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Syrian Civil War

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On 4/15/2018 at 3:55 PM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

That said as an unbiased poster I also believe that the US, Britain, France (and Germany who supports them) are bloody HYPOCRITES in all of these while they are condemning chemical attacks by Syrian regime (and rightly so) and taking military actions against those who they believed have used chemical weapons against innocent poeple, BUT they stood by and watched in the 80's while the muderous regime of Saddam Hussain of Iraq for years used chemical weapons against Iran (both against civilians in Halabja and Iranian soldiers who were defending their soil)  in the 8 year war.

In fact not only they remained silent while the use of chemical weapons was proven again and again by iraqis but they supported Saddam Hussain with money (stinky Arabia and Kuwait) and weapons (the French and Russian in particular but also Britain and US). Where the hell were they then that now they suddenly condemn chemical attacks and show military action? They are only after their own interests.  Hypocrite bastards.

The ugly face of hypocracy:


Documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) also showed that the US government knew about Iraq's repeated use of nerve agents in Iran, but did nothing to stop it. Iraq was then allied with the US against Iran. 

A declassified "top secret" CIA document dated March 23, 1984, showed that the US was aware of Iraq's use of nerve gas agents against Iranian troops in Basrah, and the plan "to employ it in militarily significant quantities" by late fall of that year.

Another document dated January 28, 1986, showed it was aware of a report that a West German firm helped Iraq establish a factory that produced the lethal chemical agent, Tabun. 

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28 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Thank God for that. But he is yours and so far he has been all talk and no action. Unlike past republican presidents.


Trump is doing fine for me....I don't depend on foreign leaders (e.g. Canada).

Apparently Trump matters far more than Trudeau...even for you.

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13 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

...Documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) also showed that the US government knew about Iraq's repeated use of nerve agents in Iran, but did nothing to stop it. Iraq was then allied with the US against Iran. 


That's right...American foreign policy has been to "screw Iran" since 1979.

Syria will get much of the same.

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27 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Trump is not your president.

The war drums are really beating now and the globalist warmongers in Washington are using every excuse in the book to try and goad Russia into a war with NATO and America over Syria. I hope Trump is not going to allow this to happen because Trump was not given the mandate or the presidency by we the people to get involved with another war and quite possibly a third world one. America went in to Libya and Iraq to supposedly save the people from Saddam and Qaddafi and look at the mess those two countries are in today thanks to America. Trump should be the president for we the people and not the warmongering bankster globalist elite. That gang of scumbags only enjoy life when they can cause mayhem and havoc on innocent people all around the world and all for a lousy few pieces of gold and power. I like the American people and America, it is their brainless leaders that I despise. 

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12 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


That's right...American foreign policy has been to "screw Iran" since 1979.

Syria will get much of the same.

Corrections. Since 1953. Now Iran is screwing the US all over the ME. As ONE example US ciitizens were taken hostage for 444 days in their own soil (embassy) in 1979 and there wasn't a damn thing that US could do about it. And Trudeau is doing just fine for me.

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

... I like the American people and America, it is their brainless leaders that I despise. 


That's great, but most Americans do not have an international "please love me" gene like many Canadians...this is part of the Canadian identity (i.e. "NOT American).

If America wants war, then there shall be war.    Canada will still be trying to export 75% to the U.S. "warmongers"....funny how they never boycott the U.S., huh ?

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7 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Corrections. Since 1953. Now (since 1979) Iran is screwing the US all over the ME.


Nope...a lot of Iran's post WW2 infrastructure was built by the U.K. and U.S.A.

Iran sucks since 1979....so like Syria, they are the bad guys.

Even some Iranians think Iran sucks....lots moved to the USA (California) !

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4 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Nope...a lot of Iran's post WW2 infrastructure was built by the U.K. and U.S.A.

Iran sucks since 1979....so like Syria, they are the bad guys.

Even some Iranians think Iran sucks....lots moved to the USA (California) !

