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Everything posted by MiddleClassCentrist

  1. Art and Music are examples for Men. Take either of those degrees and you are worth less than if you hadn't.
  2. how is it... that the US can have the Buy America legislation and receive no lawsuits. Yet we always do? The TPP is just another typical conservative boondoggle that will hand over the rights and freedoms of Canadian Citizens to Multinational Corporations. These agreements are only good for corporations. If our elected representatives went to the free trade meetings looking at the agreement through the eyes of a Canadian Citizen, we'd never sign one.
  3. I see no problem with homework that reinforces daily concepts. I don't believe that we should dumb down school workload because parents either don't have enough time or care to ensure their child does it. Some parents overload their children with afterschool activities too, not giving children enough flex time for other commitments. That shouldn't be factored into the equation either... that is a parents decision to focus on something other than school. As long as the work is related to a practicing a valuable skill and letting the child have enough free time to just be a kid.
  4. I know plumbers, electricians and steam fitters that clear well over 100k. Are they no longer working class? Is the walmart manager with an arts diploma more working class than an electrician because they make less? I find this concept amusing to contemplate.
  5. That is really stretching a concept to meet your own victim complex. You aren't helping equality by ignoring one gender, or by making a contrived attempt at linking all problems to one gender.
  6. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sexism Don't try to change definitions to suit the anti-male agenda of fringe feminists. The definition makes note that it has traditionally occurred against females, which is an indisputable fact of history. We have come a long way in North America. As the gap has been closed, we are being encouraged to ignore that these issues also affect men. It's easier to push an agenda when you continue to play only one gender as a potential victim. That is not the reality...
  7. Anita Sarkeesian is largely regarded by true feminists, and equal rights supporters like myself, as part of the problem. Feminism doesn't need more talking heads creating drama by insulting one gender over and over. Nothing Anita has said shows that she truly believes in equality of genders. Feminism has this identity problem because it is a gender biased term. It will continue to have this identity problem as fringe talking heads like Anita Sarkeesian treat feminism as "issues that women care about, for the sake of pushing women forward regardless of true equality".
  8. You have proven that you don't believe in equality. Sexism isn't some magical affliction that targets only one gender. For example, Men in teaching experience sexism in their health benefits and working conditions as the profession is overwhelmingly female. Men wishing to work with young children experience sexism because they are stigmatized as being a creep or pedophile and not hired. Sexism. A 40 year old male interested in making Rainbow Loom bracelets is creepy. A 40 year old woman isn't. Sexism. I spoke with a young girl the other day that really didn't understand why a young boy was upset when he slapped and grabbed his butt. That is sexism. I told her to imagine the role reversal if some guy just slapped and grabbed her butt. I think she understood, but the fact that she felt her actions were perfectly acceptable at first is an example of sexism. The idea that women have the power to treat males as sexual objects without repercussion is the exact idea of sexism. Boys are supposed to like sexual attention all the time no?
  9. I've role played female characters and let people believe that I was female. My character name could go both ways. I did not feel like I experienced such gender based harassment. I did receive a lot of free stuff. You can't simply discredit his comment because he is male. That would be sexist. I have experienced women being hit on in Team Speak but, they played into it and even set up a time to meet while I was trying to get both of them to shut up. I'm sure it happens when they don't want it to but, if women are going to let it be successful some times, they can't really say that it should never happen. Unsolicited nude/genital pics are ridiculous and need to be dealt with as a form of sexual harassment regardless of gender. The Gamers I know would love for more girls to play games with them. It would be a perfect relationship to buy a new game like Final Fantasy, Black Ops or some other game and just sit down with their SO playing all day on release day. I really do believe that the majority of people harassing women online are the group of people with issues, whether they've been physically or sexually abused by a mother, aunt or grandma or they have some mental disability.
  10. Anita Sarkeesian isn't a credible or valuable source of gender equity information. No one sane person would use her as such. She has publicly said that she believes that it is impossible for women to be sexist against men. Because men don't experience sexism... That concept is not equitable, and lacks the level of equality required to be a true feminist. Think of her like an extreme Fox News broadcaster who just shouts "I'm right, don't you know that I'm right. Because you are wrong" while figuratively beating their chest to exert dominance over the opponents until they give up. Her presence has a negative effect on equality because her opinions directly guided by her ulterior motives.
  11. You misread the comment. It was meant as an insult against administration as teacher's aren't permitted to say what is most useful to parents. They must use eduspeak that is specifically meant to dance around issues so that fewer parents call back to admin to get problems solved.
  12. Everytime I hear these crazy things that gamers say to women online. I think of a particular student I encountered who liked the computer as a safe place. He was a terror with a long list of psychological diagnoses and didn't understand why women needed to be treated equally. I don't mean in the feminazi tumblr feminist sense, I mean he disagreed with them having the same treatement as men. He was a poor soul with a tortured mind... but you'd only know that if you met him. Not through a computer screen. The reality is that the computer is a safe place for most of this tortured minds. They get away from family there and people don't know who they are. So, I wonder how much of this 'male assault of females' is actually from people with psychological problems like ASD, ODD, Sociopathy, Borderline Personality Disorder, etc. Disclaimer: I've played female characters and pretended to be female in text chat as an experiment. I didn't get harassed... but I did get a lot of free stuff given to me to help me out.
  13. HOW DARE THEY CONTINUE TO RUN FIELD TRIPS! All they really did is kill standardized testing and avoid writing administrator mandated gibberish comments that most parents can't understand anyways.
