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Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control


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CAMERA is another Israeli lobby group. Taking them seriously is like taking Syrian state sponsored media outlets seriously. They've been caught infiltrating Wikipedia to try take over the tone on Israel-related information.

Five editors involved in the campaign were sanctioned by Wikipedia administrators, who wrote that Wikipedia's open nature "is fundamentally incompatible with the creation of a private group to surreptitiously coordinate editing".

Zionist apologists will try to pass off propaganda pieces as 'good articles'.

Commenting on the incident, Gershom Gorenberg, of the liberal magazine The American Prospect, stated "CAMERA is ready to exempt itself from the demands for accuracy that it aims at the media. And like others engaged in the narrative wars, it does not understand the difference between advocacy and accuracy." Gorenberg criticized CAMERA for telling members not to share information about the campaign with media, and he also argued Ini's definition of accuracy "only means not printing anything embarrassing to his own side"

The Zionist apologists are quick to repeat the propaganda script and drown reality and truth. They are well-organized and motivated. Some use the motivation of extreme nationalism, some religious and some are motivated to make money.

Once again, despite a few members' attempt at derailing the truth; Israel rarely admits to wrongdoings unless it has no other choice. Israel admitted that their birth control policy is wrong after receiving pressure from several human rights organizations and the backlash it would receive if it at least didn't pretend that it's stopping the program. Now it's trying to downplay the severity of the situation by unleashing the propaganda machine, which include what some people call, hasbara bots.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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...and once again you demonstrate your one trick pony response on this forum.Kind of hilarious you pointing fingers at forum members about propaganda when your sole purpose on this board is to engage in anti Israel and anti Jewish propoganda. Your use of the word basbaraa simply confirms you are a bigot who comes on this board to bait anyone who supports Israel. Yah right, you are so concerned about the future of Felashies.

Let's call you right out here and now. You are a hippocrate. You have made it clear you do not believe any Jew should live in Israel as an Israeli in a Jewish state. That includes Felashies but you have the audacity to come on this board and try use this issue to exploit them for your usual name calling.

I say it again you and Bud use pen names to disguise your true ethnicity and agenda. Do you deny that?

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Canada "injects women with Depo Provera". Apparently without fully disclosing its effects...thus the lawsuit against the maker.

You missed the point. When an Israeli does it, it gives us a golden opportunity to use it as a pretense to engage in the usual

Israel is poo diatribe. When a Canadian does it, it serves no political purpose of the aliasaes Hudson Jones or Bud. In case you have

noticed they are selective in their outrage on this forum and if any one thinks they could care less about Felashies do tell me how

these two have any credibility defending Felashies when they are against them being self determined Jews in their own country.

These are the same 2 who want them and all Israeli Jews forcibly remioved from the Middle East and Israel unless they agree to retyrn to dhimmitude.

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Guest American Woman

CAMERA is another Israeli lobby group. Taking them seriously is like taking Syrian state sponsored media outlets seriously. Now it's trying to downplay the severity of the situation by unleashing the propaganda machine, which include what some people call, hasbara bots.

"Some people," eh? dry.png What about CJPME? Is such name-calling sanctioned by CJPME, which claims no bias? To tell the truth, from what I've seen from some of its members, I'm not impressed.

But now that you've given your view on CAMERA, how about addressing the issues that were raised? I can't help but notice you didn't have one word of rebuttal. No comments at all. I suppose when one has nothing, all they can do is shoot the messenger.

Edited by American Woman
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"Some people," eh? dry.pngWhat about CJPME? Is such name-calling sanctioned by CJPME, which claims no bias? To tell the truth, from what I've seen from some of its members, I'm not impressed.

But now that you've given your view on CAMERA, how about addressing the issues that were raised? I can't help but notice you didn't have one word of rebuttal. No comments at all. I suppose when one has nothing, all they can do is shoot the messenger.

Tell me when you get around to replying to my post on page 9. I am not going to respond to articles from CAMERA. CAMERA is another slimy lobbyist/propaganda organization who has been caught showing how it is a slimy propaganda organization. I don't want to waste mytime responding to anything that comes from them.

