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Ezra Levant goes on a Saudi ethics rant


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I was watching Ezra last night on Sun TV(Ezra by the way is Canadas Rush Limbaugh)and his topic was about ethical oil.

Ezra claims the EU is/has condemned oil sands oil for environmental reasons,but still uses Saudi oil with a clear conscious.Despite Saudi human rights violations(in summary).

He also rants about Canadas role in Libya.

I have never agreed with this man before.Ever!

But in my opinion Ezra has somehow found a way to walk a fine line(tightrope)through this topic without insulting muslims or any other Canadians and come out looking like a champion for Canada!

But once he starts talking about Canadians or immigrants supporting the King of Syria in a protest and/or sheria law(or religion in general) he stumbles off the tightrope and plumets into his typical anti-anybody not from Alberta rant that he is famous for!

Has this guy finally turned the page?


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First of all, Ezra is certainly not like Rush Limbaugh. Obviously you know very little about either Rush Limbaugh or Ezra Levant.

Second, Ezra's been going on about what he refers to as "ethical oil" for quite awhile. At least a year has gone by since he incorporated this into his regular punditry.

I find it funny that leftists like you, who never listen to, read, or watch anything from these conservative media persons who you love to hate feel so comfortable talking about their positions. If you don't know anything about the people or groups you're speaking about, it will be quickly revealed when someone that is familiar with these people and groups (i.e. myself) reads your junk.

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Wow Bob that was quite the reply to my thread!

Actually I was trying to give the guy a compliment.But you seem to be more interested in lashing out at someone,anyone.

It would be interesting if someone asked Ezra what he thinks of Rush L.I wouldn't be suprised if Ezra looks up to him.Ezra definetly emulates Rush in many ways,they are both right wing lose cannons and thats enough for me to make the simularity.

If Ezra has bein ranting about ethical oil for a year now then good for him!

Is it my fault I do not regulary listen to biased radical right wing juornalists?Lets just say there is a saying "you catch more flies with sugar instead of vinegar"!

You mention I "love to hate" the right wing media that I never watch,listen to or read.Oh by the way you are making a contradictory statement,how can I start a thread about something I heard and watched on Ezras Sun TV show if I "never" listen to,watch or read the right wing media?How can I hate someone whom I do not know?I have never agreed with this person true but to actually hate him?Thats pretty strong and false!

And then you say I write junk.Junk?Really?!?I sence much conflict within you!


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My observation is quite simple, you know very little about Ezra Levant and Rush Limbaugh, as is evidenced by you realizing, today, that Ezra Levant is advocating the case for a morally superior oil product coming from Canada when compared to oil coming from Arab/Muslim majority countries. He's been going on about this for a year, yet you've just noticed this? That tells us that you are very unfamiliar with Ezra Levant. Of course this lack of familiarity doesn't stop you from trying to drop false parallels between him and Rush Limbaugh.

Does Ezra Levant look up to or admire Rush Limbaugh? I don't know, you'd have to ask Ezra Levant. I have spent many, many, many hours reading and listening to both Ezra Levant and Rush Limbaugh, and they are certainly not one in the same. Again, don't let your own ignorance stop you from pretending to be familiar with these two media figures. You might actually fool other ignorant posters who, just like you, only know Ezra Levant and Rush Limbaugh through the filter of the liberal media, rather than having spent any amount of time actually listening to or reading their own opinions in their own words.

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I was watching Ezra last night on Sun TV(Ezra by the way is Canadas Rush Limbaugh)and his topic was about ethical oil.

Ezra claims the EU is/has condemned oil sands oil for environmental reasons,but still uses Saudi oil with a clear conscious. Despite Saudi human rights violations(in summary).

He also rants about Canadas role in Libya.

Levant makes a good argument (though I question its intent...is it an argument more concerned with ethics or more with Alberta oil profits?). However, it is a slippery slope that he can't maintain. If one wants to say Saudi Arabian oil is unethical and we should wean off of it because it allows Western support for horrible regimes, then we must also acknowledge all of the vast number of products that Canadians depend on that come (in whole or in part)from countries/governments with poor human rights records. If the West takes a stand against products/resources from China, or other countries with authoritative regimes in Africa, Asia, or Latin America, then people of the West would literally have to give up the shirts off their backs and the homes they live in.

