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The crisis in Egypt


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For sure. In the UK they already have Sharia Law in place today. Since the UK is about 10 years ahead of Canada in letting in massive waves of Muslim immigration I gave us another 10 years. By then we'll have Sharia law in place in Canada. Is this all too far fetched for you to believe or what? This is reality. Time to wake up and look outside what the CBC tells you.


So this is your justification for a new "Fascist revolution " in Canada????

I notice that you seem to think I'm an avid watcher of the Ceeb...I'm not,by the way...I also notice you would not/cannot elucidate for everyone my "liberal sentiments"....

Could you do that now please...


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I don't know if anyone else has noticed this,but,I've seen people try to correlate what's going on in North Africa with what happened in Eastern Europe in the late '80's.

I watched The Agenda Friday night on TVO and they had a Middle East expert on cautioning people to not think this way because the situations are different.He said in the Warsaw Pact countries their was a common focal point of Communism via Moscow being the enemy...That was true....

The situation now is very different,unless despotic Fascist dictatorships are the focal point.For example,the issue in Egypt and Tunisia is based on unemployment and a disenfranchisement of the youth in those countries.In Lebanon,it has alot more to do with Syrian meddling in internal affairs.In Morroacco and Jordan,it seems to be an antipathy toward monarchies.In Syria,it might nave something to do with a minority (the Alewites) leading a majority....

I saw an Egyptian commentator suggesting that much of the face of dictatorship in Egypt is Uncle Sam's - that the rubber bullets, tear gas and armoured cars being against Egyptian civilians after all were paid for by American taxpayers.

I'd say the associations with the Soviet Union in the context of what's happening in much of the ME is that its the U.S. empire that is now crumbling.

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I don't know if anyone else has noticed this,but,I've seen people try to correlate what's going on in North Africa with what happened in Eastern Europe in the late '80's.

I watched The Agenda Friday night on TVO and they had a Middle East expert on cautioning people to not think this way because the situations are different.He said in the Warsaw Pact countries their was a common focal point of Communism via Moscow being the enemy...That was true....

The situation now is very different,unless despotic Fascist dictatorships are the focal point.For example,the issue in Egypt and Tunisia is based on unemployment and a disenfranchisement of the youth in those countries.In Lebanon,it has alot more to do with Syrian meddling in internal affairs.In Morroacco and Jordan,it seems to be an antipathy toward monarchies.In Syria,it might nave something to do with a minority (the Alewites) leading a majority....

Are you saying "it's complicated"?

The most amazing thing about the protests/uprising in Egypt is not only the youth being out, but young and old, men and women (bare headed and burkaed), every political stripe in Egypt, all protesting TOGETHER... It started, perhaps with the young unemployed but it spread sooo quickly to include all facets of a nation... Something truly amazing is happening in Egypt... I only hope it doesn't turn out badly...

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Oppressed? Free your mind and your ass will follow. THIRTY YEARS of oppression is PATHETIC...just as I stated. If you don't like my opinion that's fine, but it doesn't make me a "coward".

Not so pathetic considering how much US military equipment is there right now helping crack down on these protestors. Most pictures show the M113 APC but new ones have the egyptian army riding around in nice American made M1A1 Abrams. They also show Egyptian pilots in spiffy American made F-16s. Though, the American made Blackhawks and Apache gunships would probably be the better options in cracking down on the protests.

Edited by nicky10013
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Not so pathetic considering how much US military equipment is there right now helping crack down on these protestors. Most pictures show the M113 APC but new ones have the egyptian army riding around in nice American made M1A1 Abrams. They also show Egyptian pilots in spiffy American made F-16s.

Yes....try the rest...then buy the best...just like Canada. At least their planes are new, unlike CF-188's.

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Of course it was the plan all along. So what part does the CIA play in all this?

Definitely that is the key reason. Just check what Clinton said, She is the rule maker, the rule is for remove Mubarak from position, that is what she want.

Because if Mubarak falls and they attempt to develop free institutions, it would be a victory for the US.

Mubarak is no longer useful without Saddam and Soviet Union.

It will happen in British if the Queen is no longer useful.

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Are you saying "it's complicated"?

The most amazing thing about the protests/uprising in Egypt is not only the youth being out, but young and old, men and women (bare headed and burkaed), every political stripe in Egypt, all protesting TOGETHER... It started, perhaps with the young unemployed but it spread sooo quickly to include all facets of a nation... Something truly amazing is happening in Egypt... I only hope it doesn't turn out badly...

