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Israel's 10 year racist law anniversary

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No. That is you projecting your own insecurity.

And that is a trite and meaningless internet forum cliché meaning "I got nothing."

The analogy that soared over your head was the false identity and

living a phony double life. His being gay does not make him immoral. His denying his being gay when everyone knew,

was what made him a laughing stock and the analogy here is to come on this forum posing as a purveyor of truth and justice using the name "Hudson Jones" is as laughable. Just as Liberace told people he was straight, this H Jones

web site poses as if it is a reasonable purveyor and believer in democracy.

First of all, that wins a prize for most inane "analogy"; no small feat, given the competition. "Hudson Jones" has no more of a "false identity" and double life than the overwhelming majority of posters...here and elsewhere.

Second, people hiding or denying their homosexuality was a rational, perfectly understandable move...given the obscene bigotry towards gay people.

Moot anyway, because all you were actually doing was insinuating that someone is gay...because you perceive it as an insult.

You again totally missed the point not once but three times more.

You again try to unilaterally project on to me homophobia when being gay is not the issue, but denying who one is-is the issue and yes that is directly the point had you bothered to read these posts from H Jones.

He came on this forum and called for the destruction of Israel and now refuses to indicate how "he" intends to do that.

If anyone comes on this forum and incites terrorism I will call them out and no do not come on this forum pretending to be a reasonable denier of Israel and suggesting denying Israel's right to exist and calling for its destruction is what a reasonable person does.

What now you will argue H Jones has the right to hide his true identity because he feels victimized? You want to go there with me and argue Liberace with all his money and wealth should have remained a phony and in the closet and not come out and be proud of who he was?

You want to lecture to me that I should have been a coward growing up in my neighbourhood and not fight when people spit in my face because I was a Jew?

What its acceptable to be a coward and call for the destruction of people but then hide behind a false name?

You find that reasonable?

What world do you live in?

In my world someone who calls for the destruction of a people but won't reveal his name or true agenda is a coward and immoral and the lowest of the low.

What world do you live in trying to trivialize such behaviour as reasonable and normal.

Are you suggesting I hide a desire to destroy gays or Arabs or Muslims?

Go on finish what you started. You want to call me anti someone? Prove it. Take what I said ever in any of my posts

and point out where I have ever belittled a gay person for being gay or a Muslim for being a Muslim. Go on.

Put up or shut up.

My words are strong and adversarial because I am engaged in a communication with who I believe to be a series of people inciting terrorism and violence not one person.

You think you can prove me wrong-please do so. Please prove to me H Jones is a humble democratic freedom loving nice white boy from the suburbs of Canada who is just a reasonable anti Zionist son of a gun.

Go on revise his political profile and turn him into the good old Canadian boy next door.

Show me his white wife, white child and white friends.

Show me how he is just a "reasonable Canadian".

I repeat it again, do I come on this forum hiding my Jewishness and Zionism bias? Did I refer to myself as

John Hodgkins Smith? Hmmmmm?

How about I call myself Hudson Bay or Rock Hudson. Sounds about right hmmmm?

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No. That is you projecting your own insecurity.

And that is a trite and meaningless internet forum cliché meaning "I got nothing."

The analogy that soared over your head was the false identity and

living a phony double life. His being gay does not make him immoral. His denying his being gay when everyone knew,

was what made him a laughing stock and the analogy here is to come on this forum posing as a purveyor of truth and justice using the name "Hudson Jones" is as laughable. Just as Liberace told people he was straight, this H Jones

web site poses as if it is a reasonable purveyor and believer in democracy.

First of all, that wins a prize for most inane "analogy"; no small feat, given the competition. "Hudson Jones" has no more of a "false identity" and double life than the overwhelming majority of posters...here and elsewhere.

Second, people hiding or denying their homosexuality was a rational, perfectly understandable move...given the obscene bigotry towards gay people.

