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Multiculturalism, This Is Not Your Week.

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They woke up, now when will the US?

This weekend, we brought you news that British Prime Minister David Cameron announced the failure of “multiculturalism.” Now it seems he has company.

On Sunday, Cameron stated:

“We have even tolerated these segregated communities behaving in ways that run counter to our values. So when a white person holds objectionable views — racism, for example — we rightly condemn them. But when equally unacceptable views or practices have come from someone who isn’t white, we’ve been too cautious, frankly even fearful, to stand up to them.”


Read more. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/multiculturalism-this-is-not-your-week/

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They woke up, now when will the US?

Which culture do you see the US having problems with, Jake? Jewish, black, Hispanics, Asians, American Indians, Eastern Indians, Muslims (none of which present any problem in my neighborhood) or maybe it is the Mormons or the Amish. Actually, I wish the US would wake up and recognize the problems born-again Christians create for us.

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Which culture do you see the US having problems with, Jake? Jewish, black, Hispanics, Asians, American Indians, Eastern Indians, Muslims (none of which present any problem in my neighborhood) or maybe it is the Mormons or the Amish. Actually, I wish the US would wake up and recognize the problems born-again Christians create for us.

I was interested in this,so I looked into all of Jake's three (3) posts..

One is that essentially,all "liberals" ar two faced crybabies...

Two is that all Muslims are "barbarians"...

Three is this one...

Lictor,is that you??

Could we get some more missives from your Cordelia for Lear blog?

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What is this thread doing in the US category? I thought the US was the "Theodore Roosevelt melting-pot-unhyphenated" culture.

For what it's worth, this is how I have always viewed multiculturalism, as first presented by Trudeau in the House of Commons in 1971:

Mr. Speaker, I am happy this morning to be able to reveal to the House that the government has accepted all those recommendations of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism which are contained in Volume IV of its reports directed to federal departments and agencies. Hon. members will recall that the subject of this volume is "the contribution by other ethnic groups to the cultural enrichment of Canada and the measures that should be taken to safeguard that contribution".

Volume IV examined this whole question of cultural and ethnic pluralism in this country and the status of our various cultures and languages, an area of study given all too little attention in the past by scholars.

It was the view of the royal commission, shared by the government and, I am sure, by all Canadians, that there cannot be one cultural policy for Canadians of British and French origin, another for the original peoples and yet a third for all others. For although there are two official languages, there is no official culture, nor does any ethnic group take precedence over any other. No citizen or group of citizens is other than Canadian, and all should be treated fairly.


A policy of multiculturalism within a bilingual framework commends itself to the government as the most suitable means of assuring the cultural freedom of Canadians. Such a policy should help to break down discriminatory attitudes and cultural jealousies. National unity if it is to mean anything in the deeply personal sense, must be founded on confidence in one's own individual identity; out of this can grow respect for that of others and a willingness to share ideas, attitudes and assumptions. A vigorous policy of multiculturalism will help create this initial confidence. It can form the base of a society which is based on fair play for all.


In conclusion, I wish to emphasize the view of the government that a policy of multiculturalism within a bilingual framework is basically the conscious support of individual freedom of choice.

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What is this thread doing in the US category? I thought the US was the "Theodore Roosevelt melting-pot-unhyphenated" culture....

Not really...the melting pot gave way to the Salad Bowl a long time ago. The USA is a very diverse place...as Bitsy alluded to, living with Muslims is not new at all. We read Muhammad Speaks almost 50 years ago on the streets of Phildelphia.

There are more mosques in New York City than in all of Canada.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Which culture do you see the US having problems with, Jake?

Personally, I don't think there are any groups in America that are having a hard time assimilating. Not like the problems in Europe.

Actually, I wish the US would wake up and recognize the problems born-again Christians create for us.

Yeah, the world needs to wake up to the problems of those damn born-again Christians. :rolleyes: I know everytime I'm on a flight and I see one, I'm petrified.

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Personally, I don't think there are any groups in America that are having a hard time assimilating. Not like the problems in Europe.

Yeah, the world needs to wake up to the problems of those damn born-again Christians. :rolleyes: I know everytime I'm on a flight and I see one, I'm petrified.

