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Omar Khadr is coming back to Canada.


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Can you cite even one case that involved any other Canadian child who was taught for years by his parents that it was okay to build bombs and kill people?

There are several terror cells operating in Canada. It would be pretty naive to think their members didn't pass along their beliefs to their children. There were also Canadian Muslim families that cheered 9/11. What do you think the parents of those families were telling their children?

I've got a better question, why shouldn't we treat every other Canadian kid who commits a crime the same way we've treated Omar Khadr?

Your positions seems to be that Omar should be treated like everyone else. He should be treated like an African child... He should be treated as any other Canadian would be treated.

The reality is, in Canada, we don't treat every child the same, especially at Omar's age. He should've been in the 10th grade. Often, but not always, youths of that age are treated as adults. Every case is judged on it's individual merit as it should be. Omar's case is very unique. Other than being born on Canadian soil, he really has never really lived as a Canadian. Canada is a civilized society. Omar's from and uncivilized world. If you watch that 60 minutes piece with his younger brother describing the 72 virgins, it's pretty clear.

As far as the "we should've done more to help Omar" position goes, why not ask "what has Omar done to help Canada?" Has he volunteered any information? Is there any indication he doesn't admire his father? Has he come out and said his teaching of Allah were wrong and abusive? Had he done so, his family wouldn't still support him. He would be cast aside like his brother, the black sheep.

I still think the best solution is to negotiate a settlement with the Khadrs, such as we won't extradite the eldest brother to the US or prosecute the mother for treason if they'll agree to move to Pakistan or somewhere else in the Middle East. This is where they belong. The one brother, the black sheep, would be welcome to stay.

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What you're saying is that you don't agree with the international law that identifies a child soldier as one under 18, correct?

Thats not what i'm saying at all, however not everone falls into that catagory, in Omars case he is an insurgent (which is spelled out in inter national law, Canadian law and with the conventions of the UN.) which does not have all the rights under the laws of war or the convention...meaning he also does not have all the rights for being a child soldier....

Just to make this clear those rights i'm talking about are very few, everyone is still entitled to be treated fairly and with diginity etc etc ....and yet These same rights we are talking about mean squat on the battle field, as far as that is concerned they or anyone that has picked up a wpns) are targets regardless of age and are to be engaged as per the ROE's....

they come in only after capture...we are dealing with extreme religious freaks that for most Capture is not an option...or honourable in their minds( everyone wants to have a crack at the 72 virgins)...the Battlefield is not some TV SWAT movie were soldiers try and talk the bad guys down...Once the shooting starts it's done when one side is standing over the other, everyone is either dead, or wounded so they can no longer fight...Thats is when these right take effect...

IE, regardless of how they became combatants, they're accountable for crimes like murder as if there were no war, though for adults it's war not murder.

Not at all everyone regardless of age is accountable for their actions...he is charged with murder because he was an insurgent not following the rules of war...these laws were put in place to protect unarmed Civilians in armed conflict, think about the conasquences of anyone picking up a wpn and joining the fight....once your in the fight your in forever, you can't get tired and drop the wpn and go home ...your in the game until your done, in a bag or captive....these insurgents place normal peaceful civilians lives indanger...hence the convention.

You should know ... Omar was under threat of death by his father, and he knew it: His brother rebelled and his father threatened and then tried to train him as a suicide bomber. Brother ran away at 16. Omar knew what would happen if he rebelled: He'd be 'a martyr' ... a dead one.

Actually both his brother were asked to become bombers by both his parents, instead the opted to train as fighters rather than honor their family with their deaths for the cause which speaks volumes about his family, but also why our government has not done anything about that piont....Once they refused their family let them carry out their training on the fighting side of the house....

As far as the threat his father was killed in a gun fight, his other brother was cripled in the same gun fight...so the threat of being martyred ended there...and you have still not explained those 2 years that he was not with any family or relatives care , during his capture he was with an active IED cell...with no one watching over him he could have left for any where he wanted...just as the thousands of other kids do across that country every day....

You said he could have left it behind years before. Is that realistic? Where does a 10-11-12 year old go?

This is not Canada where kids hang and live with mom and dad until they want to stick their feet in the pool of life...this is Afghan were as young as 11 they are considered men...thats right time to crawl out from under the dress and do what men do...hunt, and go to war....he was 15 when he was capturesd he already had 7 years worth of training and 4 or 5 years of combat under his belt...he could have done what any man does in Afghan find a wife and settled down...ya thats right in Afghan that shit is everyday shit...here in Canada we weep for the little boy...in Afghan he is a man ready to start his own family...

