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Yet Another Tax Cheat Appointed By Obama

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We're all in the same era, despite being on different sides of the border. But I shouldn't correct you for fear you'll stop making the canned responses. The comedy relief around here is the only reason I come back.

I wouldn't call it an "era" by any means, but you can share our Obama if it makes you feel better. Now...now...everything is going to be OK....no worries....

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The comedy relief around here is the only reason I come back.

Comedy relief is one of the main reasons why I listen so intently to Obama. His insistence of change in Washington, and a new era of responsibility, as well as a new high standard of government ethics, when juxtaposed to his appointments of tax cheats, pay to play politicians, and super lobbyists is about as funny as it gets. And obviously, some of the kool-aid drinkers in this forum, are still unable to see past his David Koresh/Jim Jones cult of personality. However, here's a bit of advice. If there's ever a group toast of a blue liquid, or a spaceship to walk to, just say no.

A third of a billion dollars for STD prevention in an economic stimulus package is not change you can believe in.

$200 thousand dollars for lobster cameras in an economic stimulus package is not change you can believe in.

$650 million for the digital television converter box coupons in an economic stimulus package is not change you can believe in.

$75 million for smoking cessation programs in an economic stimulus package is not change you can believe in.

$1.2 billion for youth activities in an economic stimulus package is not change you can believe in.

$160 million for paid volunteers at the Corporation for National and Community Service in an economic stimulus package is not change you can believe in.

$100 million for reducing the hazard of lead-based paint in an economic stimulus package is not change you can believe in.

And $80 billion dollars in income tax rebates, for people who don't pay income taxes is not change you can believe in.

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No one is claiming they should be perfect.

Let me repeat myself. Obama raised the bar when he promised he'd do things differently. No one else. Now he is unable to meet the standard he set. After only one week in office.

The left shrugs its shoulders at this because they don't really care about lying politicians, as long as they're democrat politicians.

I know we won't agree on this and I know my left bias influences my view.

But I see Obama attempting to do things differently, and I see him running into the challenges you would expect when you raise the bar. Ending corruption and collusion is no small task. Especially within a large group of politicians. And I don't see it as a fight that ever ends.

What do you guys expect? When they find out one of their candidates has a dubious background, the administration ITSELF releases the information, and discusses what they are thinking about doing about it. Completely transparent. Then they make individual decisions weighing the merits of each case. You can disagree with their final decision, but the process is open. And the process is occuring. So he is taking action based on his words.

It sounds like the right wing are now the ones expecting Obama to be a perfect Messiah. I have always know that is not possible, and I have read his books and watched his speeches and seen his constant reference to potentially making mistakes and being unable to do it on his own. Did this get missed by those on the right? Are you in fact the ones deluded into believing that somehow Obama was going to be perfect?

Or did you just set an impossible standard that no human could ever meet, for the simple reason that right wing bias couldn't allow the acceptance of anything else?

Oh, and Shady, I happen to agree that an economic stimulus package should only contain elements that directly stimulate the economy, so I happen to agree with the jist of your post. Its not that I don't believe some of those efforts are worthy, I just don't believe they should be put in an "economic stimulus package". Obama's vision of change is much larger than just economic stimulation, but I don't necessarily think that those ideas should be part of an emergency economic stimulus package. I believe in his change, just not the way its packaged right now.

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I know we won't agree on this and I know my left bias influences my view.

Oh, and Shady, I happen to agree that an economic stimulus package should only contain elements that directly stimulate the economy, so I happen to agree with the jist of your post. Its not that I don't believe some of those efforts are worthy, I just don't believe they should be put in an "economic stimulus package". Obama's vision of change is much larger than just economic stimulation, but I don't necessarily think that those ideas should be part of an emergency economic stimulus package. I believe in his change, just not the way its packaged right now.

I know the first part wasn't directed toward me, but I wanted to respond anyways. It's ok that your left bias influences your views. My right bias also influences mine. I'd rather have people come out, and explain where they stand, then hide behind some pseudo-objectivity, which some tend to do.

My biggest problem with Obama's economic stimulus package, is that he, for whatever reason, decided to let Pelosi and Reid have much too much influence, and they ran with it, and created a complete disaster.