Nobody thinks Iran sucks. Only those morons who are not capable of differentiating between beautiful ancient Iran and its ugly regime who forcefully has occupied the country.

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4 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


That's right...American foreign policy has been to "screw Iran" since 1979.

Syria will get much of the same.

Now we are getting the news that no gas was involved. Apparently. It was one big hoax. Just more lies by the MSM puppet journalists and politicians on a string that are pushing for a war with Russia a la Syria. If America wants war with Russia then it will be war with Russia and you my dear will pay for it and millions more also. The people do not want this war. It is the globalist elites that want this war because Assad won't kiss their arse. 

Tucker Carlson on FOX news had a great segment the other night on why America is trying to pretty much push Russia into a war with America and all on this flimsy excuse that some poison gas was used. Why would Assad who was winning the war against ISIS want to use any kind of gas when he was winning the war without gas of some kind. And America not too long ago said that there was no need to worry about Assad anymore and they were going to pull their military out. Now everything has changed. And apparently this has to do with Israel who wants Assad gone and so America must do as ordered and now stay and try to now get rid of Assad again. So, the war will continue on against Assad and Syria all because of a few evil people in a distant land who want it to be so. Global Research website will explain it all to you if you are interested in getting the other side of the story. That is up to you now. 

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

 ...So, the war will continue on against Assad and Syria all because of a few evil people in a distant land who want it to be so. Global Research website will explain it all to you if you are interested in getting the other side of the story. That is up to you now. 


I don't need another web site to explain the obvious to me.

Syria's war is the natural outcome of its own domestic policies and alliances with losers.

Other Arab states figured that out a long time ago.

Assad was an eye doctor...should have stuck to "Which one is better...# 1...or #2".

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5 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


That's great, but most Americans do not have an international "please love me" gene like many Canadians...this is part of the Canadian identity (i.e. "NOT American).

If America wants war, then there shall be war.    Canada will still be trying to export 75% to the U.S. "warmongers"....funny how they never boycott the U.S., huh ?

It would appear more like America would prefer to have an international "please hate me" sign mounted on their backs. At least Canada tries to remain peaceful but when America says it is time to join us in their fight against whomever then Canada must go off and fight with America against whomever or else. It looks to me like America is pretty much a weak military nation if they have to come to Canada and ask for our help. America sure likes to brag about it's military superiority and strength but yet always wants someone else to join in their fight. If America cannot win a war with it's enemies than why is it in that war? Why start a fight for nothing? Has America gone bonkers? It sure looks like it's leaders have lost it.  

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6 minutes ago, taxme said:

It would appear more like America would prefer to have an international "please hate me" sign mounted on their backs. At least Canada tries to remain peaceful but when America says it is time to join us in their fight against whomever then Canada must go off and fight with America against whomever or else. It looks to me like America is pretty much a weak military nation if they have to come to Canada and ask for our help. America sure likes to brag about it's military superiority and strength but yet always wants someone else to join in their fight. If America cannot win a war with it's enemies than why is it in that war? Why start a fight for nothing? Has America gone bonkers? It sure looks like it's leaders have lost it.  


Canada has no choice....weak nations usually don't.

If America is so weak, then Canada should stop being so economically and militarily dependent on the U.S.

Wanna stop the Americans (and French / British) in Syria ?

Then put together a coalition of smaller economies and militaries and try to stop them.    Whine to the UN.    Have Trudeau cry tears on the CBC.


Canada's government bitches and whines when Trump threatens to be isolationist.

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1 minute ago, taxme said:


Just curious. Just where do you get this information that Assad's regime is a murderous one? Please show me. 

Saudi Arabia is a murderous regime also but no one wants to invade that country, especially America. I guess the reason for that is that the leaders of SA belong to the same America boys club. According to Tucker Carlson of FOX news  the other night has said that SA is bombing the hell out of Yemen for no good reason  but America does not seem to care about that. It's pick and choose time with the American leaders. If they don't like you for whatever reason than they must be attacked and bombed to hell. 