Moot anyway, because all you were actually doing was insinuating that someone is gay...because you perceive it as an insult.

You again totally missed the point not once but three times more.

You again try to unilaterally project on to me homophobia when being gay is not the issue, but denying who one is-is the issue and yes that is directly the point had you bothered to read these posts from H Jones.

He came on this forum and called for the destruction of Israel and now refuses to indicate how "he" intends to do that.

If anyone comes on this forum and incites terrorism I will call them out and no do not come on this forum pretending to be a reasonable denier of Israel and suggesting denying Israel's right to exist and calling for its destruction is what a reasonable person does.

What now you will argue H Jones has the right to hide his true identity because he feels victimized? You want to go there with me and argue Liberace with all his money and wealth should have remained a phony and in the closet and not come out and be proud of who he was?

You want to lecture to me that I should have been a coward growing up in my neighbourhood and not fight when people spit in my face because I was a Jew?

What its acceptable to be a coward and call for the destruction of people but then hide behind a false name?

You find that reasonable?

What world do you live in?

In my world someone who calls for the destruction of a people but won't reveal his name or true agenda is a coward and immoral and the lowest of the low.

What world do you live in trying to trivialize such behaviour as reasonable and normal.

Are you suggesting I hide a desire to destroy gays or Arabs or Muslims?

Go on finish what you started. You want to call me anti someone? Prove it. Take what I said ever in any of my posts

and point out where I have ever belittled a gay person for being gay or a Muslim for being a Muslim. Go on.

Put up or shut up.

My words are strong and adversarial because I am engaged in a communication with who I believe to be a series of people inciting terrorism and violence not one person.

You think you can prove me wrong-please do so. Please prove to me H Jones is a humble democratic freedom loving nice white boy from the suburbs of Canada who is just a reasonable anti Zionist son of a gun.

Go on revise his political profile and turn him into the good old Canadian boy next door.

Show me his white wife, white child and white friends.

Show me how he is just a "reasonable Canadian".

I repeat it again, do I come on this forum hiding my Jewishness and Zionism bias? Did I refer to myself as

John Hodgkins Smith? Hmmmmm?

How about I call myself Hudson Bay or Rock Hudson. Sounds about right hmmmm?

How about you Bleeding one? If Hudson Jones real name is Muhammed would you give him

the same credence. Oh of course you would. You aren't bigoted. You respect everyone's identity

er um except the collective identity of Jews right?

Some of your best friends are anti Zionist Jews right....

Hear me loud and clear. I could care less who and what you are, advocate hatred or violence and

I will fight with every ounce of blood against you and I could care less what phony mask you cover

your face with.

You want to call yourself Wilbert Mayonaisse,Muhammed Abdullah, Abe Cohen, I will fight you.

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To get an idea of just how uninformed the H Jones site is off benny Morris just go to the above site.

There is an easy to understand analysis of why what Benny Morris has done is called "new History" but history.

Karsh clearly explains the errors in analysis that Morris has made that remove him from being able to refer to himself academically as an actual historian. What he is, is in fact a political editorialist. There is a huge difference.

More importantly H Jones has never read all of Benny Morris' works for if he did he would never quote him. At one point

Morris wrote an essay criticizing the policies of David Ben Gurion. Anti semitic hate sites suddenly embraced Morris as as someone to quote against Israel sinces he teaches at University of Tel Aviv.

He made an ideal source to quote. Look they said, an Israeli Zionist who renounced Zionism.

Problem is disinformation sites like H Jones do not read what they quote. They simply pass on scripts from other propaganda sites.

If this "H Jones" had actually read the full body or Morris' writings they would see a thesis far different than the one

H Jones tries to infer, H jones again engages in a classic exercise of disinformation. Remove a selected quote from someone that appears to agree with your argument, and then ignore the rest that do not.

Its dishonest intellectually to quote someone like Morris without going further to point out what his real views are.

