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Can the Tories win a majority?


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The Tories think they can win a majority if they go after 45 of the Liberal riding's they think they can win. One of them is the GTO and if the Torontonians give the majority to Harper, the most of the country will have a bad taste in their mouth towards GTO. Why would anyone from Ontario east , vote for Harper? He wants to put our debt further, with the buying of the fighters jets, who knows what Harper is cooking up with the US over this security perimeter. Just the way he runs the government, spending billions and having the G20 in TO, and the aftermath of having it there , why would anyone want Harper to have a majority government? http://www.thehilltimes.ca/page/view/vulnerable-01-10-2011

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The Tories think they can win a majority if they go after 45 of the Liberal riding's they think they can win. One of them is the GTO and if the Torontonians give the majority to Harper, the most of the country will have a bad taste in their mouth towards GTO. Why would anyone from Ontario east , vote for Harper? He wants to put our debt further, with the buying of the fighters jets, who knows what Harper is cooking up with the US over this security perimeter. Just the way he runs the government, spending billions and having the G20 in TO, and the aftermath of having it there , why would anyone want Harper to have a majority government? http://www.thehilltimes.ca/page/view/vulnerable-01-10-2011

There are more than enough ridings that they only lost by a couple percentage points (or less!), that they easily could get a majority.

As for why we'd want one? So that he can actually start running a conservative government instead of having a gun to his head forcing him to keep spending more.

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The Tories think they can win a majority if they go after 45 of the Liberal riding's they think they can win. One of them is the GTO and if the Torontonians give the majority to Harper, the most of the country will have a bad taste in their mouth towards GTO. Why would anyone from Ontario east , vote for Harper? He wants to put our debt further, with the buying of the fighters jets, who knows what Harper is cooking up with the US over this security perimeter. Just the way he runs the government, spending billions and having the G20 in TO, and the aftermath of having it there , why would anyone want Harper to have a majority government? http://www.thehilltimes.ca/page/view/vulnerable-01-10-2011

The real problem in Ontario isn't the inability of the Liberals to take away votes from the Conservatives, it is the NDP stealing votes away from the only party (the Liberals) that can hold the CPC to a minority. If the NDP think they can win big against the CPC they are sadly mistaken and every vote for the NDP is in reality a vote for the CPC majority government election.

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The real problem in Ontario isn't the inability of the Liberals to take away votes from the Conservatives, it is the NDP stealing votes away from the only party (the Liberals) that can hold the CPC to a minority. If the NDP think they can win big against the CPC they are sadly mistaken and every vote for the NDP is in reality a vote for the CPC majority government election.

Yes...that's what the last two elections has proven right??? :rolleyes:

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Seeing all the young voters were conditioned over the years through the policy of liberal democratic crapola...it is unlikely that these lefties who love the luxury of capitalism will ever stop vacilating between fine wine and the bread and water diet that seems to give them a feel good approach to everything - Toronto is for the most part now populated with young white adults raised by sell out rich hippies...and immigrants that if they do not vote liberal quietly believe that some how deportation awaits in the wings...YOU can't have it both ways..our captialist banking class love Canadian style socialism - it keeps the people enslaved and them rich...The high archy conservative rich buggers should just be happy with controling the money...and not worry about a political label "conservatism" - or their BRAND stamped on the asses of their submissive wards.

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I think the great hype about Tory gains in Toronto are vastly overhyped. They hold about 4 GTA ridings right now and the only one which is safe is in my opinion is Peter Kent in Thornhill and even then Susan Kadis is a known element in Thornhill so it might be close the next time around

All the speculation has really come out of Julian Fantino who won by only a 1000 votes in a byelection with only about a 30% turnout against a no-name Liberal candidate. In a federal election where the turnout number could go up by 20-30% and without the support of the entire Tory campaign staff and the Prime Minister, I think Fantino's chances of holding onto that seat come a general campaign aren't that great.

In my riding, the Conservative MP Lois Brown had a fairly easy time against a Liberal candidate who had just finished losing a mayoral contest and thus wasn't popular to begin with. The upcoming candidate is a very well known family man who is incredibly eloquent and I could easily see him winning especially since the only time she's been on Hansard is questioning the patriotism of the LPC while also calling them anti-semitic.

The 3rd riding - Oak Ridges-Markham, Lui Temelkovski, who held the seat for 2 elections and only lost by a percentage point to the Conservative is running again and fortunes could easily switch.

As for the rest, the Liberals picked up a strong candidate who was a former provincial minister who'll run out in Mississauga so both the east and west ends are fairly covered and there isn't any way a Conservative will win in the actual 416. The few contested ridings, the competition is between the Liberals and the NDP rather than the Liberals and the Conservatives.