I found the cbc report from his hearing in 2009, the testimony that he couldn't have thrown the grenade.

Here is an experment you can run, do you play paint ball...vidio tape the entire match both sides of play...then have each player express in is own words what happened during the game....if you have 10 players then you'll have 10 different versions none will be the same....it's not that they are lying it is how they percieved the event...

Now put that in a live Combat scene with the extra adrinaline flowing , and fear of death just to add a few emotions in there and what do you think is going to happen....The Army does not have CSI teams to investagate every battle...so there is no Court evidence as per say...all you have is 10 different versions which are all correct to a certain extent...

So one of two things happened freindly fire but really we are talking about Spec ops guys freindly fire rarely happens...option 2 the last man standing hand to have thrown that grenade, and going by the statements (whos reliability we already talked about) they say Omar was the last man standing...which seems to fit...as one witiness statement said they seen him in a sitting postion moving around he fired 2 rounds hitting him in the back...how he got buried in rubble i can't say...but he was shot twice in the back...

Omar's pleaded guilty, as an adult. So his age and whether he did THAT crime are no longer at issue.

And yet we continue to bring that issue up...

He is being held accountable. He was shot twice, spent 8 years in Guantanamo and 4 more now.

We can't hold him accountable for all of the crimes of Afghanistan.

He was shot twice because he was an insurgent engaged with NATO forces...thats what the big boys do, remember all those rights mean jack shit until your captured, up until then if soldiers are following ROE's your a target regardless of age, don't hate the game hate the player....

He spent 8 years in Gitmo...and while i don't agree on certain aspects of his stay in gitmo, he got off alot better than any captive the Taliban or AQ took...he was also found guilty in a court of law...and sentenced to 40 years imprisonment...of which he has been ordered to serve 8 of those years...1/3 of his sentence..And a subject of many topics on this forum on light sentences and terms.. And while he may or may not have paid is dues, his family has not paid anything, nor to my knowledge is anything in the works...

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If he was taken away at age 8 to become a terrorist then according to your logic he presumably learned everything he needed to know to make adult choices before that.

Your right, he was a complete moron before the age 8 he did not know the basics of right and wrong, he had no concept of the basic values most children are taught....he was free of all that, a blank slate....So he had nothing to compare to....

And yet Canadian kids , most kids through out the world know harming another child is bad, killing another child is bad, why is that...how do they get these basic building blocks...Your saying he never inter acted with others, never asked the questions kids do...the WHY, HOW, WHAT, ETC....that he was shelter from all that instead he was forced feed kill infidels, kill them all...

Not to the extent that Canadian kids get thrown into extrajudicial prison camps for obeying their parents.

Your right again no independent thought at age 15, none at all, a complete zombie incapable of any thought process...he was a machine...he could feed himself, pick up a wpn, he could kill, make IED's but outsiude of that nothing....thats what you want me to believe.

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He's an insurgent only because he has been defined as an insurgent by the West when they chose to go to war against a non-state, non-military group. Were the US attacking a proper military target that target would be able to defend itself and Khadr would be considered a child soldier, by your definition. Thus, it is only because the US wasn't attacking soldiers that his militant attack against soldiers is seen as an "insurgency" rather than military resistance, stripping Khadr of any sort of proper rights under conventions. He is not a child soldier because we did not attack soldiers.

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Your right, he was a complete moron before the age 8 he did not know the basics of right and wrong, he had no concept of the basic values most children are taught....he was free of all that, a blank slate....So he had nothing to compare to....

And yet Canadian kids , most kids through out the world know harming another child is bad, killing another child is bad, why is that...how do they get these basic building blocks...Your saying he never inter acted with others, never asked the questions kids do...the WHY, HOW, WHAT, ETC....that he was shelter from all that instead he was forced feed kill infidels, kill them all...

Your right again no independent thought at age 15, none at all, a complete zombie incapable of any thought process...he was a machine...he could feed himself, pick up a wpn, he could kill, make IED's but outsiude of that nothing....thats what you want me to believe.

Killing someone else is bad; however, a foreign military shows up at your door with weapons and shit, I'm not so sure the line is as black and white as you make it.

