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Iran Key To Middle East Peace

Big Guy

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Lol right Iran is a democratic country where its Parliamentary members will vote against their clergy council. Man you are funny,

Actually that would be part of the rug-merchant tactic. The Foreign Minister makes a deal which he knows the Supreme Council opposes. The Supreme Council "volun-tells" the Majlis to reject the deal. Then they come back and get more concessions from Neville Chamberlain, err, B. Hussein Obama.

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I feel your pain. Many people over the millennia have wanted the Jews either gone, or operating under subjugation. When "weaker mostly defenseless people" seek to constantly stir the pot and often start wars, either asymetrical or otherwise, Israel will defend itself. Not by seeking mercy and sympathy on the pages of the Toronto Star but in real life. When the Islamists mockingly say "you love life we love death" why shouldn't Israel give them what they love? In spades.

That's sure obvious. Yet you seem to pass your days making posts on the subject.

This is a stretch, again, unless your premise is that the Jews should either be submissive or gone. Ditto the West as we know it.

Yeah I wonder why they stir the pot as you put it. It is only their land being occupied and their houses bulldozered and treated so badly by occupying soldiers. Why they don't just stop and submit. You are funny lol.

So it is obvious that I am not an expert in Arab Israel war and neither are you from your posts. The difference is that I admit to it and you don't. The other difference is that I don't care about Arab Israeli war but apparently you do. I never wanted to post about this conflict it is just that others somehow hijacked the Iran-G6 nuclear deal thread and dragged me into posting about the Arab Israel war.

Yeah I stand by my statements. As an example Israel dragged US into war with Iraq as they feel threatened by strong Iraq when Saddam Hussain was ruling and wished to destroy that. They tried the same with Iran, but Iran was different. The US was scared to attack not alone invade Iran nor did they have the military capability for full scale invasion and Israelis as proven now by their own, was too chicken to attack Iran too.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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To jbg - Why do you think that there are about 600,000 Palestinians refugees?

Their Arab brethren won't take them in. Keep in mind there was no such entity as "Palestine" prior to the British mandate. Ever.

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I believe that there is far too much Israeli lobbying and influence in Washington. I recently watched Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, announce that she will support the nuclear agreement with Iran that has roiled many in her Florida district. She said so with tears in her eyes.


She said it broke her heart to have to choose between her religion and her country. Huh? Her country is America and why should her religion have any influence on her responsibility to her country? She ran for the office! She was elected - not in Tel Aviv but in Florida!

I remember when Kennedy first ran and was elected how opponents cited his Catholic religion as a disqualifier for the position. Chuck Schumer, another fervent Jewish Democrat and usually an Obama supporter, decided to side with Israeli against the leader of his party and his President to oppose the Iran deal.


It will be interesting to see if there will be any statistical relationship between the vote on this Iran deal and the religion of the voter.

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That about says it all. Obama is a "we are one world" type of a person. He is not an advocate for the U.S. He has adhered to our enemies, giving that aid and comfort. See Article III Section 3 U.S. Constitution.

Let's say that Obama is simply looking out for the USA. The country in which you live in. Would it be better for him to make the USA his first priority? Would you rather him put Israel before the USA?

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Let's say that Obama is simply looking out for the USA. The country in which you live in. Would it be better for him to make the USA his first priority? Would you rather him put Israel before the USA?

GH, don't even doubt it. So called a "liberal lawyer" will not be so "liberal" when the interests of US is put ahead of Israel. Make no mistake about it. Thanks god US has a 'sane' president that is really working hard to make a change. They don't like it because for once someone is making some sense instead of just licking Libby's and Israeli lobbies back. Now is turning into Canada.

Edited by kactus
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Again Argus you are hiding the facts and the facts are Israel has no respect for human rights when it comes to people in occupied lands and I was very clear in my post about that (that I was referring to lack of respect for human rights by Israel for people in occupied lands). Dropping bombs on their heads, bulldozing their houses, shooting plastic and live bullets at demonstrators mostly children IN OCCUPIED LANDS are not very respectful of human rights. It would be horrible to have them as enemies especially as occupiers and especially when they are sitting on hundreds of nuclear bombs which THEY HAVE DEVELOPED IN SECRET as they have no respect for human lives if it is an enemy life, even women and children.

I understand your point. I disagree with it, but I understand it. But my point remains. Why does Iran hate Israel? Why does it constantly threaten Israel? It's not because Israel doesn't respect human rights. How could it be when Iran has even less respect for human rights?