You have that right.

At least Europe is finally waking up to the problems caused by these cultures staying in their own little communities and not trying to assimilate into the country they moved to.

That is the problem, but some in the US and Canada just don't get it. :rolleyes:

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Personally, I don't think there are any groups in America that are having a hard time assimilating. Not like the problems in Europe.

Yeah, the world needs to wake up to the problems of those damn born-again Christians. :rolleyes: I know everytime I'm on a flight and I see one, I'm petrified.

LOL Yup - those dam.ed born again Christians are blowing themselves up a lot lately, and beheading an awful lot of people.

Really, the moral relativism is right there isn't it as we have liberal American judges scrubbing all remanants of Christianity from the public square cos it's unconstitutional, as Islamist judges in the M.E. rule that Christianity to be executable.

Maybe the left just feels that life is expendable so using children as suicide bombers is just fine, but attempting to equate Christianity with radical Islamists is purely a deflection from the issue. An issue which is more focused on Europe at the moment as Canada and the U.S. do not have the same problems yet, but as we see, some of them are waking up.

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Yeah, the world needs to wake up to the problems of those damn born-again Christians. :rolleyes: I know everytime I'm on a flight and I see one, I'm petrified.

Yeah, they petrify me too when they reach in their pocket for one of their gospel tracts and start witnessing, hard to escape in the confines of the plane. However, they are even worse when they are in our classrooms revising our history, science and social study books; or in our bedrooms; or in my womb, now that is where they really frighten me.

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You have that right.

At least Europe is finally waking up to the problems caused by these cultures staying in their own little communities and not trying to assimilate into the country they moved to.

That is the problem, but some in the US and Canada just don't get it. :rolleyes:

I am still not clear which of “these cultures” we don’t get. I hate to assume which ones frighten you, although from our past association, I presume it is Muslims.

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I thought I'd add this from the WSJ.

Europe is finally (I think) waking up to the detrimental affects of official multiculuralism, that of encouraging a form of apartheid.

If N.A. can learn anything from Europe it would be that of learning to "impose" our rules and values on newcomers, tolerance is a two way street, so using thinly veiled accusations of racism no longer works because Europe's experience is a lesson we should learn from. Diversity and pluralism will only work as long there is a core understanding of what our country and values stand for.


Multiculturalism is a deeply misunderstood idea. That was one of the reasons for its political success. People were led to believe that "multiculturalism" meant multiracialism, or pluralism. It did not. Nevertheless, for years anybody who criticized multiculturalism was immediately decried as a "racist."

But the true character and effects of the policy could not be permanently hidden. State-sponsored multiculturalism treated European countries like hostelries. It judged that the state should not "impose" rules and values on newcomers. Rather, it should bend over backwards to accommodate the demands of immigrants. The resultant policy was that states treated and judged people by the criteria of whatever "community" they found themselves born into.

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I am still not clear which of “these cultures” we don’t get. I hate to assume which ones frighten you, although from our past association, I presume it is Muslims.

Some of us are multi-cultural and some of us Canadian, the thought of which frightens you, I presume.

Multi-culturalism is divisive and not inclusive. It establishes a future where it is possible that certain parts of the country will wish to secede. Essentially it does nothing for unity.

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I'm not Jake, but we can also see how you are assigning motives to a poster that are not necessarily there. People can dislike multiculturalism without being against immigration. It's how the country handles immigration and what it requires of them. Surely we can have a discussion of multicult. and immigration without the usual accusations being thrown around.

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I'm not Jake, but we can also see how you are assigning motives to a poster that are not necessarily there. People can dislike multiculturalism without being against immigration. It's how the country handles immigration and what it requires of them. Surely we can have a discussion of multicult. and immigration without the usual accusations being thrown around.

No I am definitely NOT against immigration, but I fully expect immigrants to learn the language, and customs, follow the the laws of this country and assimilate, not segregate themselves. By not doing these things, as has been evidenced by the problems in Europe, is cause for concern and problems.

Did any of you bother to watch the videos and read the articles about the chaos that is happening in Europe?

Yes, the radical islamists who preach Jihad and want Sharia law forced on the people are a huge concern for me. They should be to all of you too.