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And yet Canadian kids , most kids through out the world know harming another child is bad, killing another child is bad, why is that...how do they get these basic building blocks...

They get their most basic building blocks from their parents...reinforced by a society that tells them they should obey those parents.

This kid never had a chance ever. Omar Khadr should make us all ashamed to be Canadian. I'm not going to spit on you Army Guy but I'll gladly piss on the flag you defend.

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He's an insurgent only because he has been defined as an insurgent by the West when they chose to go to war against a non-state, non-military group. Were the US attacking a proper military target that target would be able to defend itself and Khadr would be considered a child soldier, by your definition. Thus, it is only because the US wasn't attacking soldiers that his militant attack against soldiers is seen as an "insurgency" rather than military resistance, stripping Khadr of any sort of proper rights under conventions. He is not a child soldier because we did not attack soldiers.

Almost correct, him being an insurgent by defination is layed out within Inter national , Canadian Law, it is also some what layed out in the UN conventions, and signed by over 80 coutires ,not all of them western....In it's defination once a group is labeled a terrorist organization it will remain so until it is changed by the UN ie PLO...if your are part of that organization you are an insurgent forever until it is changed by the UN, or in inter national and in our case Canadian laws...So it does not matter whom or where he attacks he is a terrorist, and will not be afforded all the rights and protections of the conventions....in Omars case he is linked to the AQ which will not be changing it's status anytime soon...they are a terrorist organization plain and simple...

He is not a child soldier because he has already been label and there fore does not fit into that group of being a child soldier...which to qualify you need to first fit into a soldiers catogory...wear a uniform or clearly distingtive markings, bear arms openly , have a clear chain of command, it's really that easy...as a member he did none of these, with the exception of bear arms openily when it was convient for them to do so...as soon as NATO soldiers arrive they drop there wpns and fade into the crowds....as he had no uniform or clear markings...so he is not a soldier...because of AQ operating proceedures they constantly use terror as a wpn of chioce hence why he is a terrorist...or insurgent if you want.

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Killing someone else is bad; however, a foreign military shows up at your door with weapons and shit, I'm not so sure the line is as black and white as you make it.

A foreign military really , which one is it, is he a Canadian citizen or not, which laws is he to obey...so to put this into perspective he is a Canadian national who is living in Afghanistan....how many laws and conventions has he already broken...so he's a merc so to speak....fighting in Afghanistan again'st Afghanistan governmental forces...once again how many laws has that broken....the only reason we did not ship his ass back to afghanistan to face trail is his worth in intel....or this guy be hanging a long time ago....15 or not...Ya in Afghanistan you don't wait long for your trial there , in less time it takes to warm your seat your out back digging a hole ...

Next these foreign military guys as you call them showed up to the door with the National Army at the time because they had just had fighting that was going ongoing in the area...they were searching for persons who were involved in those scrimishes , when the Afghan army pers knocked on the door "They" Omars buddies opened fire through the door, then opened the door to finsh them off, killing 3 Afghan army pers....ya nice little boy you got there...once game on was called serveral air strikes later...a NATO ground strike took place and poor Omar ends up with a couple holes in his back....he talks english, Spec ops want him evaced as he may contain intel...good call, if he had not spoken he would have been ended well before the medical attention got to him....

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They get their most basic building blocks from their parents...reinforced by a society that tells them they should obey those parents.

Yes to Obey your parents but not to become robots...

This kid never had a chance ever. Omar Khadr should make us all ashamed to be Canadian. I'm not going to spit on you Army Guy but I'll gladly piss on the flag you defend.

Is that my fault, nope, is it our governments fault, nope....who's fault is it...moms, dads...then why are we paying for it...why is our balls on the table about to get smashed....

Thats the problem nobody wanted to stand up and put thier feet down....Sorry but we have stripped your sons of their citizenship, pack your bags MOM were shipping you back to your Muslim roots, arrangements are made your sons are now Jordian citizens maybe Arab spring has already come there good luck ...I thought citizenship was a priviliage not a right...and it can be taken away as fast as it is granted...How many Canadians want these people to stand for Canmadians ....don't shit me and tell me we don't have a chioce...damn right we do, it's done everyday...

As for the Flag. thanks Guyser for the reply, as i was not thinking all that polictically correct at the moment.

