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Anne Coulter comes to Canada

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Did any of you realize that the universities Coulter invited to were all in Tories ridings and that a Harper advisor spoke also at them? That same guy, was on CBC defending Coulter. You know the Harris Tories had a scam, were there isn't a crisis, make one. So here we have another "problem" and I wonder if this is suppose to take away from the No.1 thorn in the Tories side....the detainee documents.

Reading that, after deciphering its possible meanings I am left to wonder if:

Does Topaz think that the Conservatives are moving universities to conservative ridings?

Does Topaz think Glen Pearson, the Liberal MP for London North where Western U is, switch to the Conservatives?

Does Topaz think Mauril Bélanger,, The Liberal MP for Ottawa Vanier, where the University of Ottawa is located, switch to the Conservatives?

Does Topaz think the Conservatives organized the threats and protests.

Does Topaz need a new toaster?

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Reading that, after deciphering its possible meanings I am left to wonder if:

Does Topaz think that the Conservatives are moving universities to conservative ridings?

Does Topaz think Glen Pearson, the Liberal MP for London North where Western U is, switch to the Conservatives?

Does Topaz think Mauril Bélanger,, The Liberal MP for Ottawa Vanier, where the University of Ottawa is located, switch to the Conservatives?

Does Topaz think the Conservatives organized the threats and protests.

Does Topaz need a new toaster?

Very good questions.

I hope Mr Topaz will respond.

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This situation is a perfect illustration of how far left Canada is in comparison to the States.

What does the left know of Fascism when they call Ann Coulter a Fascist? I would go so far as to say a real Fascist would have been embraced whole-heartedly, someone like Chavez, for instance. Chavez is confused as being only a "socialist" while he nationalizes all his industries and muzzles the press. this is entirely acceptable to the left, I suppose because it is anti-corporate and not about profit. Somehow Capitalism has also been confused with Fascism. Remember, Fascism is an authoritarian,totalitarian form of government, it is big government. Is this what Ann Coulter is calling for or does she just want less government in her country? The left always wants more so who promotes the progression of big government and the march to authoritarian, totalitarian governments more? The left needs and demands big government to protect them from people like Ann Coulter.

Socialism is a means to an end. It is Progressivism by a different name. The end is the ideal total State. Jack Weber mentioned the similarities between left and right socialist extremes and describes the political spectrum as a horseshoe with left and right coming together at the ends. The fact is they were never far apart. They both depend upon the progressive centralization and concentration of political and governmental power. And the growth of either, what is called the left and right, is what socialism is about. The progress from small government to large government can be seen quite easily on a linear political scale of progression towards big government of any variety. It goes that way because politicians cannot remove entitlement once given without paying a huge political price. Ever increasing entitlement means ever increasing bureaucracy and an ever increasing burden on the economy. The failures of the economy brought about by this heavy government burden are always blamed upon failures of the market and the demand for greater regulation, even bigger government, seems the only solution.

A lot of what we see wrong with the free market economy is the free market economy attempting to skirt government intervention and resulting regulation from government countering such evasion. As an example, when there were wage controls in the US during WW II businesses attempted to try and get greater benefit to workers and compete with each other for labour. One method of doing so was to offer health care benefits. A good thing one might say but it occurred because government limited what people could earn and thus couldn't afford these benefits on their own if they so choose to purchase them.

Anyway, as usual I'm drifting to my pet theme as regards big government. Is someone going to call me a fascist for being against big government.

Edited by Pliny
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I have a feeling if a warning was sent to a left wing commentator you'd have a different opinion.

Not that we'll ever find out because they wouldn't send such warnings to left wing commentators.

No, I would have the same opinion. There's a story about a student complaining about a 'content warning' given before a Women's Studies class. It's a no-win situation if people can complain about warnings.

That said, your comments about those who approve of her being shut down are spot on. I'm sad that the students of Ottawa U gave in to their baser instincts and misbehaved as they did and I think that comments by Wyly and others comparing her to extremists of the past are themselves extreme.

She earns her living offending people and making baseless and extreme comments, so people should expect the worst when she comes to town. I don't approve of what she says, but shutting her down isn't right, and it doesn't even advance the goals of those who oppose her.

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She earns her living offending people and making baseless and extreme comments, so people should expect the worst when she comes to town. I don't approve of what she says, but shutting her down isn't right, and it doesn't even advance the goals of those who oppose her.

Since she earns her living by offending people, then she can expect people to offend her. She wants to come here to talk about free speech, by offending people. And she complains that people are shutting her down for her free speech because she wants to offend people. She came here with a purpose to piss people off and she got some of her own medicine. No sympathy for her at all.

I just hope she does not come back.

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As long as your okay not allowing free speech and all...

There is free speech and there is trolling. She is the later. Not welcome here. Everything she says is inflammatory to get a certain response out of both her supported and protesters. Calculated troll. She knows the outcome and is crying because she is the reason it happened.

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There is free speech and there is trolling. She is the later.

Trolling is an internet thing. There is nothing against the law in what she does.

Not welcome here.

Tickets sold and her appreance fee says otherwise. What should be not welcome are the goons who through their intimidation shout someone down or force them to be silent. They are the antithesis of a free society and are better off where only state approved topics can be discussed.

Everything she says is inflammatory to get a certain response out of both her supported and protesters.

