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Living in a police state since childhood

Protecting Our Children and Communities.


100 additional frontline police officers will be hired giving Toronto Police enough new officers to:

o Protect Children in Schools. 30 additional School Resource Officers will double the number of schools protected by this successful program. By introducing police officers to youth in a positive environment, students are less likely to take a negative view of police and more likely to seek help for issues before they reach a violent stage.

o Target Gangs, Guns & Violence in More Communities. 70 additional frontline officers will support an expansion of the successful Toronto Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy (TAVIS) targeting gangs and violence in priority neighborhoods year-round. This will more than double the number of officers currently available for TAVIS Rapid Response Teams.

Funding for this initiative ($15 million per year) will not be taken from within the existing TPS budget. It represents additional funding in two phases. From 2014 onwards, funding will be in addition to current TPS resources and come from savings accrued through the reduction of City Council from 44 to 22 Councillors. Until Council is reduced in size, funding will be in addition to current TPS resources and come from a 0.1 per cent reduction in other (non-policing) city spending.

Politicians will send more cops to schools.

They want more tax dollars from the cake of weath.

That means they admit the education system are even unable to make the kids to be good citizens.

They are illustrating vavidly to the kids that power (or dictate) is much valuable than democracy.

That is what Canadian politicians truely believe.

Edited by bjre
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Politicians will send more cops to schools.

They want more tax dollars from the cake of weath.

That means they admit the education system are even unable to make the kids to be good citizens.

They are illustrating vavidly to the kids that power (or dictate) is much valuable than democracy.

That is what Canadian politicians truely believe.

No kidding. Violators of the peace should just be sent off to rehabilitation facilities where they can clip the grass with scissors until they know how to be good comrades and citizens.

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Politicians will send more cops to schools.

They want more tax dollars from the cake of weath.

That means they admit the education system are even unable to make the kids to be good citizens.

They are illustrating vavidly to the kids that power (or dictate) is much valuable than democracy.

That is what Canadian politicians truely believe.

Dont worry as soon as these cops are on the payroll the city/municipality will turn them into tax collectors and theyll wind up doing traffic stops, and sitting at boat launches to make sure people have the Personal Pleasure Craft Operators Certification, because the City can make a mint on handing out fines, and real police work doesnt make them money.

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Politicians will send more cops to schools.

They want more tax dollars from the cake of weath.

That means they admit the education system are even unable to make the kids to be good citizens.

They are illustrating vavidly to the kids that power (or dictate) is much valuable than democracy.

That is what Canadian politicians truely believe.

Education isn't omnipotent and almighty to settle everything. This is why police exists in every country of the world.

各地构筑校园安全屏障 保护学校成为国家行动 :P

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Education isn't omnipotent and almighty to settle everything. This is why police exists in every country of the world.

各地构筑校园安全屏障 保护学校成为国家行动 :P

There are no student assaults in the people's republic. That is a lie from the decadent CIA controlled media.

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Education isn't omnipotent and almighty to settle everything. This is why police exists in every country of the world.

各地构筑校园安全屏障 保护学校成为国家行动 :P

The difference between your linked article and the current issue is:

Your linked article talking about outside danger to the kids that is beyond schools and teachers can affect.

Here we are facing more violence between kids that under directly educating by the schools and teachers and the education system for years.

And, even every other country is bad or worse, don't prove bad failure of yourself more correct.

This is same as you admit yourself is a looser because there are other loosers, and your are happy with this.

Why are all these threads being opened about China?


Because they want to talk it. And it is not good to talk in an irrelevant thread. :)

I agree with you on this. I'm sorry.

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No kidding. Violators of the peace should just be sent off to rehabilitation facilities where they can clip the grass with scissors until they know how to be good comrades and citizens.

They "violators" sent out, they may not change to good citizens because:

1. The reason they do something wrong may caused by being bullied for long time and not able to change it with other way and no one can help him.

2. They schools and the laws define crime according to behavior, they don't care about the reason that cause the problem and they don't care about how to solve the problems by the root cause.