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What are "we" about to fix Guard? Who is we? What will "we" fix? How will "we " fix it.

I think he is hoping that the NDP get in and the anti-Semites within that party drastically change our policy about the middle east so that we join with our noble, freedom loving Arab allies like Iran and Egypt and Sudan and Syria in castigating Israel.

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I think he is hoping that the NDP get in and the anti-Semites within that party drastically change our policy about the middle east so that we join with our noble, freedom loving Arab allies like Iran and Egypt and Sudan and Syria in castigating Israel.

Very uninformed post by you Argus. Frankly I was taken by surprise to see a mistake like this by you as you appear to be more knowledgeable when it comes to middle east than others. I don't agree with what your post but your posts indicate some knowledge so this is why I am surprised when I see you posting that Iran is an Arab country!!!!!!!!!!!!. Please educate yourself. Second time I see a big mistake from you as last month you said the unconstitutional prostitution laws imposed by religious right conservatives has already passed the constitution!!!! Wrong again.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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To jbg - Why do you think that there are about 600,000 Palestinians refugees?

There aren't.

As of January 2010, UNRWA cites 1,396,368 registered refugees in camps and 3,370,302 registered refugees not in camps.

And why are there so many? Because none of their fellow Arab states will accept any of them as citizens. Even the ones who fled Israel in 1948 and have been living in the same country since then are still considered Palestinian refugees. Even their children born in other Arab countries are considered Palestinians and refused citizenship.

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Very uninformed post by you Argus. Frankly I was taken by surprise to see a mistake like this by you as you appear to be more knowledgeable when it comes to middle east than others. I don't agree with what your post but your posts indicate some knowledge so this is why I am surprised when I see you posting that Iran is an Arab country!!!!!!!!!!!!. Please educate yourself. Second time I see a big mistake from you as last month you said the unconstitutional prostitution laws imposed by religious right conservatives has already passed the constitution!!!! Wrong again.

You are picking nits. Why are you picking nits? Yes, I know Iranians are Persians. So what? In terms of Israel they behave the same as Arabs.

As for our 'unconstitutional prostitution laws', I'm sorry, but which law school did you graduate from, again? I think what that turned out to be was that Ontario's Liberal premier said her province wouldn't enforce an unconstitutional law. She gave it to her attorney general to study and get advice from his ministry, and, much to her disappointment, they said it WAS constitutional. Do you think you know more than Ontario's attorney general?

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So whoever opposes Israel automatically is Arab!!. I am not picking nits but it was a mistake in your post needed correction.

And why are there so many? Because none of their fellow Arab states will accept any of them as citizens. Even the ones who fled Israel in 1948 and have been living in the same country since then are still considered Palestinian refugees. Even their children born in other Arab countries are considered Palestinians and refused citizenship.

I think Big Guy was asking why there are so many refugees at the first place. Could it be because Israel (menachem and his gang for example) terrorized them into living their homes?

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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You seem very confident that the world sees things as superficially as you do.

You are picking nits. Why are you picking nits? Yes, I know Iranians are Persians. So what? In terms of Israel they behave the same as Arabs.

As for our 'unconstitutional prostitution laws', I'm sorry, but which law school did you graduate from, again? I think what that turned out to be was that Ontario's Liberal premier said her province wouldn't enforce an unconstitutional law. She gave it to her attorney general to study and get advice from his ministry, and, much to her disappointment, they said it WAS constitutional. Do you think you know more than Ontario's attorney general?

What do you mean Interms of Israel they behave the same as arabs? Are you painting a whole race with certain attributes?

That is bordering racism! It doesn't give much credibility when same person doesn't know the difference between arabs and Iranians and labels others as anti semite (when they are not) simply because they have different point of view!

Edited by kactus
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It doesn't matter what name is used on this board, the devices used remain the same:

1-turning oneself plural to suggest others agree with you

2-posing that since you are now plural not singular it makes your opinion more valid

3-ine one breath negatively stereotyping all Jews, Israelis and Zionists, then in the very next words in the same sentence using exclamation marks to express profound emotion when its done to Muslims and Arabs

4-showing complete intolerance to any opinion but your own

5-blaming Israel and the US for any problems in the ME while ignoring the behaviour of Russia, China, Iran, Muslim fundamentalists, Muslim extremists.

Don't care what name you use on this forum, how many are supposedly writing, your script limits are so damn rigid, you've lost any semblance of looking like more than one writer with the words.

At this point you are so entrenched in the above use its gone past stale.

