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Omar Khdar


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btw-Maybe my posting style is offensive to some but i am honest and i get to the point i don t waste time talking in riddles as many do! there is no guessing where i stand on a subject!... ;)

If you are so honest, then am I to assume that when you say something along the lines of " a terrorist is a terrorist no matter how old they are " that you are also referring to twelve year old terrorists, eleven year old terrorists, nine year old terrorists and six year old terrorists? Surely if a fifteen year old can be a full-fledged terrorists, so can they. Shoot 'em all, right? Or are you suddenly going to feel the need to introduce some other arbitrary cut off?

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If you are so honest, then am I to assume that when you say something along the lines of " a terrorist is a terrorist no matter how old they are " that you are also referring to twelve year old terrorists, eleven year old terrorists, nine year old terrorists and six year old terrorists? Surely if a fifteen year old can be a full-fledged terrorists, so can they. Shoot 'em all, right? Or are you suddenly going to feel the need to introduce some other arbitrary cut off?

Put it this way...if i am a soldier being shot at by a 10 year old with an AK-47 trying to kill me, your right i would shoot without hestitation...it's sad these kids are used that way but they kill just the same!

an AK-47 is an AK-47 or an RPG is an RPG they still all kill ........doesn t matter how old the person is behind it!

What do you think soldiers would do if a 10 year old kid is approaching them strapped with bombs and refuses to stop???.........not a great situation to be in for a Nato soldier but Al Qaeda doesn t care about these kids they tell they will get their 72 virgins or whatever it is these idiots believe and while it's Al Qaeda and the Taliban that is to blame for these child terrorist's they are just as deadly and Nato troops will take them out if they have to....war is hell but we didn t start this one......Al Qaeda did!

Edited by wulf42
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The Americans should have tried and convicted him in the first place. It was their moral duty to seek resolution in a court of law. For whatever reason this was not done, justice is waiting.

Obviously you didn't follow the trial (or maybe it was pre-trial) when it was in progress, before Obama got elected and shut it down: It was very apparent from the testimonies of US soldiers that Omar could not be convicted and could not have thrown the grenade. Soldiers present at the incident, and Omar's interrogator stepped forward in his defense. The day it was shut down, Omar's lawyer released the next piece of evidence publicly: That forensics showed the grenade was US issue.

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Put it this way...if i am a soldier being shot at by a 10 year old with an AK-47 trying to kill me, your right i would shoot without hestitation...it's sad these kids are used that way but they kill just the same!

an AK-47 is an AK-47 or an RPG is an RPG they still all kill ........doesn t matter how old the person is behind it!

What do you think soldiers would do if a 10 year old kid is approaching them strapped with bombs and refuses to stop???.........not a great situation to be in for a Nato soldier but Al Qaeda doesn t care about these kids they tell they will get their 72 virgins or whatever it is these idiots believe and while it's Al Qaeda and the Taliban that is to blame for these child terrorist's they are just as deadly and Nato troops will take them out if they have to....war is hell but we didn t start this one......Al Qaeda did!

You are confusing the question, wulf. A 10 year old shooting at you in not a danger in virtue of being a terrorist, they are a danger or you in virtue of holding a gun and shooting at you. If Omar Khadr had been 15 years old and shot dead while throwing a grenade, we would not be having this conversation. The question is how we should treat such children who are in our custody.

By saying that a 10 year old is a terrorist, you are not saying that they are a valid target for being killed while they are shooting at you, you are saying they are a valid target for hunting down and shooting in the back of the head from 500 meters while they are eating their breakfast.

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That in itself doesn't exonerate him. Might mean that the grenade came from any number of nations that use them, canada included

And it might exonerate him, along with the testimonies of the US soldiers that he could not have thrown the grenade.

It's surprising to me that those most intent on villifying Omar are the ones with the least knowledge of the information available.

Kinda smacks of intentional blind discrimination, doesn't it?

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It's surprising to me that those most intent on villifying Omar are the ones with the least knowledge of the information available.

Why is that? Seems to me those who are most intent on having him back are also the least knowledgeable about the topic. There are even some who think Canada is in Afghanistan because Harper sent them there to atone for Chretian not sending them to Iraq...iI mean, with that kind of nonsense being spouted by the loons, the next thing you may hear we are there to protect corporate interets aand a pipeline that's being built...with nutbars like that, how can a rationale discussion be had?

Can ya dig it?

Never the less, since you are so well versed on the issues I'm sure you know that murder is but one of the damning charges against poor lil omar....

