Howitzer canon sent by ship from Iran to Germany to be used in a terrorist attack
  • The Mikonos Affair in Germany- in that case a German court found that senior Iranian officials had been involved in the assassination of Kurdish leaders in Germany
  • the 1995 Khobar Towers bombing against American forces in Saudi Arabia which was linoled to senior members of Iran's intelligence force
  • terror attacks during the "Madrid Conference" ( peace talks between Israel and its Arab neighbors in October 1991); one group was directly linked to training and financing from Iran
  • the bombing of a U.S. Air Force barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, in 1996 that killed 19 U.S. servicemen an attack carried out by the terrorist group Saudi Hizballah under the direction of Iranian intelligence; Imad Mugniyeh, Iran's chief operational director for terrorist attacks abroad was the planner, Ahmed al-Mughassil, the head of the Saudi Hizballahand Mugniyeh are currently living in Iran no doubt engaging in progressive politics
  • the direct linke between Iran's Revolutionary Guards, amd the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and their the training of Palestinian terrorists from Hamas and the P.I.J., as well as other Palestinian terrorist groups in Lebanon or in Iran
  • announcements by Iran in February, March and April of 2015 they were arming terrorists in Sinai, Gaza, Lebanon and the West bank to attack Israel and that their no.1 priority remained the destroying of Israel as a Jewish state and replacing it with a Sharia law state in Israel, Jordan, Gaza and the West Bank which would then be unified with Bahrain and Yemen in one happy sharia State which would then merge with Lebanon and Syria
  • the killing in March 2000 of Said Hajjarian, editor of the country's leading reformist newspaper, Sobh-e Emrouz ("This Morning"), and a close adviser of President Mohammad Khatami, shot at point blank range outside Teheran's municipal offices because he failed to stop investigating and writing stories about Iranian intelligence links and activities with terrorism
  • Iran funds the following terrorist groups; Gama'a al-Islamiyah, the Egyptian al-Jihad, the Algerian G.I.A., Popular Front Front For the Liberation of Palestine, Al Quaedam Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Intifadah, Palestinian Jihad, Al Quaeda, Taliban, International Islamic Front, Islamic jihad, Quds force, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, World Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders

How does anyone remain oblivious to the fact that the unfreezing of $150 billion will lead to a surge in financing terrorism world wide and heat up a war not just with Israel but the wars in Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan, Sudan, Algeria, Tunisia and possible radical Islam attacks in India, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and South America as well as the US and Europe.

How anyone could be oblivious to the terrorist extremist ideology of Iran and its role in perpetuating, training and financing a world wide campain of Muslim extremist terorism is something else.

But hey let's pretend Iran is wonderful. Let's start a travel group and hey now, we can stop off in North Korea its best ally first, then Iran then travel

say to Iran controlled Iraq, Bahrain or Yemen and see how wonderful things are for the women, children and people.

Never mind them Israelis. They are child and women killers. As for the continued comments that US is the enemy, oh come now, Obama said Iran is a viable peace partner. He also said Hezbollah and Hamas were legitimate peace partners this from the same President who called all three terrorist organizations when he ran for office the first time. Ooopsy now, ISIL's turned on Obama so now suddenly he thinks Iran will take them down. Sure Bam Bam. Sure.

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I didn't call you Mr. Rude face as I never make personal attacks it is a sign of weakness. It came out of your profile I took by mistake as your username Mr. Rue but it was you who called me Muslim extremist though it was funny but still a personal attack on me.

I will be brief. I have said that Iranian nation or society is a progressive one. I talked about the women pushing boundaries by what they wear and the fact that women movement is strongest in the region and that the nation is most progressive in the region and highly educated and open minded and I ask you to educate yourself about the society and what is going on in that society and how the nation overwhelmingly elected a relative moderate president (the only relative moderate available as all the rest were screened out) when the votes count. However, there is a distinction between that society and the governments (one of them being the elected president) and you seem to be blaming all the ills that you listed on that nation. Those who you claimed to be responsible for what you listed are not elected by the nation so please educate yourself to distinguish as I think that your blame and contempt is misplaced.

