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British Petroleum....had better cough up the cash!

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It's better that the Queen and Prince Charley declare insolventcy instead of letting thousands of barrels of oil destroy the gulf coast. Let the arrogant secretive mother f**kers drag out all of their money and send a thousand ships to clean up the oil spill with damned tea spoons if neccesary. Instead of doing what they are supposed to do they want to burn the stuff..as if oil and water burn easily and as if I want to breath the crap that keeps them rich.

I take that back - the Queen can keep her share..all others including - that grandson on Ritlin is cut out of the BP will...lol.

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Tony Hayward steps aside and lets another guy take over operations regarding the crisis..jeezz Tony - that was easy - and that grilling by the investigative committee was just like going to the dentist..a couple of pain killers and a drink - and zap - problem solved - must be nice. It looks like dear Tony is a person who gets what he wants and pronto! He got his life back real quick...

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Tony Hayward steps aside and lets another guy take over operations regarding the crisis..jeezz Tony - that was easy - and that grilling by the investigative committee was just like going to the dentist..a couple of pain killers and a drink - and zap - problem solved - must be nice. It looks like dear Tony is a person who gets what he wants and pronto! He got his life back real quick...

Tony definitely looked like he was heating up under the pressure, His blood was going to his head, (the red face) I thought he was going to catch fire and explode.

It was interesting to watch the events yesterday.

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Tony definitely looked like he was heating up under the pressure, His blood was going to his head, (the red face) I thought he was going to catch fire and explode.

It was interesting to watch the events yesterday.

This was not the look and color of a man in deep shame - it was a man holding back and containing quiet rage and contempt for everyone - it was a how dare you expression...but the "little people" I guess are like mindless dwarfs and spilling shit in their food supply is of little consequence to these privleged twits.

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This is horrific - oil is spreading up the coast and creating dead zones on shore - in the marsh and at the bottom - eventually this stuff will cover the whole east coast all the way to Canada - then it will travel over to Tony Haywards part of the world - and he will smell it and simply hop in the Lear with the gold toilet seat and go to the south Pacific..

Humanity is so conditioned by money that all they are doing is talking about money--endlessly -money can not buy you out of this mess - that is an illusion and a total avoidance of public duty...but money is all they know - and how to parrot the word "green"..

Will the oil stop by AUGUST ...? Probably not..these bastards are so damned greedy and sadistic when it comes to people and dominating them -the will is really not there to stop the "product"..and if these supposed "relief" wells miss the mark by a couple of feet they are screwed..as are we.. and if they are successful that does not guarantee a stop to the gusher either.

As I mentioned - forget the high tech have your cake and eat it too attitude - kill the damned dragon for God's sake - and ours. This leak amounts to the most aggressive and violent attack on nature - which IS humanity...that has ever taken place in history. It is as if - an enemy conquered us and poisoned the water supply of 50 cities...making the life giving substance useless!

BP is not sorry - Obama is not sorry - no one is sorry - if they were truly sorry they would not have done it - If they were truly concerned for what was right they would have had some righteous persons over seeing the drilling in the gulf instead of a bunch of debauched men and woman - who's priority was to get drunk - f**k each other and snort high end cocaine..this is the greatest show of national and human debasement yet - those in control are NOT civlized people - the sooner they are exiled into barbarianville- the better.

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The only way to escape oil addiction is to change the way we think ..not try to changed those that are at the top...in the mean time as you all suffer and drown in poison - I am going sailing with Tony...what the hell - there must be some open un-lubricated water somewhere? Let this be a lesson to all you idots - and remember You are the G 20 gang..use your power by knowing you have it - as for those that want to keep their jobs drilling for oil - what a bunch of idiots - standing up to their waste in oil working in order to make a car payment ---and to buy some oil so you can go to work to drill for oil.

AND DRILLING IN DEEP WATER IS A RISKY UNCONTORLABLE SITUATION..if it was controlable..the well would be under control...would it not? Deep water drilling will end up like this -- and this is not the last..Obama is just paying lip service to green nerds...he don't give a shit - if he did he and the agency that HE is in control of would have maintained control - they did not maintain control of the safe drilling and maintainence of wells...but of course BP is to blame in full - That is like the junkie blaming the dealer for everything - with out the addict their is no market.

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As I mentioned - forget the high tech have your cake and eat it too attitude - kill the damned dragon for God's sake - and ours. This leak amounts to the most aggressive and violent attack on nature - which IS humanity...that has ever taken place in history. It is as if - an enemy conquered us and poisoned the water supply of 50 cities...making the life giving substance useless!

