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Legalize Marijuana and Prostitution

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Yes Guns are made to kill, but guns are a tool, Tools don't kill , people that use them do....

Nobody is forcing you to own a gun, why would anyone who does'nt want to farm own a farm tractor ?...But for those that do why should we restrict them...Like i said before a gun is a tool and when used within the law can provide food for you family, be used for recreational shooting or protection for your family.

Thank you for bringing up farming.

A civilian acquiring a gun would be equivalent of a farmer aquiring a tank for driving around and maybe some plowing.

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A civilian acquiring a gun would be equivalent of a farmer aquiring a tank for driving around and maybe some plowing.

That is not what you where suggesting,or maybe i misunderstood.... it seemed like those that did not want to kill anything , where being forced to purchased a firearm...."Why would anyone who doesn't want to kill have a gun?" well they would'nt would they....However there are those that use this tool legally and don't want to see it restricted any more than it already is....

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....but like all choices come consquences, and one should not expect the rest of us to commit tax payers dollars for your poor choices....

Kind of like CHOOSING to prohibit things other people do come with a cost to the taxpayer. Why should we all pay huge ammounts of tax to chase down prosecute and jail people for doing something most of us don't even disapprove of all that strongly? Why should my tax dollars go to paying for cops, helicoptors, jails, lawyers,judges, prison guards to punish people for smoking pot, when I think they should be able to smoke pot if they want to? It is supposed to be a FREE country. This doesn't even take into account that the vast majority of pot smokers are working taxpaying citizens up until they get "caught" for doing something that people like you don't like. When you take the main breadwinner from a family and put him or her in jail over what ammounts to a personal choice, then we taxpayers must also support their family while they are in jail and perhaps even after they get out because it is hard to get a job once you have been criminalized.

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Hey doc, snap out of it. Show me a link where your spending huge amounts of tax payers money to hunt down and prosecute Pot and pot only....

when I think they should be able to smoke pot if they want to? It is supposed to be a FREE country.

Even free countries have laws, right now it's again'st the law.

This doesn't even take into account that the vast majority of pot smokers are working taxpaying citizens up until they get "caught" for doing something that people like you don't like. When you take the main breadwinner from a family and put him or her in jail over what ammounts to a personal choice, then we taxpayers must also support their family while they are in jail and perhaps even after they get out because it is hard to get a job once you have been criminalized.

Look your barking up the wrong tree here....It's again'st the law period...same as stealing murder, etc etc....get caught and you pay the man....

And if your the main bread winner of a family and you would risk all that just to get high...then yeah, you should be kicked in the nuts....in fact first by all of your family then everyone else in the court room, maybe drug down the street so everyone can have a good kick....

As for me feeling sorry because your personal choice just effected you, your family, and all the rest of the tax payers your nuts....time to grow up, and take some of your responsabilities serious.....

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Hey doc, snap out of it. Show me a link where your spending huge amounts of tax payers money to hunt down and prosecute Pot and pot only....

Even free countries have laws, right now it's again'st the law.

Look your barking up the wrong tree here....It's again'st the law period...same as stealing murder, etc etc....get caught and you pay the man....

And if your the main bread winner of a family and you would risk all that just to get high...then yeah, you should be kicked in the nuts....in fact first by all of your family then everyone else in the court room, maybe drug down the street so everyone can have a good kick....

As for me feeling sorry because your personal choice just effected you, your family, and all the rest of the tax payers your nuts....time to grow up, and take some of your responsabilities serious.....

You need to try reality for a change instead of your fantasy land. Over 80% of drug charges laid in this country are marijuana related. Do you think the helicoptors and flir cameras are up there trying to detect bags of coke, or are locating meth labs? If you are suggesting that there is little cost to the taxpayer from the war on pot, you are delusional. I work in a courtroom and supervise people on conditional sentences and ordered to do community work and 90% of the people I've been asked to put to work are there because of pot charges. Your stupid comments about assaulting pot users and kicking them in the groin shows you are totally out of touch with how "socially acceptable" pot smoking already is. Ever watch TV? Movies? These are a reflection of life, and responsible pot consumption is becoming a lot more common in the media.