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Army Guy, you are twisting and contorting facts and law to justify anger at ONE child insurgent. Your feelings are understandable, but Omar cannot be held accountable for the actions of ALL child insurgents you encountered, and he is being held accountable for what he's accused of. END OF STORY!!

I agree with you that his family is responsible for his indoctrination, training and presence as a child insurgent against allies of Canada. That's another issue and may be addressed when he returns to Canada. His mother is a poor stand-in for the real culprit, his father. Like Omar, she didn't act independently either, but his father is dead.

You have some issues to work through, but focusing all your anger on the Khadrs isn't constructive.

We need to focus some attention on why Canada sent soldiers like you into combat at all.

Because the answers to that have nothing to do with soldiers or insurgents and everything to do with business and corporate interests. Specifically, a pipeline through Afghanistan/Pakistan to India (for selling Iraqi oil), and Afghanistan's inability to get a corner of the monopolized legitimate medical opiate business, despite price manipulation and shortage of medical supplies worldwide.

As a soldier, youu don't ask these questions. You go and do what you're told, and you do not have to justify your actions or feelings beyond that. Making war on child insurgents is nasty business, but that is the situation you were in ... legitimately ... and WE put you there.

As Canadians responsible for the decions of our governments, we ALL have to answer these questions before we go accusing anyone of "treason".

Treason against whom? ... Corporate interests that aren't even Canadian?

We are ALL accountable for your experiences ... and Omar Khadr's.

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As a soldier, youu don't ask these questions. You go and do what you're told, and you do not have to justify your actions or feelings beyond that.

Soldiers do have to justify and answer for their actions. Here are examples.

The Canadian Forces has charged a military officer serving in Afghanistan with one count of second-degree murder in the death of a suspected Taliban insurgent.

Capt. Robert Semrau -- who, as a member the Operational Mentor Liaison Teams, helps train Afghan army soldiers in proper military procedures and fighting techniques -- was charged on Dec. 31, 2008, a statement from military officials said Friday.

Semrau, believed to be from Saskatchewan, is accused of shooting an unarmed man with the intent to kill him.

He is currently in military police custody and will be flown back to Canada shortly for a hearing before a military judge to determine whether he needs to be retained in custody.


Canadian soldier charged in comrade's shooting death (2007)

Canadian soldiers face manslaughter charges in death of comrade (2011)

I don't think I'm alone in being very interested in hearing about our soldiers' feelings, as are professionals who attend to them when they return from deployment in combat zones.

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Because the answers to that have nothing to do with soldiers or insurgents and everything to do with business and corporate interests. Specifically, a pipeline through Afghanistan/Pakistan to India (for selling Iraqi oil), and Afghanistan's inability to get a corner of the monopolized legitimate medical opiate business, despite price manipulation and shortage of medical supplies worldwide.

You kinda forgot the part about over 3,000 civilians, both American and Canadian, being murdered.

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Yes to Obey your parents but not to become robots...

Really? I'm not aware of any caveats to the command to obey your parents. There are none whatsoever. I suggested in a similar thread on the same topic that we start including caveats with this very same building block in particular - perhaps you recall the hue and cry over state intrusion into parental rights to fill their kid's heads with ludicrous hate filled crap.

Is that my fault, nope, is it our governments fault, nope....who's fault is it...moms, dads...then why are we paying for it...why is our balls on the table about to get smashed....

Because we have it coming to us I guess.

Thats the problem nobody wanted to stand up and put thier feet down....Sorry but we have stripped your sons of their citizenship, pack your bags MOM were shipping you back to your Muslim roots, arrangements are made your sons are now Jordian citizens maybe Arab spring has already come there good luck ...I thought citizenship was a priviliage not a right...and it can be taken away as fast as it is granted...How many Canadians want these people to stand for Canmadians ....don't shit me and tell me we don't have a chioce...damn right we do, it's done everyday...

You've lost me again here I'm afraid.

In any case the Supreme Court put it's feet down by ruling that the government of Canada failed to protect Omar Khadr's rights.

As for the Flag. thanks Guyser for the reply, as i was not thinking all that polictically correct at the moment.

Oh come on, it's not like you haven't heard it before. OTOH put yourself in my shoes, whatever apoplectic feeling you're having probably mirror the things I feel when I see such deliberate and politically motivated injustice.

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In any case the Supreme Court put it's feet down by ruling that the government of Canada failed to protect Omar Khadr's rights.

