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Fletch 27

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    Milton Ontario, Calgary Alberta, Vancouver BC
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    Cars, bikes, babe's... And cottages

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  1. It was a coronation for Mulcair... I agree 100% about Cullen being a far better choice.. He would have kept the NDP momentum going I believe but Mulcair has now welcomed the Liberals back into the game.. I much rather would have seen a stronger NDP than it is now.. Mulcair opened the gates
  2. You understand he's tartan and his "Plaid" comments are very well know right?? Don't tell me I know mulcair and his faults more than you?
  3. Update: Mulcair said it was all "a Miss-understanding".... Correct Angry-Tom! The officer simply Didn't know who you were right? And this doozy! “Don’t you know who I am?” Mulcair said, according to CTV, warning the officer he would be in a lot of trouble. I can not believe the arrogance of the NDP and the entitlements or assumed entitlements..
  4. Or, as its an RCAF aircraft.... I know its grasping but.... Maybe,, just maybe... to show the strong colors of the RCAF? As that is indeed their colors? No, Its Steve Harpers Secret agenda finally unveiled.. Cybercoma is so in tune with conspiracies
  5. Ignorance to the law.. Or being Ignorant is not an excuse.. Your biased assumption then is that running 4-5 Stop signs would be ok if not being chased by the police. Nicely plaid sir... Nicely plaid..
  6. And simply states when cornered in a Parking lot "Don't you know who I am"? http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/06/13/mulcair-apologizes-after-running-stop-signs-on-parliament-hill-with-rcmp-in-pursuit/ The entitlement this guy exudes is sometimes confusing. He was later forced to apologize
  7. My assistant has NO idea what happens in my life other than what time I leave my home for flights.. Oh, she may read my expense receipts and discover that I had.. SUSHI!!! OMG Your late breaking news will SURELY uncover evidence now... SURELEY.. With 60 police involved! Oh,,, upon further reading, one police car was at the suspected drug dealers house.. "Police said they executed about 30 arrest warrants across Greater Toronto" Regardless!!! The proof will come out Ford! We caught you red handed! In a Photo!
  8. For me, I do not care if they vote Liberal, green, NDP or Conservative.. Allowing this to happen simply removes any and all motivation to BECOME a Citizen. What other privledge is remaining? If you do not feel compelled to become a partner or contributor to the country that you are in, you likely don't agree with the criminal code, the policies of the masses, etc.etc.. And now Kathleen Wynne would allow them to influence the structure of Canada??
  9. I think his campaign manager should not throw stones.. and stop beating his wife instead.. Same amount of proof... NADDA..
  10. http://www.thestar.com/news/queenspark/2013/06/12/kathleen_wynne_open_to_noncitizens_voting_in_toronto.html This Woman is OFF of her rocker.. And Why is she delving into Federal matters? And "Supporting" Toronto City Councils drive to allow this? Why has she never supported ANYTHING in another Municipality? My parents became citizens along with my aunts and uncles desire to vote.. If not, why the hell become a Canadian? This is simply this Nim-whits attempt to woo the soft Liberal base in DT Toronto. We need an election before these wack-jobs ruin ALL of Canada.. Not just Ontario.. Oh yea, nothing left to ruin.. This is a democracy and becoming a citizen allows to INTO that fine realm.. Refusing to become a citizen of the country that you live in should KEEP you out of the democratic process..
  11. Prostitution is Legal and alive an Well now in Ontario.... Simply look at how the NDP's Andrea Horwath and her gap-toothed fellate of Kathlene Wynne! She was paid well.. Billions in fact..
  12. No, We should never trust the police.. Who's notes are taken as the gospel in court. Even Police notes WITHOUT a policeman present (i.e Dead) stand up in court.. Well WWTT< all I can tell you is that from all the massages I get in Certified Massage parlors and paid for by my benefits have NEVER happened at 2:00am and have NEVER involved the massage therapist having to dispose of Kleenex.. At 2:00am, in a known "rub'n'tug". But lets forget about the facts and evidence,, and lets run with this "mysterious" disappearing Video and hearsay.. Sounds rock solid
  13. Simple wwwtt.. Layton is on police record for being at a Rub N Tug at 2:00am.. I massages all the time... Never has she had to use a wad of "Kleenex".. And Rob For is hearsay from a sketch reporter... NOTHING on record.... Seems simple... Or should I type slower
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