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I've been following many Occupy feeds on Twitter since the beginning. I can tell you unequivocally that this never happened. The MSM has portrayed Occupy in that light, probably as a way to discredit the movement... The message has always been the same.

I'm sorry, but I have a pretty hard time believing that there was some kind of grand main stream media conspiracy to discredit the movement, especially in light of the fact that the Canadian media is so consistently accused of being biased in favour of anything left-leaning, as the Occupy protesters identify themselves. Frankly, if there were people who had a coherent message - and I believe there were - they should have dispensed with the idealistic "we have no leader" dreaminess and forbade the self-invited First Nations/Marxist/9-11 conspiracy/anti-globalisation/environmental/4:20/alien invasion/anarchist/etc./etc. perma-protesters from hijacking the platform, as on occasion literally happened. That and better PR would've helped.

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I'm sorry, but I have a pretty hard time believing that there was some kind of grand main stream media conspiracy to discredit the movement, especially in light of the fact that the Canadian media is so consistently accused of being biased in favour of anything left-leaning, as the Occupy protesters identify themselves. Frankly, if there were people who had a coherent message - and I believe there were - they should have dispensed with the idealistic "we have no leader" dreaminess and forbade the self-invited First Nations/Marxist/9-11 conspiracy/anti-globalisation/environmental/4:20/alien invasion/anarchist/etc./etc. perma-protesters from hijacking the platform, as on occasion literally happened. That and better PR would've helped.

The occupiers are doing anything they can to avoid occupying a JOB

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I'm sorry, but I have a pretty hard time believing that there was some kind of grand main stream media conspiracy to discredit the movement, especially in light of the fact that the Canadian media is so consistently accused of being biased in favour of anything left-leaning, as the Occupy protesters identify themselves. Frankly, if there were people who had a coherent message - and I believe there were - they should have dispensed with the idealistic "we have no leader" dreaminess and forbade the self-invited First Nations/Marxist/9-11 conspiracy/anti-globalisation/environmental/4:20/alien invasion/anarchist/etc./etc. perma-protesters from hijacking the platform, as on occasion literally happened. That and better PR would've helped.

That's not even what I'm suggesting. However, it's patently obvious when Occupy has made it quite clear from the beginning what they're protesting, but the MSM continues to ignore it. When the MSM does run a story, it's usually about sensationalist crap like police raids or drug-dealing. You have people like Levant and Fox News that are bent on discrediting the movement anyway due to their ideological bias, so they try to get interviews with the least credible people they can find. When someone articulate actually says some insightful things and won't give them their soundbite, his piece was cut (even though the reporter promised, "this is your chance to tell the world why you're here"). I don't think there's a concerted effort to suppress with some back-room haggling or some crazy conspiracy-esque BS. I believe that the combination of executives not wanting to piss off sponsors, whilst trying to get quick 30 second segments or soundbites hurts the MSM's ability to actually broadcast the necessary lengthy discussion about the issue. They want to condense OWS into a single sentence they can run in their ticker. Well, the problems are far more complicated and entrenched than their typical format will allow. So it's not a conspiracy. It's a function of the way MSM operates that creates a blindspot for the true complexity of these issues.

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The occupiers are doing anything they can to avoid occupying a JOB

You're being absurd. Many of the protesters have jobs. Scott Olsen, the guy who had his skull fractured by a teargas canister, was a war vet. A retired judge was shoved around by cops in NY the other night. Many of the supporters that are down there are teachers and members of trade unions. So your "get a job" line is beyond ridiculous. The majority of those who don't have jobs are probably currently students, who shouldn't have to divide their attention from their studies by working at the same time. They should be able to focus on getting their education so they can be as productive as possible when they leave school and enter the workforce.
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The majority of those who don't have jobs are probably currently students, who shouldn't have to divide their attention from their studies by working at the same time. They should be able to focus on getting their education so they can be as productive as possible when they leave school and enter the workforce.

Should they be studying or "occupying"?

20 and 30 year olds are spoiled? Reality check. Twenty and thirty year olds just want an opportunity to make a living and support their families. Too bad the baby boomers are from a generation where jobs were just handed to them on a silver platter and they can't seem to understand why this new generation doesn't just quit being "lazy" and get a job. Newsflash. The job market is not what it was 30 years ago. Things cost more than they did 30 years ago. One thing is the same though. Wages.

During the summer of 1979, when I graduated college and was waiting to start law school I parked cars and worked as a temporary typist. When I graduated law school, almost exactly 30 years ago, in May 1982, and was looking for work I didn't have such an easy time. After a clerkship fell through, and while developing other opportunities I:

  1. Worked as a Legal Services volunteer helping the poor;
  2. Worked at Caldors as a stock clerk for the Christmas 1982 shopping season; and
  3. Pending admission to the bar started work as a paralegal/messenger at a law firm for $50 per week, which morphed into a first job at $200 per week.

From the years involved, you can see I was a "boomer". Jobs were not handed to me on any platter, silver or otherwise.

Even my first decent job started at $30,000 per year, in 1986. I am still at that job 25 1/2 years later, now making a decent, though not spectacular, income.

