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Muslims Muslims Muslims

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Like the newspapers, television, statistical studies put out by various world governments, including the UN. Yeah, okay.

For those who are irretrievably politically correct, no amount of information, no logic, and no personal experience (which they inevitably dismiss as mere anecdotal evidence) is of any value. They are willfully blind, and lie even to themselves - to whom their own personal anecdotal evidence outweighs anything and everything.

You're the blind one in here. For you it's ok and cool to kill Muslims if you land some nice bombs on their countries. You never went to a Muslim country in your life, probably never met one, don't have Muslim friends.

You're a red neck, like your family, who should we kill next in your opinion?? Chinese, Gays, Romanians?????

Go back to your red neck town you little mug

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Argus (Captain Red Neck) just said that only Muslims kill people using disgusting ways. I reminded him that the NAZIS did the same and they are the same race as Caucasians.

And you will not find many people, Caucasian or otherwise, who support the deeds of the Nazis. They are universally reviled, including in Germany, their country of origin. Well, except of course for the Arabs of Palestine, who cheer the deeds of Hitler and regret only that he did not fully succeed.

Meanwhile, terrorism is tolerated in not too few Muslim countries. Hezbollah now forms part of the government in Lebanon, in Afghanistan the Taliban ruled until they were thrown down by the West, in Gaza the ruling body is a terrorist organization, in Saudi Arabia virulent teachings of hatred against the West and against Jews are commonly espoused, and Saudis travel abroad to conduct terrorism against the West. From Syria and Iran comes the funding and support for extremist Muslim organizations throughout the middle east. These are only some examples, by no means an inclusive list.

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And you will not find many people, Caucasian or otherwise, who support the deeds of the Nazis. They are universally reviled, including in Germany, their country of origin. Well, except of course for the Arabs of Palestine, who cheer the deeds of Hitler and regret only that he did not fully succeed.

Meanwhile, terrorism is tolerated in not too few Muslim countries. Hezbollah now forms part of the government in Lebanon, in Afghanistan the Taliban ruled until they were thrown down by the West, in Gaza the ruling body is a terrorist organization, in Saudi Arabia virulent teachings of hatred against the West and against Jews are commonly espoused, and Saudis travel abroad to conduct terrorism against the West. From Syria and Iran comes the funding and support for extremist Muslim organizations throughout the middle east. These are only some examples, by no means an inclusive list.

Yeah and you have neo nazis in Germany and in Russia and in some other countries. You have KKK in the states.

Yes of course, 30 M of Saudis travel each year to kill!!!!!! Yes Yes they do.......ah these Saudis!!!!!!

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Yeah and you have neo nazis in Germany and in Russia and in some other countries. You have KKK in the states.

You still don't understand the difference between isolated and shunned individuals, who if they ever act on their beliefs would face severe punishment under the law, and masses of cheering supporters?

Yes of course, 30 M of Saudis travel each year to kill!!!!!! Yes Yes they do.......ah these Saudis!!!!!!

Where did I say anything about 30M? Is it your normal practice to shove ridiculous words into the mouths of those you are arguing with?

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Argus (Captain Red Neck) just said that only Muslims kill people using disgusting ways. I reminded him that the NAZIS did the same and they are the same race as Caucasians.

The Muslims had their share of Nazis in WW2. Current terror organizations carry on the work of these Muslim Nazis.

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You still don't understand the difference between isolated and shunned individuals, who if they ever act on their beliefs would face severe punishment under the law, and masses of cheering supporters?

Where did I say anything about 30M? Is it your normal practice to shove ridiculous words into the mouths of those you are arguing with?

KKK must be isolated invidivuals...like 2 or 3...

Man some people really think that what's bad is from other parts of the world and that we're perfect here...

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Man some people really think that what's bad is from other parts of the world and that we're perfect here...

Perfect no, but better yes. I'd much rather be living here in Canada, under the rule of our law and with our political and economic institutions and services, than I would be most elsewhere. Tell me, would you rather live here, or in, say for example Saudi Arabia, or perhaps Pakistan, or maybe Syria? Those nations were built by Muslims, based on their cultures and norms and expectations. Our nation was built by a mixture of people, but its institutions are primarily based on the culture of people from Europe. Personally, I'd say we've done a much better job.

