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Elizabeth May

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I'm not a fan.

Niether am I but at one time when she was actually fighting for the enviroment,she was alway in the news for taking on messes that needed to be clean up like the tar ponds out east ,then she diappeared and came back and it seems she has been bought out by big enviros, talking carbon taxes and doing nothing else but mouthing off. She has all forgotten what got her started and why people liked her, she was fighting for the small guy, now she hangs with the big boys.

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Niether am I but at one time when she was actually fighting for the enviroment,she was alway in the news for taking on messes that needed to be clean up like the tar ponds out east ,then she diappeared and came back and it seems she has been bought out by big enviros, talking carbon taxes and doing nothing else but mouthing off. She has all forgotten what got her started and why people liked her, she was fighting for the small guy, now she hangs with the big boys.

Lol at a conservative complaining about "Big <insert corporate sector here>"

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Guest Peeves

Support her party or not, this MP is a fighter and even though the A/t's have a majority, it's not stopping her from doing what many Canadians think is right, especially for the environment but this fight on depends on the A/T speaker today. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/green-partys-may-throwing-she-tories-omnibus-budget-080007875.html

She took advantage of E.I. readily enough. Another party dining at our social feeders trough.

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She took advantage of E.I. readily enough.

was she eligible to do so?

Another party dining at our social feeders trough.

so... on some levels, a party leader does influence public perception of the party, at large. However, off the top, I can't recall such liberties as yours... where you would project an individuals personal EI circumstance to the party, at large - notwithstanding you've most incorrectly designated EI as social assistance.

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Guest Peeves

was she eligible to do so? She was and took advantage of not having to look for work at all. The new rules would prevent that option. Thankfully.

so... on some levels, a party leader does influence public perception of the party, at large. However, off the top, I can't recall such liberties as yours... where you would project an individuals personal EI circumstance to the party, at large - notwithstanding you've most incorrectly designated EI as social assistance.

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She took advantage of E.I. readily enough.

was she eligible to do so?

She was and took advantage of not having to look for work at all. The new rules would prevent that option. Thankfully

do you know of Ms. May's personal circumstances? Can you provide an account to support your disparagement?

Another party dining at our social feeders trough.
so... on some levels, a party leader does influence public perception of the party, at large. However, off the top, I can't recall such liberties as yours... where you would project an individuals personal EI circumstance to the party, at large - notwithstanding you've most incorrectly designated EI as social assistance.

I accept your silence as an admission that you incorrectly labeled EI as social assistance.

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Allow me!

"It is repeat claimants like Ms. May who the Tories are targetting with sweeping reforms to the EI system unveiled Thursday.

She worked at her parents’ tourism business, Schooner Village, along the Cabot Trail in Margaree Harbour from 1974 to 1983, and collected EI during some of those years. It would typically shut down after Thanksgiving until staff would return to re-open on Victoria Day weekend, leaving its 35 to 50 workers to find other work or collect UI. Ms. May said she looked, but could not find, work in the town.

“I’m coming out myself and saying this was my life. If you want to say this is a wrong way to live, fine,” she said. “Let’s have that conversation.”"

9 times! Thats what I would call a "repeat offender"! Oye vey....


do you know of Ms. May's personal circumstances? Can you provide an account to support your disparagement?

I accept your silence as an admission that you incorrectly labeled EI as social assistance.

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1974 to 1983, and collected EI during some of those years.

9 times! Thats what I would call a "repeat offender"! Oye vey....

although you appear to be able to count (at least to 10)... your 9 times usage account, by count, isn't corroborated to the years count.

why would you label someone fully eligible to be drawing from an insurance program as, "an offender"?... particularly when that eligibility presumes upon financial contributions to the insurance program.

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Guest Peeves

Allow me!

"It is repeat claimants like Ms. May who the Tories are targetting with sweeping reforms to the EI system unveiled Thursday.

She worked at her parents’ tourism business, Schooner Village, along the Cabot Trail in Margaree Harbour from 1974 to 1983, and collected EI during some of those years. It would typically shut down after Thanksgiving until staff would return to re-open on Victoria Day weekend, leaving its 35 to 50 workers to find other work or collect UI. Ms. May said she looked, but could not find, work in the town.

“I’m coming out myself and saying this was my life. If you want to say this is a wrong way to live, fine,” she said. “Let’s have that conversation.”"

9 times! Thats what I would call a "repeat offender"! Oye vey....


do you know of Ms. May's personal circumstances? Can you provide an account to support your disparagement?

I accept your silence as an admission that you incorrectly labeled EI as social assistance.