Ha! What a crock. ROTFLMAO!!! Remember, President Obama does not take kindly to such dramatics.

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and .... POP goes the weasel.

New Orleans, Louisiana (CNN) -- After a day of record crude collection, BP suffered a significant setback Wednesday when a undersea robot accidentally bumped a vent, shutting it off and forcing the company to remove the containment cap through which oil from an undersea gusher in the Gulf of Mexico was being siphoned.
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There are no local workers - on the rigs - they are all upscale migrants from every state in the union looking for the quick big bucks - The local economy is primarily based on living product from the sea - not dead product from under the sea.

As we see - everything is run on the addiction factor - In Afghanistan - dope addicts are multiplying like flys - that is exactly what the invaders want - they conquered their own through street drugs - booze and pharma product - so it is not a stretch that they want everyone as hazed out and stupified as possible - addiction to oil - to disposable cash - and the rest - BP - strated off selling dope - and they are still selling dope but in a grander new form - cities are now like living entities ..they are addicted to this shit - all in all the control over the population is severe and relentless - If oil disappeared tomorrow - we would survive..if it stays and those in control of it act as they act - we will not survive - Obama - BP and the rest of those jerks are crazy..and they are all professinal iairs...When did this shit start the worst would rule the world - Lawyers! They can never be trusted...yet we do.

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At least Tony Hayward has a temper - no matter how hidden it shows - that he was enraged to the point of being a homicidal maniac if given the opportunitty - where as Obama the Lawyer - is a highly trained lawyer who has been conditioned to not have any emotions but to use and abuse others by stimulating their emotions..Obama has no power - if he had power you would see it in this little man - I see none.

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People have asked why BP and others drill so far offshore, and in such deep water.

According to 2008 Energy Department figures, nearly 80% of potentially oil-rich offshore lands are off limits to oil and gas development, and 60% of onshore lands are.


Thank you environmentalist wackos. :angry:

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People have asked why BP and others drill so far offshore, and in such deep water.

Thank you environmentalist wackos. :angry:

The term "environmentalist" or environment...are mis-nomers. This has nothing to do with environment - It is as the old British anti- buggering crowd would say back in the sixties - "It is a crime against nature."

This is an attack by the Americans - and by the Brits and others - that in pure character is and injury to nature.. a crime done with reckless disregard against the earth it self - against nature against our mother and our father God - this is the f**king of mother nature in the ass to the point that she is bleeding with out end and like rat vampires, we attempt to suck up the spilling blood..shame on us all.

As you might have noticed that the earth gave a little shake the other day - a small painful tremor..this might just turn into a blind rage in time - take a city like Toronto - it could be shook back into the stone age within 2 minutes - YOU think that this is impossible - that we are protected by the great Canadian shield and we float aloft and safe from the hell below? Don't be so sure..

As for drilling down a mile or two - then another three miles to gather up the fobidden blood that lays within our planet...sorry - Gods planet...this is like drilling for oil on the moon from earth - and controling it or attempting to control it with a couple of strings - The oil is to far down - to deep and distant to safely extract..we have simply been lucky thus far..

The problem here is that damned and obscene word ENVIRONMENT.....it means nothing - Tony Hayward and Obamas little crew of sailors are totally disconnected from nature - they live totally artifical lives and have no idea on how to steward nature or what it really is - nature has been patient - but not for much longer.

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When I sat and was shook in my chair and relized that the earth had moved - at first I was in wonder - then reality kicked in and I felt intense terror- like a fear of nature - a fear of God - God is embedded in nature and nature has a consiousness - and she can be a holy terror - it is the first time in my life that I was truely in shock and awe..the earth can remove us all in a couple of minutes she can shake us off into oblivion - these are warnings..trust me on this - don't think that you dominate nature - or God - you simply do not!

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Drill baby Drill. HA!

You would imagine that are highly connected G-28 gang would at least give this devestation a thought - to much smiling going on with our dearest of international friends - between all of these G- 20 people you would assume that at least one of them would have at least one person on staff that could plug a run away well?