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Perfect no, but better yes. I'd much rather be living here in Canada, under the rule of our law and with our political and economic institutions and services, than I would be most elsewhere. Tell me, would you rather live here, or in, say for example Saudi Arabia, or perhaps Pakistan, or maybe Syria? Those nations were built by Muslims, based on their cultures and norms and expectations. Our nation was built by a mixture of people, but its institutions are primarily based on the culture of people from Europe. Personally, I'd say we've done a much better job.

I'm Canadian, I love my country, that's where I want to pass my life.

But I don't spit on any country or religion, I spit on some individuals, but I DON'T GENERALIZE like Argus Lictor and the ignorants

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I'm Canadian, I love my country, that's where I want to pass my life.

But I don't spit on any country or religion, I spit on some individuals, but I DON'T GENERALIZE like Argus Lictor and the ignorants

You don't have to "spit" on other countries. You just have to realize that some are much better places to live than others. And those of us who live in countries that are on the better side of places to live in would like to see them stay that way, rather than descending into barbarism like the third world, from which millions of our new immigrants are coming.

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By the way, you think the West wants to give a good idea about Muslims???? All that we see on t.v. about Muslims is to say bad things about them......

Maybe becaue they don't do anything positive worth noting. You want TV to make stuff up about all the wonderful scientific and social advances Muslim world is making?

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Where did I say anything about 30M? Is it your normal practice to shove ridiculous words into the mouths of those you are arguing with?

Uhm, yes. You haven't noticed his predliction for wild, juvenile ranting like this?

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WHAT ABOUT the Us Army that tortured many prisoners????? What about the nazi that killed millions of Jews???? What about the USA that sell MILLIONS OF WEAPON TO POOR COUNTRIES???

So basically it's ok to kill people if you throw big bombs on their head, you just said it.

Damn you are pathetic!!!! You excuse the killing of thousands, because in your opinion they were CLEAN MURDERS by throwing bombs on their heads.

You're pathetic, like the people that educated you with your red neck culture

Seriously, why don't you tell us where you were born and when you came to Canada? Are you planning on taking any ESL courses?

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Argus (Captain Red Neck) just said that only Muslims kill people using disgusting ways. I reminded him that the NAZIS did the same and they are the same race as Caucasians.

Argus said no such thing. Argus made the point that military action which has an unintended side-effect of killing innocent people is not the same as deliberate efforts at killing innocent people.

But I realize that higher level moral understanding like this largely a foreign concept to people in your part of the world.

How are the goats doing this morning?

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Hurt no one? have you ever heard of this region called "Palestine"? Maybe not, but do look it up sometime.

Israel has been under violent attack from all around it since its inception. One can argue with the methdology used to establish the state of Israel, but as far as the individuals who reside there are concerned they have been under constant, violent threat and attack their entire lives. Small wonder they don't treat their enemies with kind and loving hands.

really? I suppose you think that resentment of Jews is all perfectly irrational... even for such a country as Germany (which was the apogee of the sciences and of philosophy)...

Yes, completely irrational.

And then there's the religion... which teaches that non-jewish goyim are profane cattle who's only purpose in existence is service to the Jewish master race.. .

There are a lot of primitive and stupid things written in the holy books of most religions. Given these books came down from centuries past - where the world was a somewhat nasty place - that's not surprising. However, that doesn't mean those violent and primitive things are acted upon today. How many Christians take seriously the kinds of nonsnsical punishments in the old testament?

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I'm Canadian, I love my country, that's where I want to pass my life.

But I don't spit on any country or religion, I spit on some individuals, but I DON'T GENERALIZE like Argus Lictor and the ignorants

Monkeyman, looking through your posts you generalize often, on everything from religion to TV. You've even made a judgement on Argus's family.

I have muslims in my family who left their mosque because it was becoming too radical for them. As a non-practicing muslim, you might not have been exposed to this, but it is happening in Canada.