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I'm happy that you have finally stopped using the comparison of Ethiopians living in Ethiopia and Ethiopians living in Israel.

They had to do that. These were Jews and if they didn't make a move, the whole premise of law of return and why Israel was created would not make sense. Israel gives big incentives to many Jews around the world to move to Israel. It's a system and obligation to bring all Jews to Israel. Except that there is a problem; Some Israelis don't really see the Ethiopian Jews as real Jews and they see them as a lower race. They prefer that they do not increase in population. Israeli racism is not just towards the Arabs.

I guess you prefer Iran's enlightened racial and religious policies?
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I guess you prefer Iran's enlightened racial and religious policies?

Really jbg?

To show the ridiculousness of your response, I will give you an analogy: It's like me criticizing the rapist and you coming back with, "I guess you prefer killers."

What does Israel's program to forcibly control the Jewish Ethiopian population have to do with Iran? Talk about unfortunate debating skills.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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Guest American Woman

What does Israel's program to forcibly control the Jewish Ethiopian population have to do with Iran? Talk about unfortunate debating skills.

Israel had no such program. Now, tell me again about CAMERA's "propaganda".................dry.png

Edited by American Woman
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Tell me when you get around to replying to my post on page 9. I am not going to respond to articles from CAMERA. CAMERA is another slimy lobbyist/propaganda organization who has been caught showing how it is a slimy propaganda organization. I don't want to waste mytime responding to anything that comes from them.

Right this is a demonstration of your superior debating skills. This coming from someone who will not respond to me and demands others respond to him. This coming from someone who produces laws on genocide and deliberately ignores their mens rea qualifications and tries to suggest one need not prove intent behind the acts.

This coming from someone who is anti Israeli of any kind and now suddenly has concerns for Felashi Israelis, the same people you would deport if they refused to become a minority in Israel to a Muslim state. Right.

Bottom line-the engagement of birth control was done in a manner that violated the individual legal rights of Felashie Israelis and there is no doubt underlying the policy was the belief Felashies might reproduce at too quick a rate to be assimilated into society and that concern no doubt has ethno-cultural underlying issues.

Israel is not a perfect nation. It struggles to assimilate Jews of all colours, cultures and ethnic bacgrounds as well as non Jewish citizens. Its not an ideal melting pot. There is tension and its not made better by constantly being surrounded by enemy terrorists bent on wiping them out and a constant siege mentality it must maintain not to mention its tiny borders.

You of course could care less about Felashies. Your motus opperandi is to use any excuse to call Israelis Nazis through inference as you have or more directly. Your agenda is clear. So is your refusal to respond to me but demand others respond to you. You demonstrate consistently you say one thing and practice another. There is no consistency in your points and you do not debate-you issue one sided procolomations. Never once have youc ome on this board to discuss-you and Bud come to lecture,and when you are given a direct response you switch topics.

You know where to find me. Next time you ask someone to respond to you remember "Hudson Jones" I am still waiting for a response. Lol I won't hold my breath.

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Israel had no such program. Now, tell me again about CAMERA's "propaganda".................dry.png

Perhaps you need to pay attention. I already showed how CAMERA was caught infiltrating Wikipedia. Try focusing on the information being given to you.

Now, here is another chance for you to respond to a post.

The Israeli government admitted to being guilty of having a program to control the birthrate of the unwanted by ordering the program to stop after receiving criticism from several human rights organizations. The action is there for everyone to see. The numbers are there for everyone to see. The ongoing discrimination towards Ethiopian Jews all point to a racist government with a racist agenda.

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So basically, there's nothing else to say other than that Israelis are inhuman monsters and beyond redemption. The nation of Israel should be disbanded because of this and handed the rightful owners, the Arab terrorist groups of Hamas and Fatah. Y'all might as well admit it so as poor Hudson can get on to another thread.

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Guest American Woman

Perhaps you need to pay attention. I already showed how CAMERA was caught infiltrating Wikipedia. Try focusing on the information being given to you.

I focused just fine, thank you. :) Get back to me when they were caught using a photo of a dead child from another country, another war, and blaming it on Palestinians. What was your reaction when that was done to Israel and you quoted from said site, including the photo? Oh yeah, you said it didn't change what's happening, ergo it didn't matter. Now what were you saying about CAMERA again?

