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"Why Americans are Fat"

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I love a good numbers fight !

AW has expressed an interesting theory here. My math goggles tell me that somebody should be able to determine the % of Canadians who are recent immigrants and the % of Americans, to determine if that could be a contributing factor. For example, if it's 3% for Canada and 2% for America then Canada would have a 1% immigration factor on its national BMI... or something...

As I said, I love a good numbers fight, but I must sleep now... :P

whaa! But what about all those chubby American expats scattered world-wide skewing all those other countries numbers! Oh,

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I love a good numbers fight

AW has expressed an interesting theory here. My math goggles tell me that somebody should be able to determine the % of Canadians who are recent immigrants and the % of Americans, to determine if that could be a contributing factor. For example, if it's 3% for Canada and 2% for America then Canada would have a 1% immigration factor on its national BMI... or something...

As I said, I love a good numbers fight, but I must sleep now... :P

ALL permanent residents (aka, immigrants) in 2010 amounted to 0.7% of Canada's population, the United States was estimated to be at around 4% of its population. So, Canada has about a -3.3% factor. That's based on the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration Office estimate of roughly 12,600,000 legal permanent residents in the US out of roughly 313,000,000 people total vs 280,000 permanent residents to 34,000,000 people in Canada.

US statistics: http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/statistics/publications/ois_lpr_pe_2010.pdf

Canadian statistics:


Edited by cybercoma
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Guest American Woman

ALL permanent residents (aka, immigrants) in 2010 amounted to 0.7% of Canada's population, the United States was estimated to be at around 4% of its population. So, Canada has about a -3.3% factor.

What part of "recent immigrants" and "Canada has the highest immigration rate per capita" and "once they've lived in Canada for awhile they resort to Canada's bad health habits" don't you get?? Your stats don't consider that, which is why stats so often don't give the whole picture. Which has been my point. I could name several other factors that likely affect the stats, but I realize this thread isn't about that - it's clearly a "slam fat Americans" thread, so even though I thought I'd toss in some of my personal experiences and observations, I really didn't mean to rain on anyone's "Americans are fat" parade - so go at it. Enjoy. :)

Edited by American Woman
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What part of "recent immigrants" and "Canada has the highest immigration rate per capita" and "once they've lived in Canada for awhile they resort to Canada's bad health habits" don't you get?? Your stats don't consider that, which is why stats so often don't give the whole picture. Which has been my point. I could name several other factors that likely affect the stats, but I realize this thread isn't about that - it's clearly a "slam fat Americans" thread, so even though I thought I'd toss in some of my personal experiences and observations, I really didn't mean to rain on anyone's "Americans are fat" parade - so go at it. Enjoy. :)

no - you've simply chosen to personalize the discussion, nothing more, nothing less. I've put up OECD graphics that are a reflection on many countries sorry attention to the problem of the overweight/obese. You simply can't fathom that all the references put forward clearly show just which country is... 'worst' in first!

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Guest American Woman

Let's talk about other factors then.

I'm not interested. The opening post in this thread says it all:

Now, before the usual suspect come on here to complain about Canada's battle of the bulge and demand that asterisks be appended to this post I have to say that when/if I find the time I will find some relevant Canadian stats.

When/if I find time ........ <_<

This isn't about a problem that a lot of countries are facing right now; anyone who is interested in doing more than starting a thread about "fat Americans" finds the time to find some relevant stats about their own country. For the record, the richest and fattest country is Qatar. No fun in starting a thread about that, though.

So I say bash away.

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This isn't about a problem that a lot of countries are facing right now; anyone who is interested in doing more than starting a thread about "fat Americans" finds the time to find some relevant stats about their own country. For the record, the richest and fattest country is Qatar. No fun in starting a thread about that, though.

So I say bash away.

Well, the motivation behind the OP may be to bash, or it could be something else.

You can address it by posting to the facts. I suspect Canada doesn't compare favorably to other countries, for example. We like to compare ourselves to the US if you haven't noticed.

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as clearly noted and highlighted via multiple OECD graphics... regardless of whether some continue to ignore it.

however, in keeping with the OP emphasis:

The OECD graphic's alarming colour scheme suggests a Homeland Security emphasis. The threat level is certainly undeniable.

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I'm' just sayin' .... in my personal experience and observation, Canada's recent immigrants aren't fat, which helps balance out the native born fat. What do your stats show in that regard? What? It's not included in the study? :blink: That's why my personal observation and experience is so helpful and informative. Keep your immigration stats high, and from my personal experience and observation, y'all might be able to keep your bragging rights to a slightly lower obesity rate than the United States. Yay Canada!


A month or so ago I saw a piece on the news about young Somalian immigrant males getting sucked into the drug trade up around Edmonton and Fort MacMurray and ending up dead. While that was interesting, what I found more telling was the size of their greiving Mothers back in Toronto. The only Somalians I've ever seen close up were in Ottawa when I lived there back in the mid-90s. They were coming here in droves following yet another round of African madness, and they looked absolutely skeletal, like they'd been living on a diet of bugs and chickweed, which they may have been for all I knew. They've plumped up a bit in the 15 years that they've been here, or at least the Somali Mothers had that I saw on tv. So I think you're right that importing skinny starving people keeps your national BMI down for a bit, but once they muscle up to the trough with the rest of us, the effect is shortlived.