There are many variations of the Islamic religion just as there are of the Christian religion. Christian variations have been able to define themselves in Canada (i.e. United Church, LDS, etc.). For the purpose of this discussion, it would help if there was a Radical Church of Islam, because that is the variation moderate muslims and other Canadians have a problem with.

I'd agree with you that we need to blame the individual, but in my perspective it is the individual variation, not the individual person. If a person gets high and goes out and shoots someone, you won't say the cocaine didn't have anything to do with it would you?

As far as immigration policies go, I have no problem discriminating against the extremist or uncivilized variations of any faith. Canada doesn't need to embrace people like the Khadrs, people who want to burn you wife because they think she's a witch or people who want to sacrifice their children by throwing them into a volcano.

You can learn a lot on TV by the way.

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I'm Canadian, I love my country, that's where I want to pass my life.

But I don't spit on any country or religion, I spit on some individuals, but I DON'T GENERALIZE like Argus Lictor and the ignorants

Monkeyman, looking through your posts you generalize often, on everything from religion to TV. You've even made a judgement on Argus's family.

I have muslims in my family who left their mosque because it was becoming too radical for them. As a non-practicing muslim, you might not have been exposed to this, but it is happening in Canada.

There are many variations of the Islamic religion just as there are of the Christian religion. Christian variations have been able to define themselves in Canada (i.e. United Church, LDS, etc.). For the purpose of this discussion, it would help if there was a Radical Church of Islam, because that is the variation moderate muslims and other Canadians have a problem with.

I'd agree with you that we need to blame the individual, but in my perspective it is the individual variation, not the individual person. If a person gets high and goes out and shoots someone, you won't say the cocaine didn't have anything to do with it would you?

As far as immigration policies go, I have no problem discriminating against the extremist or uncivilized variations of any faith. Canada doesn't need to embrace people like the Khadrs, people who want to burn you wife because they think she's a witch or people who want to sacrifice their children by throwing them into a volcano.

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There are a lot of primitive and stupid things written in the holy books of most religions. Given these books came down from centuries past - where the world was a somewhat nasty place - that's not surprising. However, that doesn't mean those violent and primitive things are acted upon today. How many Christians take seriously the kinds of nonsnsical punishments in the old testament?

hmmm, in Israel a jew cannot legally marry a non jew... Israel is also the world capital of the east european sex slave trade, and since the women in this trade are not jews, they have no rights in Israel

"The Parliamentary Inquiry Committee has found that between 3,000 and 10,000 women are smuggled into Israel each year to be sold and trafficked as sex slaves. Each woman is sold at public auction for between 8 and 10 thousand USD and about 10,000 women are currently being held in Israel’s 3 to 4 hundred brothels.

The women are forced to work up to 18 hours a day seven days a week. On average they are paid about 3 percent of the money charged for their work. Some are raped, beaten, and murdered. Others are traded for jewelry or food. Some are forced into sado-masochism for which the clients pay extra. Most women can’t run away — one woman did manage to escape but in retaliation her family’s home was firebombed."


The slave trade goes on because it is happening to non-jews, and non-jews are not fully human according to Torah, so there's not much in the way of public outrage.

I agree that religions all have their serious flaws, but Judaism is pretty unique in this respect.

Also the porn industry is dominated by Jews...

in The Jewish Quarterly (winter 2004) Jewish professor Nathan Abrams in an article titled, “Triple Exthnics,”

Abrams writing in a Jewish journal for a presumably Jewish audience writes matter-of-factly about the “atavistic hatred” against us by Jewish pornographers and their motivation to “weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion.”


"Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers having “to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an ‘up yours’ to these people.” …

anyways I think we can have our doubts about the way jews view us. And keep in mind that in Austria and germany (before ww2)almost 100% of the brothels were owned by jews (as were 6 out of 10 book publishing firms and newspapers).

Edited by lictor616
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hmmm, in Israel a jew cannot legally marry a non jew

Blatantly false.

and since the women in this trade are not jews, they have no rights in Israel

Blatantly false. All people of all races and all religions have rights in Israel, the same rights as anyone else.

"The Parliamentary Inquiry Committee has found that between 3,000 and 10,000 women are smuggled into Israel each year to be sold and trafficked as sex slaves. Each woman is sold at public auction for between 8 and 10 thousand USD and about 10,000 women are currently being held in Israel’s 3 to 4 hundred brothels.