  14. He should run in Barrie the next election. Hudak scared enough voters to Liberal because the wives of union members are often the breadwinners up this way, and the incumbent Rod Jackson was an ass. He has held on to Barrie for a long time as an MP, and I think Barrie is smart enough to try and elect a party leader to get the kickback cashflow that always comes with it. I'll see what his plans are before making judgement. It's been a long time since I've been able to support a conservative party. All of the current ones are seem to be corporate toys through and through. Let's see money going to small business innovation, technology innnovation, and technology education for modern careers to build Ontario into the future, please.
  15. Infact, you could sell cuts to education to Teachers simply by saying "We are taking out the waste at the administration level" All teachers have seen tons of money go into pet projects just because someone needs a new initiative to move up the ladder.
  16. Hudak was a horrible politician and lost the centrist vote. Everyone knew pain was coming. Economic pain has to be coming. I'm just confused as to why we are throwing out so much money for transit projects before balancing the budget...
  17. But when you talk about a teaching surplus and tons of people waiting to get in, you are really only talking about degrees that aren't useful to the private sector. An engineer isn't going to wait 5 years on a supply list to get a job. They are going to get a good paying job with their degree. We have an over supply of Phys Ed, History, English, and other general arts subjects. Saying there is an oversupply doesn't really address the full issue.
  18. You managed to prove that Ontario Teachers are paid relatively less than Alberta Teachers. Ontario Teachers start at 12k less than teachers in Alberta. (54k vs 66k) for 5 years of education, first year teacher. Alberta Teachers reach the top of their grid in 10 years. Ontario teachers commonly take 12-15. A regular teacher salary in Alberta also tops out higher. Ontario is 94k. Alberta is 101k. Interesting.
  19. http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2014/11/03/public_funds_shouldnt_pay_for_catholic_schools_in_secular_ontario.html There are plenty of people talking about it. There's actually a large number of Catholics that don't support keeping themselves segregated. Only Catholics who want to pretend the discussion doesn't exist to keep their inequitable system are the ones not talking about it.
  20. Support the merger of the Segregated and Public boards and eliminate the inequity in supporting one religion with tax payer funds. When you break down all capital costs, the segregated board receives more funding per student because they are building more schools resulting in more half empty schools.... Also, remove communities from the process of choosing which schools to close will expedite the closure process dramatically. People fight with emotions over old buildings that cost more to keep running than to bulldoze and rebuild...
  21. That isn't what happens on PD. You get forced to sit through and participate in useless garbage that the ministry or board has come up with. It's not a vacation... or my wife wouldn't hate it so much.
  22. The Ontario Public Schoool Boards Association (ADMIN) has been the sticking point with OSSTF. Financial issues haven't even really been addressed. They are demanding teachers take on increased responsibilities, increased time required at school, increased supervision before and after school, mandatory extra curriculars, more forced professional development... and on top of all that they want to take away professional freedom of teachers to create assignments, evaluations and assessments as well as remove class size caps. Remember, the Ontario Teachers's were creamed last round with forced legislation. They have had a 3 year wage freeze and lost many benefits. They can no longer bank sick days. They weren't even allowed to negotiate. It's disheartening to see so many people hate on one of the most important professions to sustaining a modern society, without even having all of the facts. I hope you people at least recognize that your beligerent ignorance will be witnessed by teachers who will likely say "Why the F--- am I even doing all this extra stuff I don't have to for people's kids and grandkids who think I am scum." If I was a teacher witnessing all of the garbage on social media, I'd stop running a robotics club or coaching a team for sure because why should I? People think I'm scum either way.
  23. They've done it before in Ontario in the early 90's. Have you read about how it went? There is a reason they didn't pursue it.
  24. There is no streaming from grade JK-8. Teachers spend most of their time addressing the most needy while advanced students do not get enrichment. I'll tell you the most common difference between academic and applied students in Secondary. These traits have been built and enforced by their parents throughout elementary. Academic students are brighter or hardworking students. They tend to come from families where their parents believe that education is important. They typically receive consequences at home for poor performance or poor behaviour. If they don't understand concepts or instructions they ask for clarification so that they can attempt the work. As a young child, the parents read to them as often as they could. Applied students are more unmotivated, low ambition, don't care about their grades and tend to come from less supportive families who don't value education. Their parents do not typically support the teacher, and do not assign consequences for lazy or poor behaviour. These parents are also likely to make excuses for their child's behaviour instead of addressing it. The students will often choose to gladly stare blankly at a piece of paper or play on their phone until the teacher notices before asking for assistance (I don't know what I'm doing is an excuse to do nothing, not a reason to get help...) They might very well be able to do the Academic level but, they choose do less work in the Applied level instead to make school easier. These students are more likely to respond that their parents did not regularly read to them as a young child (Their parents couldn't or wouldn't put time into reading to them) Like it or not, the parent has largely determined whether their child is Applied or Academic. We can't always blame the school system for parenting failures... All destreaming does is lump the two groups together and raise the lowest common denominator performance at the expense of the advanced students. Edit: It's important to note that students can always enroll in Grade 9 Academic and drop down later if the want to. There is nothing forcing them into Applied. In fact, at our local high school, when in doubt that is exactly what they tell you to do. There is no harm trying Academic in Grade 9 and sorting in out after a few months and switching into applied if they have to.
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