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McCain's dirty politics may lead to violence

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As a desperate McCain increasingly tries to stir up anger within his base against the Obama campaign, his words and insinuations may lead to violence.


And at a McCain rally in New Mexico on Monday, one supporter yelled out "terrorist" when McCain asked, "Who is the real Barack Obama?" McCain didn't respond.
One member of the Palin audience in Jacksonville, Florida, Tuesday shouted out "treason." And at another rally in the state Monday, Palin's mention of the Obama-Ayers tie caused one member to yell out: "kill him" -- though it was unclear if it was targeted at Obama or Ayers.

This "Maverik" is supposed to be a man who reaches across party lines to make good decisions in a bi-partisan manner. Instead, he incites hatred against the other side with accusations that I have to believe, he himself, knows is false. However, his rabid supporters actually believe that Obama is a terrorist, and feel appropriate action should be taken.

Heaven forbid that one of his supporters takes his accusations to heart and attempts to carry out some form of retribution. If they do, the blood is firmly on his and Palins hands. They should either publicly state that any form of actual violence is totally unacceptable, "use your vote to voice your opinion", or they should be held responsible for any of their followers actions.

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As a desperate McCain increasingly tries to stir up anger within his base against the Obama campaign, his words and insinuations may lead to violence.


This "Maverik" is supposed to be a man who reaches across party lines to make good decisions in a bi-partisan manner. Instead, he incites hatred against the other side with accusations that I have to believe, he himself, knows is false. However, his rabid supporters actually believe that Obama is a terrorist, and feel appropriate action should be taken.

Heaven forbid that one of his supporters takes his accusations to heart and attempts to carry out some form of retribution. If they do, the blood is firmly on his and Palins hands. They should either publicly state that any form of actual violence is totally unacceptable, "use your vote to voice your opinion", or they should be held responsible for any of their followers actions.

I don't thinks it is McCain's dirty politics. There is a small but nasty minority in the Republican party, mostly social conservatives, who run on hate. But these people don't really like McCain and are certainly are not inspired by him. They would have hated Obama anyway.

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You think it's an acceptable response for McCain to just smile as people in the crowd yell "Terrorist" and "Kill him"?

No. What do you want him to do, wrestle them to the ground? He can't even put on his own clothes, or use a computer because of the injuries he suffered whilte fighting for his country. Perhaps, people wouldn't be so upset, if Barack Hussein Obama stopped talking down the country that he supposedly loved so much.

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Guest American Woman

From what I've read, the hate for Obama is stronger when Palin is with McCain/addressing a crowd; and while she told a crowd on Friday that "'it's not negative and it's not mean-spirited' to scrutinize Obama's iffy associations," McCain told a crowd accusing him of being "an Arab" that he's a fine, family man-- for which he was booed. I think he's finally realizing that a line was crossed and even people in his own party have reached the point of disgust over these outright false attacks.

"I don't trust Obama," a woman said. "I have read about him. He's an Arab."

McCain shook his head in disagreement, and said:

"No, ma'am. He's a decent, family man, a citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with (him) on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign is all about."

McCain booed after trying to calm anti-Obama crowd

Edited by American Woman
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What do you want him to do, wrestle them to the ground? He can't even put on his own clothes, or use a computer because of the injuries he suffered whilte fighting for his country.

I think the paraplegic people who use computers every day would have a hard time believing that...unless, of course, he was brain damaged whilte fighting for his country

What I think he should have done then is what he did later---respond to over-the-top criticism by saying that's not what his campaign is about. While his later responses to the crowd calling him a scary Arab terrorist (referred to by AM above) were appropriate, it may have been too little too late. Judging from today's public criticism of his dirty campaign from prominent Republicans, I imagine he's been getting even more private criticism to clean up his act.

Edited by BubberMiley
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Guest American Woman
Looks like Obama shouldn't be talking down his country so much. Afterall, I thought he was a post-racial, post-partisan candidate. Unfortunately, speech after speech, he likes to shit on America. Some people don't like that too much.

What planet do you live on? Seriously. I've never seen so much dishonesty from a poster. Or such a complete lack of comprehension regarding what's really going on. It could be the latter, but either way, your comment is ludicrous.

Let me repeat:

"The Secret Service is following up on media reports today that someone in the crowd at a McCain/Palin event suggested killing Barack Obama, according to Secret Service spokesman Malcolm Wiley. The shout of "kill him" followed a Sarah Palin rant on Obama's relationship with radical Chicagoan Bill Ayers."

Her "rants" are lies, and have taken this campaign to a new low. McCain is the one who had vowed not to engage in dirty politics/attacks, and his campaign has become the lowest of the low with this totally unfounded accusation. The results are dirty and nasty, and thank God the FBI is taking it seriously. I have never been as disgusted with a campaign as I am this one, and it seems many Republicans feel the same way about McCain's actions/Palin. His friends of many years have even said that this is a McCain that they don't know. It's disgusting, it's immoral, it's inciting hate/violence, and Palin apparently doesn't even see anything wrong with it.

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I think this strategy of inciting anger will not help McCain, because it only inflames some of those who are already in his base. It will not likely bring swing voters to his side, in fact it could have the opposite effect. So its not a useful strategy, it could end up making McCain look bad, and could even be dangerous if it continues.

McCain has made a number of errors, and its obvious where this is now going. Some polls are showing Obama will win, and the word "landslide" is beginning to appear in the media.

"Beware a drowning man"

Edited by Sir Bandelot
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I give McCain full credit for the following statement:

"We want to fight and I will fight. But we will be respectful," he said. "I admire Sen. Obama and his accomplishments. I will respect him and I want everyone to be respectful, and let's make sure we are."

