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NEW EI rules

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Major difference between to many losing their jobs, and people working seasonal jobs.

People in seasonal jobs should not plan their life around EI, it should not be a financial tool where the rest of the working population is paying the unemployed segment for 4 months of the year after only 8 months of work. This should be a safety net for those people who lose their jobs, while they look for another job they get EI.

What people should plan for is more corrupt economic mismanagement that dispossesses them of their opportunities.

The government doesn't owe me a job but I am fully entitled to the unbiased open and transparent management of the ownership and allocation of opportunities that exist in my region. I am surrounded by opportunity but it has all been enclosed within the hands of distant landlords - people and corporations who's fortunes have largely been facilitated by official policies of equally distant governments.

We need people like Robin Hood running the economy for a change.

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What people should plan for is more corrupt economic mismanagement that dispossesses them of their opportunities.

The government doesn't owe me a job but I am fully entitled to the unbiased open and transparent management of the ownership and allocation of opportunities that exist in my region. I am surrounded by opportunity but it has all been enclosed within the hands of distant landlords - people and corporations who's fortunes have largely been facilitated by official policies of equally distant governments.

We need people like Robin Hood running the economy for a change.

Then we should vote for him. Problem is, one person's Robin is another persons robber. And we have lots of Joe the Plumbers among us.

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What people should plan for is more corrupt economic mismanagement that dispossesses them of their opportunities.

The government doesn't owe me a job but I am fully entitled to the unbiased open and transparent management of the ownership and allocation of opportunities that exist in my region. I am surrounded by opportunity but it has all been enclosed within the hands of distant landlords - people and corporations who's fortunes have largely been facilitated by official policies of equally distant governments.

We need people like Robin Hood running the economy for a change.

Why? So you can stay at home do nothing all day and get someone to hand you a pay full of money for your troubles?

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Why? So you can stay at home do nothing all day and get someone to hand you a pay full of money for your troubles?

You don't present as someone whose words are worth paying attention to when you simply dive for the lowest-of-the-low attack 'comments'.

Reading eyeball's post, clearly his motives are anything but ...

The government doesn't owe me a job but I am fully entitled to the unbiased open and transparent management of the ownership and allocation of opportunities that exist in my region. I am surrounded by opportunity but it has all been enclosed within the hands of distant landlords - people and corporations who's fortunes have largely been facilitated by official policies of equally distant governments.

Now it's clear that you may not have a good grasp on the issue of foreign ownership of business and industry in Canada, and its effects on employment and local economies, but read, think, and you might learn something.

Of course, if you're just one of Harper's attack dogs that populate internet forums (at public expense?), you won't have any interest in thinking and learning, but in case you are here to learn something, start by re-reading eyeball's post. Then you can think about how to respond in defence of foreign ownership/bosses if you wish to 'attack' what eyeball is saying, a huge step up from uninformed and uninformative personal mudslinging.

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Why? So you can stay at home do nothing all day and get someone to hand you a pay full of money for your troubles?

What I should have said is that people should act more like Robin Hood.

In any case please read more carefully where I also said, the government doesn't owe me anything other than complete honesty which would result in a more just and democratic distribution of opportunity. It's still up to the individual to make something of that.

Again please note I'm not talking from a single industry region or rural area whose economy is based on some long extinguished resource. The only thing missing in my region is the local control of it's own destiny. Everything that isn't up to Ottawa is up to Victoria, which is really just as distant in the long run.

My thinking is probably a lot more in tune with Joe the Plumber than people think, I want the state off my back and out of my way as much as anyone.

Edited by eyeball
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You don't present as someone whose words are worth paying attention to when you simply dive for the lowest-of-the-low attack 'comments'.

Reading eyeball's post, clearly his motives are anything but ...

Now it's clear that you may not have a good grasp on the issue of foreign ownership of business and industry in Canada, and its effects on employment and local economies, but read, think, and you might learn something.

Of course, if you're just one of Harper's attack dogs that populate internet forums (at public expense?), you won't have any interest in thinking and learning, but in case you are here to learn something, start by re-reading eyeball's post. Then you can think about how to respond in defence of foreign ownership/bosses if you wish to 'attack' what eyeball is saying, a huge step up from uninformed and uninformative personal mudslinging.