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You are confusing the question, wulf. A 10 year old shooting at you in not a danger in virtue of being a terrorist, they are a danger or you in virtue of holding a gun and shooting at you. If Omar Khadr had been 15 years old and shot dead while throwing a grenade, we would not be having this conversation. The question is how we should treat such children who are in our custody.

By saying that a 10 year old is a terrorist, you are not saying that they are a valid target for being killed while they are shooting at you, you are saying they are a valid target for hunting down and shooting in the back of the head from 500 meters while they are eating their breakfast.

They are a valid target if they are serving with the Taliban and are armed sure they are sniper bait!

Omar should have been taken out when they found him that would have saved all the trouble..........and there is a big difference between a 15 year old and a 6 year old....and by the way the Taliban doesn t use kids that young they simply kill or beat them or strapped them full of explosive's and order them to attack or else and yes if we were to capture a child this young it would be a different situation!...........a 15 year old knows exactly what he is doing!!! Kids of this age in our custody should be charged with treason plain and simple....and if not executed then at least sent away for the rest of their life in prison, i wonder how many Nato troops Omar killed??

Edited by wulf42
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What spawned modern terrorism was not relgion - what spawned it was one set of prosperous and spoiled people - starving the hell out of another group. Suddenly the hungry man stands up and demands food - suddenly he is a terrorist. This all started because of American foreign policy - a brutal policy that has been in place for 75 years - one of usery - cruelty - elitism - greed - dominance and spiritual blindness - when Madame Albright commented on the effects of sanctions against Iraq in the early days - when it was reported that about 30 thousand Iraq children died because of the blockade of drugs needed to sustain good health....and she said this ---"it was worth it" - no wonder they seek to kill this type of freak and all they represent. Khdar - is not a terrorist - The f***ing bank that sends off credit cards to our youth...and enslaving them in debt for a life time - that's terrible - that is terrorism..how come no one is pissed off at these slave masters? :rolleyes:

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They are a valid target if they are serving with the Taliban and are armed sure they are sniper bait!

Omar should have been taken out when they found him that would have saved all the trouble..........and there is a big difference between a 15 year old and a 6 year old....and by the way the Taliban doesn t use kids that young they simply kill or beat them or strapped them full of explosive's and order them to attack or else and yes if we were to capture a child this young it would be a different situation!...........a 15 year old knows exactly what he is doing!!! Kids of this age in our custody should be charged with treason plain and simple....and if not executed then at least sent away for the rest of their life in prison, i wonder how many Nato troops Omar killed??

Are you going to be comfortable being known as " wulf, the killer of ten year old chilren " ?

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Are you going to be comfortable being known as " wulf, the killer of ten year old chilren " ?

I haven t killed or plan on killing anyone now or ever! that is the Army's job..........................so your point is not only stupid but childish to say the least! I was talking from a hypothetical Nato soldiers point of view..i thought that was obvious! And trying to spin this into something other than the Topic which is Omar the 15 year old...and not a 10 year old is making your look well errr silly! But that's what they do here isn't it when you leftie's lose an argument go to plan b personal attacks.....lol to funny really!

Edited by wulf42
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What spawned modern terrorism was not relgion - what spawned it was one set of prosperous and spoiled people - starving the hell out of another group. Suddenly the hungry man stands up and demands food - suddenly he is a terrorist. This all started because of American foreign policy - a brutal policy that has been in place for 75 years - one of usery - cruelty - elitism - greed - dominance and spiritual blindness - when Madame Albright commented on the effects of sanctions against Iraq in the early days - when it was reported that about 30 thousand Iraq children died because of the blockade of drugs needed to sustain good health....and she said this ---"it was worth it" - no wonder they seek to kill this type of freak and all they represent. Khdar - is not a terrorist - The f***ing bank that sends off credit cards to our youth...and enslaving them in debt for a life time - that's terrible - that is terrorism..how come no one is pissed off at these slave masters? :rolleyes:

Give me a break........hungary man wanting food???? tell me you don t believe that nonsense!!

these animals are religious fanatics who want to impose their evil views on others..and torture and kill all those who oppose, these idiots are the same caliber as the Nazi's and are the same threat as well, the only difference between the Nazi's and Islamic terrorist's is the Nazi's fought in uniform and as men ....the Islamics are cowards who hide behind women and children to accomplish their gains

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Give me a break........hungary man wanting food???? tell me you don t believe that nonsense!!

these animals are religious fanatics who want to impose their evil views on others..and torture and kill all those who oppose, these idiots are the same caliber as the Nazi's and are the same threat as well, the only difference between the Nazi's and Islamic terrorist's is the Nazi's fought in uniform and as men ....the Islamics are cowards who hide behind women and children to accomplish their gains


What a good corporate slave you are, wulf! That's just what they want you to think.