To top it off with a little EXTRA stupid, you say that pot smoking is the SAME as stealing, murder, etc etc. Nobody with more than two brain cells believes that. You are advocating assaulting people with values different than your own and then try to paint us pot users as criminal?? Typical conservative ideology. Right I shouldn't be able to own a PLANT, but you should be able to walk around with a handgun?? You conservatives are so illogical.

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You need to try reality for a change instead of your fantasy land. Over 80% of drug charges laid in this country are marijuana related. Do you think the helicoptors and flir cameras are up there trying to detect bags of coke, or are locating meth labs? If you are suggesting that there is little cost to the taxpayer from the war on pot, you are delusional.

I did'nt say that did i , you where sugesting that all those things on your list where either employed or purchased to hunt down and proscute weed and weed only....when both of us know thats a crock....and while we are at it, do you think all these people and resources are being used to hunt down the guy with a small bag of weed for his personal use...or is it to hunt down the people trafficing in drugs, large qty's ....

I work in a courtroom and supervise people on conditional sentences and ordered to do community work and 90% of the people I've been asked to put to work are there because of pot charges

do these people spend thier time in jail or are they free to go home ....was'nt it you that said they do jail time....

Your stupid comments about assaulting pot users and kicking them in the groin shows you are totally out of touch with how "socially acceptable" pot smoking already is. Ever watch TV? Movies? These are a reflection of life, and responsible pot consumption is becoming a lot more common in the media.

Oh i get it, my comments are stupid, because you can relate to someone that thought smoking a few joints is MORE important than his family responsabilites, like feeding his family, providing shelter.... give me a break....And i well aware of how socially excepted smoking pot is, but the fact is it is agains't the law, like drinking and driving....get caught and you going to be charged....i did'nt make the damn law, the government did, and if i want to continue to put food on thier table for my family then i won't be breaking the law....it's really that simple...it's a choice that has consquences.

Besides if it was so socially excepted then having a few drug charges on your file will not matter all that much will it....or does it, as you already stated people are having troubles finding work afterward, which suggest not all of us fiind it acceptable...

To top it off with a little EXTRA stupid, you say that pot smoking is the SAME as stealing, murder, etc etc. Nobody with more than two brain cells believes that.

Is it again'st the law, yes or no....do the cops haul you down town, when your caught do you see a judge for sentencing....does it go on your record, so your breaking the law....and in the laws eyes your a criminal.....see a theme here....I thought you worked down in the court house, and i topped it off with extra stupid...

You are advocating assaulting people with values different than your own and then try to paint us pot users as criminal?? Typical conservative ideology

No not advocating assualting people just because they smoked pot....i said those that have family responsabilites , such as feeding thier families, keeping shelter over thier heads....should be kicked in the nuts serveral times, when they have thought that getting high over rules providing for thier families. Does smoking pot really effect there judgement that much, that you would risk, not providing for your family, for a high that last what a couple of hours...

Right I shouldn't be able to own a PLANT, but you should be able to walk around with a handgun?? You conservatives are so illogical.

It's the law baby, change it if you don't like it....until then it is again'st the law....you know the tune...what you goin to do when they come for you....

Just curious your green party right, just where does legalizing weed sit on thier party platform of things to do when elected....or is there alot more things to worry about than weed....

But really it's not conservative policies that you have to thank it's liberal...yes liberal, weed was legal up until 1923, when the liberal party decided to place it on the control drug list...

Edited by Army Guy
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I did'nt say that did i , you where sugesting that all those things on your list where either employed or purchased to hunt down and proscute weed and weed only....when both of us know thats a crock....and while we are at it, do you think all these people and resources are being used to hunt down the guy with a small bag of weed for his personal use...or is it to hunt down the people trafficing in drugs, large qty's ....


do these people spend thier time in jail or are they free to go home ....was'nt it you that said they do jail time....

It doesn't matter if ALL those resources are used to persecute weed users and weed users only, the fact is that upwards of 80% of it DOES go to persecute weed users.

Currently most people charged with weed offences ARE allowed to go home, the conservatives aim to change that. Conservatives are of the ridiculous opinion that gun ownership is less dangerous to the public than plant ownership. Nobody has EVER died from using pot. How many have died this year from guns? this month? today?

I support a family of 5, a large number of animals, and on average 8-10 employees. It would be a pretty stupid move on the government's part to jail me and lose a shitload of tax money because I smoke pot. It is not my fault if the government is willing to waste money and resources to jail me and make the taxpayer take over supporting my family/animals/employees. There is no logical reason to use the criminal justice system against peaceful citizens who are harming nobody.