See the problem with trying to incite hatred and partisan opinions on political discussion forums is after awhile you burn yourself out playing the same tune and the Judges vote you off.

Even on Iran's Got Talent.

You should take the advice of Howard, Howie, Heidi and Spice and do something new.

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Kactus you ask me what is in a name? I Well you tell me. Will you identify your biases on this board? Will you state why you are bias? Well? Would you admit you are Muslim and brought up learning about Jews and Israel in a certain way and challenge it?

No I doubt it. Why does that matter? Because I come on this board and respond to your words and what the words symbolize. As much as some try say its a personal attack its not. I respond to the words that generalize and make sweeping one sided subjective hate comments about Jews, Israelis, Zionists, the US and offer no solutions.

My words on this board present Jews and Muslims as equal with equal rights to countries. Yours do not.

You want to find one word from me on this board that attacks Muslims simply for being Muslim or Palestinians or Syrians go ahead. Do it. Eye already accused me of being a liar but can't back it up, you do it.

I am challenging your words because you only present one side of a conflict and reinforce name calling against one side and offer zero solutions.

I sometimes defend Argus or Bush in these threads because we do not agree on everything but I see the same personal attacks used on them so I will speak out.

Read the posts. Read how Marcus diatribes and insults Jews for living in Israel then in the next breath acts all righteous accusing Argus of generalizing against Muslims/Arabs. Its past absurd.

Also in my supposed long winded rants they specifically address the comments I challenge. Don't read them. Its your right.

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Rue, You are so blind that you don't even realise how biased you are towards Israel. But then again if you ask a Jew where they will put their preference between Arab/ Israeli issue then of course the tendency is to be patriotic. What makes it utterly despicable is when dealing with a propagandist like yourself. That will cloud judgement and of course you will never hear the other side of the argument.

I don't care if you are Jewish. That is irrelevant! And whether you think I am Muslim indoctrinated in a certain way about Jews it is the hallucinations in your head. I can't help you with that. You can if you wanted to.

But you know what? I have come to realisation with people like you that you try to kill off an argument/ debate or divert attention from the topic. If someone has a valid point you just play the "victim card". Why? because you are conditioned this way and cannot help it. Your irrational behaviour is to discredit the other party and always make a victim of yourself. you label others 'Jew hater' and claim it with such conviction like a religious zealot.

People do not call you in a certain way if there is no reason for it. You create that reason. Well guess what get used to it. It is a democratic process unlike yours and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I find it quite hypocritical with your stance which unconditionally supports Israel. You portray this image that "Muslims and Jews are equal". I mean I can totally understand that as a Jew you may have preference towards Israeli policies. But coming here telling me that your words gives equal representation of both parties is utter none sense. What you think does not match up with what you say on this forum and is just to please a targetted crowd. Any sane person can read this right through you.

And yes yes yes you will support Bush on this forum because you feel Israel should attach itself to the tail of US or Canada and anything that happens to Israel tantamount to happening to US/ Canada. This comes from constant paranoia/ fear that one day that attachment will go away. The reality is all you really care about is Israel not US or Canada...

Anyway, this is not about Argus or Bush for that matter. Be a man and stand firm for what is right rather than lying to yourself and us claiming your views on Israel are unbiased.

It is not my style to continue with long worded rants like you. I feel however obliged to tell you like it is. It is of course your right to read it. But please, please stop winging and victimising process....It is getting ridiculously tiring....

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So whoever opposes Israel automatically is Arab!!. I am not picking nits but it was a mistake in your post needed correction.

I've been trying for some time now to get you to explain why Iran hates Israel and why it continually threatens them and commits acts of war by funding and arming groups that attack Israel. I think that should be something to address rather than my lumping the Iranians in with Arabs.

I think Big Guy was asking why there are so many refugees at the first place. Could it be because Israel (menachem and his gang for example) terrorized them into living their homes?

One of the things few people like Big Guy pay no attention to was that almost as many Jews were forced out of Arab countries following 1948. Israel took them all in and made them citizens. The Arab countries surrounding Israel put those who fled Israel into camps and forced them to stay there, never giving them any chance of becoming citizens to this day.

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What do you mean Interms of Israel they behave the same as arabs? Are you painting a whole race with certain attributes?!

No, I'm painting a nation with unreasoning and violent hatred for Jews and Israel to the surrounding nations who also have unreasoning and violent hatred for Jews and Israel. Also in common, all of them are brutal dictatorships with no respect for individual rights or freedoms.

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