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Perry in 2012?

Guest Derek L

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All right, let's compare 0bama to Perry.

0bama: Quit being state senator where he voted record number of spineless "PRESENT" to run for U.S. Senate.

Quit U.S. Senate where he racked up the most liberal voting record to run for President, based ONLY on one rousing speech, designed to appeal to freeloaders.

Perry: Elected Governor (several times) of one of the most populous states. Created more jobs than any other governor, never mind 'President' 0bama.

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When one side tries to silence the other side it only reveals the total lack of confidence in the strength of its position.

If "Intelligent Design" is so ridiculous, the promoters of Evolution ONLY, should be comfortable enough knowing/guessing that the other side is so untenable that it would be laughed out of any and all classrooms.

So, why are they panicking?

They are laughing Intelligent Design out of the classrooms. That's because it's laughable.

So all is good, yes?

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In what way? You think his "pray to Jesus to save the economy" will work better than what Obama's doing?

Nope, it has nothing to do with praying, and everything to do with policy. Have you seen what Obama is doing? His economic policy is a giant wet blanket on the enitre American economy. I just don't see the Republican nominee, even Rick Perry, carrying on Obama's destructive policies. What's your favourite Obama economic policy?

Is it the new massive Obamacare regulatory burden hitting small, medium and large businesses?

Is it the new proposed tax on millionaires?

Is it the new tax on all medical devices?

Is it his proposed cap and trade system, and the EPA's implementation to make America Kyoto compliant?

Is it Obama's moritorium on all offshore drilling and exploration? Which has sent new and existing rigs to South America, taking their investment, jobs, and tax revenue with them?

Is it Obama's litigation on American businesses, like Gibson Guitar, and especially Boeing, that wants to build a new plant in the United States but for some reason, but Obama administration has a problem with the state they want to build in, as if it's any of their business.

Barack Obama makes Dalton McGuinty look like an economic genius.

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The last time the U.S. required vaccination without exception--a true mandate--was during World War I. Today, all states except Mississippi and West Virginia have procedures which allow parents to exempt their children from state vaccination requirements on the basis of religious and/or personal beliefs. link

We have something similar. Of course, if the kid isn't vaccinated for certain common diseases then he doesn't go to school and grows up to be as ignorant and backward as his parents.

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When one side tries to silence the other side it only reveals the total lack of confidence in the strength of its position.

If "Intelligent Design" is so ridiculous, the promoters of Evolution ONLY, should be comfortable enough knowing/guessing that the other side is so untenable that it would be laughed out of any and all classrooms.

So, why are they panicking?

Children generally don't have the judgement to realize stuff they're being taught is nonsense.

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Nope, it has nothing to do with praying, and everything to do with policy. Have you seen what Obama is doing? His economic policy is a giant wet blanket on the enitre American economy.

I've never had much enthusiasm for Obama. I thought he needn't a lot more seasoning before becoming president, and I believe events since have proved me correct.

That being said, Bush was a disaster too, and Perry looks like a dumber, harsher, meaner version of Bush.

Edited by Argus
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You mean before the Republicans wrecked the economy?

Nonsense. Bad mortgage policy regarding loans to people that didn't qualify and couldn't pay them back. Also, a lowering of lending standards by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae which had nothing to do with Republicans. Who in fact, tried to address those standards twice in congress, but were blocked by Democrats and called racist and hating poor people. Your talking point has no basis in reality.

I've never had much enthusiasm for Obama. I thought he needn't a lot more seasoning before becoming president, and I believe events since have proved me correct.

That being said, Bush was a disaster too, and Perry looks like a dumber, harsher, meaner version of Bush.

I'm sure people would love the average of 5% unemployment, and the average of a $200 billion dollar deficit of the Bush disaster than the 9% unemployment and the $1.5 trillion dollar deficit of the Messiah Barack Obama. Who not only inherited a bad economy, but has managed to make things much, much worse.

Obama's clearly a dumber version of Rick Perry. Latest evidence. Only 9 months ago, Obama claimed that you don't raise taxes during a recession. Now, his latest "jobs" proposal raises taxes by over a trillion dollars. This guy is beyond dumb. I think he might actually be retarded.

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Having a whopping big oil industry will do that for you.

The price of oil has generally went down per barrel over the last few years, which affects employment in that industry……a lot of the jobs going to Texas have been white collar ones from other states as corporations move their headquarters to a more tax friendly environment….

Edited by Derek L
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My personal scoring for tonight’s GOP debate

Paul/Johnson/Bachmann: Bat shit crazy….full stop

Herman Cain: I think me might have gained a glacial amount of traction with his 9-9-9 plan…..still to needs to be vetted……I doubt he’ll go anywhere on the top of a ticket….maybe someone’s VP

Newt: The guy reminds me of an uncle……Sharp witted and funny………Like Cain, doubt he’ll go anywhere except as a VP candidate

Rick Santorum: I think he too might have got a little bit of traction in tonight’s debate……In my view, especially with regards to his stance on Don’t ask, don’t tell, on the extreme edge of social conservatives……I’m Conservative, and he puts me off……….Again, I don’t think he’ll be at the top of a ticket, but if Romney wins the nomination (as a moderate), Santorum might help him

Mitt Romney: I don’t like the guy, but I think he made a good show of himself.

John Huntsman: Not sure about this guy……Don’t know enough, he seems moderate and likeable…..I think he has the most creditability on foreign issues…..maybe a good Sec State?

Rick Perry: Think he did alright tonight……I think stumbled slightly on the Foreign Affairs question and illegal immigration…and his weak attack on Romney……I think a Cain or Newt paired with him might make a good combination.

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Interesting opinion piece:


Raises a good point, with the constant attacks aimed at each other by both Perry and Romney, could they wear each other down to the point that they both become liabilities to the party…….And will one of the current contenders come up the middle? Could others join the race late, and capitalise………Chris Christie….maybe Palin……..Or what about Rudy Guliani?

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Between Perry and Bachmann, it seems like the Republicans are determined to choose a candidate that actually makes people look back on George W Bush as an intellectual and a moderate.

Well, I was right in my assessment that by comparison Rick Perry would end up making George W Bush look like an intellectual.

But wrong in thinking that Republicans would vote for him anyway. Over the past few months his stock has fallen in a way not seen since the collapse of Nortel, even prior to this week's comedy performance. He's been so bad that even most of his evangelical supporters have left him-- truly a case of rats leaving a sinking ship.

However, if somehow Jesus intervenes and helps Rick secure the nomination, I think it is obvious that he should select Miss South Carolina as his VP candidate.


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I can't remember where I read this, but one commentator was suggesting that Perry and Palin have both failed for the same reason. This writer argued that it was their lack of experience that made them look like idiots. The number of topics that a presidential candidate needs to discuss at length is actually quite staggering when you stop and think about it. Many people can't even put together an opinion on all of them, let alone argue about them in a debate. Mitt Romney has been discussing these topics for many, many years. He has discussed and debate these ideas thousands of times. Palin and Perry on the otherhand have (had in Palin's case) very little experience. It's not enough to debate these things for 6 months or a year. You need to talk about them on a regular basis for many years before it becomes second-nature. I really wish I could remember who wrote the article, but he/she gave the example of a teacher. In the first couple years, teachers sometimes have blunders when giving their lessons. It takes a few years before their presentations run seamlessly without any hitches. I think this problem makes sense for Perry and Palin both. It's not that they're stupid. The problem is that it's a public performance that they're inexperienced in giving.

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