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I would say that is part of it, but for most of these drugs out there is other concerns as well, addiction and all of its destructive problems, health concerns, all of these have costs, with many coming out of our pockets...

Personally i don't give a shit if you want to get high, fill your boots....but when tax dollars are being spent because of your choices then i think we "the others" also have a choice...hence our existing laws...

If this is all about making choices, then hey giver make everything legal....but like all choices come consquences, and one should not expect the rest of us to commit tax payers dollars for your poor choices....

I'm all for a Charter of Rights and Responsibilities and I also think people should be held responsible for the harm they do to themselves. As much as it pained us to see Dad suffer even he said it was a miracle that he received the medical care he did. He figured it was only a matter of time before some government institutes a policy of triage to relieve the strain of paying for so many smokers and drinkers who'd poisoned themselves to the extent they became sick.

Who knows, if prohibition was repealed with the intent to make people responsible for their own health care in the event they abuse their health along with their drug, the principle of responsibility could become established and extended to other things as well.

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It doesn't matter if ALL those resources are used to persecute weed users and weed users only, the fact is that upwards of 80% of it DOES go to persecute weed users

Stop making it sound like ALL them resources are out to get the little guy with a few joints..I'm sure that the RCMP, Customs, and other government depts have alot more to do than spend 80 % of thier time and effort to chasing down small time drugies.....SO on that i call bullshit....give us a quote....

I'm not dening the fact they do have internal sections that look after hunting dealers and trafficers down, but i'm sure 80 % of thier budget is not spent on it.....

Currently most people charged with weed offences ARE allowed to go home, the conservatives aim to change that.

So most are allowed to stay at home, are they allowed to work, to support thier families ?

Are you saying theat the cons are targeting just the weed laws or are they targeting all the drug laws ?

Nobody has EVER died from using pot.

Thats a huge claim....are you saying that Pot does not influence your abilites to drive, fly, operate heavy equipment....like say booze...

Nobody has died due to being under the influence of pot is my question.

How many have died this year from guns? this month? today?

Killing someone is a choice, the gun is just a tool. but i do get your piont.

I support a family of 5, a large number of animals, and on average 8-10 employees. It would be a pretty stupid move on the government's part to jail me and lose a shitload of tax money because I smoke pot. It is not my fault if the government is willing to waste money and resources to jail me and make the taxpayer take over supporting my family/animals/employees. There is no logical reason to use the criminal justice system against peaceful citizens who are harming nobody.

Your looking at all this the wrong way....with all the above responsability you have, why would you risk any of it, to smoke a few joints.....

you could use the same excuse for getting a DUI could you not....lets try it...it would be pretty stupid of the government to jail me for driving my car while drunk ,it's not my fault ...it's the governments fault for making that damn law....

Reach down and give your balls a squeze, you see you are a man, and from what you told me one that has responsabilites, more than the average man....you need to stand up and take those responsabilites seriously...You need to own your choices...

You choose to smoke pot, after the government tells you "sorry johny thats not allowed" then like a 3 year old your going to get punished....

You say you work at a court house, that you see the consquences daily of others that have gone down that road...You sir, would have no excuses if you where caught....

I'd like to see your wifes face when you told her "Honey i'm in jail" I can't provide for you or the family until i get out....we might loss the house our bussiness...do you think she would'nt kick you in the nuts for that.....

I get your piont, weed is good, it's harmless, and your for it....shit when it becomes legal, I'll buy a bong, and throw a party....But now it's again'st the law, and you use at at your own risk...

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I do not smoke pot but I have read that it is one of the lowest toxicity of the recreational drugs, even considered safer than alcohol or tobbacco. There were studies done in Britain.

I think adults should be allowed to do what they want together, provided no one else is harmed. So if two people wants to go behind closed doors and have sex, and there is money exchanged, whats the harm in that. Oppressing seems only to drive it underground where the real criminals have control.

Edited by Sir Bandelot
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I would say that is part of it, but for most of these drugs out there is other concerns as well, addiction and all of its destructive problems, health concerns, all of these have costs, with many coming out of our pockets...