Yeh, god forbid she'd look in the next town or the next, or peddle door to door. I understand she sat ion her heinie for months drawing benefits that some working stiff indirectly paid her. When I was out of work, I hitch hiked often to another city for a job. Laid off several times, never drew U.I ever.I went and found another. May is just another freeloader that thinks that's just fine. I would have been ashamed to admit my laziness. She thought she was one of the 'entitled' to take as do so many today.

Shame on her and her ilk.

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That would simply be an assumption... She filed 9 times according to the Gov. I would l;ove however to say 10 but that would be "making stuff up"....

"Pork Lizzy" "works" in her family business just long enough to get EI, then her family "Lays her off" and she send the money right back into the Company? Ummm yea,... On the "up and up"..... Yes, a repeat offender!

although you appear to be able to count (at least to 10)... your 9 times usage account, by count, isn't corroborated to the years count.

why would you label someone fully eligible to be drawing from an insurance program as, "an offender"?... particularly when that eligibility presumes upon financial contributions to the insurance program.

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When I was out of work, I hitch hiked often to another city for a job. Laid off several times, never drew U.I ever.I went and found another. May is just another freeloader that thinks that's just fine. I would have been ashamed to admit my laziness. She thought she was one of the 'entitled' to take as do so many today.

Shame on her and her ilk.

you made contributions... you were entitled to draw. Is the reason you didn't because you immediately found a job... if you hadn't been able to immediately find a job, are you saying you would never have exercised your entitlement... do you have an innate difficulty in utilizing something you've paid for?

on your shame meter, just what level do you assign Ms. May... how is your meter calibrated in terms of usage to shame ratings?

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That would simply be an assumption... She filed 9 times according to the Gov. I would l;ove however to say 10 but that would be "making stuff up"....

"Pork Lizzy" "works" in her family business just long enough to get EI, then her family "Lays her off" and she send the money right back into the Company? Ummm yea,... On the "up and up"..... Yes, a repeat offender!

according to the government? Really? I'm quite surprised the government, as you claim, would release such information given it's strict adherence to privacy protections. In any case, your consistently unsubstantiated claims don't seem to bear out, once again... I'm reading May's own quotes that say she worked for her parents company between the years 75-80, not your stated 73-84. Can you do a... recount? :lol:

again, why do you use the word "offender"? Anyone who draws from EI is entitled... and that's an offense in your view?

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Dude, thats coming directly from the news article.. You think i followed her elestrious career since her childhood??? You asked for Proof, you got it. I didnt make those years up...

And why the hell would i know why the facts were released.. I can make assumptions like when you decide to run, the details can be released or possibly are... But im not one for making assumptions.

I CAN tell you, 9 Times on EI in such a short period (Lets say it was 10 times out of 20 years), that is still MILKING THE SYSTEM, or she is too stupid to old a job.. Take your pic. YES< repeat offended she is.

according to the government? Really? I'm quite surprised the government, as you claim, would release such information given it's strict adherence to privacy protections. In any case, your consistently unsubstantiated claims don't seem to bear out, once again... I'm reading May's own quotes that say she worked for her parents company between the years 75-80, not your stated 73-84. Can you do a... recount? :lol:

again, why do you use the word "offender"? Anyone who draws from EI is entitled... and that's an offense in your view?

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Dude, thats coming directly from the news article.. You think i followed her elestrious career since her childhood??? You asked for Proof, you got it. I didnt make those years up...

And why the hell would i know why the facts were released.. I can make assumptions like when you decide to run, the details can be released or possibly are... But im not one for making assumptions.

I CAN tell you, 9 Times on EI in such a short period (Lets say it was 10 times out of 20 years), that is still MILKING THE SYSTEM, or she is too stupid to old a job.. Take your pic. YES< repeat offended she is.

since you can't ever see fit to actually cite your sources... just quote them... let me do so for you, along with the pertinent quote that suggests you need remedial counting:

Ms. May said that from 1975 to 1980, she received what was then called unemployment insurance during the off-season while working as a waitress and cook at her family’s restaurant and gift shop business in Cape Breton, she says.

in any case, good on ya for actually, finally, directly addressing your use of the "offender" designation. Tell me... when you file your taxes, do you utilize the EI deduction entitlement... and, sir, have you been a repeat "offender" in that regard? Care to describe just how long you've been, as you say, 'milking the system'? :lol:

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I have no idea! I have a guy that does my taxes! 9 times on EI is milking the system, Living in Social housing like Jacky-Boy and Miss Chow is milking the system, Mortgaging your house 11 times is,,,Oh no it s not,,, Thats just being bad with Money..