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Hmm, I'd say it's you, who knows nothing.

Support for the economic recovery plan working its way through Congress has fallen again this week. For the first time, a plurality of voters nationwide oppose the $800-billion-plus plan.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 37% favor the legislation, 43% are opposed, and 20% are not sure.


Looks like your opinions are based on old data. You gotta stay up to date in this business son.

Exactly. But the mainstream media was obsessed with a rookie as a possible Vice President, meanwhile, a rookie as President made them yawn.

That's incorrect. They knew about all of their tax problems. That's why Geithner paid his unpaid taxes shortly before he was chosen. And Daschle's tax issues were known since June.

And you are back in the minority. 53% support while only 37% are opposed to the recovery plan. You lose again.


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WAIT WAIT Now Obama and the stimulus is polling at 70% approval. Nice Shady


You might wanna actually read a poll before posting it. :rolleyes:

The 70% approval isn't for the stimulus, but for how Obama is handling the efforts to get a stimulus passed. I shouldn't have to do your homework for you.

Anyways, on to more of the tax cheats.

Slumdogs Unite!

This includes Timothy Geithner, the Treasury secretary. Washington hands repeatedly observe how “lucky” Geithner was to be the first cabinet nominee with an I.R.S. problem, not the second, and therefore get confirmed by Congress while the getting was good. Whether or not this is “lucky” for him, it is hardly lucky for Obama. Geithner should have left ahead of Daschle.

But he still has not satisfactorily explained why, as president of the New York Fed, he failed in his oversight of the teetering Wall Street institutions. Nor has he told us why, in his first major move in his new job, he secured a waiver from Obama to hire a Goldman Sachs lobbyist as his chief of staff. Nor, in his confirmation hearings, did he prove any more credible than the Bush Treasury secretary, the Goldman Sachs alumnus Hank Paulson, in explaining why Lehman Brothers was allowed to fail while A.I.G. and Citigroup were spared.

The New York Times

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You might wanna actually read a poll before posting it. :rolleyes:

The 70% approval isn't for the stimulus, but for how Obama is handling the efforts to get a stimulus passed. I shouldn't have to do your homework for you.

Anyways, on to more of the tax cheats.

Slumdogs Unite!

This includes Timothy Geithner, the Treasury secretary. Washington hands repeatedly observe how “lucky” Geithner was to be the first cabinet nominee with an I.R.S. problem, not the second, and therefore get confirmed by Congress while the getting was good. Whether or not this is “lucky” for him, it is hardly lucky for Obama. Geithner should have left ahead of Daschle.

But he still has not satisfactorily explained why, as president of the New York Fed, he failed in his oversight of the teetering Wall Street institutions. Nor has he told us why, in his first major move in his new job, he secured a waiver from Obama to hire a Goldman Sachs lobbyist as his chief of staff. Nor, in his confirmation hearings, did he prove any more credible than the Bush Treasury secretary, the Goldman Sachs alumnus Hank Paulson, in explaining why Lehman Brothers was allowed to fail while A.I.G. and Citigroup were spared.

The New York Times

How about the huge disapproval numbers for the Republicans who are trying to block it? Or the poll I cited the page before which showed at least 55% want a stimulus? SPIN SPIN SPIN keep up the lies maybe someday they will be true.

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Shady, even though you bring up a good topic to discuss, it's obvious that your posting this stuff is much more an excuse to hammer on someone you ideologically don't like rather than actually caring about political accountability. Where were you the last 8 years??

On the actual subject: All of these people with tax problems Obama has appointed is disappointing and disconcerning. It should be worrisome to all that Obama & his team made mistakes on something so routine and mostly avoidable. I mean just check their taxes man! If Obama made mistakes on simple vetting, what others will he make?

However, give him credit for at least admitting these mistakes of his and taking responsibility for them, a big change from the last administration.

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Shady, even though you bring up a good topic to discuss, it's obvious that your posting this stuff is much more an excuse to hammer on someone you ideologically don't like rather than actually caring about political accountability. Where were you the last 8 years??

Political accountability is a US Congress with single digit approval ratings....over much of the past 8 years.