Whatever happened to the wrongful death lawsuit files by Sgt. Speer's widow? Since Khadr was convicted, it should be a simple matter win a damages award. I'm sure Canada would be happy to pay! ;)

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Whatever happened to the wrongful death lawsuit files by Sgt. Speer's widow? Since Khadr was convicted, it should be a simple matter win a damages award. I'm sure Canada would be happy to pay! ;)

If I was Speer's widow I'd sue Omar Khadr's mother for setting a dysfunctional child-soldier loose on the world. Unless I'm mistaken there is an increasing number of cases where parents are being held to account for the actions of their children.

I'm not aware of any cases where children have been held accountable for their parent's actions, until Khadr that is.

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Cite link to Afghanistan.

"God knows it did not cross our minds to attack the Towers, but after the situation became unbearable—and we witnessed the injustice and tyranny of the American-Israeli alliance against our people in Palestine and Lebanon—I thought about it. And the events that affected me directly were that of 1982 and the events that followed—when America allowed the Israelis to invade Lebanon, helped by the U.S. Sixth Fleet. As I watched the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me punish the unjust the same way: to destroy towers in America so it could taste some of what we are tasting and to stop killing our children and women."

— Osama bin Laden, 2004[


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Army Guy, you are twisting and contorting facts and law to justify anger at ONE child insurgent. Your feelings are understandable, but Omar cannot be held accountable for the actions of ALL child insurgents you encountered, and he is being held accountable for what he's accused of. END OF STORY!!

Then sort me out, which facts and which laws and i'm twisting and contorting... And as for anger, i will admit that i do hold Omar and his merry band of relatives in contempt for good reason, currently he holds our government hostage until Omar agrees not to go forward with court actions in regards to our government not acting on his behalf in a timily matter...and he's right, our government should have done something quicker, but with that in mind it should have shown the world that we take this terrorist thing serious and made an example of him in our courts...

His family has shown nothing but contempt for this country, and are quit open about their feelings, and yet they have no problem acceptin our health care, our welfare, and our pay outs for info....which i might add is more than we are doing for our widows and families of our own Nations fallen...not to mention those who have been wounded so badly they can no long support their families, for them we gave a small payout and said thank you for your service , good luck in the future....just 2 reasons , but wait there is more...

This entire UN child soldier thing does nothing to stop children from serving on the battle field...yes it gives us another law, but ask your self how many low lifes have actually been brought forwarded and charged and sentenced under this new law...Do you really think that a group or nation not party to the conventions really care about one more law they have broken....but the law is not for their bennifit it is so we can make ourselfs feel good....It does nothing to keep children off the battle field..

What keeps children off the battle field is knowing there is legal consquences for their actions...does that make me some hard ass, with a black heart perhaps, but then again i'm sure that most Canadians have not been faced with the moral problem of engaging children on the field of battle either...And in the end that is what everyone wants correct to keep children off the battle field....

I'm not holding Omar responsiable for all the child soldiers problems in Afghan, just want a fair and just solution to his problems. a 40 year sentence is a forty year sentence...not 8...during that time he should get the help he needs mentally and physically....

I agree with you that his family is responsible for his indoctrination, training and presence as a child insurgent against allies of Canada. That's another issue and may be addressed when he returns to Canada. His mother is a poor stand-in for the real culprit, his father. Like Omar, she didn't act independently either, but his father is dead. You have some issues to work through, but focusing all your anger on the Khadrs isn't constructive.

No i've worked through my issues and i've learned to live with my demons...and my anger as you put it is not focused on the Khadrs but rather at the Taliban and AQ and other terrorist groups how they have commited crimes that would rival the Nazi's in some cases...and the Khadrs were part of an organization that was an active part of all that, and no one can say with certainity that they are still not part of that...

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We need to focus some attention on why Canada sent soldiers like you into combat at all.

Ya lets take a look at that shall we, i remember getting on the plane ROTO 1 the second tour over, the place was lined with thousands of canadians waving little flags, the streets were lined with people shouting and screaming...Kick some ass, amoung other things....

Canada as a majority was all for the mission....later on it would stop being a Canadian mission with the support of the people but rather a Canadian Armed forces mission, with nothing to do with the people....and as part and parcel of that we had to pay for everything we needed for that mission in blood....everything, getting light jeeps replaced, getting helos, getting armed helo escorts...we paid for all that in our blood....all that changed how our soldiers seen our own nations people and their support..during that time we learned to adapt and over come most obsticles placed in our way...