My entire point in this thread is that this deal is a fair one. The money you spoke of, is Iran's money and some of it at least will be spent on people's welfare. In return Iran will not become a nuclear power for another 10 years and the other side has put verification steps in place. I believe that it would prevent a war and would prevent many thousands loss of lives on both sides and I do care about loss of life regardless of nationality very much (American, Iranian, Israelis....) as why I am supportive of this deal. The alternative would have been a long bloody war and most of us don't want that. It is not a movie that you will be watching. It is real people getting killed and real mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and sons and daughters grieving. So lets stop being a war monger and support negotiation and peace.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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It is illegal because based on international and civil laws you can't attack any country based on an assumption that they may or may not attack you in the future or just because they do research on something that may be used in an attack unless Iran attacks Israel first (which would be equally illegal) then Israel can attack Iran on that basis.

By providing arms, instructors and money to terrorists attacking Israel Iran is committing an act of war. That is why most countries deny doing so. Iran, however, openly boasts about it. Even without thinking of their nuclear ambitions Israel is perfectly justified right now if they chose to bomb Iran's oil infrastructure in order to make it more difficult for them to fund terrorist attacks on them.

And no, it doesn't matter if you consider them terrorists or not. Funding, arming and aiding one side in any kind of military action against a country is an act of war.

I am not an expert in Iran's missile program but I have read somewhere that they have 5000 of them as how accurate they are I don't know but Israel is at a short distance from western Iran.

Iran is not the most technically able country around. I'm sure they could fire off some missiles, but I don't know how many would get through. I'm equally sure that, as I said, in a long range duel, Israel would level the place.

Each missile no matter where in the city they hit would destroy at least a block or two.

The Americans fired a number of cruise missiles at Baghdad in the opening phases of their wars and that was not the result. I think you overestimate the power of these missiles.

I think that you grossly underestimate Iran's military. This is a country which was an (Persian) empire

What they were, historically, is not relevant. Italy was a great military power in its time too. For the last fifty years it's been more of a joke based on how poor its soldiers performed.

Even the Israeli government itself estimated years ago that a retaliation by Iran would cause at least 500 Israeli death. So why do you think that in spite of all noises they have made past 20 years threatening to attack Iran's nuclear facilities Israel have not attack Iran all these years.

A couple of reasons. One, the Americans don't want them to further destabilize the region. Two, there was no real need to since Iran had no way of physically striking at Israel except through proxies. I might remind you that the separation between the two means Israel has no reason to make war on or care about Iran other than the fact that Iran, for both domestic political reasons and religious fanaticism, have repeatedly declared their intention to destroy Israel, and have funded terrorist groups to attack the Jewish State.

And spare us any thought this is over human rights concerns given there are no human rights in Iran. You are much more likely to be tortured to death in an Iranian prison than in an Israeli prison.

The moment Israel believes Iran presents a genuine threat to its existence it will stop caring what the Americans think or what happens to middle east stability. It will take casualties in doing so but it has the means to destroy Iran's economy and military infrastructure.

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How does a country enter into talks with Iran and remove a freeze of $150 billion and ignore its human rights record and financing of terrorism? What sane person sits down with a terrorist and human rights violator and says-oh hey let's just forget all that

U.S. has been doing it for decades with Israel.

They've also been giving away U.S. taxpayer money to Israel for $3 billion a year.

Oh wait. Israel should be treated differently.

Who cares if they continuously violate human rights.

Who cares if they continuously break international law.

Who cares if they "have" nuclear weapons.

Who cares if they refuse to sign NPT.

Who cares if they have attacked other countries (Syria/Lebanon/Palestinian Territories) in violation of international law, repeatedly.

Nothing beats the greasy hypocrisy that drips profusely from every one of Rue's posts.

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Lol that was funny HJ. You spend your entire façade on this board criticizing Israel to a moral standard you hold no o ther nation to and when I challenge that and point out Iran is a terrorist nation you try twist that to misrepresent my position. Hah.. Hypocracy you say. That's funny. Show one post, just one word, where I said it was acceptable for Israel or any nation to violate human rights. Lol. You are a gas man. Go on show one word. Once again you fabricate. Go on finish it, show one word from me on this post that has stated a thing you just stted.

You can't.

Your whole position on this board is to justify attacking and dismantling Israel as a Jewish state using a standard that is blatantly anti-semitic in content and context. You question the right of a Jew to believe they should express their identity as a political collective. You have called such beliefs cancerous and in need of destroying. Yet when it comes to sharia law Muslim nations not a peep.