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11 minutes ago, taxme said:

Just curious. Just where do you get this information that Assad's regime is a murderous one? Please show me. 

Excuse me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hundreds of thousands killed and over 10 million homeless just because one stinky murderer is survived. His army under his orders attacking defenseless civilians and bombing civilian targets in opposition areas. I wonder why he is murderous!!! 

Americans are hypocrites no argument there but they are after their own interest. That does not make Assad a good guy.

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16 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


I don't need another web site to explain the obvious to me.

Syria's war is the natural outcome of its own domestic policies and alliances with losers.

Other Arab states figured that out a long time ago.

Assad was an eye doctor...should have stuck to "Which one is better...# 1...or #2".

So, in other words, you do not want to get and read the other side of the story, right? Okay, that is your right to do so. So where is your proof that Assad is using chemical weapons? CNN or MSNBC? 

Why should it be the business of the Americans to get itself involved in another countries affairs like Syria? What did Syria do to America that America now wants to bomb the hell out of Syria? Did Assad do some harm or damage to some American property on American soil? 

Other Arab states are in their own mess created by themselves. Neither of them can figure out anything among themselves.They have always fought among themselves for centuries. Why does America want to get involved with those bloody countries anyway? America does not need their oil. They have nothing to offer the world. They all are full of a crazy bunch of religious fanatics as we all have learned by now. 

Assad is the leader of Syria now and America should not be in there trying to topple his government. America toppled the leaders of Libya and Iraq and look at the mess those two countries are in. Americans solved nothing by invading those countries and created a bigger mess in those countries. Plus American soldiers were injured or killed for what? Can you explain this one to me? 

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6 minutes ago, taxme said:

Assad is the leader of Syria now and America should not be in there trying to topple his government. America toppled the leaders of Libya and Iraq and look at the mess those two countries are in. Americans solved nothing by invading those countries and created a bigger mess in those countries. Plus American soldiers were injured or killed for what? Can you explain this one to me? 

Assad is as much the leader of Syria as Saddam was the leader of Iraq. Unelected forceful people do NOT have any legitimacy to leadership.

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6 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Excuse me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hundreds of thousands killed and over 10 million homeless just because one stinky murderer is survived. His army under his orders attacking defenseless civilians and bombing civilian targets in opposition areas. I wonder why he is murderous!!! 

So says CNN and MSNBC and other American MSM outlets and the CBC, right? They all are great sources for the truth they is. So, why do you give a chit anyway? Is Assad somehow affecting your life here in Canada? I really don't give a chit what goes on in any of those Arab countries. Let them all blow each other up for all I care.

But why do you care is what I want to know? 

Yes, thousands were killed and millions are now homeless all because America decided to go in there and bomb the place up and for what? Are the people any better off today now that they got rid of some leaders like those of Iraq and Libya? Those two countries are still in a mess and there are Arab factions that are still fighting each other in  many of those so-called liberated countries. Try Global Research website and get the other side of the story for a change. They won't bite you if you do. 

Well, Canada can be considered a murderous country also because they contributed to the wars and went along with the murdering of innocent people. And now Canada can be blamed for the mess that they left behind by their involvement in a war that Canada should never have got involved with.  

So, why do you care anyway?  

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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

So, in other words, you do not want to get and read the other side of the story, right? Okay, that is your right to do so. So where is your proof that Assad is using chemical weapons? CNN or MSNBC? 

Why should it be the business of the Americans to get itself involved in another countries affairs like Syria? What did Syria do to America that America now wants to bomb the hell out of Syria? Did Assad do some harm or damage to some American property on American soil?


I don't care about the other side of the story....Assad Sr. and Jr. aligned their country with enemies of the United States and allies' (e.g. Israel) interests.

If America wanted to bomb the hell out of Syria it would do so....instead, Syria has destroyed itself.