H Jones won't because Morris categorically and absolutely has rejected the hate engaged in by H Jones and the attempts by such sites to delegitimize the right of Jews to have their own state.

Now you can al go and read for yourselves about the laws of Israel. Unlike Muslim Sharia law states, it is open and transparent.

Does it have short-comings? Of course. When you are a Jewish state surrounded by people who want you to cease to exist as a Jewish state your no.1 legal priority is state security and in that implementation of state security laws, all citizens not just Israeli Arabs fall under certain rigid security laws.

In regards to religious laws, the irony of trying to define who is a Jew continues. The current Rabbinical courts would not consider me a Reform Jew, Jewish enough and would not recognize my marriage or Jewish status so to say they discriminate against just non Jews is just utterly wrong.

In fact Jews of Israel come in all races. Mizrahi or Arab Jews or Jews from Africa, have experienced assimilation issues and they are sometimes referred to as racist in that the cultural intolerance shown to them by Russian Jews is simplified as lighter skinned Jews versus darker skinned ones. Of course it is not the skin but the cultures clashing.

Russian Jews no more would feel comfortable with me if I moved to Israel then they would an Ethiopian Jew.Jews come from many cultures which clash.

Mizrahi or Arab nation originated Jews have more culturally in common with Israeli Arab Jews and so would experience the same discomforts. Its not based on skin colour but culture.

No Israel is not perfect. Whenever you have a melting pot of a nation where its citizens come from many cultures those cultures clash. It happens in all countries in the world.

What makes H Jones a remarkably two faced web site is it will reproduce Israeli internal social conflicts as racist but

remain silent to the fact the very exact same phenomena arises in Sharia Muslim or Christian nations or any other nation.

On the West Bank itself, Palestinians are divided into many sects who discriminate against each other based on religion, political views, country of origin.

One only need loo at every other nation in the Middle East to see the state of civil war between Shiite and Sunni Muslims or the violence committed by Shiite or Sunni Muslims against Amidyah or Ismaili Muslims or non Muslims.

To remove Israel from outside its context of being created to protect Jews precisely from this Muslim intolerance and

respond directly to in fact Muslim apartheid is at the crux of the lack of credibility in the H Jones propaganda presentations.

In the Muslim world today not just in the Middle East, racism is alive and well. Black Africans are imported to the wealthy Arab states and wealthy Muslims of Indonesia and the Philippines or Pakistan to serve as slave labour.

The genocide of black Christians by lighter skinned Sudanese Muslims is something H Jones can not and will not admit.

His script does not allow him to acknowledge the discrimination rampant in the very people he claims Israel victimizes.

The Muslim world Israel was born within has always been and appears destined to always be a discriminatory one based on religion.

In an ideal world there should be separation of religion from state.

In the real world, Jews created a Jewish state in direct response to extermination and never ending existential threat from Christian and Muslim states.

What H Jones can not and will not acknowledge is that Israel would not exist had Christian states not been anti-Semitic and had Islamic states not been the same. There would have been no need for Jews to create a state institution to protect itself from existential threat.

What H Jones will not and can not acknowledge is Israel was created as a direct response to discrimination.

That H Jones will not do. It will demand Palestinians have the exact rights Jews now have, but never acknowledge any Jew has the right to their own nation while in the next breath advocate for Muslim States or a Palestinian state.

The absurdity of his argument is that he accuses all of us Jews who choose to advocate a collective identity through a state as racist but then calls on the very same exercise for Palestinians.

In the world of H Jones propaganda and hatred there is a disconnect from what they demand for themselves and what they refuse others.

In the world of H Jones, you are either part of the Muslim H Jones world, or you have no right to exist.

Gene Roddenberry satirized this kind of political approach with the Borgs.

Then again H Jones is convinced I am a Ferengi.

That analogy will probably soar over a certain person's head as well as Liberace.

I have offered no opinion whatsoever about Morris's work--pro or con. Nor have I offered any opinion on Hudson Jones, whose posts I haven't read and so cannot begin to speculate if you're right or wrong about him.