Lol go on H Jones, show me one post where you have acknowledged the autrocities committed by Iran in both human rights and in the support, carrying out and financing of terror. One.


Hippocracy. Yah. Go on HJ come on this board and state Muslims should not have Muslim states. Lol.

I speak many languages you know try me, Farsi, Arabic, Urdu, just say it once in any language.

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Mr. Rue, again out of contempt you called Iran a terrorist nation. You indicated you speak many languages and listed them but obviously English is not one of them because you did not understand my post (and I only speak English so as why failed to convey the message to you) about distinction between a nation and its government. Is Israeli nation to blame for bombing civilians and killing them over past many years? No. Is American people to blame for hundreds of thousands of Civilian deaths past few decades? No. You are thinking like ISIL or IS or ISIS or whatever the hell they call it these days that they blame the nations for the actions of their governments and attack and kill innocent civilians all over the world in Canada, US, and Europe and if they get the chance in Israel too. It is just that you are at the other extreme but as bad. Enough said.

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You are of course entitled to your opinion Citizen but you not I went off extolling the virtues of Iran as a progressive nation. I have also explained why I thought your words sounded like Muslim extremism. I do not know you or presume to but honestly I find your take on Iran extremist. Either that or you are very naïve. I am not sure and it does not matter. You stick with your positive beliefs of Iran. I just hope for your sake you speak to Iranians and ask them-the ones struggling for democracy who were betrayed by Obama.

Obama to me not only sold out the US and the West but the brave Iranians fighting their fascist regime.

Now do you think I talk of Israel as you do Iran? Actually I don't. I have and will criticize Israeli policies. I do not think the nation perfect and I do not agree with its policies on the West Bank like many Israelis.

I lived in Israel, volunteered there, went to school at a university there, worked on a kibbutz, worked with peace volunteers. I want Palestinians like Israelis to find peace. I do not think as long as Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran are pursuing what they do now, this can happen.

You do not know what Jews went through to get to Israel or who were born in Israel. That is clear. You have no idea of our history and you ignore that Israelis either came as refugees from Europe or Arab countries seeking political freedom and liberty or they were born in Israel as Sabras. You do not know the people I know who were injured, died or fought. They didn't fight to kill women or children or weak people. You know nothing of the Israeli soldiers who died placing themselves in death's door to avoid killing civilians. Don't be so sure you know who they are. They are no more demons then the civilians who have died

Civilians on boths sides have died needlessly because Arabs have chosen to engage in terrorism and believe in their religion that a Jew can not be equal to a Muslim and therefore have a state let alone own land.

I lived there. I have been to Muslim countries and listened to the lectures on why I am dhimmi and I rejected it as women today are doing battling Islam being used to define them as inferiors.

I have witnessed terror first hand. You want cowardly-cowardly is using children to carry bombs. Cowardly is using pregnant women, children ith Down's syndrome, old shaking grandmothers with Parkinson as mules smuggling weapons.

Cowardly-its attacking children and women but you seem to be selective in that you don't seem to talk of how many Jewish children and women have died.

The IDF just didn't decide to show up one day and kill people. Its a conventional army with the moral responsibility to protect its citizens from terrorism. Yes it has killed innocent civilians. Mostly because terrorists have placed their citizens as shields in direct harm's way. Sometimes yes it has used questionable and perhaps excessive force. Yes there are idiots who are Israeli who engage in terrorism. The Israeli government just sent its Prime Minister and President to apologize to a Palestinian family victimized by terror. Israelis openly rallied with Palestinians denouncing what happened.

I also want to tell you this week a Palestinian who got into a fight with his famiy members filed false charges Israeli extremists beat him that triggered the PA and the usual anti Israelis chirping in once again. The claim was proven false and not one of the PA members or anti Israelis who chirped in, retracted their statement.

The West Bank is a powder keg. It contains extremists on both sides who are in the minority but get all the attention and are used on forums like this to advance hatred..

Hear it from me. Israelis do not think Palestinians are animals. They want them to have a nation. They can not find one Palestinian let alone an Arab in power to say openly, they recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Until that happens, as long as the Arab collective world and Persian world cling to the notion they can dismantle Israel as a Jewish state, as long as they practice Islam in a manner that condones violence, terror, dhimmitude, sexism, and spits at all the values we in the West cherish there will be a conflict and Iran will kill more Muslims than it does Jews.

