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Is Sarah Palin Getting Better At What She Does?

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OK we've all heard a bit about the Letterman/Palin feud after Letterman made an off colour comment about Palin's daughter.

I want to clarify a couple of things about this topic.


Rather, in watching the interview below (follow the link), I was extremely impressed with Palin as I haven't heard her speak in awhile.

Since the presidential campaign, she has become a much more eloquent speaker, very well informed and unphased by (blatantly obviously) media that is biased against her and hell bent on trashing her image.


Link to Matt Lauer / Palin interview.

So all you Palin haters take a deep breath. Watch the vid. Now comment. Again, the question:

Is Sarah Palin getting better? To me she comes off as more credible, more informed, more articulate, yet still has that likeable folksy quality about her.

Personally, as a conservative I am excited and energized by her as a politician. If she continues this trajectory of improvement, she is a serious contender for taking over in 3.5 years and cleaning up this mess Obama is creating.

At the end of the interview, she makes a decent comment about what many republicans are really all about: keeping government out of the economy. If she can continue to refine and improve on this message, she could be the next Reagan: ie. the likeable, charismatic, folksy leader with a big heart and a laser-like focus on what she believes.

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The Republicans may be looking at her for 2012, but they told her she has to go back to "school" and learn more about politics. I only hope she doesn't turn out to be a female "BUSH". I can't believe there isn't another man or woman in the Republican party besides her to lead.

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The Republicans may be looking at her for 2012, but they told her she has to go back to "school" and learn more about politics. I only hope she doesn't turn out to be a female "BUSH". I can't believe there isn't another man or woman in the Republican party besides her to lead.

Well, the best the Democrats had to offer was Hillary Clinton....and she lost to a rookie.

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She has always been comfortable talking about Alaska's energy issues. She looks so again.

She has always come across well talking about her family, and in particular in fighting back against what she perceives as the media being unfair to her family. She again does well in this.

I don't think her speaking ability has ever been in doubt... she has a Ralph Klein-like ability to talk to Joe Average in a way that makes him feel like she understands him. I think even her harshest critics would agree with that much. During the election, her Achilles' Heel was in having anything of substance to say on issues of any complexity. While this interview does play to her strengths, and reminds viewers of what gave her such star power in the first place, it doesn't do anything to answer the biggest question about her as a national-level political figure: does she know enough about the issues?


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She has always been comfortable talking about Alaska's energy issues. She looks so again.

She has always come across well talking about her family, and in particular in fighting back against what she perceives as the media being unfair to her family. She again does well in this.

I don't think her speaking ability has ever been in doubt... she has a Ralph Klein-like ability to talk to Joe Average in a way that makes him feel like she understands him. I think even her harshest critics would agree with that much. During the election, her Achilles' Heel was in having anything of substance to say on issues of any complexity. While this interview does play to her strengths, and reminds viewers of what gave her such star power in the first place, it doesn't do anything to answer the biggest question about her as a national-level political figure: does she know enough about the issues?


Interesting observation. The question is, do people want someone who, on the one extreme appears to know everything but believes nothing (Obama), or someone who has strong beliefs but less knowledge (the PERCEPTION of Palin).

With the exception of Obama, academics have rarely performed well in politics. (perhaps because most of academia is populateed with people who study all day long but never really learn any lessons - but I digress)

If Palin can become more "seasoned" by being immersed in mainstream politics, she'll have the killer combo of both of the above.

The interesting thing about being a right winger is that often your true conviction about what to do about issues is "nothing", because you believe you should be a nation that has a government, not the other way around and that people are best left to their own devices rather than being treated as grown up childeren by one all encompassing nanny state (but I digress again). It's the Obamas of the world who will often have a long winded answer about the "complexities" of an issue, without ever really letting on what your core beliefs are, and then creating a massive taxpayer government program to "solve the problem".

Or as one european commentator put it during Obama's highly unsuccessful euro-apology tour: "he does tend to go on a bit"

Anyway, Palin beat up on Lauer in the interview, you have to admit. So for a guy who is about as left wing as they come and sure to make an attempt to embarass in her place, he sure came ill-prepared.

Way to go Sarah!

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While this interview does play to her strengths, and reminds viewers of what gave her such star power in the first place, it doesn't do anything to answer the biggest question about her as a national-level political figure: does she know enough about the issues?

I guess that will be real test. I think she has to reach beyond the base as well. I don't know if her policies are headed in that direction.

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I guess that will be real test. I think she has to reach beyond the base as well. I don't know if her policies are headed in that direction.

I agree. As well, something that I have maintained since her campaign is that when one reflects on her political career, she is fairly ruthless in her climb and, even competes with the way Barry throws former supporters under the bus. However, to me, one of the biggest attractions for me is also one of the things I fear the most. She owes no allegiance to anybody or anything hence, she would be a loose canon who has no problem just firing those whom she no longer needs.

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whaaat! No pasty white guys available? :lol:

better? At what she does... oh my! What would that be?

at the end of the day... she can't dance - she has no game. Outside of a well scripted rehearsal/study session, she'll stumble - she'll bumble! Oh yes - please... the GOP 2012 ticket: Sarah Palin/Michele Bachmann :lol: :lol:

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whaaat! No pasty white guys available? :lol:

better? At what she does... oh my! What would that be?