That's it for that - maybe I will take an early morning run down town and make sure that the G-gang has at least one kind and diligent supporter - odd that there is not one single person giving our international connections a hand - where are the protestors to protest the protestors? Very smart move on the containment of any run about lunitics..just have more cops than rouges..very clever and very expensive - but it works- nothing worse than giving our nation and city a bad reputation by having crazed old liberal hippies and their grown children making a stink..and what is this - a Catholic support group is expecting their burn out sheltered types to be prepared for protestation - they stuck..flyers on the doors of a lot of their highly supported housing units -

In effect the Vatican is expecting all of their precious poor to commit some sort of violent and disruptive act against the G-20 gang - I thought that the Christ factor was to avoid violence and teach your lessors and superiours a superiour way of thinking and dealing with it - seems that the Catholics are in direct competion with our rich and powerful - using the poor to do their dirty work is a disgrace - as they say - I degress..so do they..

As for BP - and all of their connecting companies - they are stupified - I have always said that evil and stupidity are brother and sister. - But the admiring masses like to assume that evil is real smart - when have evil deeds in the long run ever ended pleasantly or successfully? NEVER... COS'S evil defys natural law and phyisics---

So maybe I will and maybe I won't - but I sure would like to go have a gander at the protestors an our now finely expanded standing army - the cops...best to have them as your friends and as your protectors rather than insult our best..so - I wonder if one protester protesting the protestants would cause an up-roar---no way am I sticking my neck out - but curiousity has grasped me..second thought - better have some breakfast and think of how envious I am of one of the G gang - I growing up on a kettle lake have not had the luxury of a life giving fresh water swim..in over four years--all I want to have is what they have - one damned sweet swim - I miss nature so much - and as for the photo - ops - up in Huntsville - what the hell is with the artifical grass - no wonder BP is so out of touch - rich people are afraid to walk on real earth - it might bite them as did the bottom of the sea.

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Thank God for this oil tragedy..now we understand that oil merchants are chumps - they do not care for people - for nature - law and order or general social stablity along with common prosperity - I would safely say that those running these companies are mentally ill..all points to that at this point in time - No effort has been made to lessen the harm to nature and mankind..all effort is toward them continuing with their mindless auto-pilot agenda of accumulation of wealth for no real useful purpose.

If these oil weasils managed to kill all of us by poisoning us - They are so crazed they would attempt to sell oil to the corpses..time for all of upper and middle management to be removed - internationally - and replaced with persons that are not insane..oil is not bad - these men and their whore woman are bad.

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The company hasn't been called "British Petroleum" in 30 years. It's owned 40% by the Britons and 40% by Americans so try to be fair.

I WAS fair..when the american share holders - questioned the brits via congress it was a two way street - the addicted grilling the drug dealer - both are in on it..one can not survive without the other..and for one to point at the other and attempt to send them off in a scapegoat fashion - is illusionary and morally objectionable - seem that the deception has run it's course..fire all of those in charge and get rid of any congress person or lobbyist type who attempts to play stupid when they faclitiated this spill through sheer greed and cheapness..the rich are cheap - especially the institutionalized ones - money is their very identity..with out oil - THEY ARE NOBODYS..and that is hard for the great and arrogant to bear - that they are not important people.

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There was something recently on Glenn Beck's program where he claims the Obama administration is giving or has given 2 billion dollars to a Brazilian oil company(Petrobas).They plan to drill at a much greater depth than the problem BP well.Beck claims one George Soros,some big shot lefty pal of Obama,has ties to the Brazilian oil company in question.


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There was something recently on Glenn Beck's program where he claims the Obama administration is giving or has given 2 billion dollars to a Brazilian oil company(Petrobas).They plan to drill at a much greater depth than the problem BP well.Beck claims one George Soros,some big shot lefty pal of Obama,has ties to the Brazilian oil company in question.


Maybe they are going to take the billion or so that BP gave up and hand it over to Brazil -- just as I suspected the money just circles around and ends up in the same hands anyway.

Now for something important -

Louisiana asked BP for 10 million to assist in the re-hiblitation of those suffering mental health problems due to the greasy attack..let me explain the irony.

If you are poor or a middle class working type..being diagnosed as mentally ill can be standard fair...but for some reason - if you are POWERFUL AND RICH - YOU DO NOT SUFFER FROM MENTAL ILLNESS..seeing we are all human and frail in some respects-

I would firmly say that most if not all of the upper end decision makers at BP are for all serious intent and purpose - mentally ill - there actions thus far in most respects clearly shows severe disconnection from reality...BUT..

No one want or dares to address the problem of mental illness amoungs the wealthy and influential...as if money makes them ammunne from mental disease and emotional disorders that lead to creating havoc in the world.

Because we worship money and assume that those in high positions will some how give us the trickle down effect and some bread will fall from the masters table...and somehow we will eat-- Yet the bread that is falling- is tainted...and the water we thirst for is poison-- still we wait like hungry rats ---- in dellusional hope that these rich people will help us - firstly - they are so cheap that it boarders on being like some crazy lady living in filth hording something she does not need- difference is that the stuff the rich hoard cost more and is nicer stuff - still it is hoarding.

