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Ontario Fall election

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They may, they may not! Shouldn't this be considered as a factor?

Well, if they are then all polls would be equally flawed and would be off by the same statistical margin and the polls would still properly reflect trends. Some people who answer polls don't vote, some people like myself answer complete garbage to their true opinion.

The only 100% correct poll is the election result. All others can catch trends in the electorate but will never be perfect.

Edited by MiddleClassCentrist
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Well, if they are then all polls would be equally flawed and would be off by the same statistical margin and the polls would still properly reflect trends.

How much math did you take at school? Equally flawed still means an accurate result?

Suppose twice as many conservative supporters hung up than NDP or Liberal ones. That would mean that the number of conservative votes cast could be as much as double what the polls foretold!

I agree that the only poll that counts is the election itself but still, most professional polling companies usually are fairly accurate.

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I think this election I may even vote liberal, although I would have to hold my nose pretty darn hard. Hudak's plan to GPS track 16,000 people (sex offenders or not) seems pretty bad to me. Obviously Hogwarts isn't worthy of consideration. Try though they might to package themselves libertarian the NDP is still clearly the party of socialism. McGuinty has been pretty bad, but Hudak might just be worse. Better than the nanny state than the police state.

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I think this election I may even vote liberal, although I would have to hold my nose pretty darn hard. Hudak's plan to GPS track 16,000 people (sex offenders or not) seems pretty bad to me.

I take it you're a sex offender then? Why is this a bad thing? Those people gave up a great deal of their freedom.

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Why is it a bad idea for the government to put GPS tracking devices on citizens? Gee, I wonder. No I am not a sexual offender, am not on the list, have never committed any sexual crimes... just someone who is greatly concerned about individual liberty. If these people are actually a threat to children they should be locked up, not roaming the streets. But the real issue is this is where it starts... you take an outcast group (people on the sexual offenders list) and begin there. Then people accept the idea and it goes further. It's the growth of the surveillance state. We already have police spying on us because of the war on drugs, tapping our phones, doing illegal searches. Now the government is going to start tracking people electronically. Then there will be cameras on every street corner. Then the government will force ISPs to record everyone's IP addresses. There will be no privacy, the state and it's agents will be able to use this information for whatever purposes they want. What ever happened to the dream of living in a free society?

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Why is it a bad idea for the government to put GPS tracking devices on citizens? Gee, I wonder. No I am not a sexual offender, am not on the list, have never committed any sexual crimes... just someone who is greatly concerned about individual liberty. If these people are actually a threat to children they should be locked up, not roaming the streets.

They're sex offenders. That doesn't necessarily have anything to do with children. Also, provinces don't make criminal law, so they don't get to decide how long sentences are.

Oh, and it isn't as if they are planning to put ankle bracelets on everyone. There's no nuance to your positions, is there?

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I wouldn't put it past them to be planning on putting ankle bracelets on everybody some day. This is how it starts. Soon it will be "put on your GPS device, why not, do you have something to hide?". Just like we let the police tap our phones, or search our houses, our vehicles. Just the other day I was stopped by a cope and he ransacked through my pockets, searched through my wallet. But no one says anything, no one does anything, because we're all afraid, because no one wants to defend possibly bad people, because we are all scared little children willing to bow down before the state if it makes us feel one iota safer.

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I wouldn't put it past them to be planning on putting ankle bracelets on everybody some day.

You've really got this Hudak guy pegged, don't you Zach.

Just like we let the police tap our phones, or search our houses, our vehicles. Just the other day I was stopped by a cope and he ransacked through my pockets, searched through my wallet.

Have you had these types of interactions with cops a lot Zach?

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You've really got this Hudak guy pegged, don't you Zach.

Have you had these types of interactions with cops a lot Zach?

Far too often. Once I got arrested for pissing in public. Can you believe that? Man has been doing so for millions of years, but the pigs felt it was okay to throw me in jail because I needed to empty my bladder. We have too many police, and when they get bored or want to feel a little power they go around harassing innocent citizens like myself. I have been the victim of false arrest about a dozen times in my life. And yes, I have Hudak pegged, like all politicians he wants to spend more of my money in order to aggrandize his own power. He is scum, like all politicians. Total scum.