The horror! The horror!

at the end of the day... she can't dance - she has no game. Outside of a well scripted rehearsal/study session, she'll stumble - she'll bumble! Oh yes - please... the GOP 2012 ticket: Sarah Palin/Michele Bachmann :lol: :lol:

At the end of the day all Obama has is Bush's former policies he simply continues, accompanied by a few diaphragm launched 'hope and change' speeches.

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perhaps a tad sensitive, hey Krusty? Thought this thread was about Palin. :lol:

It is . And I gave you an analogy about how Obama is viewed as successful despite the fact that 'he can't dance - he has no game. Outside of a well scripted rehearsal/study session' and, only that with a teleprompter.

So, since Obama can do it without a shred of executive experience, why would you think she, with her years of the experience he lacks and, average approval ratings that would make even Barry drool, cannot?

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Krusty - what’s your beef with Obama? – after all… you maintain he’s simply continuing your boy Bush’s policies. “Bush-lite” appears to be the catch-phrase all repressed down-trodden Republicans like to throw at Obama.

and really – that “Barry thing”… it’s so 2008

Obama’s not quite at the level of Bubba when it comes to handling questions on the fly – but he ain’t all that bad, particularly when compared to the leaders of the GOP like Limpballs, O’Reilly, Beck and Hannnity. :lol:

whaaa… shades of the campaign returning – that Palin executive experience is uber-fantasimo considering she’s never had to deal with any of the typically large state issues and she has no budget, health care or crime problems… the entire state of Alaska has a population less than 700K. Do you really want to highlight that Wasilla experience? Care to guess what percentage of the U.S. economy Alaska’s gross state product is? - (try less than 0.5%). Alaska crime stats for 2006: 35 murders, 494 rapes/587 robberies. Yup, Palin is big on executive experience – you betcha!

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Krusty - what’s your beef with Obama? – after all… you maintain he’s simply continuing your boy Bush’s policies. “Bush-lite” appears to be the catch-phrase all repressed down-trodden Republicans like to throw at Obama.

Huh? I actually think he's doing a pretty good job Waldo. Where on earth do you get the idea I believe he is not? Provide some evidence please, just to prove you're not just shooting in the dark.

and really – that “Barry thing”… it’s so 2008

Sort of like the 1990's thing you have going below with Clinton and Limbaugh huh?

Waldo :lol:

Obama’s not quite at the level of Bubba when it comes to handling questions on the fly – but he ain’t all that bad, particularly when compared to the leaders of the GOP like Limpballs, O’Reilly, Beck and Hannnity. :lol:

Waldo, Limpbaugh, O’Reilly, Beck and Hannnity are talk show hosts. Obama is the President of the USA. Are you going to try to compare the President with celebrities for some weird reason? Wondering, how does he stack up against Batman Waldo? I mean, you seem to be tumbling over the show biz and reality line here so you must also include Hollywood characters in your research.

whaaa… shades of the campaign returning – that Palin executive experience is uber-fantasimo considering she’s never had to deal with any of the typically large state issues and she has no budget, health care or crime problems… the entire state of Alaska has a population less than 700K. Do you really want to highlight that Wasilla experience? Care to guess what percentage of the U.S. economy Alaska’s gross state product is? - (try less than 0.5%). Alaska crime stats for 2006: 35 murders, 494 rapes/587 robberies. Yup, Palin is big on executive experience – you betcha!

Obama never ran anything other than a social programs and funds which by their nature, could never fail. So, shades of dodging the issue of the thread. Palin has the experience, average approval ratings, history of success and is now, gaining more federal experience. Obama had none whatsoever and is now riding on his predecessors coat tails while giving the illusion he is not.

Tell me Waldo. What was the population of Obama Ville, it's budget, it's crime stats, his ...... well, guess he had no executive experience. How many rapes were there in Obama Ville? Robberies?

Oh that's right, there's no such place as Obama Ville. Nor was there ever. In fact, he was never even dog catcher rather, he handed out government money to charity and vied for more of it. He came up cold turkey with no experience whatsoever and then threw his supporters under the bus and carried on with Bush's policies. Albeit with new rhetoric but, the same policies nonetheless.

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First off, I got to say that I think Democratic strategists are behind the Palin 2012 campaign.

As for Alaska, apparently Sarah Palin's star has burned out in her home state, thanks to falling oil revenues depleting their SOCIALIST Alaska Permanent Fund, and the fact that she spends more time in the Lower 48 running for president than she does at home, doing the job she was hired to do.

In the most recent statewide poll, Palin's combined favourables are 54%, compared with State Senator Lisa Murkowski's 76%; which is why Sarah gave up on her plan of running for the Senate, so she would have an excuse for being in Washington constantly. Alaska is a long way to travel from to try to run a presidential campaign. Sarah will be too busy trying to hold on to her day job to make a serious run for the Whitehouse.



