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Yes, she has been dabbling in taking control of her destiny, but I think she is about to become a badass.

This assumes Stannis loses another battle.

Should the Bolton's lose then her role in The Game of Throne is a replacement for Rob Stark to again rally the north against the Lanisters.

And with Brienne wanting Sansa's likely saviour dead we have a delicious conflict of interest coming up.

The whole Bolton thing is getter tired, they're not very good at the whole "ruling" thing. Hopefully Ramsay, and the lot, get a satisfying exit from the show.

From what I gather Sansa being in Winterfell is completely new. So the way this turns out is all up to each person's speculation.

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About the game of thrones. I've watched it from the beginning up to the last episode and I can say that, yes there are a lot of nudity and violence, but it shows us that time, that era. But overall that's a great story with love and hope, truth etc. don't think it's too bad

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This assumes Stannis loses another battle.

I don't think Stannis is interested in occupying Winterfell for a significant amount of time.

From what I gather Sansa being in Winterfell is completely new. So the way this turns out is all up to each person's speculation.

Yep, this storyline line is about to go beyond the books.
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I don't think Stannis is interested in occupying Winterfell for a significant amount of time.

No but he's going to take the Bolton out. So Sansa becomes the Wardeness of the North by default.

I believe both Little Finger and Brienne are going to be killed by the end of this season leaving Sansa's storyline up there solo.

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No but he's going to take the Bolton out. So Sansa becomes the Wardeness of the North by default.

I believe both Little Finger and Brienne are going to be killed by the end of this season leaving Sansa's storyline up there solo.

I think Stannis will take Winterfell but one or both of the Boltons will get away.

I think Brienne is going to end up at the Wall and will either head North next year to link up with Bran and company or will be tasked with retrieving Rickon (remember him?)

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I think Stannis will take Winterfell but one or both of the Boltons will get away.

I think Brienne is going to end up at the Wall and will either head North next year to link up with Bran and company or will be tasked with retrieving Rickon (remember him?)

I suppose Reek will reveal that he didn't actually kill Bran and Rickon. It's been confirmed that there' no Bran this season. By the time he comes back he'll have a hipster beard.

Brienne vowed to kill Stannis, Stannis is an ally of Jon Snow now. Sansa's not going to have Brienne kill him.

I'm assuming Jon Snow and the other Ginger Wildling's army will come in and save Stannis at the last minute or something.

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I suppose Reek will reveal that he didn't actually kill Bran and Rickon. It's been confirmed that there' no Bran this season. By the time he comes back he'll have a hipster beard.

Brienne vowed to kill Stannis, Stannis is an ally of Jon Snow now. Sansa's not going to have Brienne kill him.

I'm assuming Jon Snow and the other Ginger Wildling's army will come in and save Stannis at the last minute or something.

Jon Snow going North also sets up a potential sort-of family reunion next season.

I'm pretty sure based on the pre-season trailer for the show that Brienne is gonna end up at the wall.

Been thinking about this and there's a couple of threads hanging that need to come through:

1. Theon's sister. Are we done with the Ironborn after that aborted rescue attempt last season?

2. Brotherhood Without Banners: Tyrion mentioned Thoros of Myr this season: will everyone's favourite red priest and flaming-sword-wielding zombie outlaws be back or are they going to just fade into the background?

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Jon Snow going North also sets up a potential sort-of family reunion next season.

I'm pretty sure based on the pre-season trailer for the show that Brienne is gonna end up at the wall.

Been thinking about this and there's a couple of threads hanging that need to come through:

1. Theon's sister. Are we done with the Ironborn after that aborted rescue attempt last season?

2. Brotherhood Without Banners: Tyrion mentioned Thoros of Myr this season: will everyone's favourite red priest and flaming-sword-wielding zombie outlaws be back or are they going to just fade into the background?

Well this is the problem with Martin's books apparently. So many threads. He must have some end game in mind, but this show will probably be uninteresting and 10 season's long by the time he's done.

The makers of the show have streamlined everything.

Thoros of Myr is also of the same religion as Melissandre. That's where it could come back together.