What I did do was to expose that your declarative remarks--that Morris does not consider himself to be an historian, and so it would be absurd to classify him as such--are flatly untrue. He is a Professor of History who explicitly deems himself an "historian."

So...are you just making stuff up now, or what? Do you suppose that illustrates the strength of your argument? (A rhetorical question; it obviously does do exactly that, though perhaps not in the way you'd hope.)

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If anyone comes on this forum and incites terrorism I will call them out and no do not come on this forum pretending to be a reasonable denier of Israel and suggesting denying Israel's right to exist and calling for its destruction is what a reasonable person does.

Good. I support you on this absolutely. So I have no doubt when some of our fellow posters here on MLW, liberals and conservatives alike, go out of their way to (for example) defend US (and British, French, Australian) support--intentional, material support--for state terrorism in Indonesia against East Timor (terrorism that makes Hamas look like the amateurs that they are by comparison) you will angrily denounce them for their willful defense and support of terrorism and mass murder.

And if you didn't realize the extent of the crime...you now do!

What now you will argue H Jones has the right to hide his true identity because he feels victimized? You want to go there with me and argue Liberace with all his money and wealth should have remained a phony and in the closet and not come out and be proud of who he was?

Again, the analogy is flat-out bizarre.

You want to lecture to me that I should have been a coward growing up in my neighbourhood and not fight when people spit in my face because I was a Jew?


Where the hell did you get this from anything I've said...anything I've ever said?

What its acceptable to be a coward and call for the destruction of people but then hide behind a false name?

You find that reasonable?

What world do you live in?

What's unreasonable is your inventing opinions for me that I don't hold and have not expressed.

In my world someone who calls for the destruction of a people but won't reveal his name or true agenda is a coward and immoral and the lowest of the low.

It does sound low indeed, I completely agree.

And again...do you apply this as well to the noble defenders of the Western terrorists....or do they get a pass for...some reason, unstated?


Are you suggesting I hide a desire to destroy gays or Arabs or Muslims?

no, I don't believe any such thing; mostly because I have never heard you express any such desire.

How about you Bleeding one? If Hudson Jones real name is Muhammed would you give him

the same credence. Oh of course you would. You aren't bigoted. You respect everyone's identity

er um except the collective identity of Jews right?

Wow. So now I'm an anti-Semite. Yeah, that's a reasonable response. And in direct contradiction to what you've said to me elsewhere....even though I haven't changed my opinions or indeed said anything new on the subject in quite some time.

I presume you're going to cite the hard proof of my hatred for Jewish identity. You must be able to, because otherwise such a remark would expose you as a sniveling little moral coward.

And since you're not one, my anti-Semitism must5 be easy to prove. (My remarks about the anonymous identity of a poster whose writing I've never looked at doesn't, obviously, quite count as hard evidence.)

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Rue has a habit of trying to pass what he thinks in his head as facts. He has a habit of inventing things. Here is a re-cap of some of the things he's been wrong about in this thread:

- Benny Morris, a professor of history who has written numerous books on the history of the region is in fact a historian.

- Israel does NOT pay back the $3 billion + money it receives from the U.S. (especially not with interest)

- 50+ racist Israeli laws DO exist and there IS proof of this

- Despite Rue's invention of what I have said and believe, I have NEVER expressed my desire for Israel to be exterminated because that's not what I want. Despite its questionable creation, I support the State of Israel within the legal borders as according to international law.

Rue is not right in the head.

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Despite its questionable creation, I support the State of Israel within the legal borders as according to international law.

Rue is not right in the head.

You are on record on this web site as having called for the destruction of Israel. Every one read it. You referred to

Israel as a cancer.

Now you have the audacity to come on this web site and state the above.

Then you suggest I am not right in the head. Lol.

As for Bleeding. First he accused me of being anti gay.Now he says I accused him of being anti-Semite.

