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Obama's class warfare and racism on full display.

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Watch and listen how he plays the despicable political game of telling his audience that the American federal government reacted with less vigour towards Hurricane Katrina than other recent disasters like 9/11 because many of New Orleans' residents are black. This is the "critical race theory" coming out. Nevermind the fact that it's untrue, and as a Senator he probably knew he was misleading his audience. The fake accent is also pathetic. I guess he learned to speak with that (fake) accent in the Indonesian madrassah? Or perhaps he picked it up on the streets of Chicago?


Here Obama not-so-subtly espouses the Marxist class warfare rhetoric of violent revolution. This is one of the more blatant examples of Obama's subscription to the disgusting politics of jealousy and envy. Think CNN or the New York Times will give accurate coverage of this story? The answer's obvious.

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In this video, Sean Hannity compares the two iterations of Obama when talking about race. Fast forward to 10:20 to see the side-by-side comparison of Obama version 1.0 and Obama version 2.0. Nevermind the fact that Obama attended that communist church of hate for over twenty years.


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The worst part of his speech was the over the top race-baiting and conspiracy theory. His insistence that the federal government was with holding funds from Katrina victims just because they're black is absolutely disgusting and has no place in the public discourse. He's a real piece of sh*t.

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The worst part of his speech was the over the top race-baiting and conspiracy theory. His insistence that the federal government was with holding funds from Katrina victims just because they're black is absolutely disgusting and has no place in the public discourse. He's a real piece of sh*t.

Yah we all know that the government wasn't all in on Katrina because the people were poor their race had nothing g to do with it. It was all Bush class warfare. I am not sure how your side talking about Katrina (one of the worst handled disasters, I am American history.), is going to help you out but I welcome it.

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The Republicans like to cry racism and class warfare because it diverts stupid people's attention from their own racism and class warfare.

The Republicans like to cry media manipulation and bias because it diverts stupid people's attention from their own media manipulation and bias.

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Wow, what a surprise, MLW's resident communists and socialists don't see any problem with Obama telling a bunch of black folks that the American federal government hates them because they're black, all while faking an accent that he probably learned in an Indonesian madrassah, or on the mean streets of Honolulu.

Nevermind the fact that the federal government did indeed waive the Stafford Act to flow emergency money to assist with the disaster of Hurricane Katrina, totalling something like $120 billion dollars. Not only did he lie about the facts, knowingly, but he was whipping up fear and hatred. But that's all well and good if you're a communist or socialist on MLW.

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What's with the "Indonesian madrassa" bit, now that you're at three times and counting?

Just a new entry for his cut-and-paste repertoire. You should see his posting history at the gaming board he was banned from (for posting pictures of girls in bikinis, apparently). Carbon copies of his stuff here, same insults, same rhetoric. It's quite funny/sad.

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What's with the "Indonesian madrassa" bit, now that you're at three times and counting?

Was young little Obama remiss to have attended that institution?

Why don't you actually address the substance of the video, in which Obama transparently engages in whipping up racial hatred, fear, and class warfare envy and jealousy? An inconvenient truth, right?

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Ya, I didn't understand the hoopla either. Nothing he said was untrue.

Actually, most of what he said was untrue. He's a Katrina truther. He thinks, and tries to convince other people that the federal government was withholding funds because most of the residents of Katrina are black. That's a pathetic race-baiting conspiracy theory, from a race-baiting a-hole.

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Just a new entry for his cut-and-paste repertoire. You should see his posting history at the gaming board he was banned from (for posting pictures of girls in bikinis, apparently). Carbon copies of his stuff here, same insults, same rhetoric. It's quite funny/sad.

All you ever do on this board is insult people. It's funny, considering you're almost middle-aged and proud of being incapable of family life and reveling in playing video games. Keep following me around on this board and showing us all how much I get under your skin. God forbid you might actually say something of substance on this board. I understand people mature at different rates, so I hope you don't think I'm trying to burst your manchild bubble before you're ready to emerge. Everyone grows at their own pace.

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I directly addressed your remark...one made more than once, actually.

You can't blame others for responding to things that you say.

What's equally revealing about you is what you DON'T respond to. And you're ignoring the core of this thread for entirely obvious reasons.

