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CNN Fact Checks Saturday's SNL Obama Skit

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CNN actually fact checked a comedy skit! Because it was somewhat unkind to Dear Leader.

WOLF BLITZER: It seems no politician is safe from Saturday Night Live. While many people think SNL has mostly spared President Obama, what they’re doing now is not necessarily all that kind. They essentially cast the leader of the free world as a do-nothing president, at least so far. Even though SNL deals in comedy, what they said about the President rings true for a lot of you, apparently. So, did the show accurately capture a mood, or did it go off track for comedic effect?

Let’s bring in CNN's Kareen Wynter. She’s checking the facts for us. All right, Kareen, what are you finding out?


They've taken a lot of grief for it, but I'm willing to cut them some slack. After all, they did do a pretty good job fact checking several Bush and Palin SNL skits, right? :rolleyes::blink:

Oh that's right, they did no such thing. Just for Obama. Fair and balanced.

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CNN actually fact checked a comedy skit! Because it was somewhat unkind to Dear Leader.

WOLF BLITZER: It seems no politician is safe from Saturday Night Live. While many people think SNL has mostly spared President Obama, what they’re doing now is not necessarily all that kind. They essentially cast the leader of the free world as a do-nothing president, at least so far. Even though SNL deals in comedy, what they said about the President rings true for a lot of you, apparently. So, did the show accurately capture a mood, or did it go off track for comedic effect?

Let’s bring in CNN's Kareen Wynter. She’s checking the facts for us. All right, Kareen, what are you finding out?


They've taken a lot of grief for it, but I'm willing to cut them some slack. After all, they did do a pretty good job fact checking several Bush and Palin SNL skits, right? :rolleyes::blink:

Oh that's right, they did no such thing. Just for Obama. Fair and balanced.

I think it is unrealistic for anyone to think that Obama could meet his promises in 10 months. At least Obama is working on it and not out at some half baked ranch pretending to cut mesquite. Obama's decision to hold off on sending more troops to Afghanistan until the election business is straightened out is sensible. Why would anyone put in more troops iinto a country if there wasn't a dedicated leader of that country.

And, by referring to Obama as a do nothing president they are just feeding the hatred that some whackos out there have for Obama.

Since his inauguration, Obama has received more death threats than any other president. Then whackos like Limbaugh, Beck, et al just feed the hatred of other whackos.

Edited by weareone
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Since his inauguration, Obama has received more death threats than any other president.


I wonder if there is a credible source because I would think death threats would be, you know, confidential and not in the public domain.

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Guest American Woman
Since his inauguration, Obama has received more death threats than any other president.


Death threats are part of the job for any American president, but Barack Obama has reportedly had more levelled against him than any commander-in-chief in history. link

US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a new book. link

The unprecedented number of death threats against President Obama, a rise in racist hate groups, and a new wave of antigovernment fervor threaten to overwhelm the US Secret Service, according to government officials and reports, raising new questions about the 144-year-old agency’s overall mission. link

Edited by American Woman
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Death threats are part of the job for any American president, but Barack Obama has reportedly had more levelled against him than any commander-in-chief in history. link

US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a new book. link

The unprecedented number of death threats against President Obama, a rise in racist hate groups, and a new wave of antigovernment fervor threaten to overwhelm the US Secret Service, according to government officials and reports, raising new questions about the 144-year-old agency’s overall mission. link


I really doubt the Secret Service woiuld release numbers of that nature.

I don't know if Kessler is a credible source.

In an article for Newsmax, on March 16, 2008, Kessler incorrectly reported, based on a previous Newsmax story by a freelance writer, that Senator Barack Obama attended a service at Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ on July 22, 2007, during which Rev. Jeremiah Wright gave a sermon that blamed world suffering on "white arrogance."[17] The Obama campaign denied that Obama had attended the church on the day that sermon was delivered and other reporters discovered that Obama was in fact in transit to Miami, Florida on that day.[18] Newsmax posted a "clarification" while standing by the story, suggesting that perhaps the sermon occurred on a different day in July.[17] Shortly after the controversy broke, Kessler confirmed to TPM that he attempted to remove information documenting it from his Wikipedia biography.[19]
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I really doubt the Secret Service woiuld release numbers of that nature.

I don't know if Kessler is a credible source.

Indeed, and moreover, since President Obama has only been in office for 9 months, I doubt he has received more threats than any previous president, and he certainly has not been subjected to close calls like Ford or Reagan.

Obama will be better off if he is allowed to roll with the political punches just like any other prez, instead of being coddled.

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Guest American Woman

According to The Globe, a report issued by the Congressional Research Service shows that the Secret Service is investigating more threats against government officials than ever before....