Pretty much...

And that anyone who thinks this is relatable to what happened in Eastern Europe has'nt delved into the subject deep enough...

I noticed the dichotemy of young and old,as well...

To me,this mean that there is focus to get rid of Mubarak.This certainly does'nt mean that the grievances against his government are the same,though...

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This isn't about Canada. This is about you calling people in Egypt cowards for not standing up to the government yet it's your tax dollars at work helping with the crackdown.

I didn't call anyone a coward...better check your facts son. Or don't...doesn't really matter...one pie hole to a customer, please.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Eisenhower also stood up against your nation's military industrial league. He was probably your last hope.

Never mind the fact that,if what Miss Saskatchewan said was true,Eisenhower was standing up for Nasser...A Pan-arab Ba'Athist Fascist....

Actually,that would be SOP for the US State Department...

Fascist's help build empires!!!!

Edited by Jack Weber
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Bush_cheney2004, I'll agree with some of the posters in the thread on one criticism towards you - it's unfair to criticize people living under oppression, such as the Egyptians. It's simplistic and inaccurate to suggest that many other countries have taken their destiny into their own hands in similar circumstances. America certainly never had to deal with such tyranny. And without going into details, Israel was also somewhat close to becoming a tyranny in its early days.

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Bush_cheney2004, I'll agree with some of the posters in the thread on one criticism towards you - it's unfair to criticize people living under oppression, such as the Egyptians. It's simplistic and inaccurate to suggest that many other countries have taken their destiny into their own hands in similar circumstances. America certainly never had to deal with such tyranny. And without going into details, Israel was also somewhat close to becoming a tyranny in its early days.

Understood, but I will still maintain that the circumstances over the past 30 years is largely of their own making and inaction, internecine fighting, misdirected hatred toward Israel/America, etc., etc. America already stuck its neck out for Egypt before.

While other nations with far greater challenges have progressed, Egypt stagnated with Nasser disease. It is PATHETIC.

And the Americans most certainly did fight tyranny...in spades.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Understood, but I will still maintain that the circumstances over the past 30 years is largely of their own making and inaction, internecine fighting, misdirected hatred toward Israel/America, etc., etc. America already stuck its neck out for Egypt before.

While other nations with far greater challenges have progressed, Egypt stagnated with Nasser disease. It is PATHETIC.

And the Americans most certainly did fight tyranny...in spades.

There's no question that the criticism of America as being responsible for this oppression is absurd. The typical rhetoric of "US-backed oppression" and "propped-up dictatorships" got old a long time ago. The same people would be shouting the same criticisms against America if it completely extricated itself from countries like Egypt.

America must deal with the world as it is, not the world it wants. The explanation as to why the Middle East is a messed up and oppressive place is a complicated one, and certainly not as simple as people like eyeball would have us believe - "it's all America's fault!"

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Bush_cheney2004, I'll agree with some of the posters in the thread on one criticism towards you - it's unfair to criticize people living under oppression, such as the Egyptians. It's simplistic and inaccurate to suggest that many other countries have taken their destiny into their own hands in similar circumstances. America certainly never had to deal with such tyranny. And without going into details, Israel was also somewhat close to becoming a tyranny in its early days.

Do you think Israelis will ever come to see what a disaster it's been to have hitched their wagon to America's horse for so long?

Sad to say but I really do think Mr. BC's comments really do capture and reflect the truly perverted nature of his country's world-view. It's not so much like Tourett's Syndrome as that phenomenon where people's real inner feelings are said to be apparent when high speed photographs capture their flashes of obvious disgust, fear or hatred.

You poor bastards are probably in for a very rough ride. If I was a Israeli I'd be getting out, as fast as I could.

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I'm still puzzled by the "Canadian Empire"?...

I mean,I suppose there was the Turks and Caicos stuff about 30 years ago,but other than that,is the Newfoundland and Labrador?Nunavut?

I'm not seein' it at all...

BC means the British Empire, our God King and Country and all that.

And yes our's was a fairly despicable empire too all in all. You'd really think the U.S. would know better.

Edited by eyeball
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Americans certainly fought tyranny! I never suggested otherwise. What America has been blessed NOT to deal with, however, was an internal tyranny. There's a big difference. I agree with you - the Arabs need to take a look into the mirror and shake off their habit of always blaming America, Jews, and Israel. We have between little and nothing to do with their affairs (minus America's involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq with her coalition in recent years, of course).

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