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Good Guys vs. Bad guys Rant

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No wonder the CBC didn't want Mallick, what a pile of s..t, she tries to juxtapose her anti men rant against the loving brother and the good cop... spare me. I don't really want to give her any more publicity but this is bad, even for Mallick.


They bruise women’s bodies, they humiliate us in the House of Commons, they expend great effort in keeping us pregnant, booting us away from the bigger salaries, they are tireless in their attempts at control and resent our efforts to advance. Frequently, they kill women. Russell Williams is a monster but there will be other monsters in the years to come.

We know this to be true. I am a feminist but all women know what I mean because they live it every day.

Really, well I don't live it every day, most women don't, talk about stereotyping men, and your raving anti male feminist. !!

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No wonder the CBC didn't want Mallick, what a pile of s..t, she tries to juxtapose her anti men rant against the loving brother and the good cop... spare me. I don't really want to give her any more publicity but this is bad, even for Mallick.


Really, well I don't live it every day, most women don't, talk about stereotyping men, and your raving anti male feminist. !!

Well, your totally anecdotal evidence sure showed her.

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No wonder the CBC didn't want Mallick, what a pile of s..t, she tries to juxtapose her anti men rant against the loving brother and the good cop... spare me. I don't really want to give her any more publicity but this is bad, even for Mallick.


Really, well I don't live it every day, most women don't, talk about stereotyping men, and your raving anti male feminist. !!

I think you're simplifying Mallick's general stance; I remember her as a lone female voice excoriating "Sex and the City" (for some unaccountable reason, educated and intelligent women enjoy that particular abortion). The reason she doesn't like it is its bland, classist, sexist stereotyping of men.

Agree with her assessment or not, it shows there's more nuance to her worldview than you seem to think.

Edited by bloodyminded
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What nuance LOL

All women do not live it everyday, all men are not murdering pigs nor do all men expend a lot of effort keeping women pregnant - gimme a break, she's losing it or maybe she never had it if you read some of her other claptrap - see the one on Ford being Mayor... or the one where she said “It’s possible that Republican men, sexual inadequates that they are, really believe that women will vote for a woman just because she’s a woman.”

Hmmm - methinks Mallick is the one with a hangup :lol:

Edited by scribblet
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What nuance LOL

All women do not live it everyday, all men are not murdering pigs nor do all men expend a lot of effort keeping women pregnant - gimme a break, she's losing it or maybe she never had it if you read some of her other claptrap - see the one on Ford being Mayor... or the one where she said “It’s possible that Republican men, sexual inadequates that they are, really believe that women will vote for a woman just because she’s a woman.”

Hmmm - methinks Mallick is the one with a hangup :lol:

Nowhere did Mallick claim all men were murdering pigs etc.

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I'm pretty right wing, and mostly disagree with Mallick. But always read her when she was being posted on the CBC news website. She is wrong, but she is intelligent. (About the only time I agreed with her is when she blasted Sarah Palin.)

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I'm pretty right wing, and mostly disagree with Mallick. But always read her when she was being posted on the CBC news website. She is wrong, but she is intelligent. (About the only time I agreed with her is when she blasted Sarah Palin.)

What comments of hers demonstrate intelligence? I failed to detect any in the linked article. Her point in this article was along the lines of: "men are evil and men & women are mortal enemies but I was amazed that in this one case, both men and women hated the evil (male) murderer more than each other!" Does that sound intelligent to you?

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No wonder the CBC didn't want Mallick, what a pile of s..t, she tries to juxtapose her anti men rant against the loving brother and the good cop... spare me. I don't really want to give her any more publicity but this is bad, even for Mallick.
If you read Mallick's column to its end, she almost becomes Christian since she somehow accepts that Good people and Evil people populate the world. (I could be wrong but I believe that Mallick is of Lebanese Christian origin. Does that matter? Maybe.)

According to Mallick, there is evil in this world and good people (men and women) can work together to defeat it.

I wonder what she thinks now of our soldiers in Afghanistan, or Bush Jnr's decision to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

Edited by August1991
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If you read Mallick's column to its end, she almost becomes Christian since she somehow accepts that Good people and Evil people populate the world. (I could be wrong but I believe that Mallick is of Lebanese Christian origin. Does that matter? Maybe.)