I have not stated he is an anti-Semite. He inferred that just as he did I am anti gay. Its what he does.

Now as for this pathetic game you now play that Benny Morris is an historian he is not and there is a reason

he has in his classes and in public called himself a "new Historian" then political editorialist and has been rejected by his own faculty and other historians as being one.

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Benny Morris has referred to himself as a "new Historian" because he has openly admitted

he is not a true historian. That is a fact for those of us that actually read what he writes

and do not quote web-sites that refer to him as an historian and think that makes him one.

We in fact read what he writes. We also don't select just certain things from what he writes.

These two History experts haven't a clue what I am talking about so of course call it a lie.

They can start with:


Interestingly in the earlier response I have an historian by the name of Karsh was quoted and he explained

why what Morris had done was not traditional historian writing.

This was of course ignored by H Jones. Its what H Jones does. Ignore and name call.

Here is another article pointing out why what Morris has done is not history and the information H Jones thinks

he quotes is not used because of its glaring deficiencies that were caused precisely because Morris did not

follow the proper academic standards historians follow when reporting:


Now let's ask these two historic experts to explain why Benny Morris had to coin himself a new term, "new Historian".

Do they know? Of course not. What they can do though is suggest I am anti gay or like H Jones, make the bold faced assertion he supports the right of Israel to exist after coming on this forum and calling for its destruction.

Oh but I am not done.


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Now here is the real laugh.

H Jones refers to an antiquated script that thinks Benny Morris is an anti Zionist, anti Israeli, Jewish Israeli.

That is the game. If he's a Jew and he's Israeli and anti Israel, I should quote him. It automatically makes him credible as an anti Zionist.

Uh really?


Have you even read what he writes?


Sure you have...try this one...


Uh yah. You quote someone who does what exactly. He calls for less non Jewish Israelis.

Say now H Jones, there is a credible source for you. Lol.

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Here in a nut shell is reference to the exact criticism I level at Benny Morris:


I and many others contend and we refer to Karsh's careful exposure of Morris's earlier writings that the very Morris quotes H Jones thinks he can rely on are fabricated, i.e., made up.

The very words H Jones quotes have now been reinterpreted to mean the exact opposite of what H Jones contends.

Once again this proves the absurdity and lack of knowledge this H Jones site has for the origins of Israel and its conflict with Palestinians.

If " H Jones" did something other than try quote a web site out of context, he would know this is the last person he would quote.

If Bleeding Heart in fact bothered to read more than one web site reference to Morris he too could have found this out as well.

Instead they choose to attack me personally.

Ahah. I love it.

I can't wait to tell Ellen DeGeneres as well what the Bleeder said of me.

By the way Bleeding before you lecture me on anything else, do find out what H Jones religious views are on gays and why Arafat's own gay identity although well known in many circles was hidden from his masses.

Go on. You want to revise history and infer things, go find out for yourself if you think I make these things up.


Yes H Jones can tell you what happens if you are openly gay on the West Bank since he's been there.

Here's a hint Bleeding-you get your ass out quickly to Israel the only country in the Middle East that

tolerates Muslim gays. But you knew that right?

Edited by Rue
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Guest American Woman

Now as for this pathetic game you now play that Benny Morris is an historian he is not and there is a reason

he has in his classes and in public called himself a "new Historian" then political editorialist and has been rejected by his own faculty and other historians as being one.

I've pointed this out as well. Of course I was insulted in response.
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You are on record on this web site as having called for the destruction of Israel. Every one read it. You referred to

Israel as a cancer.

Now you have the audacity to come on this web site and state the above.

Then you suggest I am not right in the head. Lol.

Where have I called Israel a cancer? I may have called Zionism a cancer that needs to be removed because it is a disgusting and racist ideology and is something which needs to be condemned and removed.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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It doesn't matter if he calls himself a "new" historian. He still sees himself as a historian, he is a professor of history at Ben-Gurion University and has written numerous books on the history of the region. Stop wasting people's time and insulting people's intelligence with ridiculous comments that Morris is 'not' a historian.

