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Have you read anything about microaggressions? This theory has been around since 1970.

Finally the social justice warriors have pushed too far?

You're showing how ridiculously biased you are throwing around the idiotic "social justice warrior" label like it's defamatory. Ten years ago it was spitting anger about libruhls! Today the buzz phrase is "social justice warriors!"

Meaningless garbage that allows you to be dismissive without actually giving thought to or addressing the arguments.

And then you go and complain about others doing that, as if you have some moral high ground here.

I don't see how labeling people is helpful. Quite the opposite is often true. I think the best approach is to deal with issues on a case by case basis and not be blinded by any particular political stripe...you know what I mean?
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Fixed (forgot an f)

Edit: my frozen picture got deleted as well. Is someone messing with my posts?

Posting photos/memes is frowned upon by the mods.

As to the list: some of it is out there, but mostly it's a pretty good rundown of the shit some people have to put up with.

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Fixed (forgot an f)

Edit: my frozen picture got deleted as well. Is someone messing with my posts?

Yes...the mods have declared war on any images and graphics, even when they are on topic. Posts will just go poof !

The funny part is that I warned them about enabling photos and video for the forum.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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This has to be one of the most hilarious threads I've ever read on this site.

“Wow! How did you become so good in math?”

“There is only one race, the human race.”

“I don’t believe in race.”

“Gender plays no part in who we hire.”

“America is the land of opportunity.”

Yeah. Find some real racism, and get back to me. Some of you will buy any crackpot theory, evidence or no. Hilarious.

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I don't see how labeling people is helpful. Quite the opposite is often true. I think the best approach is to deal with issues on a case by case basis and not be blinded by any particular political stripe...you know what I mean?

I know that you're moving towards arguing for colourblindness which I've mentioned is racism in the past and is also explained that way in links provided in this thread. If you're having difficulty understanding why that's racism, then I suggest looking into the arguments that people of colour have made and how colourblindness is used to reinforce social barriers to racial equality.
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This has to be one of the most hilarious threads I've ever read on this site.

“Wow! How did you become so good in math?”

“There is only one race, the human race.”

“I don’t believe in race.”

“Gender plays no part in who we hire.”

“America is the land of opportunity.”

Yeah. Find some real racism, and get back to me. Some of you will buy any crackpot theory, evidence or no. Hilarious.

Why would a white middle class cisgender heterosexual man want to deny the experience of others who've explained countless times why this stuff is racist/sexist/bigoted? What agenda do you have that you deny these people their experiences?
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Why would a white middle class cisgender heterosexual man want to deny the experience of others who've explained countless times why this stuff is racist/sexist/bigoted? What agenda do you have that you deny these people their experiences?

If I ask someone how they got so good at math, then I don't expect them to jump straight to racism. If they do, it probably isn't because of me.

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This has to be one of the most hilarious threads I've ever read on this site.

It's not so funny once you think about the implications. Removal of free speech on universities across North America, financially punishing staff with 'incorrect' views, etc. SJW influence grows day by day.

I know that you're moving towards arguing for colourblindness which I've mentioned is racism

See cybercoma, the reason you can convince yourself that you are not racist, while simultaneously supporting racist policies such as affirmative action is because you suffer from large amounts of cognitive dissonance.

I suggest looking into the arguments that people of colour

The value of an argument is independent of the person who makes it. What you are doing above is an appeal to authority fallacy.

Why would a white middle class cisgender heterosexual man want to deny the experience of others who've explained countless times why this stuff is racist/sexist/bigoted?

See above. Except this time it's an ad hominem. Not to mention this idea that someone's opinion should be dismissed or have less value if they are a white male is sexist/racist.

What agenda do you have that you deny these people their experiences?

Appeal to motive fallacy.

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Not to mention that if someone is good at math, they probably have enough logical consistency to not believe in this SJW nonsense.

You would think. Only in leftist bizarro world could a statement about not being racist be construed as racist.

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If I ask someone how they got so good at math, then I don't expect them to jump straight to racism. If they do, it probably isn't because of me.

If you assume someone is good at math because they're Asian, then yeah...that's pretty f'ing racist. Why's that so damn difficult for you to understand?
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If you assume someone is good at math because they're Asian, then yeah...that's pretty f'ing racist. Why's that so damn difficult for you to understand?

How do they know I assumed that? Am I not allowed to ask an Asian why they're so good at math? Because that's what this seems to strongly imply. Never again are we to ask people how they became so good at math for fear that some Asian somewhere may be offended (nice display of your own biases btw [the fact that you went straight to that stereotype tells me something about you that I always suspected]).

This thread is like a dark comedy of some kind. I think we're all going to be the but of the joke in the end.

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How do they know I assumed that? Am I not allowed to ask an Asian why they're so good at math?