According to Mallick, there is evil in this world and good people (men and women) can work together to defeat it.

I wonder what she thinks now of our soldiers in Afghanistan, or Bush Jnr's decision to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

Well, she probably doesn't hold to the infantile, indoctrinated view that Canada and the US, out of altruistic impulses, flits about an ungrateful world trying to destroy evil.

Few Earthlings do hold such a jaw-dropping, simpelton view.

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I'm pretty right wing, and mostly disagree with Mallick. But always read her when she was being posted on the CBC news website. She is wrong, but she is intelligent. (About the only time I agreed with her is when she blasted Sarah Palin.)

I'd have to read it again and don't care to, if I remember correctly that one had sexual references in it too. Maybe Mallick has an underlying problem. LOL

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No wonder the CBC didn't want Mallick, what a pile of s..t, she tries to juxtapose her anti men rant against the loving brother and the good cop... spare me. I don't really want to give her any more publicity but this is bad, even for Mallick.


Really, well I don't live it every day, most women don't, talk about stereotyping men, and your raving anti male feminist. !!

So you are perfectly OK with the way the genders are arranged insofar as personal, political, sexual and financial power is concerned? And you accuse Mallick of stereotyping men? :lol: There is juxtapositioning going on and it ain't all Mallick that's for sure.

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There have been problems with gender inequality but it's changing, this article just a rant against men.

affirmative action for men - say it isn't so...


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There have been problems with gender inequality but it's changing, this article just a rant against men.

Let's just see:

Of the 1062 words in the article, 173 words are devoted to this sentiment:

Men should weep...These thoughts filled my mind this week...The narrative was so entirely about male desire and male violence that the suffering of the female victims was overshadowed.

The remaining 889 words are devoted to a different sentiment, as expressed by these next lines:

I tell you, men should cheer. And I’ll be cheering for them.

This sentiment was summed up neatly in the final paragraph:

What astounded me was the level of parallel feeling in the room. Everyone, male and female, honoured the violated women. There was a wonderful unanimity in the place that gave me hope that men and women will one day team up and see the best in each other.

What you seemed to have missed is this line, which acts as a transitional literary device moving from uncritical sentimentality to thoughtful introspection:

And then it all changed.

It is a device often employed by good writers to illustrate the private from the public and Mallick hints at this by writing,

There was a wonderful unanimity in the place that gave me hope that men and women will one day team up and see the best in each other.

A very typical modern feminist thing to write, but hardly anti-men. However, if you missed the transitional effect in the article that is not Mallick's fault, but yours for juxtaposing one passage upon the whole article. If you can't stomach realism like this, then don't read her articles. But it doesn't do you any favours ranting away at Heather Mallick when clearly you have - intentionally or not - completely misunderstood what was written.

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Let's just see:

Of the 1062 words in the article, 173 words are devoted to this sentiment:

The remaining 889 words are devoted to a different sentiment, as expressed by these next lines:

This sentiment was summed up neatly in the final paragraph:

What you seemed to have missed is this line, which acts as a transitional literary device moving from uncritical sentimentality to thoughtful introspection:

It is a device often employed by good writers to illustrate the private from the public and Mallick hints at this by writing,

A very typical modern feminist thing to write, but hardly anti-men. However, if you missed the transitional effect in the article that is not Mallick's fault, but yours for juxtaposing one passage upon the whole article. If you can't stomach realism like this, then don't read her articles. But it doesn't do you any favours ranting away at Heather Mallick when clearly you have - intentionally or not - completely misunderstood what was written.

Very nicely parsed, Shwa.

But of course, readin' what is written is hard work. Much easier to stick square politics into the round holes of the text.

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I'm pretty right wing, and mostly disagree with Mallick. But always read her when she was being posted on the CBC news website. She is wrong, but she is intelligent. (About the only time I agreed with her is when she blasted Sarah Palin.)

Does'nt say to much about you if you agree with all she said about palin, I am not a palin fan,but using words like this to describe her, tells me palin has alot more class then mallick.

