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Mumbai Terror


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Here we go again...'radical' Islam on the march.




It's a Daisy

Edited by DogOnPorch
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India has just had its version of 9-11 with 100s of killed and maimed US and UK tourists (with Jihadis apparently claiming responsibility) and you're saying I'm having Islamo-hysteria?


If you're listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you're a bigger moron than they are.

---Alice Cooper

Edited by DogOnPorch
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I find it sad that your first instinct when hearing about a tragedy like this is how you can quickly manipulate it into something that serves your agenda. I think it would be in your benefit if you were to start trying to understand situations before casting judgment on them. The world is too complicated a place to base your worldview on gut-reactions.

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Here we go again...'radical' Islam on the march.




It's a Daisy

Agreed......Radical Islam has to be destroyed..........this is what will happen to Canada in time,our Government keeps letting these people into the country its just a matter of time!

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I find it sad that your first instinct when hearing about a tragedy like this is how you can quickly manipulate it into something that serves your agenda. I think it would be in your benefit if you were to start trying to understand situations before casting judgment on them. The world is too complicated a place to base your worldview on gut-reactions.

What's my agenda?...since you know me so well, and all. Meanwhile, I've pegged you as an annoying leftard apologist. Pretty close? I think so. What's the matter? No more George Bush Jr to blame for for terrorism? If you must play 'Internet Jesus' with me, at least oil your flip-flops so I don't spot you from a mile away.



Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

---Jesus of Nazareth

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What's my agenda?...since you know me so well, and all. Meanwhile, I've pegged you as an annoying leftard apologist. Pretty close? I think so. What's the matter? No more George Bush Jr to blame for for terrorism? If you must play 'Internet Jesus' with me, at least oil your flip-flops so I don't spot you from a mile away.



Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

---Jesus of Nazareth


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Here we go again...'rational' Islamohysteria on the march.


There's nothing irrational about decrying the continuing stream of brutal violence perpetrated on innocent people by "Islamist" groups around the globe.

If these were Christian fundamentalist groups attacking Muslims or Hindus you'd be demanding action. But so long as it's "brown people" you can't bear to do anything but defend them.

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Indian officials are saying it is outsiders. I am guessing Pakistani.

Not only that, on the one CNN report, it said that the explosives are RDX, high grade military explosives.


Authorities found 8 kilograms (17 pounds) of RDX, one of the most powerful kinds of military explosives, at a restaurant near the Taj, indicating that the attackers may have been planning more violence.

Where do you get RDX from?

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What's my agenda?...since you know me so well, and all. Meanwhile, I've pegged you as an annoying leftard apologist. Pretty close? I think so. What's the matter? No more George Bush Jr to blame for for terrorism? If you must play 'Internet Jesus' with me, at least oil your flip-flops so I don't spot you from a mile away.

Barak aint pres yet.

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Indian officials are saying it is outsiders. I am guessing Pakistani.

Not only that, on the one CNN report, it said that the explosives are RDX, high grade military explosives.


Where do you get RDX from?

Same place the Taliban get high end explosives for road side bombs. If you do not remember but about a year ago there was a huge cash of high quality explosives stored in Iraq. Tons of this stuff went missing without a peep mentioned by the media. Some one is not telling the truth..and - the manufacture of this high test boom boom is only done in the west...so who's selling this shit? That's the real question.

Furthermore - this act of destablization by supposed militants will show no reward. There will be no postitive outcome for anyone. If these are legitimate liberators all they have done is increase the suffering of the poor - and the wealthy. Looking at the photos in the paper - I could not help but notice the young terrorists are all healthy and robust well fed males. What do they have to complain about? If someone attempts to pass of the idea that these people are doing things in the name of their god - well that's a crock.

No good can come from such an action and media coverage world wide does not assist in any cause - People on all sides are just plain tired of jerks who send out stupid men to murder and create temporary chaos...and by the way - no one is terrified of terrorist....I suggest they go directly to the source and blow themselves up and forget about taking others to hell - now git!

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There's nothing irrational about decrying the continuing stream of brutal violence perpetrated on innocent people by "Islamist" groups around the globe.