Now, here is another chance for you to respond to a post.

I've already responded. Try focusing on the information being given to you.

The Israeli government admitted to being guilty of having a program to control the birthrate of the unwanted by ordering the program to stop after receiving criticism from several human rights organizations. The action is there for everyone to see. The numbers are there for everyone to see. The ongoing discrimination towards Ethiopian Jews all point to a racist government with a racist agenda.

As I already said, the Israeli government admitted to no such thing. You're right - it is there for everyone to see, and it points to no such thing - except, perhaps, to those with an agenda.

Edited by American Woman
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While the Israeli apologists are hard at work, trying to justify or deny and cloud an obvious discriminatory policy towards the Ethiopian Jews, this latest news reflects a broader problem in Israel. Here are excerpts from an article by Emily Hauser:

On Sunday it was reported that Israel has finally admitted to systematically depressing the fertility of the Ethiopian immigrant community (information first reported five years ago) by injecting Ethiopian-Israeli women with the long-acting birth control drug Depo-Provera without informed consent.

While this story is horrifying enough unto itself, it cannot be removed from a larger and equally disturbing picture.

the state has often questioned the very Judaism of Jews who had literally trekked across wastelands, many dying on the way, in order to be among their own. Some were forced to undergo conversions; couples that had been married for decades were forced to remarry; and it was recently announced that the Israeli rabbinate plans to phase out the community’s traditional clergy, the kessim.

But there’s still more at play here, something that goes beyond the simple and striking racism so evident in every one of the above stories: Israel has always had a problem with Jews who differ in some way from the Ashkenazi culture of the founding generation.

When Sephardi Jews began to pour into the newly established country from all across the Middle East and North Africa, they were called primitivim, and they and their children were treated as such for decades. Many Yemenite families still believe their children were kidnapped and adopted; official inquiries have found that while that didn’t happen (with 56 possible exceptions), possibly hundreds of children died and were buried without their parents being informed. Newly arrived Sephardi children were routinely treated poorly by the Ashkenazi schools to which they were sent, marriages were forbidden by angry Ashkenazi parents, and home-seeking Sephardi families were shunted to disadvantaged development towns. The establishment and meteoric rise of Shas in Israeli politics came largely in response to this reality.

This most recent example of blatant dehumanization of the Ethiopian community must be addressed at the highest levels. The policy of depressing the community’s birth rate must be investigated, and those responsible must be held accountable.

And Israeli society must decide: Is the Jewish homeland for all Jews, are the soaring promises of equality in our Declaration of Independence to be taken seriously—or is Israel a giant shul in an East European shtetl, with the Israeli government playing the role of a bullying gabbai?

Or perhaps a simpler question: If birth control were being forced on Jewish women in any other country—what would we say?


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Guest American Woman

While the Israeli apologists are hard at work, trying to justify or deny and cloud an obvious discriminatory policy towards the Ethiopian Jews, this latest news reflects a broader problem in Israel. Here are excerpts from an article by Emily Hauser:

On Sunday it was reported that Israel has finally admitted to systematically depressing the fertility of the Ethiopian immigrant community (information first reported five years ago) by injecting Ethiopian-Israeli women with the long-acting birth control drug Depo-Provera without informed consent.

The claim: On Sunday it was reported that Israel has finally admitted to systematically depressing the fertility of the Ethiopian immigrant community (information first reported five years ago) by injecting Ethiopian-Israeli women with the long-acting birth control drug Depo-Provera without informed consent.

The reality: A government official has for the first time acknowledged the practice of injecting women of Ethiopian origin with the long-acting contraceptive Depo-Provera.

What this "Israeli apologist" is "hard at work at" is refuting the accusations to downright lies that are being told on this board.

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The claim: On Sunday it was reported that Israel has finally admitted to systematically depressing the fertility of the Ethiopian immigrant community (information first reported five years ago) by injecting Ethiopian-Israeli women with the long-acting birth control drug Depo-Provera without informed consent.