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I have noticed this numerous times, yes. Many conservatives here would not go down that astonishing road, but some insist upon it. Mayeb they even believe it.

Well BM, the trouble is that yes, there is a bit of truth to the idea. You can't blame Harper's bunch for doing something wrong when they don't act like conservatives.

So far the excuse has been that in a minority government they CAN'T act like true Conservatives! They'd end up having their government fall. That may or may not be true but that doesn't mean that the CPC WILL act like conservatives if they get a majority! That remains to be seen and until and unless that happens the idea is just a possibility and not a fact.

I've never really thought of the present CPC as a true conservative party but then, I tend to use the dictionary for my definitions. There are many posters on this board who seem to think that anyone not a liberal or NDP supporter must be a conservative so by those lights I must be all wet.

However, as long as they don't steal from us like the Liberals did I guess I'm stuck with them, for lack of a better choice. Give me a better choice and I'll drop them in an instant!

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I think them winning a majority is very unlikely. Unless something astonishing happens between now and the next election, we'll likely have another conservative minority.

I think right now that's most likely, but Ignatieff's handlers are either incompetent or the best handlers on the planet. The expectations around him are so incredibly low that in a general campaign all he'll have to do is be able to walk properly and he'll impress the shit out of people. The fact that he's an incredibly eloquent speaker and will destroy Harper in a debate only adds to the intrigue.

In politics there's no better place to be than on the bottom. When you have no expectations you exceed all of them.

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The Tories think they can win a majority if they go after 45 of the Liberal riding's they think they can win.
I have argued here that to win a majority, the Tories must win one of two groups: women or Quebec. At present, the Tories are weak among both groups.

Harper's strategy now seems to be to whittle away at the immigrant population around the periphery of Toronto. This will give him another 10 or so seats and a razor-thin majority. Harper is a successful politician so maybe he's right and I'm wrong.

I still think that until the Conservatives have the broader support of women or Quebec voters, they will not be a truly federal party.

Harper's strategy may work for the next election but once the Liberals get their act together, it won't work at all.

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Well BM, the trouble is that yes, there is a bit of truth to the idea. You can't blame Harper's bunch for doing something wrong when they don't act like conservatives.

So far the excuse has been that in a minority government they CAN'T act like true Conservatives! They'd end up having their government fall. That may or may not be true but that doesn't mean that the CPC WILL act like conservatives if they get a majority! That remains to be seen and until and unless that happens the idea is just a possibility and not a fact.

I've never really thought of the present CPC as a true conservative party but then, I tend to use the dictionary for my definitions. There are many posters on this board who seem to think that anyone not a liberal or NDP supporter must be a conservative so by those lights I must be all wet.

However, as long as they don't steal from us like the Liberals did I guess I'm stuck with them, for lack of a better choice. Give me a better choice and I'll drop them in an instant!

You can't blame Harper's bunch for doing something wrong when they don't act like conservatives.

How do conservatives act?.Are alludeing to fiscal responsibility? Because fiscal conservatives have been extinct for 30 or 40 years. Fiscal responsibility remains only as a talking point to con the gullible.

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How do conservatives act?.Are alludeing to fiscal responsibility? Because fiscal conservatives have been extinct for 30 or 40 years. Fiscal responsibility remains only as a talking point to con the gullible.

No argument from me, good Dr. Dre! I was a Reformer! To me, the old Progressive Conservative Party were never conservatives but just a weaker version than the Liberals. Now, somehow the tiny rump of the old PC party has taken over the merged CPC and in my view turned it into a clone of Mulroney's Party. That also explains why Harper, once he became PM, immediately abandoned all his former antipathy towards Mulroney and started a 'makeover' to present him as some kind of conservative hero. The fact that Mulroney's scandals promptly wrecked that effort was the height of irony!

Besides, I've said many times, my choice would be a truly classic liberal party, with laissez-faire approach to government and a champion of individual rights.

NONE of the top 4 fit that definition! Especially the CPC! Again, as I've said MANY times, I support the CPC only because they smell less to me than the others!

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The perfect is the enemy of the good.


Not asking for perfection, August. I'd be happy if the Liberal Party showed even a tiny effort to live up to the classical definition!

I see little or no trace of it with the Liberals today. Or for the past 40 some odd years, for that matter.

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Even King's and St Laurent's Liberal parties created Crown corporations and expanded social programmes. The 'business liberal' C. D. Howe was proudly responsible for public institutions and state-run industry. Were they ever all that libertarian of a party? As far as I can tell, the Liberal party of the past 20 years, especially today's Ignatieff-led party, is as 'fiscally conservative/socially liberal' as they've been in ages, going well back before the Pearson/Trudeau era. Maybe Dion was a bit of an exception.

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