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Guest American Woman

It doesn't matter if he calls himself a "new" historian. He still sees himself as a historian, he is a professor of history at Ben-Gurion University and has written numerous books on the history of the region.

So anyone who sees themselves as a historian, teaches history, and writes books - is a historian. Good to know. The world, evidently, is filled to the brim with historians.

Stop wasting people's time and insulting people's intelligence with ridiculous comments that Morris is 'not' a historian.

Who died and made you boss?

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So anyone who sees themselves as a historian, teaches history, and writes books - is a historian. Good to know. The world, evidently, is filled to the brim with historians.

He is not just a teacher, but a professor of history and you also forgot that he and others refer to him as a historian and even wikipedia calls him a historian. Who doesn't think he is a historian? Oh yeah, Rue and you.

Who died and made you boss?

It's a public service announcement.

Have you had a chance to go over the 50+ racist laws Israel has towards its Palestinian citizens? It will help you understand how Israel is not really a true democratic state but a racist state.

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Guest American Woman

He is not just a teacher, but a professor of history

Oooooo, a professor. There aren't very many of those in the world, eh? And of course hardly any of them have written any books. <_<

and you also forgot that he and others refer to him as a historian and even wikipedia calls him a historian.

Even Wikipedia?? Say it's not so. :lol: You do realize what Wikipedia is, right? And again. He coined the term "new historian" to refer to himself - for a reason.

Who doesn't think he is a historian? Oh yeah, Rue and you.

Really? You have proof that everyone else in the world considers him "a historian?" There's no debate or controversy about it?

It's a public service announcement.

So who assigned you to that position?

Have you had a chance to go over the 50+ racist laws Israel has towards its Palestinian citizens?

I haven't seen 50+ racist laws. Just your constant claim.

Have you had a chance to look into the racist and discriminatory laws in Palestine/the Middle East?

It will help you understand how Israel is not really a true democratic state but a racist state.

I understand exactly what Israel is. Do you understand what you support?
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Oooooo, a professor. There aren't very many of those in the world, eh? And of course hardly any of them have written any books. <_<

Oooo.. a professor of history who teaches history. Ooooo and he wrote over 10 books on the history of the region. Oooo and he won a National Jewish book award, on history.

Oooo.. AS IF he's a historian. Like come..on. Is that all you got??!!!

I haven't seen 50+ racist laws. Just your constant claim.

Then you and Rue have even more in common than I originally thought. You also have difficulties concentrating and noticing the link and part of its content having been posted numerous times.

Surprise the world and take a look at the facts you are trying to deny by pressing this link, that will take you to another site, which will display the 50+ racist and discriminatory laws in Israel.

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Guest American Woman

Surprise the world and take a look at the facts you are trying to deny....

Since it seems to have escaped you, what I've been "trying" to do is get you to acknowledge the racism and discrimination within Palestine; the Arab/Muslim world.

So surprise the world and take a look at the facts regarding Palestine et al instead of single mindedly criticizing Israel. Then, perhaps, we can have a discussion here.

Edited by American Woman
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Where have I called Israel a cancer? I may have called Zionism a cancer that needs to be removed because it is a disgusting and racist ideology and is something which needs to be condemned and removed.

That is your response? That pathetic attempt to play semantics.

Each time you respond you show your site for what it is.

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Meanwhile, we have entire malls that are openly 'Asian'...try that trick as a Jew.

There are probably some areas in Montreal that are effectively Chasid-only. I consider some of their sects to consist of rats on two legs.

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Oooo.. a professor of history who teaches history. Ooooo and he wrote over 10 books on the history of the region. Oooo and he won a National Jewish book award, on history.

Oooo.. AS IF he's a historian. Like come..on. Is that all you got??!!!