If these were Christian fundamentalist groups attacking Muslims or Hindus you'd be demanding action. But so long as it's "brown people" you can't bear to do anything but defend them.

Western nations have been interfering in countries where Muslims and Hindus live for decades and decades and I've been demanding action on that for decades at least. What happpened in Mumbai is retaliation for something that is just as indefensible.

There's nothing irrational about why anyone would want to retaliate against this. What's really irrational is your continually ignoring the root causes of these things. I suppose its just as irrational for me to keep pointing these out. It seems you just can't bear to do anything but keep ignoring them.

Edited by eyeball
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Looks like more of the same - secularist power mongers manipulating the less sophisticated religious zealot. The core of all religions attempt to be of goodness. There is no sign of religioustiy here. All arrows point to creeps at the top of the heap having a bit of fun.....really - can anyone see any true accomplishment - other than keeping the rage going and by doing so keeping the people stupid - an angry man is easy to control..because he can not think.

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Here we go again...'rational' Islamohysteria on the march.


Muslims are claiming responsibility for a major terror attack in a country that already has major trouble with Muslim terrorists. Think Muslims may be involved? Seems rational to me.

I find it sad that your first instinct when hearing about a tragedy like this is how you can quickly manipulate it into something that serves your agenda. I think it would be in your benefit if you were to start trying to understand situations before casting judgment on them. The world is too complicated a place to base your worldview on gut-reactions.

"Gut reaction"?

Ok, I assume it is inevitable that some colorful alternative theories are presented. I will help.

This is a "false-flag" operation initiated by US operatives. The "Deccan Mujahideen" will be discovered to be a ruse very shortly, and the real culprits will be revealed to be... Pakistani agents. A trail of evidence has been planted that will place the blame on rogue elements of the Pakistani government. The goal is to destabilize the government of Pakistan, and ultimately create a reason for NATO and Indian forces to occupy Pakistan "to maintain order". All of this had to be done before Barack Obama is inaugurated.

Indian officials are saying it is outsiders. I am guessing Pakistani.

Politicians say a lot of stuff. It is entirely possible that it is indeed an outside group, but India has had a lot of trouble with homegrown terrorism. They would not want to concede that their handle on their own internal problems has deteriorated to this extent.

The group claiming responsibility is the "Deccan Mujahideen". Deccan is an area of India. The group claims to be acting on behalf of persecuted Muslims in India, and is demanding the release of all "mujahideens" held by the Indian government.

However, I am reading a lot of speculation that this attack is beyond the abilities of an unknown group and that someone like Al-Qaeda, or some other established terror group, or even members of Pakistan's intelligence forces.

Not only that, on the one CNN report, it said that the explosives are RDX, high grade military explosives.

http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/11/2...acks/index.htmlWhere do you get RDX from?

Rogue Pakistani agents :ph34r:


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Looks like more of the same - secularist power mongers manipulating the less sophisticated religious zealot. The core of all religions attempt to be of goodness. There is no sign of religioustiy here. All arrows point to creeps at the top of the heap having a bit of fun.....really - can anyone see any true accomplishment - other than keeping the rage going and by doing so keeping the people stupid - an angry man is easy to control..because he can not think.

Well said, Olech.

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You are asking for him to be specific for this silly tit for tat terror? Impossible! This would be like honing it down to the specific cause of the Israeli - Arab hatred..which was probably an act of terror concerning the stealing of a basket of apples from on brother by another. There is no specific answer left and that is the problem.

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What's my agenda?

Attempting to portray Islam as inherently bad.

Meanwhile, I've pegged you as an annoying leftard apologist.

If you had pegged me with any more an intelligent label, it would have been surprising.

After all - you're completely incapable of discussing ANY issue at length. I don't think I've ever seen you post more than a paragraph. The vast majority of your posts are one-liners, personal insults, and supreme generalizations - hardly the stuff that convinces anyone of anything - no matter what issue is being discussed and what position you're taking.

Do you have the capacity to have a discussion about ANYTHING? - Because in all my time here I've yet to see it.

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Attempting to portray Islam as inherently bad.

If you had pegged me with any more an intelligent label, it would have been surprising.