I am not hear to say Israel or we Jews including me are perfect we are not. Yes certain Israeli policies are making some issues worse not better. Of course. I admit that-now see if the anti Israelis on this board have the ability to come on this board and explain how they have no problem with states being Muslim but do when there is but one small Jewish one They won't.

That is what this all comes down to. The deal for Israel is a pile of fake crap. Obama needs Iran to fight ISIL. He is trying to manipulate Iran the way he once did ISIL. Iran will turn on Obama no differently than ISIL.

Don't try tell me its fair for Iran to have nuclear weapons when it supports terrorism and violence. You see me come on this board saying Brazil should not have nuke weapons and neither should France, Britain, etc.?

Well listen then. In an ideal world there should be no nuclear weapons owned by anyone. I can't stand them. They are a testament to everything sick and wrong with humanity.

That said no I don't worry over Brazil, Britain, France having the bomb. I do worry about Iran and North Korea having the bomb and Pakistan. Why? Because I think they are unstable regimes with beliefs that are compatible with using those bombs to kill their enemies. I believe Russia, China, Brazil, India, France, Britain, the US, South Africa, would not use their weapons. I also know Israel only got them when they were faced with nuclear attack from Russia during the cold war and no sane person in Israel thinks they are an option as it would kill everyone.

What I do read from the Iranian Muslim clergy council that runs Iran is a belief that a world war must come to flush it of infidel. So yes I believe there are nut cases in Iran who would use it against Israel given the terrorists they support.

That said, I believe North Korea's leader is mad enough to use them and in Pakistan extremists could get their hands on them and sell them but then I believe Pakistan secretly has already sold and transferred the technology to Saudi Arabia.

I also believe many other nations could if they wanted make a nuke weapon such as Japan, Taiwan Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Argentina, Holland, Belgium Sweden, Finland, Denmark to name but a few.

I do not believe like you Iran at this time is stable and can be trusted with such a weapon. I think the deal by not building in proper inspection procedures renders it a farse

I hope one day Iran becomes a free democracy, then I can assure you I won't be so rude.

Let me say this clearly. I do not blame or hate Iranians because of their government or the Muslim extremists who control it. I support the freedom movement of Iranian students and Iranian refugees in Canada who fled from its Muslim fascism.

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Lol that was funny HJ. You spend your entire façade on this board criticizing Israel to a moral standard you hold no o ther nation to and when I challenge that and point out Iran is a terrorist nation you try twist that to misrepresent my position.

I'm not twisting anything. You expect Iran to be treated differently than Israel. Despite Israel violating international law and human rights laws. Despite Israel having nuclear weapons and not signing the NPT. This makes your stance a hypocrisy.

My personal stance is that they should all be treated the same.

If Canada or U.S. started giving Iran special and favourable treatment, while Iran continued to violate human rights, then I would speak out. Without hesitation.

So why do you write stories about Iran violating human rights, international law and harp on their nuclear program, when you don't apply the same standards and scrutiny to Israel?

Edited by Hudson Jones
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I suggest that the view of any individual of what is happening in the Middle East will depend on their allegiance. If one wants what is best for Canada then the antics of Israel and our involvement with her is a mistake, should be terminated and we should look to Iran as a partner in the Middle East.

If you want what is best for Israel then you would want Canada and the rest of the world to support Israeli actions including the last Gaza "excursion' (over a thousand civilians deaths) and hope for the demise of the latest nuclear arms deal with Iran.

I am Canadian and support what is best for Canada. Supporting Israel in its "excursions", land annexation, suppression of the Palestinians and thumbing its nose at the UN is not a good thing for Canada.

There are obviously those on this board who prioritize Israel over everyone else and really don't give a damn what happens to Canadians as long as the Israelis get what they want.

I am a Canadian and prioritize what is best for Canada.

What are you?

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There is a lot of talk about Iranian human rights violations and how that should have been the reason why a nuclear deal should not have been made. Of course, that's the neo-con/Zionist stance.

Let's see what a person who has dedicated most of her life fighting for human rights and women's rights in Iran, Shirin Ebadi, Iranian Nobel Peace Prize 2003 winner, lawyer and human rights campaigner thinks of the nuclear deal:

"unfortunately, the nuclear energy issue has stalemated many issues in Iran, the most important being the issue of human rights."