Then you and Rue have even more in common than I originally thought. You also have difficulties concentrating and noticing the link and part of its content having been posted numerous times.

Surprise the world and take a look at the facts you are trying to deny by pressing this link, that will take you to another site, which will display the 50+ racist and discriminatory laws in Israel.

You went to a link ironically created precisely because in a Zionist racist state that you call for destruction of, that state allows Israeli Zionists and non Zionists to create a legal defence fund to question laws.

That irony drips in your face. You are able to quote the very source you think proves racism precisely because the state tolerates the rights of the very people you claim it does not.

Not only that the alleged laws you quote are a mix of domestic laws that you have no clue of. Some of them are not laws in Israel but ordinances by the military administration on the West Bank.

You have no clue what that means you think if you go to a web site and just quote it, it proves your point. Actually it proves not only does Israel allow the very privilege you deny but proves you have zero clue as to what the diferrence between a law and ordinance is. That one zips over your head because in your world you think if you quote the head line of a web site, that you read on another web site with a political editorial, that it automatically proves your point.

Not only does it contradict the very thing you came on this forum to do but it displays your ignorance and intolerance towards Jews who want a state. You have no problem calling for their destruction and then you try rationalize it by saying oh well I only mean Zionists? I want the state to remain for non Zionists so I am not calling for its destruction you know wink wink, just the Jews in it...what pathetic discourse even from you. Not an ounce of sincerity or credibility in your response just a pathetic attempt to rationalize violence against Jews in Israel and the world and for that matter any one else who believes a Jewish state should exist.

You are a hate monger as your latest responses clearly indicate.

You are deliberately and wilfully ignorant of the actual laws and ordinances of Israel or how the alleged 50 laws you repeated in fact discriminate against me if we shall use that word, as much as they do Palestinian Israelis and the

supposed discrimination you talk of has to do with defining rights to citizenship.

You are deliberately silent of the fact that those laws are no different than laws in the Czech Republic, Ireland, Belgium, Estonia, Latvia, the Ukraine, Japan, China, and a list of over 120 nations with citizenship laws that are exclusive in definition to certain people over others.

You deliberately ignore that the reason the Jewish state created itself to guarantee the state protect Jews is in direct response to apartheid in Sharia Law nations that allow their states in the name of Islam to treat not just Jews but all other non Muslims as inferiors.

You pretend the state of Israel and its need to protect Jews is an event that just appeared and is not in direct response to the very discrimination you think you can repeatedly call racism.

You show your ignorance of the Arab peoples and Palestinians by inter-mixing the word race to describe them all. You have no clue what race means, what nationality means, what religion means, you just lump them all in one category.

Your ignorance as to the for example marriage laws of Israel that create 3 separate sets of rights, one for Muslims, one for Christians, one for Muslims, may discriminate against any or all peoples in those categories not just one nad the citizenship laws for law of return that fast track Jews to citizenship is no different than the ones that exist

in 120 different nations.

For all those years Jordan allowed a law of return to all Palestinians and offered them automatic citizenship where were you? Where were you when Arafat tried to assassinate King Hussein causing that country to lift that law and shed its hands of the West Bank and all the terrorist cells in it dedicated to his death leaving Israel to have to fill that vacuum? Where were you?

Where have you been ever? You have never been to the West Bank, Israel, Gaza. Your writings drip of a sheltered bunch of

script writers depending on web sites to determine your reality.

You speak of a conflict and the turmoil between two people as the only one in the Middle East.

Finally you absolutely and without limitation brag your ignorance by responding to the response on Benny Morris by refusing to and instead playing the bafoon.

That is how you respond? Giggle and smirk? You going to go through life smirking at people you can't agree with? That is what you do?

Do you even realize Benny Morris took the very passages you think you can quote and stated openly that Israel had the right to start a Jewish state, had the right to do what it did and he admitted he made quotes that were false and

presented facts that were false because he got caught up in his rhetoric?