The reality: A government official has for the first time acknowledged the practice of injecting women of Ethiopian origin with the long-acting contraceptive Depo-Provera.

Same thing. They have acknowledged (admitted) the practice of injecting Ethiopian immigrants with birth control. This was done in order to control their birthrate. You can try to wiggle and twist and pretend that it hasn't been a systematic policy, but anyone who isn't drunk with nationalistic, or religious zionism, which includes apologizing for Israel at all costs, can see the reality in front of them.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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Guest American Woman

Same thing.

No, it's not the same thing. At all.

You can continue to twist and misrepresent it as a systematic policy in order to control their birthrate, but anyone who isn't drunk with hatred for Israel, which includes demonizing Israel at all costs, can see the reality in front of them.

Edited by American Woman
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Guest American Woman

Acknowledging something is happening is admitting to something is.happening. Why is it difficult for you to comprehend something so simple?

Acknowledging "something" is happening is not admitting to what others claim is happening. Just because they admitted to "something" doesn't make them guilty of your claims. Why is it difficult for you to comprehend something so simple?

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Acknowledging "something" is happening is not admitting to what others claim is happening. Just because they admitted to "something" doesn't make them guilty of your claims. Why is it difficult for you to comprehend something so simple?

You are now changing what we're talking about, by inserting the word others, because you are realizing you sound ridiculous.

We are talking about Israel admitting to something happening vs Israel acknowledging to something happening, which are the same thing.

Israel has acknowledged/admitted that Ethiopian Jews have been given Depo-provera by Israel in order to control their birthrate. They have acknowledged/admitted this by ordering the policy to stop.

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Guest American Woman

You are now changing what we're talking about, by inserting the word others, because you are realizing you sound ridiculous.

I'm not changing what we are talking about at all. Israel admitted to "something" and others are accusing them of something else entirely; ie: something other than what "Israel admitted to." I'm simply pointing out that what Israel "admitted to" is not what some of you are claiming it is. If that sounds "ridiculous" to you - I'm not surprised.

We are talking about Israel admitting to something happening vs Israel acknowledging to something happening, which are the same thing.

Yes, admitting and acknowledging are the same thing. Israel just hasn't "admitted to" and "acknowledged" what you claim they admit to and acknowledge. In other words, what Israel admitted to and acknowledged, and what you/others claim Israel admitted to and acknowledged, are two different things.

Israel has acknowledged/admitted that Ethiopian Jews have been given Depo-provera by Israel in order to control their birthrate.

No, Israel has acknowledged/admitted that Ethiopian Jews have been given Depo-provera for birth control - not so "Israel could control their birthrate." Good Lord. Women in Canada are given birth control all the time. Do you think that's because "Canada wants to control their birthrate??" Again. That's the birth control of choice of women in Ethiopia.

They have acknowledged/admitted this by ordering the policy to stop.

They ordered the policy to stop when/if women aren't understanding all the ramifications/side effects of Depo-provera. They aren't ordering that Ethiopian women no longer receive birth control. I have to wonder how many Ethiopian women are upset by this. There are quotes by Ethiopian women in Israel who say they knew exactly what they were doing, and it was their choice to have the injections.

Again. Israel did not do, nor claim to do, nor admit to, nor acknowledge what you/others are accusing them of.

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Hmmmmmm.....RT...so beware.

...so Israel is just like Canada. Gives out depo to high risk groups w/o fully explaining the effects. Of course, it isn't up to the women themselves to find out the effects. Besides...in a primitive country like Israel, how would one get on the internet??

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Hmmmmmm.....RT...so beware.

...so Israel is just like Canada. Gives out depo to high risk groups w/o fully explaining the effects. Of course, it isn't up to the women themselves to find out the effects. Besides...in a primitive country like Israel, how would one get on the internet??

What is a "high risk group" as you put it? And what are they at a high risk of?

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...so Israel is just like Canada. Gives out depo to high risk groups w/o fully explaining the effects. Of course, it isn't up to the women themselves to find out the effects. Besides...in a primitive country like Israel, how would one get on the internet??

Sorry, but according to medical ethics that's not how free and informed consent works. Edited by cybercoma
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