On the actual subject: All of these people with tax problems Obama has appointed is disappointing and disconcerning. It should be worrisome to all that Obama & his team made mistakes on something so routine and mostly avoidable. I mean just check their taxes man! If Obama made mistakes on simple vetting, what others will he make?

Routine rookie mistakes...welcome to the NFL.

However, give him credit for at least admitting these mistakes of his and taking responsibility for them, a big change from the last administration.

Great...we have a president who will admit mistakes...Hillary reminded Obama's supporters that she already learned from the mistakes that Obama has yet to make. Does that make he a better president?

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Political accountability is a US Congress with single digit approval ratings....over much of the past 8 years.

Routine rookie mistakes...welcome to the NFL.

Great...we have a president who will admit mistakes...Hillary reminded Obama's supporters that she already learned from the mistakes that Obama has yet to make. Does that make he a better president?

I think you should check my poll it is the Republicans in congress with the low approval rating the Dems have one of the highest over the past 8 years around 50% haha. I love that 50% is a good number.

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Or the poll I cited the page before which showed at least 55% want a stimulus?

Of course people want a stimulus. That doesn't mean they want the disaster, pork ridden bill that Obama, Reid and Pelosi have cooked up.

1* Generally speaking, do increases in government spending help the economy, hurt the economy, or have no impact on the economy?

35% Help

48% Hurt

7% No impact

10% Not sure

2* Generally speaking, do decreases in government spending help the economy, hurt the economy, or have no impact on the economy?

45% Help

29% Hurt

16% No impact

10% Not sure

3* As Congress debates the economic stimulus plan initially proposed by President Obama, would you like to see the plan include more tax cuts and less government spending, more government spending and less tax cuts, or would you rather see the plan pass pretty much as it is today?

62% More tax cuts and less government spending

14% More government spending and less tax cuts

20% Pass pretty much as it is today

5% Not sure


In fact, the popularity of Obama's stimulus package is dropping so fast, he's doing a media blitz, including a primetime television press conference just to save it. :lol:

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Of course people want a stimulus. That doesn't mean they want the disaster, pork ridden bill that Obama, Reid and Pelosi have cooked up.

1* Generally speaking, do increases in government spending help the economy, hurt the economy, or have no impact on the economy?

35% Help

48% Hurt

7% No impact

10% Not sure

2* Generally speaking, do decreases in government spending help the economy, hurt the economy, or have no impact on the economy?

45% Help

29% Hurt

16% No impact

10% Not sure

3* As Congress debates the economic stimulus plan initially proposed by President Obama, would you like to see the plan include more tax cuts and less government spending, more government spending and less tax cuts, or would you rather see the plan pass pretty much as it is today?

62% More tax cuts and less government spending

14% More government spending and less tax cuts

20% Pass pretty much as it is today

5% Not sure


In fact, the popularity of Obama's stimulus package is dropping so fast, he's doing a media blitz, including a primetime television press conference just to save it. :lol:

Yah I think the 10 polls which show that yours is an outlier are to be more trusted. Infact if you look at the newest poll "more tax cuts" or the Republican plan is hated the most with close to 60% disapproval. Obama's plan 70% support. PS I think you should check out your poll it only has a 95% confidence level and shows no break up of responders.

SPIN SPIN SPIN and show you know nothing about polling.

Edited by punked
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I think you should check my poll it is the Republicans in congress with the low approval rating the Dems have one of the highest over the past 8 years around 50% haha. I love that 50% is a good number.

Nonsense......stop pretending that Congress' low ratings follow party lines. Bush had better ratings than the US Congress.

"Ha Ha"

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Political accountability is a US Congress with single digit approval ratings....over much of the past 8 years.

Congress has been garbage the past 8 years, no doubt.

Routine rookie mistakes...welcome to the NFL.

Obama isn't new to the vetting scene or hiring people for a staff. Obama may not be the most experienced politician, but his team knows how this works and should have known better. But i'm more lenient about mistakes that don't get people killed.

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Congress has been garbage the past 8 years, no doubt.

Obama isn't new to the vetting scene or hiring people for a staff. Obama may not be the most experienced politician, but his team knows how this works and should have known better. But i'm more lenient about mistakes that don't get people killed.

That's not not very American of you to worry about the lose of life...it's tradition - waging war for profit and creating new images for the dollar bill. :blink:

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