I like how your numbers don't even agree with the source you are quoting. The article states 3000-5000 women in the last 4 years. That's 750-1250 per year, not the 3000-10000 you claim. You might want to compare those numbers to the USA or any other nation before you make any further outrageous claims.

The women are forced to work up to 18 hours a day seven days a week. On average they are paid about 3 percent of the money charged for their work. Some are raped, beaten, and murdered. Others are traded for jewelry or food. Some are forced into sado-masochism for which the clients pay extra. Most women can’t run away — one woman did manage to escape but in retaliation her family’s home was firebombed."


The article mentions nothing about firebombing. More fiction on your part to support your hatred of Jews?

The slave trade goes on because it is happening to non-jews, and non-jews are not fully human according to Torah

Another blatant lie.

Also the porn industry is dominated by Jews...

A blatant lie, along the same lines as "the media is controlled by Jews". You find two or three Jewish names in a given industry and conclude that they "dominate" it. Well guess what, Jews aren't idiots, they don't sit around on welfare unemployed, like your stereotypical immigrants which you hate for that very reason. Rather, they go get jobs in all kinds of industries.

in The Jewish Quarterly (winter 2004) Jewish professor Nathan Abrams in an article titled, “Triple Exthnics,”

Abrams writing in a Jewish journal for a presumably Jewish audience writes matter-of-factly about the “atavistic hatred” against us by Jewish pornographers and their motivation to “weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion.”

Idiotic Christian notions of morality. Given how frequently you criticize Christianity, I would not have thought you'd subscribe to their outdated concept of morality. There is nothing immoral about pornography.

anyways I think we can have our doubts about the way jews view us.

Stirring baseless fears and suspicions against the evil Jews, got it.

And keep in mind that in Austria and germany (before ww2)almost 100% of the brothels were owned by jews (as were 6 out of 10 book publishing firms and newspapers).

More numbers with no references, nor relevance.

Look, you've already made it sufficiently clear that you are by far the most blatant and hateful classical anti-Semite on this board. How much further do you really need to go?

Edited by Bonam
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Monkeyman, looking through your posts you generalize often, on everything from religion to TV. You've even made a judgement on Argus's family.

I have muslims in my family who left their mosque because it was becoming too radical for them. As a non-practicing muslim, you might not have been exposed to this, but it is happening in Canada.

There are many variations of the Islamic religion just as there are of the Christian religion. Christian variations have been able to define themselves in Canada (i.e. United Church, LDS, etc.). For the purpose of this discussion, it would help if there was a Radical Church of Islam, because that is the variation moderate muslims and other Canadians have a problem with.

I'd agree with you that we need to blame the individual, but in my perspective it is the individual variation, not the individual person. If a person gets high and goes out and shoots someone, you won't say the cocaine didn't have anything to do with it would you?

As far as immigration policies go, I have no problem discriminating against the extremist or uncivilized variations of any faith. Canada doesn't need to embrace people like the Khadrs, people who want to burn you wife because they think she's a witch or people who want to sacrifice their children by throwing them into a volcano.

You can learn a lot on TV by the way.

I agree 100% with that. The thing is that people like Argus categorize people, whatever they do it's because they are Muslims, Blacks, Jews or whatever. I mean if someone will kill his wife and he's Greek, people won't say that he did it because he's Greek, but if a Muslim does it, they'll say that it was because he's Muslim.

Some of these people will even say that Muslims are violent people and that we just need to take a look at MOHAMED ALI to prove it!!!!!

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I agree 100% with that. The thing is that people like Argus categorize people, whatever they do it's because they are Muslims, Blacks, Jews or whatever. I mean if someone will kill his wife and he's Greek, people won't say that he did it because he's Greek, but if a Muslim does it, they'll say that it was because he's Muslim.

Some of these people will even say that Muslims are violent people and that we just need to take a look at MOHAMED ALI to prove it!!!!!

We call it an honour killing when a woman's entire family plots her murder to atone for some sin she apparently caused towards said family's honour.

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