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The Republicans may be looking at her for 2012, but they told her she has to go back to "school" and learn more about politics. I only hope she doesn't turn out to be a female "BUSH". I can't believe there isn't another man or woman in the Republican party besides her to lead.

They will elevate the wicked...elevate liars and those driven to power for powers sake alone - and someone like Palin, that is old school and principled and not some dumb death worshipper..they deem her dumb..the truth is that she is not dumb - we now equate evil as intelligent and good as being stupid..Palin is good and she is not stupid -she choose to allow her daughter to bring life into the world - and was persecuted for that - IF she had forced her daughter to abort and run off the father - they would have given her a damned medal.

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I always did find her a refreshing change to your run of the mill politician.

I think in her campaign her prime failing was her naivety regarding the media.

She knows that there is political pork and back room wheeling and dealing in Washington and it's a game that's gone on too long. Once again she would be a danger and refreshing change to the same old same old political games which Obama has only shown to continue and, in fact, exacerbate. I must mention old what's her name Nancy Pelosi as particularly eager and in league with Obama ensuring Washington's big game expand at an exponential rate.

As for issues and Palin understanding them, they are mostly the froth of lobbyists seeking position for their special interests at the public trough. Government in the US, in my view, has far exceeded what it was constitutionally formulated to do domestically. I think Sarah Palin understands this and many Americans would agree with her in downsizing government intervention in the economy and society.

On foreign issues she probably wouldn't be in agreement with the policies of most foreign politicians and governments. So if, as some have mentioned, she is not up on the issues does that mean she needs to get in step with the rest of the politically savvy and play the usual political games of self-aggrandizement and posturing or does she want people to accomplish things and build a society that fosters individual contribution?

As an example of issues, although all Americans are aware of environmental concerns they do not want political solutions. What does cap and trade offer besides being a redistribution of wealth? It does nothing for the environment and definitely doesn't encourage government to promote the reduction and elimination of our environmental footprint. If it did, under cap and trade, it would also eliminate it's revenues and I am not sure how willing they are to do that - well, I am sure they don't want to do that. Change would not be the priority and a promotion of less than optimum technologies may even be the result while real value is ignored.

Edited by Pliny
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Put it this way _ If you were to send Sarah Palin to North Korea today - her down to earth practical female charm and charisma would win over the dictator immediately...send some one like Hillary Clinton - and she would be lucky to get out of their without her ass getting burned by nucear heat - America did not understand how valuable someone like Palin is... The North Korean dictator after a few drinks and a couple of hugs would have submitted to resonablity ------------------who would you love and trust if you were a tin pot dictator _ ? Clinton or Palin?

I rest my case your honour!

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First off, I got to say that I think Democratic strategists are behind the Palin 2012 campaign.

Of course they are. :rolleyes:

As for Alaska, apparently Sarah Palin's star has burned out in her home state, thanks to falling oil revenues depleting their SOCIALIST Alaska Permanent Fund, and the fact that she spends more time in the Lower 48 running for president than she does at home, doing the job she was hired to do.

In the most recent statewide poll, Palin's combined favourables are 54%

Most governors have seen their popularity drop since the recession. However, 54% is still pretty popular. And she hasn't been spending time in the lower 48 running for President. Her last trip, was to New York, for an autism fundraiser. Can you believe that? Raising money for autism. What a bitch.

She can run for re-election as governor of Alaska, or wait a few years and thoroughly trounce the Democrat who occupies Alaska's second senate seat.

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However, 54% is still pretty popular.

She can run for re-election as governor of Alaska, or wait a few years and thoroughly trounce the Democrat who occupies Alaska's second senate seat.

And conveniently forgetting that her main rival has a combined favourable rating of 76%, largely because Alaskans have determined that their governor has little or no interest in managing state affairs.

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Of course they are. :rolleyes:

Most governors have seen their popularity drop since the recession. However, 54% is still pretty popular. And she hasn't been spending time in the lower 48 running for President. Her last trip, was to New York, for an autism fundraiser. Can you believe that? Raising money for autism. What a bitch.

She can run for re-election as governor of Alaska, or wait a few years and thoroughly trounce the Democrat who occupies Alaska's second senate seat.

Yeah, she's doing a much better job of blending her governor job and future aspirations than a certain B.H. Obama did. Not that those scared of her would be able to notice something like that.

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She is not stupid - she is honest - we equate honest with stupid - and Obama - is also not stupid in the eyes of the world - but is he honest - Ignatieff is considered bright and not stupid - but is he honest? I prefere stupid and honest as compared to lieing clever wicked bastard - who pretends to be smart and honest but is neither.

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She can run for re-election as governor of Alaska, or wait a few years and thoroughly trounce the Democrat who occupies Alaska's second senate seat.

If she intends to run for the Presidency, she would do well not to run again as Governor in 2010. Gearing up for the Presidency in 2011 would be a hard enough job if she were in the lower 48 states. Ask Pawlenty. If she commutes back and forth, it will not be easy and the risk is that her future aspirations would come into question in the governor's race. If she looks distracted about what comes next, she could lose Alaska.

Don't think I'm the only one who is saying this. As soon as the election was over, I wondered if she would run a governor again.

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