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CBC leads 'get the facts' attack on Quebecor

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CBC leads 'get the facts' attack on Quebecor

Quebecor Media Inc. has received more than half a billion dollars in direct and indirect government subsidies over the past three years “but is not accountable” to Canadian taxpayers, CBC/Radio-Canada said on its website Tuesday.

The broadcaster made the statement in a post on its “Get The Facts” webpage, where it responds to critical or inaccurate media reports.

In a counter-offensive attack on its competitor, CBC said Quebecor uses public subsidies and a “dominant position in protected industries to make record profits yet complains that its TVA television network 'competes' against Radio-Canada.”

The CBC added that “Quebecor boss Pierre Karl Péladeau has sent over a dozen letters to the Prime Minister and others in government to complain that Radio-Canada does not spend enough money advertising in his newspapers.”

The post on the CBC website comes as Conservative MPs on the House of Commons ethics committee are spearheading a study about the CBC's transparency under the Access to Information Act and its withholding of records from Information Commissioner Suzanne Legault.

Quebecor and Conservative MPs have criticized the CBC for a lack of transparency.

The CBC is withholding records under an exception under the act that covers information about journalistic or programming activities.

The QMI news agency, owned by Quebecor, has filed hundreds of potentially embarrassing information requests about CBC spending.

A court battle over the exception is now being fought at the Federal Court of Appeal.

Quebecor CEO Péladeau is scheduled to appear before the ethics committee Thursday morning.


Also.. direct from CBC..

What Quebecor won’t tell you about its attacks on the public broadcaster

For more than three years, Quebecor has been using its newspapers, and more recently, its SunNews Network TV license to pursue a campaign against CBC/Radio-Canada. But there are some things Quebecor won’t tell you:

- Quebecor has received more than half a billion dollars in direct and indirect subsidies and benefits from Canadian taxpayers over the past three years, yet it is not accountable to them.

- Quebecor uses this public subsidy and its dominant position in protected industries to make record profits yet complains that its TVA television network "competes” against Radio-Canada.

- Quebecor boss Pierre Karl Péladeau has sent over a dozen letters to the Prime Minister and others in government to complain that Radio-Canada does not spend enough money advertising in his newspapers.

Quebecor says we’re not accountable. They’re wrong.

- We report to Parliament through our Corporate Plan, Annual Report and Committee appearances.

- We report to the CRTC through regulatory filings and license renewals;

- We report to the Auditor General of Canada who reviews our books every year and who conducts a special audit every five to ten years;

- We report to the Board of Directors, which is appointed by government to ensure that the Corporation manages its resources effectively.

- We report to Canadians through the posting on our website of the cost of meals, flights, and hotels. - We also post details of audits, Board meetings, quarterly financial reports, and over 27,000 pages of information released under ATI. See for yourself here.

Quebecor says we shouldn’t go to court to protect journalistic sources or program strategies. Why?

- We, and the Information Commissioner, are trying to clarify the rules which protect "journalistic, programming, and creative activities”. This is the proper thing to do.

- In fact, government departments and Ministers have gone to court more than 180 times with the Information Commissioner to clarify Access to Information issues.


...and lastly, there's this wonderful PDF to use as an intro during board meetings..

This is a side of CBC I've never seen before.

Edited by mentalfloss
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Who is really the bully in this spat? Quebecor or the CBC?

The Left (and I include the CBC in that group) invariably views itself as the underdog/victim against the much stronger forces in the universe. (The stronger forces are typically profit-driven, giant corporations somehow connected to the US.)

Yet, in this case, the CBC has much deeper pockets than Quebecor. And the CBC has a small band of vicious fanatics/bullies who use the morality of political correctness to defend their case. God protect any politician who opposes the CBC. Margaret Atwood will preach to her flock and then her mob will burn you at the stake.


As to the CBC's claims of Quebecor's "government subsidies", I took a quick glance. I was surprised at how small they were. The CBC claims that Quebecor received $500 million of "government money" during three years (when, BTW, the CBC/R-C received over $3.3 billion in direct subsidies during the same time).

I reckon that the CBC included Quebecor's GST refunds as part of their calculation of the $500 million figure.

Whenever someone makes a financial claim on any basis other than annual, you know that they're playing around with statistics. A $166 million "government subsidy" just doesn't sound impressive.

Edited by August1991
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Yeah it's totally disingenuous to compare tax rebates and credits that all broadcasters are allowed to apply for and the 1.1 billion the CBC gets handed to them each year.