I don't see why these people are out there demonstrating rather than trying to get themselves into the employment world any way they can. Are the jobs beneath them so only illegal immigrants can fill them?

I have no sympathy for people who whine rather than work. If the service jobs were filled by the "occupiers" the illegal immigrants would have to go home. The quality of service work would improve. The "occupiers" would get used to the workaday world. And, maybe many of them would do as well or better than I have.

What's so bad about that?

Edited by jbg
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  1. Worked as a Legal Services volunteer helping the poor;
  2. Worked at Caldors as a stock clerk for the Christmas 1982 shopping season; and
  3. Pending admission to the bar started work as a paralegal/messenger at a law firm for $50 per week, which morphed into a first job at $200 per week.

Did you not just post this resume here last week or so ? Or am I dreaming this ? :blink:

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Should they be studying or "occupying"?

During the summer of 1979, when I graduated college and was waiting to start law school I parked cars and worked as a temporary typist. When I graduated law school, almost exactly 30 years ago, in May 1982, and was looking for work I didn't have such an easy time. After a clerkship fell through, and while developing other opportunities I:

  1. Worked as a Legal Services volunteer helping the poor;
  2. Worked at Caldors as a stock clerk for the Christmas 1982 shopping season; and
  3. Pending admission to the bar started work as a paralegal/messenger at a law firm for $50 per week, which morphed into a first job at $200 per week.

From the years involved, you can see I was a "boomer". Jobs were not handed to me on any platter, silver or otherwise.

Even my first decent job started at $30,000 per year, in 1986. I am still at that job 25 1/2 years later, now making a decent, though not spectacular, income.

I don't see why these people are out there demonstrating rather than trying to get themselves into the employment world any way they can. Are the jobs beneath them so only illegal immigrants can fill them?

I have no sympathy for people who whine rather than work. If the service jobs were filled by the "occupiers" the illegal immigrants would have to go home. The quality of service work would improve. The "occupiers" would get used to the workaday world. And, maybe many of them would do as well or better than I have.

What's so bad about that?

Well... its just a plattitude and it ignores most of the picture. Other than that its fine.

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Well... its just a plattitude and it ignores most of the picture. Other than that its fine.

What's a platitude? That one should be working rather than yelling one head off and defacating on the ground?

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What's a platitude? That one should be working rather than yelling one head off and defacating on the ground?

Yes. Everyone knows that people should work hard. But our economy runs inside a framework that has a given set of rules, and it rewards certain activity. And the rules and the activity it rewards have changed and people dont like it. This economy treats labor with contempt and rewards investment more than ever before, and it taxes labor more than investment as well.

You can make your little speech when unemployment is at 4% or unemployment is at 8% or unemployment is at 15%. "Just go get jobs!!! Work harder!!!". But the difference between an economy where people have jobs, and one where people dont have jobs is not that suddenly everyone got lazy. Its usually that the macro economic conditions changed.

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when I graduated college

When I graduated law school

I don't see why these people are out there demonstrating rather than trying to get themselves into the employment world any way they can. Are the jobs beneath them so only illegal immigrants can fill them?

When you graduated. Many of the protesters who aren't working are students. They haven't graduated yet. Do you understand now why they're not out there trying to get employment wherever they can? Even the ones who have graduated, they're facing unemployment of 10% in the United States. That means 1 out of every 10 people in the labour force cannot find a fulltime job even though they are actively looking, ready and willing to work. There quite simply are no jobs for 1/10 workers. Edited by cybercoma
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When you graduated. Many of the protesters who aren't working are students. They haven't graduated yet. Do you understand now why they're not out there trying to get employment wherever they can?

No...why haven't they already been employed....even as students? What are they waiting for?

..and US labor stats do not mean they can't find full time work.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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You have to be ready, willing and able to work fulltime to be counted as unemployed. Fulltime students are not able to work a fulltime job, so they are not counted as part of the labour force. Someone with a part-time job is not considered unemployed. They are part of the workforce since they are working, but also because they are able to work fulltime by leaving their PT job. Students are not expected to quit school to go work fulltime.

Edited by cybercoma
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You have to be ready, willing and able to work fulltime to be counted as unemployed. Fulltime students are not able to work a fulltime job, so they are not counted as part of the labour force.

This is false for US labor statistics. Fulltime employment is not required to be considered employed.

Stick to Canada instead.

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So you're right, it's not whether they can find fulltime work because it doesn't matter if it's fulltime or part-time. That just further proves my initial point: there's no f***ing jobs... not even PT ones.

That's what happens when you price yourself out of a job. Stupid is as stupid does. The USA will learn their entitlement lesson the hard way.

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That's what happens when you price yourself out of a job. Stupid is as stupid does.

More like lazy is as lazy does. I was on the payroll and paying taxes at age 16, and worked cleaning toilets, dumping trash cans, and washing ash trays before that for cash. All while going to school. No pity for these lazy losers.

The USA will learn their entitlement lesson the hard way.

That's how the USA learns most things...more people still dying to get there.

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