He wants a Robin Hood to lead Canada, what did Robin Hood do? Steal from the rich gig to the poor, but the question here is, does this mean that the lazy are included in to the poor? Who are considered the rich? Those that make 50k/year? 70k/year? 100k/year? It seems to me that many people are actively looking for a way to punish those who work hard to get where they are in life, and by this I do not mean the multimillionaires who get huge bonuses while their company is losing money or the entitled trust fund brats. what I mean is that a doctor, or engineer or a business owner who worked hard to get to where they are should not be penalized in order to support the less motivated. We need simple rules, if you work you invest in EI, if you abuse EI(seasonal job etc...) then you are cut off. Complaining that you have to move to get a job... You go to the jobs, you don't air for the jobs to come to you.

Of course, if you're just one of Harper's attack dogs that populate internet forums (at public expense?), you won't have any interest in thinking and learning, but in case you are here to learn something, start by re-reading eyeball's post. Then you can think about how to respond in defence of foreign ownership/bosses if you wish to 'attack' what eyeball is saying, a huge step up from uninformed and uninformative personal mudslinging.

This coming from the person who proudly admitted that she is here just to piss people off? Wow so low...

What does foreign ownership have to do with EI? Does the foreign owner come and take your job for himself? If the job is in your area, you take it...

The government doesn't owe me a job but I am fully entitled to the unbiased open and transparent management of the ownership and allocation of opportunities that exist in my region. I am surrounded by opportunity but it has all been enclosed within the hands of distant landlords - people and corporations who's fortunes have largely been facilitated by official policies of equally distant governments.

I dont understand what he means, is he complaining that there are no jobs, or is he complaining that the jobs that are in his region are all taken up by distant landlords?

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What I should have said is that people should act more like Robin Hood.

Yeah but people cannot act like that, mainly beaus it would discourage people who are competitive from staying in Canada. Steal from the hardworking upper class and they leave along with their talents.(Hardworking upperclass means those who earned it)

In any case please read more carefully where I also said, the government doesn't owe me anything other than complete honesty which would result in a more just and democratic distribution of opportunity. It's still up to the individual to make something of that.

Describe how the democratic distribution of opportunity is to work, Im sure a lot of people in the Maritimes would love to hear how that works.

Again please note I'm not talking from a single industry region or rural area whose economy is based on some long extinguished resource. The only thing missing in my region is the local control of it's own destiny. Everything that isn't up to Ottawa is up to Victoria, which is really just as distant in the long run.

Does not explain why a person can't get a job.

My thinking is probably a lot more in tune with Joe the Plumber than people think, I want the state off my back and out of my way as much as anyone.


Edited by Signals.Cpl
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Yeah but people cannot act like that, mainly beaus it would discourage people who are competitive from staying in Canada. Steal from the hardworking upper class and they leave along with their talents.(Hardworking upperclass means those who earned it)

The corrupt and unethical love to hide their affairs from the sight of the good and just.

Just saying.

We need a government that invests in grass roots business, one that does not prop up big corporate business who fears new innovative competitors. That is my form of Robin Hood. Absolutely, assist those who are willing to take risks and generate innovation.

If the government wants to get tough on EI, how about they get tough on government subsidies(direct or indirect) for healthy multimillion dollar corporations.

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Robin Hood is a commie. :D

These EI changes are not an attack on the average worker. Actually for the average person that might find themselves unemployed due to a layoff this is good news. Apparently the government will help them look for a job by sending them job listings via e-mail, and in their field of work to boot.

And to the fear mongers, those people won't be forced to pick apples if they are used to a job as an office worker. Though if they still can't find work after the EI runs out, that might be an option. :unsure:

The controversial changes are simply to target people who use EI to top up their seasonal income annually. They have no desire to look for work in the downtime so it's not insurance at all. That's not what EI should be for.

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Robin Hood is a commie. :D

These EI changes are not an attack on the average worker. Actually for the average person that might find themselves unemployed due to a layoff this is good news. Apparently the government will help them look for a job by sending them job listings via e-mail, and in their field of work to boot.

And to the fear mongers, those people won't be forced to pick apples if they are used to a job as an office worker. Though if they still can't find work after the EI runs out, that might be an option. :unsure:

The controversial changes are simply to target people who use EI to top up their seasonal income annually. They have no desire to look for work in the downtime so it's not insurance at all. That's not what EI should be for.

If this is to target seasonal income why is the Harper government saying it will have no effect on seasonal workers? Are you calling the government a bunch of liars. Finally even Conservatives know Harper is a liar.

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Where and when did he say that?


Maybe the Harper government is just talking out of both sides of their mouth. Saying one thing to Western Canada and then another thing to Eastern Canada.