It's quite sad to realize that in order to live even remotely close to what most would deem ethical, Canadians/Westerners would have to suffer a gigantic reduction in their standard of living.

- Also, Levant has even written a book on ethical oil.

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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I have to agree with you Moonlight.

A good example would be the US!

The US has the highest incarciration rate in the world!If that isn't a human rights violation then non exist!

Thanx for injecting some reality into the debate!


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Levant makes a good argument (though I question its intent...is it an argument more concerned with ethics or more with Alberta oil profits?). However, it is a slippery slope that he can't maintain. If one wants to say Saudi Arabian oil is unethical and we should wean off of it because it allows Western support for horrible regimes, then we must also acknowledge all of the vast number of products that Canadians depend on that come (in whole or in part)from countries/governments with poor human rights records. If the West takes a stand against products/resources from China, or other countries with authoritative regimes in Africa, Asia, or Latin America, then its people would literally have to give up the shirts off their backs and the homes they live in.

It's quite sad to realize that in order to live even remotely close to what most would deem ethical, Canadians/Westerners would have to suffer a gigantic reduction in their standard of living.

- Also, Levant has even written a book on ethical oil.

You're wrong on every count. This lie of yours that somehow if the West (specifically America) chooses to purchase Albertan oil over alternatives from tyrannies and non-free countries like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, then the West should necessarily stop purchasing other products tyrannies and non-free countrieswithout reasonable Western alternatives, is ridiculous.

The point is simple, Albertan oil is an ethical alternative to oil from, say, Saudi Arabia. You then mention that we get a great deal of other products from China, which has a poor human rights record. Well, if you can point us in the direction of comparable alternatives to toasters and laptops from Western manufacturers, then we're all ears. Since no reasonable alternative exists at these time for many of these products that are typically manufactured in China and other poorer countries, you're making a stupid comparison between our purchasing of these products Levant's "ethical oil" argument.

And what the hell would be wrong with him being concerned with the profits of North American oil companies? He's a political commentator, not a CEO. I sure hope any patriotic Canadian would advocate for purchasing Canadian options over foreign alternatives where reasonable (quality and price being comparable, of course). It's so predictable and pathetic how leftists like you throw around "profit" as if it's a bad word.

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You're wrong on every count. This lie of yours that somehow if the West (specifically America) chooses to purchase Albertan oil over alternatives from tyrannies and non-free countries like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, then the West should necessarily stop purchasing other products tyrannies and non-free countrieswithout reasonable Western alternatives, is ridiculous.


Lie ? How can a suggestion be a lie ? Your very post asserts that MG made a suggestion.

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Does Ezra Levant look up to or admire Rush Limbaugh? I don't know, you'd have to ask Ezra Levant. I have spent many, many, many hours reading and listening to both Ezra Levant and Rush Limbaugh, and they are certainly not one in the same. Again, don't let your own ignorance stop you from pretending to be familiar with these two media figures. You might actually fool other ignorant posters who, just like you, only know Ezra Levant and Rush Limbaugh through the filter of the liberal media

Why am I not suprised?

Oh OK so when Ezra insults other journalists and goes on an anti Islamic rant it is the fault of the liberal media?

Do you think I have based my opinion of Elezra from left wing media reports or from actually watching and listening to him?

If you know so much about Limbaugh and Ezra than why don't you write a book about them?


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Lie ? How can a suggestion be a lie ? Your very post asserts that MG made a suggestion.

Reading comprehension isn't one of your strong suits, apparently. The implication was the lie, and the implication was that there was a slippery slope involved with the "ethical oil" argumentation where we would have to, in the interests of consistency, cease purchasing all forms of goods and services from countries with poor human rights records. Of course this implication is a lie because the "ethical oil" argument provides for a reasonable alternative - the same oil, produced with less emissions, at a very similar price. There are no such alternatives with respect to the plethora of products we purchase from countries like China. Moreover, Saudi Arabia and other Arab/Muslim majority states actively sponsor murder campaigns via Islamic terrorism against the West. This isn't the case, as directly, with countries like China and Venezuela.