Personally i don't give a shit if you want to get high, fill your boots....but when tax dollars are being spent because of your choices then i think we "the others" also have a choice...hence our existing laws...

If this is all about making choices, then hey giver make everything legal....but like all choices come consquences, and one should not expect the rest of us to commit tax payers dollars for your poor choices....

I agree with you 100% here. If everything is legalized (which I support) then let the chips fall where they may. Lost your job because you don't have enough common sense to say 'hay wait a minute this could really be bad for me in the long run, then you don't deserve anything afterward, this includes access to health care ect ... make it an incentive and not a law. You are free to do whatever you want, but don't come crying to us when you hit bottom.

I am a pot smoker. I smoke daily, however, if I was not in control of my habit, I would not be able to perform the job I am currently in. I would have been fired long time ago. People who don't have it under control will have problems. I did for some time. But I realized how it was affecting my life. I changed something. Many people lack this ability to take a step back and say 'wtf is going on'. People play the vicitm and say it is not their fault, or they cannot change it. You can, only if you want to. If you don't really want to, then you are stuck in a rut.

IF you want things to change .. start with yourself. Then you will find things much easier.

Amry guy says

Reach down and give your balls a squeze, you see you are a man, and from what you told me one that has responsabilites, more than the average man....you need to stand up and take those responsabilites seriously...You need to own your choices...

This man speaks the truth.

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I do not smoke pot but I have read that it is one of the lowest toxicity of the recreational drugs, even considered safer than alcohol or tobbacco. There were studies done in Britain.

I think adults should be allowed to do what they want together, provided no one else is harmed. So if two people wants to go behind closed doors and have sex, and there is money exchanged, whats the harm in that. Oppressing seems only to drive it underground where the real criminals have control.

I don't believe smoking anything is a safe administration of the substance - it pollutes your lugs with all kinds of byproducts of burning. It is especially true if you inhale deep and hold your breath - a technique used to maximize the effect.

After marijuana is legalized I would like private producers or government agencies to come up with a safer intake method (potion / pill / nasal spray / shot).

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Slippery slope ...

If everything is legalized (which I support) then let the chips fall where they may. Lost your job because you don't have enough common sense to say 'hay wait a minute this could really be bad for me in the long run, then you don't deserve anything afterward, this includes access to health care ect ... make it an incentive and not a law. You are free to do whatever you want, but don't come crying to us when you hit bottom.

One doesn't, or rather shouldn't, enter into anything without first knowing most of the risks.

If we apply the rule of stupidity, then we have to turn our backs on so many more vices, options, sports and recreation than just pot users.

On a per capita basis, and I have no back up to offer, what exercise /option/vice costs us the most in medical money? I sincerely doubt pot and hookers will be #'s 1 and 2.





mountain biking/climbing (especially the "hit bottom" portion of your post)


Golf is the number one leader in deaths of all sports played around the world.

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I don't believe smoking anything is a safe administration of the substance - it pollutes your lugs with all kinds of byproducts of burning. It is especially true if you inhale deep and hold your breath - a technique used to maximize the effect.

I would bet that polution from cities are just as dangerous to your health. I walk part of the way to work, and the exhaust from the cars/trucks

is enought to make you sick. If you really take a look at your daily life, you can find many things that are not healthy for you.

After marijuana is legalized I would like private producers or government agencies to come up with a safer intake method (potion / pill / nasal spray / shot).

Vaporizers already exist. Which is much better for you, it vaporizes the THC to be inhaled. You don't get as much tar or other subtances that you do get with smoking it. Safer ways already exist.

Much of the food we eat is not good for us either. Obesity is a problem that is busting at the seams.

Smoking is also a very habitual thing for most. As is most drug habits. Some are way more detrimental to your health. Like crack, cocain, heorine, meth)It is theraputic in a way so sit down, break up the bud, prepare the filter and paper, make a nice roll. It is my way of unwinding my hectic day. Some people have a beer, or a glass of wine, or stuff their faces with twinkies. I have seem some joints that were an absolute work of art, it was almost a shame to smoke it.

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I would bet that polution from cities are just as dangerous to your health. I walk part of the way to work, and the exhaust from the cars/trucks

is enought to make you sick. If you really take a look at your daily life, you can find many things that are not healthy for you.