No attempt has been made by BP or the people connected to big oil that run America to stop the leak. They refere to how much money BP has spent for the "clean up"...this is quite bizzare - There is no clean up! To call any actions a clean up is like believing as you mop the kitchen floor that you are cleaning up - as a pipe of sewage delivers and endless supply of shit dumping it where you wiped up a second ago.

Now British Petroleum and there assistants in congress have created a wonderful Orwellian style PR assualt - telling us all that they love us so much..and that there really is no oil fowling the oceans and shore line - and that the life producing marshes are just fine.

A storm is coming - and all of the idoits who are connected to big oil including media - are spewing forth smiles and grins as if now the oil might just get stirred up and "evaporate" - this is like expecting an oil based highway to disappear because there is a rain and wind coming- tar - which is crude evaporates in about 5000 years.

I can not believe the world I live in where dellusion has replaced reality - where what was once a shameful act is celebrated as pride...BP is very proud of what they have done- the feel no shame nor know what it is...I would say that the pride they continue to show reminds me of a man who has another man piss in his face and swears "this is the blessing of heavenly rain" - Mental illness does strike the rich - and to re-affirm my personal perception that evil and stupidity are the same thing - BP and Congress all suffer from mental illness...If they were healthy minded we would see evidence of that rather than dellusional self assuring double talk!

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Maybe they are going to take the billion or so that BP gave up and hand it over to Brazil -- just as I suspected the money just circles around and ends up in the same hands anyway.

Now for something important -

Louisiana asked BP for 10 million to assist in the re-hiblitation of those suffering mental health problems due to the greasy attack..let me explain the irony.

If you are poor or a middle class working type..being diagnosed as mentally ill can be standard fair...but for some reason - if you are POWERFUL AND RICH - YOU DO NOT SUFFER FROM MENTAL ILLNESS..seeing we are all human and frail in some respects-

I would firmly say that most if not all of the upper end decision makers at BP are for all serious intent and purpose - mentally ill - there actions thus far in most respects clearly shows severe disconnection from reality...BUT..

No one want or dares to address the problem of mental illness amoungs the wealthy and influential...as if money makes them ammunne from mental disease and emotional disorders that lead to creating havoc in the world.

Because we worship money and assume that those in high positions will some how give us the trickle down effect and some bread will fall from the masters table...and somehow we will eat-- Yet the bread that is falling- is tainted...and the water we thirst for is poison-- still we wait like hungry rats ---- in dellusional hope that these rich people will help us - firstly - they are so cheap that it boarders on being like some crazy lady living in filth hording something she does not need- difference is that the stuff the rich hoard cost more and is nicer stuff - still it is hoarding.

No attempt has been made by BP or the people connected to big oil that run America to stop the leak. They refere to how much money BP has spent for the "clean up"...this is quite bizzare - There is no clean up! To call any actions a clean up is like believing as you mop the kitchen floor that you are cleaning up - as a pipe of sewage delivers and endless supply of shit dumping it where you wiped up a second ago.

Now British Petroleum and there assistants in congress have created a wonderful Orwellian style PR assualt - telling us all that they love us so much..and that there really is no oil fowling the oceans and shore line - and that the life producing marshes are just fine.

A storm is coming - and all of the idoits who are connected to big oil including media - are spewing forth smiles and grins as if now the oil might just get stirred up and "evaporate" - this is like expecting an oil based highway to disappear because there is a rain and wind coming- tar - which is crude evaporates in about 5000 years.

I can not believe the world I live in where dellusion has replaced reality - where what was once a shameful act is celebrated as pride...BP is very proud of what they have done- the feel no shame nor know what it is...I would say that the pride they continue to show reminds me of a man who has another man piss in his face and swears "this is the blessing of heavenly rain" - Mental illness does strike the rich - and to re-affirm my personal perception that evil and stupidity are the same thing - BP and Congress all suffer from mental illness...If they were healthy minded we would see evidence of that rather than dellusional self assuring double talk!

I will reply to myself as per usual. The lunitics are running the nut house - time to have some normal and resonsible human beings control OUR oil supply - some people that are not so arrogant and proud that they believe they can conquer God and nature..it would be nice...at present we have an insane swimming pig that has excreted a billion tons of feces in our food supply..get the pig out of there and bring in some good people to manage OUR natural wealth.

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