Exactly, especially considering that the benefits the CBC is accusing Quebecor of receiving from the Canadian taxpayer are benefits the CBC receives above and beyond its yearly billion-ish dollar direct transfer. The silence from the Harper government on the issue of the CBC is really aggravating. Perhaps Harper, knowing that Canadian political culture is so far to the left, thinks that it would be politically unwise to make the right move towards disconnecting the CBC from the government. It'd be great to seen the Harper government force the CBC into taking red pill, and disconnecting the CBC from the fantasy matrix in which it currently operates.

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The CEO of Quebecor was really wind up in the committee hearing! One thing that did come out though was that both, CBC and Quebecor do get taxpayers support one way or another. At one point , the CEO was saying taxpayers should know where the money is going and then the MP asked well, if you believe that's true, shouldn't the taxpayer also know where you are spending their money too? He also admitted of spending a letter to the PMO asking for help.

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The CEO of Quebecor was really wind up in the committee hearing! One thing that did come out though was that both, CBC and Quebecor do get taxpayers support one way or another.
I get federal government support, and so do my two neighbours.

I receive an abatement on my federal income tax. One neighbour is retired and visiting from Ontario. (She receives her CPP.) And the other has a contract with Radio-Canada.


Topaz, I see a difference in this federal money. Do you?

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You have to know that if the CBC was forced to release the information Quebecor wants them too it'll be beyond embarrassing for them.

Why do you know something Quebecor and their cadre of lawyers don't?

I bet even if courts told them to release the information they won't.

Really? So the CBC would defy the law because... ?

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Who is really the bully in this spat? Quebecor or the CBC?


The Left (and I include the CBC in that group) invariably views itself as the underdog/victim against the much stronger forces in the universe. (The stronger forces are typically profit-driven, giant corporations somehow connected to the US.)

The Right (and I include you in that group) often like to make fantasical claims because their arguments are spurious.

Yet, in this case, the CBC has much deeper pockets than Quebecor. And the CBC has a small band of vicious fanatics/bullies who use the morality of political correctness to defend their case. God protect any politician who opposes the CBC. Margaret Atwood will preach to her flock and then her mob will burn you at the stake.

Cite? :rolleyes:


Whenever someone makes a financial claim on any basis other than annual, you know that they're playing around with statistics. A $166 million "government subsidy" just doesn't sound impressive.

Really? $166 million isn't impressive? How about the fact that they don't have to account to the Canadian taxpayer for that unimpressive bit of chump change? That not impressive too?

End Corporate Welfare! :lol:

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Quebecor is clearly the belligerant

Clearly? And the CBC is the small, destitute orphan in this Hugo/Dickens novel?

olp1fan, you clearly have no experience with Canada's media. The CBC/R-C is the big player on the block.

Really? $166 million isn't impressive? How about the fact that they don't have to account to the Canadian taxpayer for that unimpressive bit of chump change? That not impressive too?

End Corporate Welfare! :lol:

The CBC/R-C receives $1.1 billion from taxpayers every year.

End Corporate Welfare indeed!


Shwa, we taxpayers at least know when we write a cheque to private recipients. Government agencies receive our money, and then God knows what happens. I am not saying that one method is better than another, but at least it's a start.

Cite? :rolleyes:
Margaret Atwood is modern English Canada's Savonarola.

She uses political correctness to incite the mob.

Edited by August1991
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The CBC's top boss says one of its major competitors is determined to damage the reputation of the public broadcaster in order to weaken it and he's determined to set the record straight on Parliament Hill.


As far as I can tell, Hubert Lacroix's main beef is the continuous coverage by Quebecor of the CBC's dogged refusal to open their books for public scrutiny and the CBC's poor adherence to the access to information law. The thing is many observers, including me, believe all of that criticism is well deserved.

"Every time they weaken us, every time they create doubt about us, every time they take dollars away from us or influence people to do that, they weaken the broadcaster to their advantage," Lacroix said.

What possessed Lacroix to make this a personal issue with Quebecor? Why is he going in that direction? The field he operates in is bigger than just Quebecor but Lacroix is determined to do battle with just one opponent.

Given that the CBC doesn't have to worry about competition, it's not surprising that Lacroix's feathers get ruffled when a competitor points out deficiencies. The CBC has never been taken to task on this level and they're reacting with incredulity. In terms of SunNews TV, so far its viewership numbers should not cause Lacroix to lose any sleep but he is obviously deeply concerned.

By going on the offensive against Quebecor, the CBC is playing right into Quebecor's hands, that is, bringing more media and public attention to the CBC's response to calls for more openness.

The Canadian public doesn't care about the protection of journalistic, creative or programming activities, the CBC's excuse for not being transparent and accountable. The fact is the public is in no mood to hear about secrecy surrounding the spending of $1.1 billion annually of their tax dollars. And I don't think taxpayers will warm to spending millions in legal fees for the CBC to defend itself in a court action filed by Quebecor, regardless of the merits of said litigation.