The Boston Globe reports that a new internal Congressional Research Service report and government sources say there are an unprecedented number of death threats against President Obama ....


Edited by American Woman
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I wonder if there is a credible source because I would think death threats would be, you know, confidential and not in the public domain.

I read it in The International Herald Tribune this morning. I am sure their web site has the article. It was about the CIA diverting funds from financial prosecution because thenumber of threats Obama has had is eating up the budget, but the CIA denied it.

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Death threats are part of the job for any American president, but Barack Obama has reportedly had more levelled against him than any commander-in-chief in history. link

US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a new book. link

The unprecedented number of death threats against President Obama, a rise in racist hate groups, and a new wave of antigovernment fervor threaten to overwhelm the US Secret Service, according to government officials and reports, raising new questions about the 144-year-old agency’s overall mission. link

Thanks for the links. They are about the same as the one I read this morning in The International Herald Tribune.

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Indeed, and moreover, since President Obama has only been in office for 9 months, I doubt he has received more threats than any previous president, and he certainly has not been subjected to close calls like Ford or Reagan.

Obama will be better off if he is allowed to roll with the political punches just like any other prez, instead of being coddled.

If you read the links, you would be proven wrong. Obama would be better off if the nuttos, rightwingers and whackos got a grip and realized that Yes, America, you have a black president.

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Yes I read about the threats some time ago.

Now about SNL, seems to me there was quite a bit of a "stink" when they parodied Sarah Palin. There was a lot of coverage on CNN too.

Why do they bother with it as news?

Answer- "Wolf Blitzer"

Oh yes, the monotone of Wolf Blitzer, and "thanks a lot for that" responses. If you have insomnia, tune into Wolf Blitzer.

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CNN actually fact checked a comedy skit! Because it was somewhat unkind to Dear Leader.

WOLF BLITZER: It seems no politician is safe from Saturday Night Live. While many people think SNL has mostly spared President Obama, what they’re doing now is not necessarily all that kind. They essentially cast the leader of the free world as a do-nothing president, at least so far. Even though SNL deals in comedy, what they said about the President rings true for a lot of you, apparently. So, did the show accurately capture a mood, or did it go off track for comedic effect?

Let’s bring in CNN's Kareen Wynter. She’s checking the facts for us. All right, Kareen, what are you finding out?


They've taken a lot of grief for it, but I'm willing to cut them some slack. After all, they did do a pretty good job fact checking several Bush and Palin SNL skits, right? :rolleyes::blink:

Oh that's right, they did no such thing. Just for Obama. Fair and balanced.

I remember when Wolf Blitzer was interviewing Dick Cheney ..and questioned the former VP about the fairness of his lesbian daughter having a child. Cheney was so outraged that his face was bleeding hate..it was as if Cheney looked at Wolf and said "I will destroy you and your whole family you snivling little Jew" Wolf was terrified! I guess that Obama may have charisma but does not have the death ray stare that was delivered by Cheney. As for SNL and their producers - they would never dare make fun of Cheney - because they know he is a real gangster and might kill your ass indirectly.

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It was about the CIA diverting funds from financial prosecution because thenumber of threats Obama has had is eating up the budget, but the CIA denied it.

LOL. As if the Obama Administration operates under any kind of budget! :lol:

Good one!

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I remember when Wolf Blitzer was interviewing Dick Cheney ..and questioned the former VP about the fairness of his lesbian daughter having a child. Cheney was so outraged that his face was bleeding hate..it was as if Cheney looked at Wolf and said "I will destroy you and your whole family you snivling little Jew" Wolf was terrified! I guess that Obama may have charisma but does not have the death ray stare that was delivered by Cheney. As for SNL and their producers - they would never dare make fun of Cheney - because they know he is a real gangster and might kill your ass indirectly.

I watched that interview and marveled at Cheney when he said "we love all our children" just days after he railed about homosexual marriages. What a hyprocrite and a hateful person he is. Cheny is a has been but he just can't understand why. But you are right but his hatred. It is downright scarey how Cheney hates.

And this from a coward that took 5 deferrments from VietNam because he had more important things to do. Yeah, like get a Masters in Liberal Arts. And this guy ran Halliburton? The only reason Lynn Cheney got pregnant was because Cheney had no more deferrments.

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I watched that interview and marveled at Cheney when he said "we love all our children" just days after he railed about homosexual marriages. What a hyprocrite and a hateful person he is. Cheny is a has been but he just can't understand why. But you are right but his hatred. It is downright scarey how Cheney hates.

And this from a coward that took 5 deferrments from VietNam because he had more important things to do. Yeah, like get a Masters in Liberal Arts. And this guy ran Halliburton? The only reason Lynn Cheney got pregnant was because Cheney had no more deferrments.