3. kids be punished can be more likely become anti-society because they think they are mis-treated. This will lead to create more crimes when they grow up, this might be what politicians want, because they can use this as a reason to hire more cops and take more tax dollars.

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Montpellier unveils statue to 'great man' Lenin

The statue, commissioned by left-wing regional leader Georges Freche, is one of five celebrating "great men of the 20th Century".

The other statues are of Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, former US president Franklin Roosevelt and early French Socialist leader Jean Jaures.

Mr Freche said a further five statues were planned for next year, of India's Mahatma Gandhi, Israel's Golda Meir, Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser, South Africa's Nelson Mandela and China's Mao Zedong.

In an interview with the local La Gazette newspaper, the former mayor of Montpellier said people would remember that he (Mao) "gave China its dignity back".
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Dont worry as soon as these cops are on the payroll the city/municipality will turn them into tax collectors and theyll wind up doing traffic stops, and sitting at boat launches to make sure people have the Personal Pleasure Craft Operators Certification, because the City can make a mint on handing out fines, and real police work doesnt make them money.

And real police work can be much dangerous than bulling kids.

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In an interview with the local La Gazette newspaper, the former mayor of Montpellier said people would remember that he (Mao) "gave China its dignity back".


Well, except for the 20 to 40 million killed during the delightfully named Great Leap Forward, and all the intellectuals harassed when he sparked the Cultural Revolution.

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Well, except for the 20 to 40 million killed during the delightfully named Great Leap Forward, and all the intellectuals harassed when he sparked the Cultural Revolution.

The Great Leap Forward...


I know...Let's kill all the starlings because they eat all crops...Oh wait,that leaves all the insects to eat all the crops because the starlings used to eat the insects,but they're all dead now,and the insects have eaten all the crops...Oh well,Lenin thought famines were good,so...It's all good!!

Oh the other biggy....

Let's have cupola furnaces in every backyard so we can increase iron and steel output.Nevermind the fact that no one has a scintilla of knowledge about metallurgy,or anything...

Good call,Chairman...Good call!!!

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Montpellier unveils statue to 'great man' Lenin

The statue, commissioned by left-wing regional leader Georges Freche, is one of five celebrating "great men of the 20th Century".

The other statues are of Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, former US president Franklin Roosevelt and early French Socialist leader Jean Jaures.

Mr Freche said a further five statues were planned for next year, of India's Mahatma Gandhi, Israel's Golda Meir, Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser, South Africa's Nelson Mandela and China's Mao Zedong.

In an interview with the local La Gazette newspaper, the former mayor of Montpellier said people would remember that he (Mao) "gave China its dignity back".

Finally - someone who can appreciate true greatness :)

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Well, except for the 20 to 40 million killed during the delightfully named Great Leap Forward

1. You bring this irrelevant topic again when you can not find any persuasive argument on the topic again.

2. What you said is totally a baseless lie.

3. The truth we can find is that on the other hand, European invaders slaughtered millions of native inhabitants. The indigenous population of the Americas plummeted from 100 million at the time of Columbus' arrival to just three million 150 years later. They executed an aboriginal every 10 minutes.

4. Thousands kids were killed in residential schools. That's what Canada did.

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Guest TrueMetis

1. You bring this irrelevant topic again when you can not find any persuasive argument on the topic again.

It is relevant because this is a thread about police states, which China definitely is.

2. What you said is totally a baseless lie.

Ya and the holocaust never happened either. :rolleyes:

3. The truth we can find is that on the other hand, European invaders slaughtered millions of native inhabitants. The indigenous population of the Americas plummeted from 100 million at the time of Columbus' arrival to just three million 150 years later. They executed an aboriginal every 10 minutes.

There were not that many First Nations in North and South America. There were some large cities but the population never got that high.

4. Thousands kids were killed in residential schools. That's what Canada did.

Canada admitted and apologized for that, and it made it up to the survivors. So when will China apologize for all of it's atrocities?

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It is relevant because this is a thread about police states, which China definitely is.

China is not a police state as here in Canada.