After all - you're completely incapable of discussing ANY issue at length. I don't think I've ever seen you post more than a paragraph. The vast majority of your posts are one-liners, personal insults, and supreme generalizations - hardly the stuff that convinces anyone of anything - no matter what issue is being discussed and what position you're taking.

Do you have the capacity to have a discussion about ANYTHING? - Because in all my time here I've yet to see it.

You are obviously mixing DOP up with someone else. He presents the most consistent, reasoned and researched posts on this forum.

Meanwhile all you do is come on here and parrot the most ridiculous PC one-liners that there are.

You make the Student Union at Carleton, blush.

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You are obviously mixing DOP up with someone else. He presents the most consistent, reasoned and researched posts on this forum.

Meanwhile all you do is come on here and parrot the most ridiculous PC one-liners that there are.

You make the Student Union at Carleton, blush.

That was cruel.. :o

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This is a "false-flag" operation initiated by US operatives. The "Deccan Mujahideen" will be discovered to be a ruse very shortly, and the real culprits will be revealed to be... Pakistani agents. A trail of evidence has been planted that will place the blame on rogue elements of the Pakistani government. The goal is to destabilize the government of Pakistan, and ultimately create a reason for NATO and Indian forces to occupy Pakistan "to maintain order". All of this had to be done before Barack Obama is inaugurated.

I highly doubt that the US is involved here, and if it is, I don't think this plan will translate into an occupation of Pakistan - for the US to get involved in another conflict would pretty much destroy the country at this point. Look at the cost of occupying a nation of 30 million, do you really think the US has any appetite for occupying a nation of 170 million?

I think that this is the work of militants, possibly Kashmiri separatists affiliated with rogue elements of the ISI in Pakistan, and possibly other Indian or Pakstani militant groups. There definitely is an ISI connection - the high grade explosives, and the fact that the Indian Navy is searching a ship recently docked in Bombay from Lahore.

The new Pakistani Prime Minister is in real trouble - the ISI is hostile towards him (see: his wife's assassination) and now it's trying to stir up trouble with India in a big way. To his credit, he's issued the strongest condemnation I've ever heard from a Pakistani leader on this attack. I'm just not sure how much he can do to reign in the rogue elements in the ISI.

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I highly doubt that the US is involved here, and if it is, I don't think this plan will translate into an occupation of Pakistan - for the US to get involved in another conflict would pretty much destroy the country at this point. Look at the cost of occupying a nation of 30 million, do you really think the US has any appetite for occupying a nation of 170 million?

I think that this is the work of militants, possibly Kashmiri separatists affiliated with rogue elements of the ISI in Pakistan, and possibly other Indian or Pakstani militant groups. There definitely is an ISI connection - the high grade explosives, and the fact that the Indian Navy is searching a ship recently docked in Bombay from Lahore.

The new Pakistani Prime Minister is in real trouble - the ISI is hostile towards him (see: his wife's assassination) and now it's trying to stir up trouble with India in a big way. To his credit, he's issued the strongest condemnation I've ever heard from a Pakistani leader on this attack. I'm just not sure how much he can do to reign in the rogue elements in the ISI.

She was being sarcastic...

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inter·ferer n.

inter·fering·ly adv.

Synonyms: interfere, meddle, tamper1

These verbs mean to intervene unasked in the affairs of others and often in an impudent or indiscreet manner.


The Deccan Mujahideen's attack is a response to Western interference in India and the Middle East?

But they said they're fighting oppression of Muslims in India, and demanding the release of "mujahideen" fighters being held by the Indian government.

Maybe the interference they're mad about is that India is interfering in their plans to make the Kashmir area into a sovereign Muslim nation.


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You are obviously mixing DOP up with someone else. He presents the most consistent, reasoned and researched posts on this forum.

Such as? . . .

No really - can you find me one post where he presents an actual case for something and proceeds to build on it and defend it? I mean since you can't resist getting involved in this.

Meanwhile all you do is come on here and parrot the most ridiculous PC one-liners that there are.

Such as? . . .

Usually I get criticized for my posts being too long - so it's surprising to see someone accusing me of only posting one-liners.

Maybe you have me confused with someone else.

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