Good puppy! go get your bone and lay down now. :lol:

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I haven t killed or plan on killing anyone now or ever! that is the Army's job..........................so your point is not only stupid but childish to say the least! I was talking from a hypothetical Nato soldiers point of view..i thought that was obvious! And trying to spin this into something other than the Topic which is Omar the 15 year old...and not a 10 year old is making your look well errr silly! But that's what they do here isn't it when you leftie's lose an argument go to plan b personal attacks.....lol to funny really!

The childish thing is to pretend that when you sanction the killing of a person, you are not party to that killing. Saying, " that is the Army's job, " is a cop out.

As for the reason we were talking about a hypothetical ten year old: you claimed age does not matter, so I introduced an example to show that your premise was wrong.

And personal attacks? Pretty rich, talking so callously of killing others on one hand, and pretending you are beyond question on the other.

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What spawned modern terrorism was not relgion - what spawned it was one set of prosperous and spoiled people - starving the hell out of another group. Suddenly the hungry man stands up and demands food - suddenly he is a terrorist. This all started because of American foreign policy - a brutal policy that has been in place for 75 years - one of usery - cruelty - elitism - greed - dominance and spiritual blindness - when Madame Albright commented on the effects of sanctions against Iraq in the early days - when it was reported that about 30 thousand Iraq children died because of the blockade of drugs needed to sustain good health....and she said this ---"it was worth it" - no wonder they seek to kill this type of freak and all they represent. Khdar - is not a terrorist - The f***ing bank that sends off credit cards to our youth...and enslaving them in debt for a life time - that's terrible - that is terrorism..how come no one is pissed off at these slave masters? :rolleyes:

Well said!

Unequal distribution of wealth ... and food ... absolutely.

Corporate rule ... the purpose of which is to funnel the wealth of the many into the pockets of the greedy few.

That's what causes wars and terrorism. Is it "worth it"?

Thanks oleg!

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The childish thing is to pretend that when you sanction the killing of a person, you are not party to that killing. Saying, " that is the Army's job, " is a cop out.

As for the reason we were talking about a hypothetical ten year old: you claimed age does not matter, so I introduced an example to show that your premise was wrong.

And personal attacks? Pretty rich, talking so callously of killing others on one hand, and pretending you are beyond question on the other.

Killing of terrorist's is exactly what our Army is doing so how is that a cop out??! like i said before if a ten year old comes at a Nato soldier with an AK-47 then that kid is a legit target end of story age hardly matters if a terrroist's is attacking Nato troops with RPG's and grenades!!!........ our soldiers are killing terrorist's in Afghanistan everyday do you really think they are going to ask their age while they are under fire??........so are they callous too!! keeping people like you safe while you trash them and support the enemy! you can spin it anyway your leftie heart desires

but it doesn t change a thing !

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What a good corporate slave you are, wulf! That's just what they want you to think.

Good puppy! go get your bone and lay down now. :lol:

You can t be that stupid........................you didn't see the whole 9/11 thing go down?? how soon fools forget...but let me guess that was a Government conspiracy or the Jews had something to do with it right??

God where do these people come from Mars??...lol

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Killing of terrorist's is exactly what our Army is doing so how is that a cop out??! like i said before if a ten year old comes at a Nato soldier with an AK-47 then that kid is a legit target end of story age hardly matters if a terrroist's is attacking Nato troops with RPG's and grenades!!!........ our soldiers are killing terrorist's in Afghanistan everyday do you really think they are going to ask their age while they are under fire??........so are they callous too!! keeping people like you safe while you trash them and support the enemy! you can spin it anyway your leftie heart desires

but it doesn t change a thing !

That is pretty low, wulf. Pretending that I am saying these things about our soldiers when I am saying them about you. Pretty damn low indeed.

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That is pretty low, wulf. Pretending that I am saying these things about our soldiers when I am saying them about you. Pretty damn low indeed.

So is calling me a child killer is ok?? when you and i know both that i have nothing to do with the war in Afghanistan or have anything to do with how terrorist's are handled ?...simply giving my opinion like everyone else on here!

child killer?? pretty damn low indeed!!

Edited by wulf42
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So is calling me a child killer is ok?? when you and i know both that i have nothing to do with the war in Afghanistan or have anything to do with how terrorist's are handled ?...simply giving my opinion like everyone else on here!

child killer?? pretty damn low indeed!!

Maybe not, but it was not without your own words that you are indicted. Why do you think your opinion is irrelevant, however? Why say things seriously if you do not mean for us to take them seriously? Do you not vote in election? Do you not presume that it is the job of the government to listen to what people say?

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