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Israel's 10 year racist law anniversary

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Guest American Woman

I get to determine what my opinion is. U.S' welfare cheque to Israel every year, effects the whole world.

Sure you do. You get to determine your opinion. Sort of like if I were to determine that something you determined is beneficial to you - isn't. My opinion wouldn't carry much weight now, would it? <_<

Edited by American Woman
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Tell me how powerful and influential you and your "collective voice" is?

Do you think because of you people will now destroy Israel because you called out on this site to destroy Israel?


Part of the tactics used by groups such as this are to provide the illusion that they are many voices. Voices of reason and justice...and you...the lone obstacle to peace other than the evil Zionists, themselves. That's why you, myself and others are often referred to as 'a liar' and such.

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Sure you do. You get to determine your opinion. Sort of like if I were to determine that something you determined is beneficial to you - isn't. My opinion wouldn't carry much weight now, would it? <_<

Stop being such sensitive little babies with this "don't tell me what to do" hissy fits. U.S. and Israel's actions and policies influence the security and stability of the whole world so what they do matters on the world stage.

It was the public's opinion that pushed aside Apartheid South Africa. It was not until much later until the Western governments were finally forced to change their alliances and support for the racist regime. Same thing is happening now around the world. The racist Zionist regime is nearing the end of its brutal treatment of the Palestinians and its illegal actions. All that is left is the public opinion of Americans, which is changing and nothing can stop this change.

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Now here we see a bit of that very thing in action. You're/We're 'babies' having 'hissy fits'...that would be what your own opinion is. A hissy fit rather than a sensible response. Notice also the use of buzz-words like 'Apartheid', 'racist', 'brutal' and 'illegal'. It's all an attempt to make your position appear to have zero credibility. Who in their right mind would support brutal, racist, illegal, apartheid loving Zio-Nazis? ;)

However, you'll NEVER hear a commentary about the Nazi connections that the Palestinian Cause actually has. That will be ignored...or perhaps called a lie. Or some cock-n'-bull story about how al-Husseini wasn't a significant figure...etc. Let's watch and see...


Haj Amin al-Husseini greats his boss, Heinrich Himmler

at Auschwitz-Birkenau (1943)

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....The racist Zionist regime is nearing the end of its brutal treatment of the Palestinians and its illegal actions. All that is left is the public opinion of Americans, which is changing and nothing can stop this change.

Utter nonsense....even Canada's government has shifted more support to Israel.


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Guest American Woman

Stop being such sensitive little babies with this "don't tell me what to do" hissy fits.

Someone here is a coming across as a sensitive little baby having a hissy fit - and it ain't me. This is one of those situations where a mirror might come in handy. ;)

U.S. and Israel's actions and policies influence the security and stability of the whole world so what they do matters on the world stage.

Sure, it matters. That doesn't mean the world gets to decide what's beneficial to the U.S. That's for us to decide.

It was the public's opinion that pushed aside Apartheid South Africa. It was not until much later until the Western governments were finally forced to change their alliances and support for the racist regime. Same thing is happening now around the world. The racist Zionist regime is nearing the end of its brutal treatment of the Palestinians and its illegal actions. All that is left is the public opinion of Americans, which is changing and nothing can stop this change.

Yeah, well I'm afraid that isn't happening quite the way you'd like to portray it. Israel enjoys strong support from both my country and yours.
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Part of the tactics used by groups such as this are to provide the illusion that they are many voices. Voices of reason and justice...and you...the lone obstacle to peace other than the evil Zionists, themselves. That's why you, myself and others are often referred to as 'a liar' and such.

Dead on.

Further to what you said: excerpt from: http://www.terrorfinance.org/the_terror_finance_blog/2007/09/facilitating-ha-1.html


Hamas also relies heavily upon the Internet to disseminate its virulent anti-Israel and anti-American message, which arguably makes their computer keyboards as dangerous as the rockets they fire into Israel. The Internet allows Hamas to raise funds, plan terrorist attacks, maintain international communication, and expand influence and recruitment through advertising and chat rooms.

Hamas operates a number of sites including: paltime.net; alresalah.info; palestiniangallery.com; fm-m.com; felesteen.ps; al-fateh.net; mujamaa.org; islamic-block.net; alkotla.com; palestinianforum.com; aqsatv.ps; and tanfithya.com. Perhaps the most well known Hamas propaganda website is the Lebanon-based "Palestine-info" network of 20 or more websites. Domains include: Palestine-info-urdu.com, palestine-persian.info and palestine-info.net. The operation is run from Beirut by senior Hamas activist Nizar Hussein, with instructions from Damascus-based Hamas chief Khaled Meshal.