Let's just pretend that words don't have meaning and when you say crap like this it doesn't imply cultural stereotypes. That's the problem with you people who subscribe to "colourblind" theory. You want to pretend that racism and stereotypes don't exist because in your myopic little world they don't. Then, god forbid, anyone ask you to recognize racist things because we wouldn't want you to have to think about others' experiences. If you assume someone is good at math because they're Asian, then you're making a racist assumption. You can sit here and pretend that it's a meaningless innocuous statement all you want, but it demonstrates cultural stereotypes based on racist ideas. "Wow! How did you get so good at math" is no different than saying, "Wow! Why aren't you good at math? I thought all you Asians were math prodigies!" You can ignore the implied racism in the statement all you want, it's still there. You can pretend that racism doesn't exist all you want because you have the privilege not to experience racism if you choose to ignore it. You don't have to see it. Others don't have that privilege. In fact, you're so privileged that it makes you whine like a little baby whenever anyone asks you to be conscious of unintended racism and microaggressions. You can't even be bothered to do that without getting all hurt and whiney about it. Yet people actually have to live with this racist bullshit all the time and all they're asking is that you recognize it. Edited by cybercoma
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Edit: my frozen picture got deleted as well. Is someone messing with my posts?


Nobody deleted your image. You made a typo in the address of the image and thus, the forum software fails to render the image. It happens all of the time and we get blamed.

Yes...the mods have declared war on any images and graphics, even when they are on topic. Posts will just go poof !

No...the mods have not declared war. Indeed, we nix images that are on topic but only if they are silly. The mods have raised the bar on what qualifies as "on topic" for images and graphics

Not all pictures are worth a thousand words. We have rules but not all rules are equal and many of them have exceptions and or supercede other rules.

If you can type whatever-message-is-conveyed-in-the-silly-image instead of going through the extra hassle of posting the image, then for the sake of clarity, the action of posting an image is objectively trolling. If a member goes out of his way to not be clear for some other gain, then it had better be a darn good image/graphic and better than "funny" for us to let it slide.

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Let's just pretend that words don't have meaning and when you say crap like this it doesn't imply cultural stereotypes.

Asking someone how they became good at math implies that they are good at math, unless you're looking for something.

That's the problem with you people who subscribe to "colourblind" theory.

The problem for you is that we don't spend our days thinking about race.

You want to pretend that racism and stereotypes don't exist because in your myopic little world they don't.

Of course they exist. That's a strawman I think.

Then, god forbid, anyone ask you to recognize racist things because we wouldn't want you to have to think about others' experiences.

If we're not allowed to speak any more that might start to be a problem. Apparently, everything is racist, even when it's not.

If you assume someone is good at math because they're Asian, then you're making a racist assumption.

You're the one that jumped straight to Asian. How do you prove that anyone but you assumes that?

You can sit here and pretend that it's a meaningless innocuous statement all you want,

Since it is, I'm going to do more than pretend.

but it demonstrates cultural stereotypes based on racist ideas.

If you're looking for racism, you'll find it everywhere.

"Wow! How did you get so good at math" is no different than saying, "Wow! Why aren't you good at math? I thought all you Asians were math prodigies!"

The first statement involves no racial stereotypes. The second does.

You can ignore the implied racism in the statement all you want, it's still there.

Because you want it to be.

You can pretend that racism doesn't exist all you want because you have the privilege not to experience racism if you choose to ignore it.

And so I should stop making innocuous statements as a counterbalance?

You don't have to see it. Others don't have that privilege.

Apparently, you see enough of it for both of us.

In fact, you're so privileged that it makes you whine like a little baby whenever anyone asks you to be conscious of unintended racism and microaggressions.

Apparently, it makes you very angry that I can't link math ability and race.

You can't even be bothered to do that without getting all hurt and whiney about it. Yet people actually have to live with this racist bullshit all the time and all they're asking is that you recognize it.

It's not racist, so I'm not going to pretend.

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The problem for you is that we don't spend our days thinking about race.

Because your white privilege makes that an option. People of colour don't have that option. That's the key point you keep ignoring. You absolutely refuse to check your privileges.

Edited by cybercoma
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Because your white privilege makes that an option. People of colour don't have that option. That's the key point you keep ignoring. You absolutely refuse to check your privileges.

You can always identify someone who has no argument when they resort to "check your privilege". What's next, are you going to call him a "cracker"?

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Because your white privilege makes that an option. People of colour don't have that option. That's the key point you keep ignoring. You absolutely refuse to check your privileges.

I'm not concerned with your guilt.

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I'm not concerned with your guilt.

What guilt? I don't feel guilty about anything. I think you're a jerk for not recognizing that you have options that others don't, namely ignoring racism and it goes away.

Edited by cybercoma
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