Irrelevent. Saying things that make everyone happy and cuddly is not the litmus test for the standard of free expression. There was an artist a few years ago, Mark Prent. His works caused a real ruckus amongst some...they wanted his works shut down cause they caused people to feel a certain way. In the end, he was allowed to display his work. Coulter is no different. She makes people uncomfortable....tough titty.

Calculated troll. She knows the outcome and is crying because she is the reason it happened.

Actually, I think she played and pawnd the morons. She is a celebrity and a celebrities capital is their fame. She now has yet again wide publicity and got paid handsomely for it as well.

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I don't think she's complaining. She's aware of our HRCs and planned accordingly. Like Galloway, she loves negative as well as positive attention.

Which begs the question, when does Galloway try and come back to Canada. If he's got no criminal record, he has a legitimate case to come and present "the other side".

If we let one loony tune in, we have to let them all in...

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Which begs the question, when does Galloway try and come back to Canada. If he's got no criminal record, he has a legitimate case to come and present "the other side".

If we let one loony tune in, we have to let them all in...

I believe it's a problem with Galloway actually being caught on film handing cash and materials over to HAMAS...a known terrorist group.

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I don't think she's complaining. She's aware of our HRCs and planned accordingly. Like Galloway, she loves negative as well as positive attention.

Attention Whore would be a more appropriate term for her then.

M Danceer

Trolling is an internet thing. There is nothing against the law in what she does.

It's not limited to the Internet. True, no laws were broken.

Tickets sold and her appreance fee says otherwise. What should be not welcome are the goons who through their intimidation shout someone down or force them to be silent. They are the antithesis of a free society and are better off where only state approved topics can be discussed.

Well, how about this, free speech goes both ways.

Irrelevent. Saying things that make everyone happy and cuddly is not the litmus test for the standard of free expression. There was an artist a few years ago, Mark Prent. His works caused a real ruckus amongst some...they wanted his works shut down cause they caused people to feel a certain way. In the end, he was allowed to display his work. Coulter is no different. She makes people uncomfortable....tough titty.

Not it is very relevant and to the heart of the issue at hand. She does this on purpose to get people worked up. This way Coulter can claim a win either way. If she was allowed to speak, then she can spew her hate to the crowd that paid to see her. She can claim a win by saying that free speech does not exist in Canada because other people who have free speech shouted her down(yes some of them were threats and could be considered hate-speech, but coming from Coulter that's 100% hypocritical).

She does not make me uncomfortable,(I doubt anyone feeling uncomfortable around her), she does annoy me.

And do you honestly think that anyone gives a crap about a person known to be inflammatory in speech, claims she was a victim of hate-speech? Tought titty, this is Canada not the US. If she wants to do her bit, stay in the US where it works and no one says anything about it.

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Since she earns her living by offending people, then she can expect people to offend her. She wants to come here to talk about free speech, by offending people. And she complains that people are shutting her down for her free speech because she wants to offend people. She came here with a purpose to piss people off and she got some of her own medicine. No sympathy for her at all.

I just hope she does not come back.

I'm not offended by what she said, since she was not afforded the chance to say it.

I am offended by the conduct of the faculty and staff of the U of O, who invited her to speak and then shouted her down.

I am really offeneded by Canadians who have such callous disregard for basic and fundamental, Charter guaranteed rights.

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We have all just witnessed how tolerant universities are, how tolerant those with competing agendas are and just how tolerant the left is. If you don't like what she has to say do what I did stay home and not listen to her rabble rousing.

But I know the left always has to be loud and obnoxious and force their so called "tolerant" views on others.

Time to end any government subsidization for this bastion of indoctrination. U of O needs to learn a little tolerance and humility.

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No, I would have the same opinion. There's a story about a student complaining about a 'content warning' given before a Women's Studies class. It's a no-win situation if people can complain about warnings.

That said, your comments about those who approve of her being shut down are spot on. I'm sad that the students of Ottawa U gave in to their baser instincts and misbehaved as they did and I think that comments by Wyly and others comparing her to extremists of the past are themselves extreme.

She earns her living offending people and making baseless and extreme comments, so people should expect the worst when she comes to town. I don't approve of what she says, but shutting her down isn't right, and it doesn't even advance the goals of those who oppose her.

you're usually quite astute this time you're way off the mark...recognize a NAZI when you see one and recognize those who support her as no different than a NAZI, the racist bigots on this forum and we all know who they are despite their disguise calling themselves conservatives or republicans are Nazi's in spirit all this BS about freedom of speech is freedom to spread hate and intolerance they espouse the philosophy of others like Jim Keegstra, Ernst Zundel, David Duke and now Coulter...

congrats to the University students for practicing their right to demonstrate and freedom of speech to shut down this hate filled bitch and her Canadian rightwing nut supporters...

shame on all those forum members who support this loathsome NAZI with all your fake patriotism you shit on every Canadians grave who died fighting NAZI intolerance...

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Well, how about this, free speech goes both ways.

It sure does. Every opportunity should be allowed for those with opposing views to express them. Free speech however doesn't mean the freedom to silence, to intimidate and to deny access to opposing opinions.

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I'm not offended by what she said, since she was not afforded the chance to say it.

I am offended by the conduct of the faculty and staff of the U of O, who invited her to speak and then shouted her down.

I am really offeneded by Canadians who have such callous disregard for basic and fundamental, Charter guaranteed rights.

Nothing in the charter protects you from being offended.

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