Edited by marcus
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Iran didn't wait for any nuclear deal before bombing Iraq's nearly completed Osirak nuclear power plant in 1980. They thoroughly screwed up the attack, so Israel showed them how to do it right. It was the first instance of a preventive attack on an enemy's nuclear power plant.


Israel attacked nuclear facilities in Iraq and Iran.

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I suggest that the view of any individual of what is happening in the Middle East will depend on their allegiance. If one wants what is best for Canada then the antics of Israel and our involvement with her is a mistake, should be terminated and we should look to Iran as a partner in the Middle East.

If you want what is best for Israel then you would want Canada and the rest of the world to support Israeli actions including the last Gaza "excursion' (over a thousand civilians deaths) and hope for the demise of the latest nuclear arms deal with Iran.

I am Canadian and support what is best for Canada. Supporting Israel in its "excursions", land annexation, suppression of the Palestinians and thumbing its nose at the UN is not a good thing for Canada.

There are obviously those on this board who prioritize Israel over everyone else and really don't give a damn what happens to Canadians as long as the Israelis get what they want.

I am a Canadian and prioritize what is best for Canada.

What are you?

I think your choice to continually refer to yourself as Canadian or on another thread as a Legion member is disconnected to the positions you are making and appears to be device you are using to infer instant credibility status on your positioons. Its your words that are being debated and define your credibility in debate. I would argue using a Canadian flag or a membership in the Legion to gain instant credibility won't change your words and its your words not you or your alleged loyalty to Canada or alleged status in the Legion that are challenged in spite of your repeated attempts to bring attention to yourself.

IYour words reflect a pro Iranian bias and you are being presumptious thinking you speak for Canada or as you did in the other post Canadian air force pilots, and the military.

I have gone back and edited this post because I think you are being manipulative with your personal references and I am trying to avoid getting baited and sucked in to th em.

I speak only for me. I have an allegiance first and foremost for Canada. Its where I was born. My father fought for this country and it offers me freedoms my ancestors could only dream of and soldiers died and still die so I can live as I do. I cherish that. I am Canadian because I was born here. choose to live here, choose to cherish the freedom democracy brings and it brings for me a way of life none of my ancestors thought possible right down to my grandparents. I bloody well thank any Canadian who died or put on a uniform to defend this country. They did it for me and I am bloody grateful. No words can express my respect to soldiers for that. Its beyond words.

I personally believe hiding from terrorists makes them stronger.

I admire and support our military service people who fight terrorism.

This is a debate on whether we take a stand on terrorism.

The current Iranian regime spits and has contempt for the very democratic and legal fundamental principles Canada was created for and its soldiers died for.

You believe Canada should ally with such a regime-I support Harper's position.

You don't speak for Canada and neither do I.

Iran's regime is bloody and immoral. You choose to look the other way on Iran but piss on Israel.

I also would argue you continually express an approach that states terrorists don't attack people who don't attack terrorists and that if we just stay home-all the bad in the world will pass us by.

I also believe your words reflect the position that terrorists only hate people who like Israel or who associate with bad Jews who don't know their place, i.e., think they have the right to live as Jews in Israel.

I disagree with you.

By the way you can put all the broken Arabic script at the end of your answers, it doesn't change what you state in English and if you want I will respond in Farsi or Arabic but I won't use a translator. They don't work well.

Edited by Rue
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There is a lot of talk about Iranian human rights violations and how that should have been the reason why a nuclear deal should not have been made. Of course, that's the neo-con/Zionist stance.

The above again evidences why you have zero credibility. You stereotype anyone who you think disagrees with you with meaningless stereotype name calling and labels this time.....neo-con Zionist .. and of course these neo con Zionists have a stance....right they engage in yoga too. Brilliant.

Using your method of discussion one is supposed to respond and label you as a what Muslim extremist anti semite?

Do you want people to do what you do and come on the board and name call? Is that what you want? Lol.

neo con Zionist... yes indeed they are the only people that talk of and criticize Iran's dismal human rights record and financing of terror no one else and using you r reasoning this means the UN, Amnesty International, etc., who you are so quick to support when they criticize Israel now suddenly are neo con Zionists. Got it. Love the logic. I can always count on you to provide a logical basis for your coonclusions.

Why hide behind the phrase neo con Zionst. Spit it out man, Say Jew and get it over and done with.