Sarah Palin ... fit of pique ... the white trash vote ... sexual inadequates ... she isn't even female really ... Alaska hillbilly ... "white trash" ... trailer trash ... rural, loud, proudly unlettered ... toned-down version of the porn actress ... overtreated hair, puffy lips ... "pramface" ... roughneck fuckin' redneck ... prodding his daughter ... ratboy ... fizzing with rage and revenge ... vicious and profoundly dishonest ... good fast listing... nervous wreck with deeply strange hair ... the hick vote ... ordinary hillbilly ... racism? ... racism ... "rectal fissure" ... tense no-hoper ladies ... white female marginals

Edited by PIK
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Does'nt say to much about you if you agree with all she said about palin, I am not a palin fan,but using words like this to describe her, tells me palin has alot more class then mallick.

Sarah Palin ... fit of pique ... the white trash vote ... sexual inadequates ... she isn't even female really ... Alaska hillbilly ... "white trash" ... trailer trash ... rural, loud, proudly unlettered ... toned-down version of the porn actress ... overtreated hair, puffy lips ... "pramface" ... roughneck fuckin' redneck ... prodding his daughter ... ratboy ... fizzing with rage and revenge ... vicious and profoundly dishonest ... good fast listing... nervous wreck with deeply strange hair ... the hick vote ... ordinary hillbilly ... racism? ... racism ... "rectal fissure" ... tense no-hoper ladies ... white female marginals

And basically I agree with every word. Palin is a really funny joke. End of story.

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Does'nt say to much about you if you agree with all she said about palin, I am not a palin fan,but using words like this to describe her, tells me palin has alot more class then mallick.

Sarah Palin ... fit of pique ... the white trash vote ... sexual inadequates ... she isn't even female really ... Alaska hillbilly ... "white trash" ... trailer trash ... rural, loud, proudly unlettered ... toned-down version of the porn actress ... overtreated hair, puffy lips ... "pramface" ... roughneck fuckin' redneck ... prodding his daughter ... ratboy ... fizzing with rage and revenge ... vicious and profoundly dishonest ... good fast listing... nervous wreck with deeply strange hair ... the hick vote ... ordinary hillbilly ... racism? ... racism ... "rectal fissure" ... tense no-hoper ladies ... white female marginals

It's hard to see the highly successful and media-hungry Ms. Palin as a victim. Yet some people insist upon this strange line of thought.

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I don't even like the "way" she writes but she does make points. Mallik is a person who claims to be a feminist, fine. Now lets make her a man and make the claim he is a chauvinist. What is "his" credibility now? Not that double standards and paradigms are at play here but........

You are making the fundamental - and common - mistake of assuming that female feminism is the opposite, or corollary of, male chauvenism. It isn't by definition.

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Mallick's rant against the Palin family was sheer unmitigated sexism. That it came from an alleged feminist is nothing short of appalling. People seem willing to excuse Mallick for it because Palin is a moron, but the comments in that column were inexcusable.

Now, I realize what Mallick is going for here. Sort of a Shirley Sherrod thing: "at first, I didn't like the cracker. But then I saw that he was suffering too and I realized we were all on the same team, so I helped him and we became friends and we all learned something valuable."

She wishes to contrast her predisposition to fear and distrust men with the feeling of unity that she felt in the courtroom. Fair enough.

However, leading off your column with something like this...

They bruise women’s bodies, they humiliate us in the House of Commons, they expend great effort in keeping us pregnant, booting us away from the bigger salaries, they are tireless in their attempts at control and resent our efforts to advance. Frequently, they kill women. Russell Williams is a monster but there will be other monsters in the years to come.

...makes it hard to take you seriously.

It's the exact sort of melodramatic whining hyperbole that has made women unwilling to use the word "feminist" to describe themselves, because they're afraid of being associated with exactly that sort of rhetoric.

She finishes up the article with...

There was a wonderful unanimity in the place that gave me hope that men and women will one day team up and see the best in each other.

...which is kind of funny, because large numbers of men and women are already there. Maybe someday Mallick will get there too.


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It's the exact sort of melodramatic whining hyperbole that has made women unwilling to use the word "feminist" to describe themselves, because they're afraid of being associated with exactly that sort of rhetoric.

Yeah, like Margaret Atwood for instance, with all that melodramatic and hyperbolic rhetoric in the 'Handmaid's Tale.'

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