Sarah Palin should follow this up to clarify, as McCain did, that the Ayers issue is related to Obama "not being entirely truthful about his association", not that Obama is in any way a terrorist.

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What planet do you live on? Seriously. I've never seen so much dishonesty from a poster. Or such a complete lack of comprehension regarding what's really going on. It could be the latter, but either way, your comment is ludicrous.

Well said. By that I don't mean to agree that Shady is the most dishonest poster, I don't know. But I will take the point and agree that there is quite an enormous degree of intellectual dishonesty in Republican circles these days. (I guess I have to say "conservative circles" since, as a Canadian, Shady is not a member of the GOP.)

I would challenge anyone to find me quotes, transcripts, youtube clips, whatever where Obama "sh_ts" on his country. Statements like that are boilerplate conservative B/S. America-hater. Commie. Pinko. Leftist. If you hold a contrarian position, you might as well be a member of Al Qaeda. Dissent, or the belief that America can do better, is not allowed. It's so sad that the philosophy of Buckley has become the breeding ground for such know-nothing thuggery.

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....I would challenge anyone to find me quotes, transcripts, youtube clips, whatever where Obama "sh_ts" on his country. Statements like that are boilerplate conservative B/S. America-hater. Commie. Pinko. Leftist. ....

Obama say:

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them...And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations

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Obama say:

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them...And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations

First, that's not sh_tting on the country. Second, if anything, it's telling a semi-truth about a certain kind of person we all know exists in this country.

There are plenty of Archie Bunker types who feel left out of the country's prosperity, who have seen affirmative action take away jobs they assumed were their birth right. They most certainly cling on to antipathy towards people who are not like them (just tune into any McCain rally lately and you'll see 'em). And a certain number of those people do cling on to their old-time values (God, guns, whatever) because they are afraid of the future. Not all gun owners are that way and not all religious people are that way, but we all know that there are a number of people out there who fit the profile Obama laid out to a T.

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Guest American Woman

To some, the truth is synonymous with an attack/shitting on the U.S. et al. They can't stand the truth, no one should dare say it, so to do so is to attack/shit on the U.S. It's a mindless "you're either with us or against us" mentality at best, complete, deliberate dishonesty at worst.

Edited by American Woman
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First, that's not sh_tting on the country. Second, if anything, it's telling a semi-truth about a certain kind of person we all know exists in this country.

Sure...they are not part of the USA. Good grief....

There are plenty of Archie Bunker types who feel left out of the country's prosperity, who have seen affirmative action take away jobs they assumed were their birth right. They most certainly cling on to antipathy towards people who are not like them (just tune into any McCain rally lately and you'll see 'em). And a certain number of those people do cling on to their old-time values (God, guns, whatever) because they are afraid of the future. Not all gun owners are that way and not all religious people are that way, but we all know that there are a number of people out there who fit the profile Obama laid out to a T.

So what? They are still a part of the country, and Obama "shit" on them. Think he would repeat that remark again on national television? Nope.

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Obama say:

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them...And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations

BC, sometimes all the left can do in the face of the truth is deny it. Good quote though, Obama seems to hold some parts of the US in as much disdain as his wife. He obviously needs some real experience before he's ready for office, and the Senate won't provide it.

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BC, sometimes all the left can do in the face of the truth is deny it. Good quote though, Obama seems to hold some parts of the US in as much disdain as his wife. He obviously needs some real experience before he's ready for office, and the Senate won't provide it.

Agreed....he thought he could get away with his elite perspective for an elitist audience, but the word got out and it nearly cost him the Democratic nomination. Now he has to be extra careful where and when he "shits".

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Obama say:

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them...And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations

I must have read about a couple hundred of your 6000 posts. You all that quote shitting on people ?

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I must have read about a couple hundred of your 6000 posts. You all that quote shitting on people ?

No....but Senator Clinton and the targeted people sure did:

Clinton, speaking in Indianapolis Saturday morning, amplified her attack, saying Obama has no right to challenge gun owners or those who believe strongly in God.

I was taken aback by the demeaning remarks Sen. Obama made about people in small-town America
," she said. "Sen. Obama's remarks are elitist and they're out of touch."

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BC, sometimes all the left can do in the face of the truth is deny it. Good quote though, Obama seems to hold some parts of the US in as much disdain as his wife. He obviously needs some real experience before he's ready for office, and the Senate won't provide it.

And you think an Alaskan govenor is provided with the experience that is needed?? hahahahahahahahahaah

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No, but she has more experience than Obama, and he's running for president. Hahahahahaha.

Palin has as much experiences as GW Bush and look at the MESS and the DEBT he's brought to the country. He left Texas with a debt for the "next guy to fix"!! Palin would be over her head and the chances of her being president is better than Bidens! Maybe that wouldn't be true, since Obama has had alot of death threats. Would America kill another president?

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Palin has as much experiences as GW Bush and look at the MESS and the DEBT he's brought to the country. He left Texas with a debt for the "next guy to fix"!! Palin would be over her head and the chances of her being president is better than Bidens! Maybe that wouldn't be true, since Obama has had alot of death threats. Would America kill another president?

Seems you have made an even beter case for not electing Obama! :lol:

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What Obama has done is not shit on America, he's rubbed America's nose in its own shit. There's a huge difference.

I really fear for what might happen if Obama is assasinated. America is on such thin ice right now that widespread civil violence could easily erupt in the wake of such an event especially on the approach to an election.

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