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I wouldn't put it past them to be planning on putting ankle bracelets on everybody some day. This is how it starts. Soon it will be "put on your GPS device, why not, do you have something to hide?". Just like we let the police tap our phones, or search our houses, our vehicles. Just the other day I was stopped by a cope and he ransacked through my pockets, searched through my wallet. But no one says anything, no one does anything, because we're all afraid, because no one wants to defend possibly bad people, because we are all scared little children willing to bow down before the state if it makes us feel one iota safer.

And of course we aren't intelligent enough to only track the people who's behavior warrants it...no more than we generally only put people in prison after they have been convicted of a crime..sigh. You should offer your home as a sex offender sanctuary seeing as you feel their pain.

To make it clear, these are CONVICTED criminals.

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Just listing to a radio station in SW Ontario and many people are saying that Hudak are stealing ideas from the NDP and the Libs and have very litle of his own. I personally think he turning into another John Tory. Any candidate that would get rid of jobs no matter how they are generated and is running for office has to be crazy or stupid and not fit for the office of Premier, especially on Ontario. I'm surprised on how many callers on the radio, are saying they would seriously look towards the NDP because she has her own ideas about jobs and HOW to create them. Hudak, supported Harris in everything he did, and I don't think Ontarians want to go back to those days.

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I think this election I may even vote liberal, although I would have to hold my nose pretty darn hard. Hudak's plan to GPS track 16,000 people (sex offenders or not) seems pretty bad to me. Obviously Hogwarts isn't worthy of consideration. Try though they might to package themselves libertarian the NDP is still clearly the party of socialism. McGuinty has been pretty bad, but Hudak might just be worse. Better than the nanny state than the police state.

If you truly believe in what you say, you must not have studied what happened at Caledonia. Before you vote Liberal I suggest you do a bit of googling. McGuinty took the most basic function of government away from an entire town - the protection of Law! Instead, he applied it capriciously, according to his own political advantage. The electricity was 'blowed up' for a few days, to the entire region. What little law enforcement that happened was applied differently according to racist principles. An old man was beaten with a 2x4 and left with permanent brain damage. An old couple were assaulted in their car, sending the old man to the hospital with heart problems. Cars were pushed off from overpasses. TV cameramen were beaten up and robbed of their equipment, in full view of the OPP, who did NOTHING! They were rescued by private citizens.

People living close but not over into the disputed lands would be terrorized by young native hoodlums and thugs. They would call the police, only to be told "We won't come out! You're on your own!"

I'm rather classic liberal/libertarian myself, Zachary. Yet as I've said before, I would vote for a pedophile before I would ever vote for McGuinty and his government!

I invite you to investigate for yourself.

Edited by Wild Bill
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I think this election I may even vote liberal, although I would have to hold my nose pretty darn hard. Hudak's plan to GPS track 16,000 people (sex offenders or not) seems pretty bad to me. Obviously Hogwarts isn't worthy of consideration. Try though they might to package themselves libertarian the NDP is still clearly the party of socialism. McGuinty has been pretty bad, but Hudak might just be worse. Better than the nanny state than the police state.

I wonder if you had children and and a pervert or two moved into your neighbourhood. It's very disturbing what happens to children's lives when they are preyed upon. I think it's a good program, as there is no cure for these people so we have to look out where they are.

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The CBC has issued a provincial version of its federal vote compass.


Once you have answered all questions, your answers are tabulated and a graph shows where you fit in the political spectrum. I was placed in the economic right of the graph.

A statistic is provided on how much you agree with the parties.

My result:

PC 75%

Green 56%

Liberal 50%

NDP 35%

Statistic on your overall rating of the leaders (I suppose that's out of a possible total of 10):

My result:

Hudak 5.3

Horwath 1.7

McGuinty 0.7

The CBC may have learned a lesson over the criticism of their federal vote compass. This one seems way less partisan.

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I wonder if you had children and and a pervert or two moved into your neighbourhood. It's very disturbing what happens to children's lives when they are preyed upon. I think it's a good program, as there is no cure for these people so we have to look out where they are.