With Theon/Reek in play that leaves an avenue for the Iron Born to play a factor again.

I actually find it kind of interesting how irrelevant the Lannisters have become so quickly. Cersei used her power to undermine the power of the King and enrage their strongest Ally by letting the Westboro Baptist Church have power in King's Landing. They're about to start a war with Dorne as well.

Tywin really was the glue that held that incest-loving lot together.

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Well this is the problem with Martin's books apparently. So many threads. He must have some end game in mind, but this show will probably be uninteresting and 10 season's long by the time he's done.

The makers of the show have streamlined everything.

Thoros of Myr is also of the same religion as Melissandre. That's where it could come back together.

With Theon/Reek in play that leaves an avenue for the Iron Born to play a factor again.

I actually find it kind of interesting how irrelevant the Lannisters have become so quickly. Cersei used her power to undermine the power of the King and enrage their strongest Ally by letting the Westboro Baptist Church have power in King's Landing. They're about to start a war with Dorne as well.

Tywin really was the glue that held that incest-loving lot together.

They've streamlined things, but also made some serious digressions ie. Sansa at Winterfell, Ser Barristan dying, Seer Friendzone getting greyscale etc etc.

I think it's quite possible we've seen the last of the Ironborn. Yara left planning to tell her father that Theon was dead. Having them come along and help Stannis wipe out the Boltons would be an awesome twist, but I won't hold my breath. That's another change from the books: the Ironborn are set to be major players in the books.

re: Lannisters. Yeah that was always the case. ironically for them, the best possible candidate for keeping the family from fading completely is the guy who killed dear old dad on the crapper.

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welp... that just happened. We knew it was coming, but it was still tough to watch. I wonder if Theon has a breaking point? I wonder if Sansa's return has reminded him that he used to be human. I wonder if the Maesters know any good abortifacients.

So... Loras and Maergery are in jail, Lord Tyrell is in Braavos in the care of Cersei's goon Trant, And Lady Tyrell is stuck in King's Landing. Are there any Tyrells left at Highgarden? Lady Tyrell is in a really vulnerable situation at the moment... she could end up in irons for jaywalking if Cersei feels like it.

On the other hand, the Lannisters are broke and have no allies left if a fight breaks out. She called Littlefinger to town to ask if she can depend on troops from the Vale if war breaks out, then promptly agrees to let him take those troops to Winterfell. Cersei could wind up in huge trouble. I don't think she has any idea how dangerous the Queen of Thorns actually is.

Why is Cersei even doing this? She got what she wanted. Her little darling is firmly installed on the throne. She should be Freedom 55ing instead of picking a fight with the Tyrells. I notice that just like in season one she thinks she has obtained ultimate leverage by putting her rivals in the hands of deranged zealots, but just like season one I don't think she has any more control over the Sparrows than she had over Joffrey. If the Sparrows decide that Loras and Maergery are to be executed, things will go sideways for her just as when Joffrey had Ned executed. And I can't imagine how Tommen will react if Maergery is executed, but I doubt he'll forgive Cersei for her role in this.

Sooo what's Littlefinger up to this time? Why does he want to take troops from the Vale to Winterfell? It seemed as if he had worked out a way to win without putting any cards on the table and without spending a dime. What's his motivation for getting personally involved? It's not really his style. I am guessing his angle is that if Stannis is winning then he assists Stannis to establish himself as an ally, offers to wed Sansa and be the new Warden of the North and support Stan's march south. On the other hand if the Boltons defeat Stannis then Littlefinger can swoop in to finish the job.

It looks like Jaime and Bronn have some esplainin to do. On the bright side, at least they foiled the abduction attempt, so they've got that going for them.

And Arya finally got to find out what's behind door #2! That was visually pretty stunning and kind of gave me chills.


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So I guess the Internet is mad Sansa got raped.

After last season's Cersi\Jamie thing, is the show too eager to use rape to make a point?

Neither rapes were in the books BTW.

I think it's just an effective way to make Ramsay the next big heel of the show. Had they consummated their marriage with consensual sex, his evilness might not be as tangible.

One could argue at this point he's worse than Joffry.