From I was in kindergarten to I left school with a Master's degree, I have no memory if I saw a police inside any of a school.

Police to me is only some people conduct traffic in the street or someone who sitting in offices with uniform.

And they don't have so many laws to out-law so many behaviours.

They encourage people catch thief themselves, they encourage people fight with criminal themselves, unlike Canada, cops charge shop owner who catch a thief. Cops arrest people who have a different thinking on how to educate their kids. Cops go and tell resident their dog bark 10 minutes earlier than 9 o'clock, cops lock kids who show his ID too fast in school.

There were not that many First Nations in North and South America. There were some large cities but the population never got that high.

Ya, only Europeans can have that large population at that time. :rolleyes:

Canada admitted and apologized for that, and it made it up to the survivors.

Did Canada return the land to them and all Europeans return to Europe and apply for immigration after the aboriginal people found their own country?

So when will China apologize for all of it's atrocities?

China need not apologize for other people's lies.

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China is not a police state as here in Canada.

From I was in kindergarten to I left school with a Master's degree, I have no memory if I saw a police inside any of a school.

Fair enough, China is a secret police state. Google student demonstrations beijing and see if you get any real results....google Mao zee dong concubines and see what you get....send an email to an aunt telling her of your great desire for a democracy like France and how you plan to effect that and see who comes knocking at your door..

Walk around Shaghai with a placard demanding the Party apologive for the countless killed during the cultural revolution...

Tell everyon you know that you now think for yourself....

Enjoy prison and re-education in the police state.

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Fair enough, China is a secret police state. Google student demonstrations beijing and see if you get any real results....google Mao zee dong concubines and see what you get....send an email to an aunt telling her of your great desire for a democracy like France and how you plan to effect that and see who comes knocking at your door..

Walk around Shaghai with a placard demanding the Party apologive for the countless killed during the cultural revolution...

Tell everyon you know that you now think for yourself....

Enjoy prison and re-education in the police state.

Google has already becomes a source of corporate controlled misleading information now.

When you type sky in Chinese, it popup "Tiananmen 1989" at beginning.

When you type law in Chinese, it popup "Falungong" at beginning.

It is the biggest source of western propaganda now where full of lies and misleadings.

It gives out nothing but crap on any China topic.

Recently, I find I can not find an article about democracy by a Chinese author from google with the exact author name and exact subject title. Google shows only 2 pages of articles that are all criticise that article.

I found the original article easily with another search engine.

When I search more, I found it happened also in business area.

Brussels to look closely at Google probe

I think Google is becoming another corperate media, we will take more an more time to find information that against the idea of those who controls google.

That is why it is important to have independent search engines, otherwise, the very little freedome of speech and democracy that has not been taken away completely may be lost soon.

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Since the example of China seems to have made its way onto this thread, perhaps we can contrast approaches in Toronto to school security with those in China, with regards to the recent school attacks there ?

That is because many Chinese have changed after western culture invade China with information in western movies and news and others for many years. Many Chinese become selfish after they accept western thinking. In Mao's time, most people think others first.

The recent school attacks in China are done by people outside the schools that is beyond schools and teachers can affect. Those people and the people who unfairly treated them become selfish because western culture and western value invade.

Here in Canada we are facing more violence between kids that under directly educating by the schools and teachers and the education system for years.

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That is because many Chinese have changed after western culture invade China with information in western movies and news and others for many years. Many Chinese become selfish after they accept western thinking. In Mao's time, most people think others first.

I don't think anyone one here will deny Canada does have some problems and warts, i think you over play those problems and warts because your unhappy that reality did not live up to your vision of paridise when you first arrived to our nation.. And yet you still remain here instead of returning back to the mother country of China,Why is that ? is that because mother China has also been tainted by the western culture, and China is not worth the trip back, leaving you with just memories of the good old days of Mao...

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Guest TrueMetis

China is not a police state as here in Canada.

From I was in kindergarten to I left school with a Master's degree, I have no memory if I saw a police inside any of a school.

Lucky you because if you had the cops would have shot you.