Vaporizers already exist. Which is much better for you, it vaporizes the THC to be inhaled. You don't get as much tar or other subtances that you do get with smoking it. Safer ways already exist.

Much of the food we eat is not good for us either. Obesity is a problem that is busting at the seams.

Smoking is also a very habitual thing for most. As is most drug habits. Some are way more detrimental to your health. Like crack, cocain, heorine, meth)It is theraputic in a way so sit down, break up the bud, prepare the filter and paper, make a nice roll. It is my way of unwinding my hectic day. Some people have a beer, or a glass of wine, or stuff their faces with twinkies. I have seem some joints that were an absolute work of art, it was almost a shame to smoke it.

I'm not saying you should give up your habit. I used to smoke myself.

Just keep in mind that one of the estimates was 1 joint = 20 sigarettes in damage to the body, lungs first.

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I'm not saying you should give up your habit. I used to smoke myself.

Just keep in mind that one of the estimates was 1 joint = 20 sigarettes in damage to the body, lungs first.

One of the estimates,pfffffff, when it is proven that there are over 50 cancer causing agents in cigarettes. Show me the proof. I don't see benzine, or formaldahyde, or carbon monoxide or, hydrogen cyanide in weed. The chemicals that are in cigaretts are just insane, however natural tobbaco may still be bad for you, but not as bad as the manufactured packages ones.

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One of the estimates,pfffffff, when it is proven that there are over 50 cancer causing agents in cigarettes. Show me the proof. I don't see benzine, or formaldahyde, or carbon monoxide or, hydrogen cyanide in weed. The chemicals that are in cigaretts are just insane, however natural tobbaco may still be bad for you, but not as bad as the manufactured packages ones.

Maybe you should read a bit more.

Inhaling ANY kind of smoke is bad for you. That includes sitting by the bonfire.

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True, true..

Although Toronto is a walk in the park compared to Manhattan of Paris.

Getting back to Pot - maybe a doctor should control it's use. My estranged wife who wants to restart our life together again is a chronic pot smoker...it makes her completely stupid and I do not want a stupid person in my bed - guess I am particular in my mature years. If pot was legal and controled by the medical profession - a good doctor would tell her to get off that damned stuff so she could think clearly again - not that she ever did...disinhibited judgement - is a good discript. :P

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Getting back to Pot - maybe a doctor should control it's use. My estranged wife who wants to restart our life together again is a chronic pot smoker...it makes her completely stupid and I do not want a stupid person in my bed - guess I am particular in my mature years. If pot was legal and controled by the medical profession - a good doctor would tell her to get off that damned stuff so she could think clearly again - not that she ever did...disinhibited judgement - is a good discript. :P

There are 2 main types of drugs: stimulants and suppressors.

Stimulans make you high and fast. Suppressors make you high and slow. Neither should be abused as your thoughts either run so fast that you can't keep track of them or are so slow that sometimes you're just empty and not reacting to the world...

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Getting back to Pot - maybe a doctor should control it's use. My estranged wife who wants to restart our life together again is a chronic pot smoker...it makes her completely stupid and I do not want a stupid person in my bed - guess I am particular in my mature years. If pot was legal and controled by the medical profession - a good doctor would tell her to get off that damned stuff so she could think clearly again - not that she ever did...disinhibited judgement - is a good discript. :P

Well, if she does not have her pot habit under control, then you don't need her at all. Being responsible about it will provide her with that clear thinking she is missing. A doctor does not need to tell her that, she needs to tell herself that.

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Look your barking up the wrong tree here....It's again'st the law period...same as stealing murder, etc etc....get caught and you pay the man....

And if your the main bread winner of a family and you would risk all that just to get high...then yeah, you should be kicked in the nuts....in fact first by all of your family then everyone else in the court room, maybe drug down the street so everyone can have a good kick....

It's wrong for the government to decide what people can and can't put in their own bodies. You can't compare that to murder or stealing where you're doing something to someone else.

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It's wrong for the government to decide what people can and can't put in their own bodies. You can't compare that to murder or stealing where you're doing something to someone else.

I think the idea is that when you screw yourself up you become a burden to society and so in effect you are hurting other people. Of course is this only true in the case of pot etc. In the case of burdening society with your pickled liver, FAS baby or cancer riddled lungs...that's different. THEN it would be wrong for the government to interfere in your choice of poison.

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