A page entitled "Heroic Stories" on Palestine-info is a good example of the virulent content on this website network. Here, Hamas glorifies female suicide bombers, and includes a religious ruling (fatwa) from Qardawi. Other Palestine-info pages include idealized photos and propaganda of weapons-toting suicide bombers.

The Palestine-info websites include official Hamas news, propaganda, and chat forum outlets in eight languages targeting the Middle East, Western Muslim communities, as well as non-Muslims around the world. In addition to English and Arabic, Palestine-info publishes pages in Farsi, Urdu, Malaysian, and Turkish, as well as Russian (targeting Chechens) and French (for North Africans).

Edited by Rue
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Utter nonsense....even Canada's government has shifted more support to Israel.


Who cares about the Canadian government. They're paying lip service to the powerful Israeli lobby and to their evangelical base. Majority of Canadians support the creation of a Palestinian state, unlike what the current Zionist regime wants.

Time is running out for the racist Zionist movement. The international tide is too strong. Apartheid South Africa couldn't last despite the powerful support it had from the Western governments. At the end, the international thirst for justice won.

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Who cares about the Canadian government. They're paying lip service to the powerful Israeli lobby and to their evangelical base. Majority of Canadians support the creation of a Palestinian state, unlike what the current Zionist regime wants.

Time is running out for the racist Zionist movement. The international tide is too strong. Apartheid South Africa couldn't last despite the powerful support it had from the Western governments. At the end, the international thirst for justice won.

Ok, but you can't explain the Gallup Poll which lays waste to your assertion that American public opinion is shifting to support of Palestine (and associated terrorists).

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Ok, but you can't explain the Gallup Poll which lays waste to your assertion that American public opinion is shifting to support of Palestine (and associated terrorists).

Your image is not showing.

Regardless, as Bibi himself has said, "The Americans are easily moved". The American people are generally not as informed as people in other parts of the world. Their consent is manufactured by a lazy and superficial media and by the prostitutes working in the government who are paid well to be the spokesperson for the Zionist lobby.

The shift is happening. You can fight it all you want, but there is a powerful momentum in the world's opinion in regards to the unjust and unfair treatment of Palestinians by Israel.

That said, the momentum in the U.S. is also changing, particularly with the young Jewish Americans and in Academia.

Your support for the status quo will be on the wrong side of history.

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Your image is not showing....

The shift is happening. You can fight it all you want, but there is a powerful momentum in the world's opinion in regards to the unjust and unfair treatment of Palestinians by Israel.

That said, the momentum in the U.S. is also changing, particularly with the young Jewish Americans and in Academia.

Your support for the status quo will be on the wrong side of history.

Errr...the image is displayed in your posted response.

That's OK....history is funny that way. I will stick with $3 billion each year in American military and economic aid for Israel against wannabes from Canada or elsewhere who don't have the courage to stand in front of an IDF Caterpillar D-9 (like Rachel Corrie).

Israel and the U.S. are "besties"...forever !

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Guest American Woman

Regardless, as Bibi himself has said, "The Americans are easily moved". The American people are generally not as informed as people in other parts of the world. Their consent is manufactured by a lazy and superficial media and by the prostitutes working in the government who are paid well to be the spokesperson for the Zionist lobby.

Sounds as if your knowledge in this area is quite lacking.

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Israel and the U.S. are "besties"...forever !

The friendship is bought. The prostitutes who work in your goverment get paid and threatened if they don't flaunt an awkward and fake declaration of friendship. Kind of like how every time Obama speaks, you can see the anguish in his face when he declares to Bibi, "the unshakable bond and friendship...".

This is not forever. Ask Apartheid South Africa how their strong relationship with the West and Israel went.

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Guest American Woman

The friendship is bought.

That's your opinion, no more, no less - and does nothing to change the reality.

The prostitutes who work in your goverment get paid and threatened if they don't flaunt an awkward and fake declaration of friendship.

I'm sure you can back that claim up with a source, right? I'll be waiting. :)

you can see the anguish in his face when he declares to Bibi, "the unshakable bond and friendship...".

Unfortunately, a lot of people "see" all kinds of things. That doesn't change the reality, either.

This is not forever. Ask Apartheid South Africa how their strong relationship with the West and Israel went.

No need, as there is no relevance to this situation.
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Israel continues to try to market itself as morally, ethically and lawfully superior, however, one look at its actions and policies, the dark and ugly side of Israel is evident.

Today is the 10th anniversary of a racist law restricting Palestinians living in Israel to be with their spouses from the occupied Palestinian territories.


This thread (link) provides a good counterpoint; this is not a racist country.

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This is not forever. Ask Apartheid South Africa how their strong relationship with the West and Israel went.

Ask the average South African black worker how "majority" rule has gone.

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That's your opinion, no more, no less - and does nothing to change the reality.