Do you realize the very person you quoted calls people like you in fact anti-Semitic and your attempts to use him as an anti Zionist historian are bogus? Do you? Do you read just once the works from the people you quote? Of course not.

What he did was not history or engage in the function of an historian when he presented his analysis on the origins of the state of Israel. He openly stated this in response to Karsh and a plethora of historians who called out and said to people like Morris, stop it, stop bastardizing the function of historians to in fact engage in political editorials.

What Morris did was to back-track and admit he removed historic events from actual contexts to give them a new interpretation removed from their actual chain of events to offer alternative opinions of what people could have done in the past to avoid conflict. That is called hindsight. Historians avoid that. They avoid that because all of us can

look back in time and criticize past behaviour.

For example at the time Leviticus was written saying stoning gay people was called for, it reflected the values of the day. Now when we look back at it, we are shocked and say what ignorance and hatred.

An historian would document the laws of that time and events reflecting that hatred, but they would not use that as a platform to engage in present day criticism of Jews. No Jew believes that passage in Leviticus. Well we would hope not.

I don't doubt there are people of all religions who still feel that kind of hatred but to then blame anyone who is Jewish for such beliefs is bullshit and that is what H Jones engages in and what Benny Morris did but then later


There are 7 other revisionist historians who engage in what Morris did. Interestingly their movement to turn history into an opportunity to re-contextualize past events to justify current day political beliefs never caught on.

The only people who try engage in such an exercise are precisely people like H Jones-people not interested in what actually happened and live a life of quoting headlines from web sites without bothering to take the time to even

do homework on the people they quote whether it be Benny Morris or the law group he quotes that in fact is made up of

Zionists like me who volunteered to create it in the first place.

I will continue to respond to H Jones word by word because H Jones does not have the integrity to reveal his true political agenda or where his scripts come from.

H Jones stop avoiding the points I make. Address them directly. Address the points I raise. If you can't and the best you can do is respond with name calling then hear this-I will match each and every time you come on this board to incite violence and hatred against Jews trying to couch it as only directed at certain Jews you now try call Zionists.

People who support the state of Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state are no more bigoted than you are for supporting Sharia Law Muslim nations. Your two faced refusal to indicate how you support Muslim States and then in the next breath say Jews can not do the same speaks for itself.

Your attempts to try avoid explaining your two faced discrimination of the collective of Jews who choose nationhood by claiming you don't have to explain why you believe others can have the very same rights Jews do speaks for itself.

You have anything else to say?

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There are probably some areas in Montreal that are effectively Chasid-only. I consider some of their sects to consist of rats on two legs.

Its statements like these I blast you for. Non Jews will not grasp what you said. What bothers me is not what you said. One on one I share the sentiments but we have these sentiments for reasons non Jews will not understand out of context and it will fuel hate monger sites like H Jones.

Why I criticize you is you do not take the time sometimes to explain yourself and these bites of response come across simply as hateful.

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Nope. I still haven't seen "50 racist laws."

Then you either do not understand the meaning of discrimination and racism or you didn't read the information.

Here are some of the most blatant racist and discriminatory laws:

Jewish National Fund Law
Name: Jewish National Fund Law Enacted: 1953 Status: Active Themes: Land and Planning Rights
Description: Bestows on the Jewish National Fund (JNF or Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael)—a Zionist organization that was established in 1901 to collect funds for the purpose of purchasing land for the exclusive benefit of the Jewish people—governmental authorities, and provides financial advantages, including tax relief, in purchasing land.
Basic Law: Israel Lands
Name: Basic Law: Israel Lands Enacted: 1960 Status: Active Themes: Land and Planning Rights
Stipulates that the ownership of “Israel lands”—namely land under the control of the state, the JNF, and the Development Authority—cannot be transferred in any manner. However, the law allows transfer of land ownership between these three entities, knowing that the JNF seeks to lease land that it owns to Jews only.
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