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What possessed Lacroix to make this a personal issue with Quebecor? Why is he going in that direction? The field he operates in is bigger than just Quebecor but Lacroix is determined to do battle with just one opponent.


By going on the offensive against Quebecor, the CBC is playing right into Quebecor's hands, that is, bringing more media and public attention to the CBC's response to calls for more openness.

This issue has existed on the web for a long time, but Quebecor has been the only media venue to discuss it.
The Canadian public doesn't care about the protection of journalistic, creative or programming activities, the CBC's excuse for not being transparent and accountable. The fact is the public is in no mood to hear about secrecy surrounding the spending of $1.1 billion annually of their tax dollars. And I don't think taxpayers will warm to spending millions in legal fees for the CBC to defend itself in a court action filed by Quebecor, regardless of the merits of said litigation.
I think that people care about journalist activities.

More pertinently, French Canada cares about Radio-Canada.

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I would appear CBC's little melt on their website didn't reveal some important information.


The letter also points out the CBC only provided partial information. The state broadcaster, which collects an annual subsidy of $1.1 billion annually from taxpayers, pointed to the money Quebecor's TVA television network receives from the Canadian Media Fund (CMF), but failed to disclose how much Quebecor pays into the fund.

In 2010, TVA received $20.8 million from the CMF, which is funded mainly by Canada's cable and satellite companies. That same year, Quebecor contributed $21.5 million to the fund through its Videotron cable subsidiary. CBC, which contributes nothing to the fund, received $95 million.

Quebecor is demanding an apology from CBC and a retraction of the statements published online. If the CBC refuses to comply "immediately," Quebecor Media could initiate court action, the notice says.

A spokesman for CBC said the state broadcaster will study the notice before responding.

If that's true, the CBC is guilty of committing libel against Quebecor, no question.

Edited by Boges
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Lol. Well, my mind is simultaneously blown by all of these ideas:

i) Margaret Atwood has some kind of powerful, broad-based influence over the hearts and minds of modern English Canadians, presumably because of English Canada's profound and widespread love for contemporary poetry and literary novels.

ii) She uses this influence to incite the unruly English Canadian mob to commit radical acts that can be sensibly compared to book burnings.

iii) Margaret Atwood is politically correct.

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Yeah it's totally disingenuous to compare tax rebates and credits that all broadcasters are allowed to apply for and the 1.1 billion the CBC gets handed to them each year.

Yeah, but it gets interesting when you consider that privatizing the CBC wouldn't save taxpayers a billion dollars. Instead, they would apply and get the same as everyone else. So we're really only talking about cutting the money they get in half, while losing our public broadcaster.

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iii) Margaret Atwood is politically correct.

In a foreword to David Suzuki's book "An Elder's Vision For Our Sustainable Future", Atwood likens him to a prophet.

"It seems that David Suzuki has always been with us. He's lived in the tradition of the great prophets- those whose messages go unheeded because they tell us things we find uncomfortable. Time after time he's gone up the sacred mountain, listened to the voice, understood that it is what it is, and brought the hard but true words back down, only to find us cavorting around shiny gods of our own devising.


It's a wonder he never gave up on us. But he didn't: after each potato flung his way, he trudged up the mountain again, rearranged the words to make them more understandable, and gave us another try."

I've often thought that Suzuki hears voices, but Atwood's description is political correctness run amok.

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Yeah, but it gets interesting when you consider that privatizing the CBC wouldn't save taxpayers a billion dollars. Instead, they would apply and get the same as everyone else. So we're really only talking about cutting the money they get in half, while losing our public broadcaster.

No they said Qubecor got $500 mil over 3 years, not annually. So it's not even that close. Plus as we've found out, they also put money into the pot that broadcasters take from.

If the CBC was forced to be privatized (which I don't see happening anytime soon) They would just have be more careful with the money they do collect.

I know it's an anecdote but there's an afternoon talk radio host named Jim Richards in Toronto (Newstalk 1010) that was talking about how CBC Radio hosts get a different show producer for every day of the week. So there's a person on the CBC's payroll that's only responsibility is to produce one radio show a week, according to him.

No I can't prove that. But with these freedom of information requests, I'm guessing Quebecor is trying to expose that CBC is not being good stewards of the taxpayer money they receive, above and beyond what everyone else can apply for.

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I've often thought that Suzuki hears voices, but Atwood's description is political correctness run amok.

Well, if "political correctness" means "being excessively uptight about potentially offending anyone", then championing the BQ as an Ontarian and writing feminist dystopian literature are probably not politically correct. If it just means "a put down for anyone who is left of centre", then yes, Atwood probably is PC.

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