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Actually, most of what he said was untrue. He's a Katrina truther. He thinks, and tries to convince other people that the federal government was withholding funds because most of the residents of Katrina are black. That's a pathetic race-baiting conspiracy theory, from a race-baiting a-hole.

It was all a lie, and it was despicable demagoguery. Unsurprisingly, MLW's resident leftists loved it. The America (and Canada) that people like BC_chick, jacee, and BubberMiley envision is one built on racism (going only in one direction, of course) and capitalistic oppression. They love the politics of hatred and jealousy. Their political trinity is, in the words of Dennis Prager, "race, gender, and class". That's the sick political world within which they all live.

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What's equally revealing about you is what you DON'T respond to. And you're ignoring the core of this thread for entirely obvious reasons.

First of all, I think this is a foolishly irrelevant topic. I certainly don't think Obama is some race-baiter.

Second, you shouldn't hold me to standards to which you personally refuse to rise. Like running away from our discussion yesterday after the facts broke your talking points.

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First of all, I think this is a foolishly irrelevant topic. I certainly don't think Obama is some race-baiter.

The video clearly proves otherwise. Moreover, he's done this many times before. He also attended a racist hate church for over twenty years. The fact that you deny this can only be explained in two ways, neither of which reflects well on you.

It's also an entirely relevant topic, as it's another example in a long list of examples of Obama's racist demagoguery.

Second, you shouldn't hold me to standards to which you personally refuse to rise. Like running away from our discussion yesterday after the facts broke your talking points.

Right, because logging off and doing things other than posting on MLW now constitutes "running away". Do you think I stay plugged into MLW 24/7 so that I can reply to every single post of yours and serve at your beck and call? Ever consider the fact that I find you really uninteresting and unimpressive, and on occasions make a conscious decision not to waste more time with you? Hard to fathom for you?

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All you ever do on this board is insult people. It's funny, considering you're almost middle-aged and proud of being incapable of family life and reveling in playing video games.


So not only are you a hypocrite, you are completely lacking in self awareness.

Keep following me around on this board and showing us all how much I get under your skin.

You don't get under my skin. There's simply not enough room for you there.

God forbid you might actually say something of substance on this board.

Says the self-plagarizing sloganeer.

I understand people mature at different rates, so I hope you don't think I'm trying to burst your manchild bubble before you're ready to emerge. Everyone grows at their own pace

Says the guy banned from a video game board for posting pictures of girls in bikinis. Maturity!

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The video clearly proves otherwise. Moreover, he's done this many times before. He also attended a racist hate church for over twenty years. The fact that you deny this can only be explained in two ways, neither of which reflects well on you.

That I don't agree with you does not plainly reflect badly on me.

It's also an entirely relevant topic, as it's another example in a long list of examples of Obama's racist demagoguery.

Whatever else Obama may or may not be, I don't think racist is one of them.

Right, because logging off and doing things other than posting on MLW now constitutes "running away". Do you think I stay plugged into MLW 24/7 so that I can reply to every single posts of yours and serve at your beck and call? Ever consider the fact that I find you really uninteresting and unimpressive, and on occasions make a conscious decision not to waste more time with you?

Your second point is undermined by the fact that you reply to me regularly.

The first point is false. You have no problem debating with me on matters of opinion.

It's on matters of fact--that libertarianism has been a leftist notion far longer than a right-wing one--which has become the single matter you refuse to discuss.

That's telling.

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Here's the ironic part of the race-baiter-in-chiefs video. He talks about the Stafford Act in his race-baiting speech. As senator, he voted AGAINST the Stafford Act. The act he so suddenly champions in that 2007 speech. Obama. Race-baiter and glittering jewel of hypocrisy.

Edited by Shady
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Here's the ironic part of the race-baiter-in-chiefs video. He talks about the Stafford Act in his race-baiting speech. As senator, he voted AGAINST the Stafford Act. The act he so suddenly champions in that 2007 speech. Obama. Race-baiter and glittering jewel of hypocrisy.

No one knows what what you are saying.

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What a 5 yr old video thats already been gone over in the media? The Republican October surprise is getting soft.

The video wasn't released until last week. The event was "covered", in the form of extremely brief articles (like blog posts) based on "transcripts" (which were not transcripts, but the prepared remarks from Obama approved by the DNC which didn't included his racist and class warfare comments.

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