Other Arab states are in their own mess created by themselves. Neither of them can figure out anything among themselves.They have always fought among themselves for centuries. Why does America want to get involved with those bloody countries anyway? America does not need their oil. They have nothing to offer the world. They all are full of a crazy bunch of religious fanatics as we all have learned by now.


VP Dick Cheney explained this over 15 years ago....America may not need the oil, but Europe, India, Japan, and China do.  

Oil matters....big time...to the world's hydrocarbon economy, not just the USA.



Assad is the leader of Syria now and America should not be in there trying to topple his government. America toppled the leaders of Libya and Iraq and look at the mess those two countries are in. Americans solved nothing by invading those countries and created a bigger mess in those countries. Plus American soldiers were injured or killed for what? Can you explain this one to me? 


That's what America does...for American and allied interests.  Don't like it ?   Stop us.

American military personnel volunteer to project military power abroad.

Friends of mine were killed fighting Syrians back in the 80's...got no sympathy for Syria.

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7 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Assad is as much the leader of Syria as Saddam was the leader of Iraq. Unelected forceful people do NOT have any legitimacy to leadership.

Well then lets all go to war with and take out China, North Korea and Cuba and many other countries and their communist dictator leaders who were not elected by the people. The leaders of those countries have no legitimacy to to be in power either. Let's do it, now. Come on Canada and America. Let's start with Cuba first and go after the big guys later. We will show them who the hell is boss and that we really all care. 


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8 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


I don't care about the other side of the story....Assad Sr. and Jr. aligned their country with enemies of the United States and allies' (e.g. Israel) interests.

If America wanted to bomb the hell out of Syria it would do so....instead, Syria has destroyed itself.



VP Dick Cheney explained this over 15 years ago....America may not need the oil, but Europe, India, Japan, and China do.  

Oil matters....big time...to the world's hydrocarbon economy, not just the USA.



That's what America does...for American and allied interests.  Don't like it ?   Stop us.

American military personnel volunteer to project military power abroad.

Friends of mine were killed fighting Syrians back in the 80's...got no sympathy for Syria.

1. "To know one side of the story is to know nothing at all". If you are not willing to get the other side of the story than you have no right to say anything at all. Syria did not destroy itself, America did that to Syria by their interference in another country's affairs. Assad is no threat to anyone. Syria is aligned with it's own self.That is all just yankee bull chit.  America is now trying to bomb the hell out of Syria and nothing good will come from it except maybe start a nuclear war with Russia. Oh joy. Better get that bunker built. You just might need one soon.

So, if America does not need the oil then why the hell are they over there creating all kinds of problems for the people in the first place? Let Europe,Japan, India and China worry about oil. I will bet that those countries you mentioned won't be going to war over oil with those countries. They will negotiate and purchase that oil, and not try and steal it from them. It's called trade. 

Americans will only do what is good for America. They could careless about allies until they need their help to fight a created war. No one can stop someone who is to determined to want to continue to fight with whomever rather than talk with them. The only way that you can stop them is to stand up to them. It would appear as though Syria and Russia and China and many other countries are doing just that. But the bully won't stop. They need a war somewhere to keep their economy alive. Pretty sad for you, eh? 

Well then they should not have signed up in the first place. They would probably still be alive. If more Americans thought that way, America would be forced to become a peaceful country and have to learn to deal and negotiate with other countries, not bully other countries. Like I said I like Americans and America but your politics stinks. 

Many of your soldiers were killed by the Japanese in WW2. Do you hate and have no sympathy towards them? Just asking. 


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37 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Assad is as much the leader of Syria as Saddam was the leader of Iraq. Unelected forceful people do NOT have any legitimacy to leadership.

I am still waiting. What has Assad done to you that you hate the guy so much? Did he steal something from you? Or is the reason why you hate Assad so much is because the MSM told you to pretty much hate the guy?  Have you ever bothered to really ask the question as to why the MSM want you to hate Assad so much? Maybe they are just leading you on? You have gone silent all of a sudden. Hello. 


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