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...You can address it by posting to the facts. I suspect Canada doesn't compare favorably to other countries, for example. We like to compare ourselves to the US if you haven't noticed.

LOL! The Canadian identity, even if fat and less productive, seemingly can't exist without such comparisons to the US. Why are fat Americans more productive than fat Canadians?

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LOL! The Canadian identity, even if fat and less productive, seemingly can't exist without such comparisons to the US. Why are fat Americans more productive than fat Canadians?

Like their home country, they are bigger and more powerful.

If you had to sit beside a very large person on the bus, you'd be thinking of them too.

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Like their home country, they are bigger and more powerful.

Why? Is it the extra fat that makes them bigger and more powerful? If so, then fat is good! Frankly, based on the number of fat Canadians I have met, Canada should be a superpower too! ;)

Note: This opinion is based on personal observation and experience with overweight and obese Canadians, and in no way is scientifically or statistically reflective of the entire Canadian population.

If you had to sit beside a very large person on the bus, you'd be thinking of them too.

I don't have to ride the bus. Maybe you have to ride the TTC?

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Methinks he did get it right.

Canadian English features something called Canadian Raising, which basically means that the diphthong in “now” is raised before t, s or other voiceless consonants (i.e. before words like about and house).

What does this mean? In most Canadian accents, about sounds a bit like American a-boat....


Methinks he is wrong. Watch South Park and the epp 'Canada on Strike'. It's a-boot. Also depending on where you are living in Canada varied accents like you see in the USA.

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...You're on a Canadian board so you should learn to appreciate our cultural touch points.

I can't make every example into Cadillacs and cheeseburgers for you.

You didn't do it very well anyway, and since I am familiar with the TTC, I met and raised your bet. Americans are not as fat and stupid as you may think.

Oh, and as is my custom, this "Canadian board" is hosted and physically exists in the United States of America.

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You didn't do it very well anyway, and since I am familiar with the TTC, I met and raised your bet. Americans are not as fat and stupid as you may think.

I don't think they're fat and stupid.

Oh, and as is my custom, this "Canadian board" is hosted and physically exists in the United States of America.

We already know that.

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I'm not interested. The opening post in this thread says it all:

Now, before the usual suspect come on here to complain about Canada's battle of the bulge and demand that asterisks be appended to this post I have to say that when/if I find the time I will find some relevant Canadian stats.

When/if I find time ........ <_<

This isn't about a problem that a lot of countries are facing right now; anyone who is interested in doing more than starting a thread about "fat Americans" finds the time to find some relevant stats about their own country. For the record, the richest and fattest country is Qatar. No fun in starting a thread about that, though.

So I say bash away.

I found the graphic used in the OP on my RSS feed (from an American source - bitsandpieces.us) in the morning and thought it was interesting so I posted it here for others to see.

My comments in that OP essentially are my opinions based on the facts that I found interesting within that graphic - the calories eaten in a day, the fast food $ spent and the 67% of Americans being overweight are interesting facts to me.

As I wanted to go get some exercise (ironically enough :D ) I left it at that and intended to come back to it later.

I anticipated your and BC_2004's usual complaints re: a Canadian daring to post American data, etc, ad nauseum, which is why I included that comment.

The thread then developed into how it developed and waldo has been very nice enough to provide more than enough stats and commentary so that I do not have any need to add them.

In short, waldo has cleaned up and has schooled you and has educated me quite nicely on what stats are available for which I thank him.


By posting in these forums none of us are under any deadline where we must post "equal opportunity" or other such nonsense.

In fact notice that you often talk about things without providing any kind of reference.

For example, above you mention Qatar as the fattest country in the world and yet no link to substantiate it (don't bother looking, I don't particularly care one way or the other and it isn't going to have any kind of affect on my opinion about the obesity rate in the US or Canada).


One more thing - I really don't see why or how the thread needed to devolve the way it has.

The fact that I'm a Canadian posting up facts from a US source to discuss them does not mean that I am automatically making fun of Americans.

The only time I do make fun of Americans in the OP is when I anticipate your and BC_2004's defensiveness/sensitivities about a Canadian posting facts about Americans to discuss (I mean, how DARE I!)

So, yes, I was specifically making fun of two Americans but other than that I had nothing to say more than I thought certain facts were interesting and would like to take the time later to find Canadian stats to see how a comparison would shake out.

I added the poll later based on the way the thread developed. Even then I would argue that the poll is making fun of your argument rather than Americans in general.

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....I anticipated your and BC_2004's usual complaints re: a Canadian daring to post American data, etc, ad nauseum, which is why I included that comment.

Hardly, as it has already been firmly established that much gets posted here at MLW specifically depending on American content, without which it would just be...errr...very boring...like Canada! ;)

Note: This opinion is offered based on personal experience and observations, and it not meant as a general reflection on the state of boredom in Canada, by the fat or skinny.

The thread then developed into how it developed and waldo has been very nice enough to provide more than enough stats and commentary so that I do not have any need to add them.

This is an awfully long explanation for what is plainly obvious, and it has been great fun...in short...err...fat.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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