Best line of the episode BTW, "The Dwarf lives until we find a suitable cock merchant". I reckon a cock merchant is a recession proof job.

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Unlike the Jaime/Cersei thing, I think that Sansa's ordeal was organic to the story. How else could wedding night with Ramsay have gone? Short of Theon snapping or Brienne bursting through a window to save her, there was no getting around it.

Sansa knew that she was going to have to consummate the marriage. She knew it when Littlefinger pitched the plan to her, and she went ahead with it. She accepted it as part of the price she was going to pay to avenge her family. I question the use of the word rape in this instance, because while it was obviously awful and painful, I believe that she willingly endured it. Sansa, like many other royal offspring in the story, understands that her reproductive organs aren't for love, they're for strategy. If Robb Stark had figured that out, he'd still have his head. It was painful for her and she hated every second of it, but it was part of her plan.

It was upsetting to watch, and perhaps they could have made it less upsetting for the viewer, but that has never been their style. From Oberyn getting his brain exploded to Robb Stark's wife being stabbed in the belly, they have never pulled punches to spare the viewer's feelings.

On the issue of Theon being forced to watch... if I recall, there's actually a Westeros precedent for "bedding parties". Robb Stark and his wife discussed it at the Red Wedding when Edmure and his bride were carried off. Without witnesses, there's no proof that the marriage was really consumated, apparently.


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Yeah but. RAPE CULTURE!!!!!

I guess rape is a more tangible horrific act to people, it hits home more than garden variety murder. Dunno.


Sophie Turner admits she 'secretly loved it'

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Someone enjoys watching Cersei get what's coming to her.

Like anyone with any sense of logic and not completely blinded by hubris would think that letting dogmatic religious people imprison nobles for sexual crimes would come back to bite you in the ass when you're as big a culprit as any of them.

Best scene was the Tyrion and Dany meeting. I'm thinking this all is completely new territory for the fiction, so everyone, even book readers don't know how this will turn out. Especially since Dany seemed unmoved by seeing Ser Friendzone again.

Sam finally got some. :)

Maybe it's just me, but short of perhaps Sansa and Dany, there are few women on the show that are as attractive as that one Sandsnake that showed her "weaponry" to Bronn. Too bad none of that rubbed off on the other one that talks all the time. ^_^

Did Melisandre really wanted Stannis to sacrifice Shireen. That was creepy.

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I don't get how Cersei can suddenly get captured by a couple of religious nuts. Where is the Kings Guard that used to accompany her everywhere? The Lannister armies? The unusual reaction would be to move in and kill every Sparrow. Or did Kings Landing become Salt Lake City and nobody mentioned it?

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I don't get how Cersei can suddenly get captured by a couple of religious nuts. Where is the Kings Guard that used to accompany her everywhere? The Lannister armies? The unusual reaction would be to move in and kill every Sparrow. Or did Kings Landing become Salt Lake City and nobody mentioned it?

Cersei set up the Faith Militant and armed them. The Faith has popular support. We saw last week that the Kingsguard is powerless.

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Cersei set up the Faith Militant and armed them. The Faith has popular support. We saw last week that the Kingsguard is powerless.

The Lannisters just won a war at Kings Landing. What happened to that army? There used to be tons of sellswords around- where did they go? When did Cersei and The Royals start wandering around unguarded?

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Is it just me or has this show's insistence on unhappy endings made it rather dull and predictable?

Happy Endings like what Sam got from Gilly? :)

I don't think all endings in the show are unhappy. Jon Snow, Tyrion and Dany. (who, I've heard argued are the 3 heads of the dragon) are just plodding along fine. And I'd be shocked if Sansa goes through this season being tortured by Ramsay and that's all.

I also think happy endings happen when the bad guys get what's coming to them, like last night.

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The Lannisters just won a war at Kings Landing. What happened to that army? There used to be tons of sellswords around- where did they go? When did Cersei and The Royals start wandering around unguarded?

Tommen was talking about starting a war with them. He could, but wouldn't that make things much worse.

This High Sparrow is clearly a populist and has the support of the working class, see his interactions with Lady Olenna last night.

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