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This is what you wrote:

You're wrong on every count. This lie of yours that somehow if the West (specifically America) chooses to purchase Albertan oil over alternatives from tyrannies and non-free countries like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, then the West should necessarily stop purchasing other products tyrannies and non-free countrieswithout reasonable Western alternatives, is ridiculous.

Sorry for my comprehension, please show me the lie, thanks.

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Why am I not suprised?

Oh OK so when Ezra insults other journalists and goes on an anti Islamic rant it is the fault of the liberal media?

Do you think I have based my opinion of Elezra from left wing media reports or from actually watching and listening to him?

If you know so much about Limbaugh and Ezra than why don't you write a book about them?


So Ezra Levant ridiculing the CBC's blatant politicization is now nothing more than "insulting other journalists"? His criticism of Islamic terrorism and its team of domestic apologists (which I imagine you're a card-carrying member of) is now the same as an "anti-Islamic" rant?

Remember folks, criticizing the reporting, and lack thereof, from what Levant refers to as the "consensus media" is no "insulting other journalists", and nothing more. Criticizing Islamist front organizations like CAIR and the CIC is now nothing more than being "anti-Islamic". Great discussion we've got here.

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You may disagree with the concept of slippery slope, but that doesn't make it a lie.

Ah, the robot that is Michael Hardner strikes again. What's sad is that even when it comes to technicalities, such as whether or not Moonlight Graham was lying (or, at best, dead wrong), you can't get it right.

As has been observed before, it's quite funny how you stroll around here and fancy yourself as some sort of arbiter over what constitutes rational argumentation, fairness, and accuracy. In your world, leftists are entitled to their own version of the truth.

In the words of the liar Robert Reich, "I claim no truth higher than my own perceptions".

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So Ezra Levant ridiculing the CBC's blatant politicization is now nothing more than "insulting other journalists"? His criticism of Islamic terrorism and its team of domestic apologists (which I imagine you're a card-carrying member of) is now the same as an "anti-Islamic" rant?

Remember folks, criticizing the reporting, and lack thereof, from what Levant refers to as the "consensus media" is no "insulting other journalists", and nothing more. Criticizing Islamist front organizations like CAIR and the CIC is now nothing more than being "anti-Islamic". Great discussion we've got here.

Where in the world did you get that from man?!?!

Did I ever suggest anything about the CBC?

I am refering to an episode of "The Agenda" hosted by Steven Pakin on TVO.

Ezra was on the panel,along with other journalists discussing an increase in royalty fees the provincial government of Alberta was imposing on oil companies operating within the province.

And yes Ezra did insult the other journalists and behaved in an unethical manner.I found his comments offensive,unproductive and detrimental to an interesting and productville debate.

As far as the other comments you are making about CAIR and CIC,what are you freekin talking about?


Edited by WWWTT
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Ah, the robot that is Michael Hardner strikes again. What's sad is that even when it comes to technicalities, such as whether or not Moonlight Graham was lying (or, at best, dead wrong), you can't get it right.

As has been observed before, it's quite funny how you stroll around here and fancy yourself as some sort of arbiter over what constitutes rational argumentation, fairness, and accuracy. In your world, leftists are entitled to their own version of the truth.

In the words of the liar Robert Reich, "I claim no truth higher than my own perceptions".

You make mistake after mistake and still only find faults in others.

There's a big difference between a lie and a mistake. I'm actually charged with facilitating discussion here... and Ibwill occasionally help posters such as yourself improve...

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The problem with Ezra is that he rightfully criticizes SA for HR abuses, but does not recognize the human (and animal) impact of environmental destruction in Alberta

Since real human rights abuses are comparable to imaginary problems resulting from oil sands development in Alberta. unless you mean the "human impact" of creating jobs and wealth in Alberta as a result of this development, just as is done in Saudi Arabia?

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You may disagree with the concept of slippery slope, but that doesn't make it a lie.

He does'nt disagree with a slippery slope arguement...

Just THIS slippery slope arguement because it allow Bobby to go off on his pseudointellectual (and self aggrandising) rant about the "creepy left"...

He loves slippery slope stuff...

Look at his fear of Islam and his dehumanizing polemnics...

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