Shit for a time we even took over the diplomatic mission Ya not bad for a bunch of army guys we learned to borrow and steal off our allieds for equipment we desparately needed....developing deep bonds with our allieds so in the end we felt we had to betray them in order to follow our governments wishes to return home with the mission unfinished....instead stuck in a non combat role with all the rest of the non combat wieney nations....

So yes things have changed for our soldiers and we do or atleast most of us have a bad taste in our mouths in ref the Afghan mission...

Because the answers to that have nothing to do with soldiers or insurgents and everything to do with business and corporate interests. Specifically, a pipeline through Afghanistan/Pakistan to India (for selling Iraqi oil), and Afghanistan's inability to get a corner of the monopolized legitimate medical opiate business, despite price manipulation and shortage of medical supplies worldwide.

Do you really believe that crap, that this is about pipe lines and whats the other one bils in minerals, drugs ....since we've been there, there has not been one section of pipe laid...can you imigine what security that would take to keep the insurgents off it...Minerals buried deep in the ground, i doubt any mining company has even been to Afghanistan, without getting shot, or blown up....the drug trade ...while the major drug cartels are making bils off Afghan poppy market the average Afghan farmer is barely making enough to feed his family....

but then again all wars are for the corp america ....well most this one does not come close except the arms companies....there is nothing in Afghan except rock and dust...

As a soldier, youu don't ask these questions. You go and do what you're told, and you do not have to justify your actions or feelings beyond that. Making war on child insurgents is nasty business, but that is the situation you were in ... legitimately ... and WE put you there.

As a soldier we have countless hours on culture awareness, history behind Aghanistan, it's people it's wars, the region....then we get 6 to 7 months of being dipped right into the middle of Afghan, living with the poeple talking to them on a daily bases...understanding their problems because we are immersed in them...working with them to fix them....as for knowing what and how our government works we have access to everything the avg Canadian does, from TV direct feed, to intra net....

Canadian soldiers have first hand info when it comes to Afghan infact what the media reports most of the time we laugh and joke on how bad they screw that up....there has been very few reporters that even wnet outside the wire and seen what we did....We ask questions all the time and becasue we are soldiers we ask them in short and blunt terms, remember all those government types, just dieing to get over and see the boys....ya well they've been held over the coals a few times...

We are soldiers, but we are Canadian soldiers and citizens not robots....these missions are 100% volunteer, and trust me soldiers know what they are getting into...

and you do not have to justify your actions or feelings beyond that

Our every move has been under the micro scope since this mission has started, and we were judged the entire way...some examples have already been posted...here is my favorite my second tour, i'm eating supper watching the news and on comes the Prisoner abuse scandle remember that one....some Univeristy proff in Ottawa has gotten some evidence from an inmate in Afghan that he has and was abused by Canadian soldiers and once the story is broke he gets dozens of these letters....right away DND says it will investage...it sends out a flash message any and all prisoners are to be treated like gold, no bruises no nothing...lets forget we are at war, not some tues night cop show...we deal with fanitics not some drug induced robber as protrayed on TV...But in the media we are already tried and convicted...in fact this went on for months and months....an independent investagation found that the orginal prisoner wasn't even taken by Canadian soldiers....and poff the media shut up , it did not retract anything it just moved on, mean while joe blow Canadian thinks his nations soldiers are thugs....no we were judged and we had to justify everything....

My feelings, do you really care ...as long as i'm good to go the next time right....atleast that is what the doc said when we all interviewed for the next mission...

Making war on child soldiers is more common than you think....to the piont it is very common,All those laws and agreements everyone keeps bringing up well there for you, back in Canada home safe and sound...for us soldiers over there it's reality, it's war, it's their war with no rules, except on our side...this is were i draw my opinions from from reality, as it happens every day in Afghan...not from a chair in a living room...And as far as you sending me over there, that stopped along time ago, when the support for the mission died and we started paying for what we needed with our blood...No we stuck up our hands and said pick me, becuase we believed in the mission, and the Afghan people.

Do i hate child soldiers or dislike them....No, i do hate what they have forced me to do, i dispise those that have turned these kids into monsters, and stripped their inocence...But once i get kitted up and take my turn outside the wire, my head is screwed on tight, and i will do what it takes to bring the men under my charge back home to their loved ones...

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