You think by changing the name from Jew to neo con Zionist it makes it politically correct or more valid?


so what else is new

he doesn't dare say Jew

but neo con Zionist

makes it to his politically correct list

oh what's that I detect

underneath the politically correct

oh come on get a clue

its that word Jew

so why can't he say

Jew on this forum today

lets end his bugaboo

tell him to say Hebrew

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The above again evidences why you have zero credibility.

Let's see what a person who has dedicated most of her life fighting for human rights and women's rights in Iran, Shirin Ebadi, Iranian Nobel Peace Prize 2003 winner, lawyer and human rights campaigner thinks of the nuclear deal:

"unfortunately, the nuclear energy issue has stalemated many issues in Iran, the most important being the issue of human rights."

Edited by marcus
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Please don't invent history. Israel never dared to attack Iran's nuclear facilities or anywhere else in Iran though has been threatening to do so for decades. Israel attacked Iraq and Syria's nuclear facilities. Babylon operation was the Israeli attack on Iraq's nuclear facilities in 1981 not Iran's!!!.

It is easy to mistake Iran and Iraq because of similar spelling but there are completely two different countries with different history and culture. Iraq speaks Arabic and the nation (apart from the Kurds in the north) is of Semitic origin (Arab), whereas Iran was the empire of Aryan origin and speaks Persian and 3 times the size and population of Iraq with different customs and traditions to other middle eastern countries. Though Iraq is rich in oil right next to Iran but Iran has both rich human and natural resources and its industries and society are both more developed and advanced.

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Citizen he does this all the time.

Please don't invent history. Israel never dared to attack Iran's nuclear facilities or anywhere else in Iran though has been threatening to do so for decades. Israel attacked Iraq and Syria's nuclear facilities. Babylon operation was the Israeli attack on Iraq's nuclear facilities in 1981 not Iran's!!!.

He didn't make a mistake its what he does on this forum.

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Let's see what a person who has dedicated most of her life fighting for human rights and women's rights in Iran, Shirin Ebadi, Iranian Nobel Peace Prize 2003 winner, lawyer and human rights campaigner thinks of the nuclear deal:

"unfortunately, the nuclear energy issue has stalemated many issues in Iran, the most important being the issue of human rights."

As you do you ignored your previous name calling post and change the subjct from what you stated. You name call then change the subject/. Say who else use that tactic.

Here I am when you have finished hiding from your name calling.

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As you do you ignored your previous name calling post and change the subjct from what you stated. You name call then change the subject/. Say who else use that tactic.

Here I am when you have finished hiding from your name calling.

Quit acting like a baby. It is the Zionists (Bibi/AIPAC/Adelson) and the neo-cons who have been pushing to ruin the Iran deal. That's reality.

You tried to use the excuse of Iran's human rights violations, which is a reality, in order to sell not making a deal with Iran. Then I showed you the stance of one of the best known Iranian human rights activists and how not making a deal and shutting Iran out is actually making the human rights situation worse.

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I suggest that the view of any individual of what is happening in the Middle East will depend on their allegiance. If one wants what is best for Canada then the antics of Israel and our involvement with her is a mistake, should be terminated and we should look to Iran as a partner in the Middle East.

It's best for Canada to make friends with a brutal, terrorist supporting dictatorship which tortures people (including Canadians) to death in its prisons and supports terrorist attacks on civilians around the world?

I gather your thoughts on what is 'best' for Canada contain no shred whatever of ethics or morality in wanting to associate us with this horrible place, where teenage girls are hanged in front of crowds for daring to complain about being raped. But you might consider how associating us with a pariah state might impact our relationships with our allies. Or do you even care about something as 'irrelevant' as that?

Your suggestion is cowardly and utterly contemptible.

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There is a lot of talk about Iranian human rights violations and how that should have been the reason why a nuclear deal should not have been made. Of course, that's the neo-con/Zionist stance.

While I don't think Iran's horrific human rights violations are a good reason not to cut a deal anyone who tries to act as an apologist for them forgoes any pretense that their hatred of Israel has any relationship with alleged human rights abuses there.

Basically, they're exposing their motivation as plain old Jew hatred.

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You think by changing the name from Jew to neo con Zionist it makes it politically correct or more valid?

That's just what he thinks. There is no question in my mind that those who continually use terms like "Zionist" are anti-Semites of the worst sort.

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