Ya, only Europeans can have that large population at that time. :rolleyes:

I don't think Europe had a population of a hundred million 500 years ago.

Did Canada return the land to them and all Europeans return to Europe and apply for immigration after the aboriginal people found their own country?

Did China re-divide itself after it was forcefully unified?

China need not apologize for other people's lies.

Tell that to the students they murdered.

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Those people and the people who unfairly treated them become selfish because western culture and western value invade.

Actually, now I become think maybe democracy is the reason people becomes selfish.

Because democracy ask everyone fight for themselves. If you don't fight for yourself, no one is suppose to help you. Just like if you don't apply for welfare when you need, the government don't give you anything. But when you forget to pay tax, government will charge you.

This value system will encourage people try to take more without pay hard work. Any hard work people who did not spend time in thinking and fighting for themselves (which create no value to society) becomes only losers.

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Montpellier unveils statue to 'great man' Lenin

The statue, commissioned by left-wing regional leader Georges Freche, is one of five celebrating "great men of the 20th Century".

The other statues are of Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, former US president Franklin Roosevelt and early French Socialist leader Jean Jaures.

Mr Freche said a further five statues were planned for next year, of India's Mahatma Gandhi, Israel's Golda Meir, Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser, South Africa's Nelson Mandela and China's Mao Zedong.

In an interview with the local La Gazette newspaper, the former mayor of Montpellier said people would remember that he (Mao) "gave China its dignity back".

Lenin was a "great man" in the Time magazine cover sense of the word--in that he had extraordinary influence and personally affected history.

But even though Stalin's crimes have (understandably) eclipsed Lenin's, I think it's fair to say that "the great man" was certainly not a Good Man. He was a killer.

Mao should not be celebrated either.

Some of the others are questionable too, though they can't be negatively compared to these two mass murderers.

I'd certainly question Meir, though she's important in obvious ways. I'd leave Churchill in because he had the vision to perceive the Hitler problem when others didn't, or didn't want to; however, if we decide that truth and historical accuracy are good things, it's important to remember that part of Churchill's extra-war legacy is of callous brutality.

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I don't think we need more police in schools. What we need are more teachers and more qualified teachers, smaller classrooms and a better education system that challenges the kids in fields they are interested in. I was absolutely bored through most of my school life. I had little motivation to learn what was put on me. And when I was inspired by a class, I still did not do that well, but those moments I still remember over all else and have helped me up to this day. I considered myself a failure most of my life because I never had done well in school. In contrast I did go to college when I was 30. Graduated one course with honors, and the other I was .2 off from honors.

The school classroom needs to be a garden of ideas and we need to make sure that when a kid is inspired by a certain thing, we should encourage the good behavior and help them. Tom wants to be an engineer or a scientists or an astronaut or a fireman... yes things change as time goes on and the kid might change focus as well to something else that is more to his liking and more suited for him. Sally wants to be a doctor or own/operate her own shop. Let's encourage them.

The kids are always told what they are doing wrong and rarely told when they are doing right. If we start with a better education system, we can actually reduce the number of crimes committed by these kids when they grow into adults. If we start early we can really take control of the future and make it much much better.

We have to give kids the ability to think for themselves but yet consider the collective that is the community. I don't see that happening. We have a school system that is breeding sheep. Kids feel better about themselves and then feel like they are making a difference if we help them to. We mold them in a better way a more sustainable way.

Parenting here also is key. We rely so much on the public system to educate and tell our kids what is needed when the parents should also be taking a daily interest in their kids lives in regards to education and aspirations. We rely on the education system to grade our kids accordingly. If my son is bad in school I want to know why. If he is failing courses, why is that happening? How can it be fixed. The kid cannot do it alone, so we really need to change the approach of it all.

I will also say that some children will/must be left behind. If we pass everyone when some don't deserve it, we encourage this kind of behavior and the kids do realize this early. Then they take advantage of it, knowing that they will be passed to the next grade every year without any reprocussions.

Kids are our future, why not properly invest in them so they can take control of it for the better.


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