One must look out for and stand up for themselves and their interests - which also includes property - Childern are the product of your body - and being so are YOUR property - There are some unsavory folks in my hood - as I leave my home and if I run into one - I look them in the eye and they know - if they rob me - break into my home - or harm any child or elder - They will have to deal with me....You have to take resonsiblity for what is yours and your turf - Government is ill equipped and protect everyone...YOU are resonsible for your kids...no one else - NONE of my children who are now grown have ever been subject to harm -because I am and are hyper vigilant...You even think of bring harm to a little one and you will regret it...men must act like men and not expect an ankle bracelet connected to some computer to ensure safety.

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One must look out for and stand up for themselves and their interests - which also includes property - Childern are the product of your body - and being so are YOUR property - There are some unsavory folks in my hood - as I leave my home and if I run into one - I look them in the eye and they know - if they rob me - break into my home - or harm any child or elder - They will have to deal with me....You have to take resonsiblity for what is yours and your turf - Government is ill equipped and protect everyone...YOU are resonsible for your kids...no one else - NONE of my children who are now grown have ever been subject to harm -because I am and are hyper vigilant...You even think of bring harm to a little one and you will regret it...men must act like men and not expect an ankle bracelet connected to some computer to ensure safety.

We shouldn't have to walk or drive our children everywhere they have to go. It was never done until a few years ago. Children should be able to be free to play and walk to school on their own without sickos waiting to prey on them.

Do what they have to , to keep them away from the public they contribute nothing to society.

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We shouldn't have to walk or drive our children everywhere they have to go. It was never done until a few years ago. Children should be able to be free to play and walk to school on their own without sickos waiting to prey on them.

Do what they have to , to keep them away from the public they contribute nothing to society.

You realize the vast majority of child molesters and paedos are not strangers in white vans, but stepfathers, uncles, priests and others known to the families.

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Hudak is worrisome - to come right out of the gates and go for the potential spite vote by bringing up the idea of having prisoners turned into slaves - sure hurt his image as far as being an inovative or intelligent potential leader...He showed lazyness and a lack of real ability....what did he do - go for the manual that stated "when you have nothing to offer- stimulate the hate in the populace? He is a disappointment...Maybe he just needs better advisors - and who ever told him to appeal to the worst parts of human nature - SHOULD BE FIRED IMMEDIATELY!

Yeah---- it's that hidden agenda.

<Look how badly harper has done with HIS hidden agenda. (???)

I knew those damn Conservatives would screw us up---- and I'm watching for it--- I hope Hudak gets in here so I can watch it happen here.--- I hope he's as honest as McPremier------and believe me that's pretty damn hard. No one can twist a tongue as well as Dulltone--- he's tha best-------------at that

sure hurt his image as far as being an inovative
Damn that guy--- he expects prisoners to WORK???? why do you think they are in there--- Never happen.

I'll bet he doesn't get a lot of votes from prisoners------- just imagine that--- making these guys work for their stay in the pokey--- the nerve of him.

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Though I have no dog in it.....I took the vote compass test

Not surprising

PC 76%

GRN 55%

LIB 45%

NDP 29%

What made me do a double take, was how close I came to the Ontario Green Party.....Is it really that "right" leaning?

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Yeah---- it's that hidden agenda.

<Look how badly harper has done with HIS hidden agenda. (???)

I knew those damn Conservatives would screw us up---- and I'm watching for it--- I hope Hudak gets in here so I can watch it happen here.--- I hope he's as honest as McPremier------and believe me that's pretty damn hard. No one can twist a tongue as well as Dulltone--- he's tha best-------------at that

Damn that guy--- he expects prisoners to WORK???? why do you think they are in there--- Never happen.

I'll bet he doesn't get a lot of votes from prisoners------- just imagine that--- making these guys work for their stay in the pokey--- the nerve of him.

Yuk, yuk. Did you see this?

A Tory trifecta in Ontario would be bad for your health system, Premier Dalton McGuinty says.

"I've observed them at close hand for 21 years. I've seen the whites of their eyes,"


Premier Dad is a laugh a minute. :lol:

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