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LOL Yup - those dam.ed born again Christians are blowing themselves up a lot lately, and beheading an awful lot of people.

Really, the moral relativism is right there isn't it as we have liberal American judges scrubbing all remanants of Christianity from the public square cos it's unconstitutional, as Islamist judges in the M.E. rule that Christianity to be executable.

Maybe the left just feels that life is expendable so using children as suicide bombers is just fine, but attempting to equate Christianity with radical Islamists is purely a deflection from the issue. An issue which is more focused on Europe at the moment as Canada and the U.S. do not have the same problems yet, but as we see, some of them are waking up.

Actually, the moral relativism is from the right in the US; our Constitution is a secular document and our conservatives are attempting to rewriting it as a Christian Constitution, I say, shame on them and their moral relativism.

Radicalism is not exclusive to Islam; I see it in Christianity, I see it in ideologies, I even see it in parenting. The danger in radicalism is when it is used by people in power to gain control over the reasoned, mainstream majority... the bogeyman approach. The left in the US sees suicide bombers, regardless of their age, as the tragic results of this fear mongering. The suicide bomber is willing to die for their mistaken belief while a radical Christian, like Timothy McVeigh, prefers to view from afar the destruction he wrought; radicalization in any form is to be condemned. .

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No I am definitely NOT against immigration, but I fully expect immigrants to learn the language, and customs, follow the the laws of this country and assimilate, not segregate themselves. By not doing these things, as has been evidenced by the problems in Europe, is cause for concern and problems.

Did any of you bother to watch the videos and read the articles about the chaos that is happening in Europe?

Yes, the radical islamists who preach Jihad and want Sharia law forced on the people are a huge concern for me. They should be to all of you too.


There is a big difference between being anti immigration and anti official multcult.

I've read a lot about the issue and the problems in Europe. N.A. has a chance now to head similar problems off at the pass by refusing to give in to demands that students be exempt from some required classes and so on. We have a chance to see that N.A. doesn't get to the mess Europe is in now.


A prominent voice in Canada’s Muslim community said British Prime Minister David Cameron was “spot on” when he insisted British multiculturalism has failed.

And just like Britain, Canada’s will fail, said Muslim Canadian Congress founder Tarek Fatah.

He said Monday that, like Britain, Canada has been too tolerant in allowing Muslim immigrants to settle into closed communities, some of which preach Islamic values and a hatred toward the West.

“The Canadian multicultural model has failed, as the British model has,” said Fatah. “When first generation (Muslims) are more loyal to Canada than the second generation, then we have sufficient evidence to say that multiculturalism has failed.”

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Yes, the radical islamists who preach Jihad and want Sharia law forced on the people are a huge concern for me. They should be to all of you too.


Jake, I am too old and don’t have enough time left to run around the country tilting at windmills, so please tell me where we are endanger of Sharia law being forced on us.

I think it is important to understand the background and the backstory of groups who prepare white papers for public dissemination; this group is definitely not an objective, non-partisan source.


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I am still not clear which of “these cultures” we don’t get. I hate to assume which ones frighten you, although from our past association, I presume it is Muslims.

We have had no past associations. You must have me confused with someone else.

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Jake, I am too old and don’t have enough time left to run around the country tilting at windmills, so please tell me where we are endanger of Sharia law being forced on us.

I think it is important to understand the background and the backstory of groups who prepare white papers for public dissemination; this group is definitely not an objective, non-partisan source.


Learn a lesson from the mess that has become of Europe. You need not look much farther. It has to stop before "Dearbornistan", Michigan starts spreading across the country like an insidious poison.

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Shady, on 11 February 2011 - 09:25 PM, said:

Yeah, the world needs to wake up to the problems of those damn born-again Christians. I know everytime I'm on a flight and I see one, I'm petrified.

Yeah, they petrify me too when they reach in their pocket for one of their gospel tracts and start witnessing, hard to escape in the confines of the plane. However, they are even worse when they are in our classrooms revising our history, science and social study books; or in our bedrooms; or in my womb, now that is where they really frighten me.

ZING!! :lol::lol::lol:

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