Geee wasn't there some Cons on the board a few weeks yelling the NDP was doing the same thing with French Canada and English Canada. Oh yah right Conservatives are allowed to be hypocrites.

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Maybe the Harper government is just talking out of both sides of their mouth. Saying one thing to Western Canada and then another thing to Eastern Canada.

Geee wasn't there some Cons on the board a few weeks yelling the NDP was doing the same thing with French Canada and English Canada. Oh yah right Conservatives are allowed to be hypocrites.

Seasonal workers aren’t being targeted or stigmatized with this plan and the changes should help people such as fishermen find suitable work during the off-season, MacKay said.

Is this the comment you were referring to? Because it seems to me that he is saying its not meant for one type of offender and thus they are not being targeted, they just happen to fall in the category with all the other people and industries that might abuse this.

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Is this the comment you were referring to? Because it seems to me that he is saying its not meant for one type of offender and thus they are not being targeted, they just happen to fall in the category with all the other people and industries that might abuse this.

yah so when I responded to the government saying they aren't targeting seasonal workers I was right. Glad we can agree.

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yah so when I responded to the government saying they aren't targeting seasonal workers I was right. Glad we can agree.

A police officer isn't targeting me, he is targeting speeders and he stops me because I was speeding. Does not mean because he wasn't targeting me it won't affect me. What the Minister said was paraphrasing, don't feel like we are out to get you, we are out to get everyone who abuses the system so its not directed at you specifically.

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A police officer isn't targeting me, he is targeting speeders and he stops me because I was speeding. Does not mean because he wasn't targeting me it won't affect me. What the Minister said was paraphrasing, don't feel like we are out to get you, we are out to get everyone who abuses the system so its not directed at you specifically.

Oh so they are targeting seasonal workers?

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Oh so they are targeting seasonal workers?

They are not targeting one group they are targeting people/groups who break the law. If the minister had said this does not affect you, that one thing. We are not targeting you means its not directed specifically for or at you, but you still will be affected by this change.

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They are not targeting one group they are targeting people/groups who break the law. If the minister had said this does not affect you, that one thing. We are not targeting you means its not directed specifically for or at you, but you still will be affected by this change.

Oh got it saying one thing is Western Canada and another in Eastern

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Oh got it saying one thing is Western Canada and another in Eastern

So you are trying to get an answer that suits you and thus you are attempting to twist everything I post?

There is the right interpretation and then there is your interpretation, yours is clouded by anti-Harper feelings and thus a simple comment like this seems to prove your theories go ahead play that game I have said my thoughts on this twist them to suit your agenda.

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Is this the comment you were referring to? Because it seems to me that he is saying its not meant for one type of offender and thus they are not being targeted, they just happen to fall in the category with all the other people and industries that might abuse this.

Yeah I'm not seeing where they said "seasonal workers won't be affected"...

There's a pretty big difference between "targetting" and "affecting"..

It is obvious that the main intent is to target seasonal workers who abuse the system. Conservatives are saying it isn't designed to target seasonal workers, but rather seasonal workers who abuse the system. Ie. If you are a seasonal worker who legitimately cannot find reasonable work offseason, then this law doesn't affect you because it is not targetting you.

Edited by CPCFTW
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We need a government that invests in grass roots business, one that does not prop up big corporate business who fears new innovative competitors. That is my form of Robin Hood. Absolutely, assist those who are willing to take risks and generate innovation.

My region mainly just needs Ottawa to allow our regional management board to manage the natural renewable resources that surround us as far as the eye can see in every direction.

If the government wants to get tough on EI, how about they get tough on government subsidies(direct or indirect) for healthy multimillion dollar corporations.

I'd like to know why seasonal employees should bear the brunt of all the shit coming down the pipe whereas seasonal employers get subsidized with cheaper offshore workers? Given the way EI figures into many employer's business models by keeping their seasonal employees available for the next season perhaps they should be contributing more employer contributions to the plan.

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Oh so they are targeting seasonal workers?

They are targeting people who make annual EI claims. Or 3 in 5 years to be exact.

The fact that seasonal workers make up a good number of the people that do that doesn't mean that they have it in for seasonal workers.

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The only people that is bothered by this are the ones that abuse the system.

It'll be interesting to see if these rule changes decimate the CPC in Atlantic Canada in 2015.

Perhaps Harper should also give Atlantic Canada a more accurate representation in the house as they do in the nation's actual population. The fact PEI has four seats is wildly hilarious.

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