Classic America corporate - Yes he is and was very arrogant and did clearly function on spite and hate - rage in fact - no wonder he screwed up in Iraq ...You can not enter into warfare and invasion in a blind rage and expect it to work out withing the confines of logic. Oh and by the way - that other older guy - who was Palins running mate . shot down in Viet Nam and suddenly the shoot down rate of American planes increased..

- Sold out his own people for some cookies and milk - America is a nation of Pirates - just like Somalia - just grander - I would safely say that America is a failed state - just a huge one --- look at it's prison system...what a mess..and the banks - need I go on? People assume that all establishment is good - It's a Paulist doctrine - "Obey your government for they where put in place by GOD" _ No god of goodness is going to establish evil to rule - only man would do that.

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Classic America corporate - Yes he is and was very arrogant and did clearly function on spite and hate - rage in fact - no wonder he screwed up in Iraq ...You can not enter into warfare and invasion in a blind rage and expect it to work out withing the confines of logic. Oh and by the way - that other older guy - who was Palins running mate . shot down in Viet Nam and suddenly the shoot down rate of American planes increased..

- Sold out his own people for some cookies and milk - America is a nation of Pirates - just like Somalia - just grander - I would safely say that America is a failed state - just a huge one --- look at it's prison system...what a mess..and the banks - need I go on? People assume that all establishment is good - It's a Paulist doctrine - "Obey your government for they where put in place by GOD" _ No god of goodness is going to establish evil to rule - only man would do that.

No doubt about his Iraqi screw up, just like the phony WMDs, and heaven forbid, a terrorist under every bed. His arrogance is supreme in the world of trying to dumb down America. Scare the hell out of them and they will follow. Cheney is evil.

I still have hope that the United States will come out of the last 8 rotten years stronger and better.

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No doubt about his Iraqi screw up, just like the phony WMDs, and heaven forbid, a terrorist under every bed. His arrogance is supreme in the world of trying to dumb down America. Scare the hell out of them and they will follow. Cheney is evil.

Still, that doesn't explain Canadian Forces in Afghanistan.

I still have hope that the United States will come out of the last 8 rotten years stronger and better.

Why ? We'll just do the same thing someplace else...because we can.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Here is Jon Stewart's take on CNN's factcheck: http://watch.thecomedynetwork.ca/the-daily...des/#clip223012

:lol: thanks for the link.

CNN is not alone in fact checking SNL.

Yahoo News also published this article, fact-checking the skit


And somebody even fact-checked the fact-check

http://www.bookwormroom.com/2009/10/05/yah...act-checks-snl/ and came to the conclusion that "nada" isn't really that unfair after all.

Yes I read about the threats some time ago.

Now about SNL, seems to me there was quite a bit of a "stink" when they parodied Sarah Palin. There was a lot of coverage on CNN too.

Why do they bother with it as news?

Answer- "Wolf Blitzer"

Yes, I recall SNL got a lot of *coverage* during the election. Mostly I recall a lot of laurels for Tina Fey. I do recall some discussion of how much the sketches actually influenced peoples' views of the politicians, and lots of grumbling from right-wing folks that the comedy was too one-sided.

But I can't recall a news network ever doing a story to claim that a comedy skit was unfair to a politician before. Can you?

Valuable kimmy-points to anybody who can cite me another example.


{maybe CNN is still sore at SNL for the side-splittingly funny "In The Tank For Obama" skit.}

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I watched that interview and marveled at Cheney when he said "we love all our children" just days after he railed about homosexual marriages.

You're obviously lying. Cheney is a supporter of so-called same-sex marraige, and has never "railed" about it. Clearly you have your facts wrong.

Swing and a miss! :lol:

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You're obviously lying. Cheney is a supporter of so-called same-sex marraige, and has never "railed" about it. Clearly you have your facts wrong.

Swing and a miss! :lol:

I googled and found a Cheney qyote which supports your assertion. Here it is:

"the former vice president did just that, saying that he supports gay marriage as long as it is deemed legal by state and not federal government."

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I googled and found a Cheney qyote which supports your assertion. Here it is:

"the former vice president did just that, saying that he supports gay marriage as long as it is deemed legal by state and not federal government."

He is also against a constitutional amendment stating the marriage is only between a man and a woman. I guess you need to learn not to jump to conclusions huh? Don't let your pre-concieved ideas lead you to incorrect assumptions.

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Guest American Woman
He is also against a constitutional amendment stating the marriage is only between a man and a woman.

It's interesting how Cheney, a conservative Republican who happens to have a gay family member, was against such an amendment. Nothing like being personally affected to make one 'open' to letting people make their own life decisions and live life the way they choose. I wonder how Bush would have felt about it if one of his daughter's was openly gay? <_<

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