A side-note and maybe why shes upset with the EI changes... Seems American Born Miss-May didnt become a Canadian Citizen till 78! 3 years pulling EI while a US citizen.. SWEET! Ya, its telling why she may be upset at pulling EI again, After all, being a member of parliament is "seasonal" right? VEry telling from the left...

Elizabeth Evans May, OC, MP (born June 9, 1954) is an American-born Canadian Member of Parliament, environmentalist, writer, activist, lawyer, and the leader of the Green Party of Canada. She was the executive director of the Sierra Club of Canada from 1989 to 2006. She became a Canadian citizen in 1978.[2]

since you can't ever see fit to actually cite your sources... just quote them... let me do so for you, along with the pertinent quote that suggests you need remedial counting:

in any case, good on ya for actually, finally, directly addressing your use of the "offender" designation. Tell me... when you file your taxes, do you utilize the EI deduction entitlement... and, sir, have you been a repeat "offender" in that regard? Care to describe just how long you've been, as you say, 'milking the system'? :lol:

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I have no idea! I have a guy that does my taxes!

you have a guy! Clearly... I expect you have a firm on retainer!!! :lol: But hey now, is the uncertainty building, are you feeling anxious... perplexed? Did, "your guy" use the EI entitlement deduction... repeatedly? Sir, are you a "repeat offender"?

9 times on EI is milking the system

like I said, remedial math will help you... do the recount!

Living in Social housing like Jacky-Boy and Miss Chow is milking the system

Jacky-Boy? Really? In any case, why do you purposely perpetuate a falsehood? Layton/Chow paid market rates and voluntarily paid additional monthly amounts to offset their share of their Co-Op's CMHC subsidy.

Mortgaging your house 11 times is,,,Oh no it s not,,, Thats just being bad with Money..

your opinion; you don't know the circumstances of how the monies were targeted/applied.

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It looks like she didnt get her way today..... Chalk one up for the good guys! Seems the speaker found her request juuust a little on the crazy side.. The Bill will be passed by the time we wake up tomorrow. Then its off to the races!

Support her party or not, this MP is a fighter and even though the A/t's have a majority, it's not stopping her from doing what many Canadians think is right, especially for the environment but this fight on depends on the A/T speaker today. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/green-partys-may-throwing-she-tories-omnibus-budget-080007875.html

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It looks like she didnt get her way today..... Chalk one up for the good guys! Seems the speaker found her request juuust a little on the crazy side.. The Bill will be passed by the time we wake up tomorrow. Then its off to the races!

"In the interests of democracy, I ask how can members represent their constituents on these various areas when they are forced to vote on a block of such legislation?"

Stephen Harper on Liberal Omnibus Bill, 2005

Why do you hate your own saviour?

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Niether am I but at one time when she was actually fighting for the enviroment,she was alway in the news for taking on messes that needed to be clean up like the tar ponds out east ,then she diappeared and came back and it seems she has been bought out by big enviros, talking carbon taxes and doing nothing else but mouthing off. She has all forgotten what got her started and why people liked her, she was fighting for the small guy, now she hangs with the big boys.

It would seem so. However she has always liked to hobknob and the Green Party took on the Progressive Conservative Big Business Enviro tune when the PCs merged with the CA.

Edited by madmax
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Guest Peeves

you made contributions... you were entitled to draw. Is the reason you didn't because you immediately found a job... if you hadn't been able to immediately find a job, are you saying you would never have exercised your entitlement... do you have an innate difficulty in utilizing something you've paid for?

My family and most others I know of at the time I was laid off (a few times) had a work ethic, which obviously May and I might add many other of the May generation don't seem to share. I actually went out and looked for jobs. I actually thought as an able bodied person with a brain and conscience, that I should work. So, I never took the easy 'May-Day' approach and sucked any funds from other hard working tax paying workers. As a union man, I resented those that took advantage of the rights we had won. May chose the easy way over and over. Actually I would not be surprised had she taken some work and was paid under the table. That still goes on.

on your shame meter, just what level do you assign Ms. May... how is your meter calibrated in terms of usage to shame ratings?

My scale is Work Ethic.= pride of self. 10 of 10

Loaf and take from others without effort to avoid. = Lazy, shiftless, opportunistic, (in the sense of: " Exploiting chances offered by immediate circumstances without reference to moral principle."

And she's still getting paid from our tax dollars :P On my scale, she'd get a 'fail' aka one as I'm the important one, 'Me' first. .

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