My comments are simply repeating facts. The U.S. government's support is bought by donation money.

I'm sure you can back that claim up with a source, right? I'll be waiting. :)

It's easy to back it up. The information can be found in a variety of places. Here is a link to the list of Pro-Israel fund recipients. The lists are long, so take your time. As an American, it would be good for you to familiarize yourself with this information.

Here are just the top 5:

Top Senate Recipients Funded

Mark Kirk $925,379

John McCain $771,012

Mitch McConnell $430,925

Carl Levin $346,478

Robert Menéndez $344,670

Top House Recipients Funded

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen $238,685

Eric Cantor $209,410

Bradley Schneider $161,784

Steny Hoyer $143,775

John Boehner $129,925

Unfortunately, a lot of people "see" all kinds of things. That doesn't change the reality, either.

Here is Obama after ass kissing and saying what he is told to say about the "unshakable bond, etc. etc." theater during King Bibi's visit to the White House. But you can tell that he's not saying what he really wants to say. He looks like he's about to vomit all over himself.


King Bibi is your daddy and only a select few dare to speak out against his highness.

No need, as there is no relevance to this situation.

Israel is a racist apartheid state.

Tutu condemns Israeli 'apartheid'

South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu has accused Israel of practising apartheid in its policies towards the Palestinians.

The Nobel peace laureate said he was "very deeply distressed" by a visit to the Holy Land, adding that "it reminded me so much of what happened to us black people in South Africa".

He continues with the truth:

The archbishop attacked the political power of Jewish groups in the United States, saying: "People are scared in this country, to say wrong is wrong because the Jewish lobby is powerful - very powerful. Well, so what?

"The apartheid government was very powerful, but today it no longer exists.

"Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pinochet, Milosevic, and Idi Amin were all powerful, but in the end they bit the dust," he said.


Edited by Hudson Jones
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Here watch Hudson Jones ignore these words from an African black man about Israel and for the full text please go to:


"As a former slave and a victim of the worst sort of racism, allow me to explain why I think calling Israel a racist state is absolutely absurd and immoral.

I have been to Israel five times visiting the Sudanese refugees. Let me tell you how they ended up there. These are Sudanese who fled Arab racism, hoping to find shelter in Egypt. They were wrong. When Egyptian security forces slaughtered twenty six black refugees in Cairo who were protesting Egyptian racism, the Sudanese realized that the Arab racism is the same in Khartoum or Cairo. They needed shelter and they found it in Israel. Dodging the bullets of the Egyptian border patrols and walking for very long distances, the refugees’ only hope was to reach Israel’s side of the fence, where they knew they would be safe.

Black Muslims from Darfur chose Israel above all the other Arab-Muslim states of the area. Do you know what this means!!!?? And the Arabs say Israel is racist!!!?

In Israel, black Sudanese, Christian and Muslim were welcomed and treated like human beings. Just go and ask them, like I have done. They told me that compared to the situation in Egypt, Israel is “heaven.”

Is Israel a racist state? To my people, the people who know racism – the answer is absolutely not. Israel is a state of people who are the colors of the rainbow. Jews themselves come in all colors, even black. I met with Ethiopian Jews in Israel. Beautiful black Jews."

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Lol Hudson Jones can ignore this as well:

Excerpt from: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4081127,00.html

" The apartheid analogy and the myth of Zionist racism are classic examples of cynical political warfare aimed purely at stigmatizing or delegitimizing Israel out of existence. Such fabrications totally disregard the context and content of South African apartheid, based on an institutionalized discrimination anchored in a formidable array of strictly enforced racial laws.

From birth to death it was always skin color and statutory race classification that determined human and civic rights in white-controlled South Africa. The black majority (90% of the population) had no right to vote or to be elected; it could not freely choose its place of residence, work or occupation. Mixed marriages or even sexual relations across the race barrier were criminalized, there were separate benches in parks for whites and blacks, separate buses, hospitals, libraries, restaurants, as well as segregated places of entertainment.

Any person even casually acquainted with Israel’s vibrant democracy knows that there is not even the remotest comparison between its free and open society and the grim reality of South African apartheid. But then ideological delegitimization and slanderous misuse of the apartheid analogy is not about the “criticism” of Israel, let alone “learning the lessons of history” or achieving freedom for the Palestinians. The objective is not to help solve an intractable national conflict (made even more difficult by the rise of Islamic fundamentalism) but to demonize Israel as the embodiment of ultimate “racist evil” – an accusation designed to remove any moral grounds for its existence.

Those engaged in de-legitimization initiatives – whether Iran, the Palestinians, Arab states, left-wing militants or members of Western academic elites – are engaged in propaganda and politicide, not the pursuit of truth."

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