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Obama Picks Biden

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...I still can't believe that Obama chose him. Obama had a wide choice of candidates and others would have been so much better.

I thought Obama had good political sense but apparently he doesn't.

It is hard to figure, save for your observation about a very narrow purpose in swing state Pennsylvania. Caroline Kennedy was suppose to be leading the selection effort, and Joe was on the list.

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Caroline Kennedy was suppose to be leading the selection effort, and Joe was on the list.
Caroline Kennedy? Hadn't heard that one before. That's like putting Justin Trudeau on the search committee for the next Liberal leader. It's not GIGO - it's like the scene in Spinal Tap where the manager resigns and the Yoko Ono stand-in takes over the travel arrangements, based on players' zodiacs.

Maybe Obama chose Biden because he has the right horoscope.

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"Today, I have come back to Springfield to tell you that I've found that leader, a man with a distinguished record and a fundamental decency, Joe Biden," he said on the steps of the old state capitol here.

"Joe Biden is what so many others pretend to be -- a statesman with sound judgment who doesn't have to hide behind bluster to keep America strong," he said in a clear attack on McCain as well as President George W. Bush.


Sound judgment?


I reckon that Obama was maybe aiming for "solid mainstream". (But if that were the case, Obama had other, better "solid mainstream" choices.) Maybe Obama was seeking a a "pit bull" and Obama, from personal experience, thinks that Biden is a pit bull. (Huh?) Maybe Biden blackmailed Obama. Maybe other candidates refused Obama.

If Obama wanted white-bread straight (and no Tom Eagleton dangerous), Evan Bayh or Tim Kain would have been far better than Biden.

For the life of me, I don't understand why Obama chose Biden as a VP candidate. Biden is the guy who wants to be a player but can't run for president because he's damaged goods.

Edited by August1991
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It is hard to figure, save for your observation about a very narrow purpose in swing state Pennsylvania. Caroline Kennedy was suppose to be leading the selection effort, and Joe was on the list.
Maybe this explains it.

Conventional wisdom says that the choice of VP makes no difference except that the VP might carry his own state. Maybe Obama's people are calculating that Biden will carry Pennsylvania.

Well first, Obama is in a tight spot as the first black candidate for president. To win, he required an inspired VP choice like Dukakis' choice of Bentsen in 1988, or Kennedy's choice of Johnson in 1960. Biden is neither of those two except superficially. Biden is not an inspired nomination.

Second, Obama's campaign may break the mould. This may be the first campaign where the choice of VP hurts the candidate.

Let's wait for the polls in the next few days.

Edited by August1991
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Biden comes across as Obama's attack dog.

Ladies and gentlemen, your kitchen table is like mine. You sit there at night before you put the kids, after you put the kids to bed and you talk, you talk about what you need. You talk about how much you're worried about being able to pay the bills. Well, ladies and gentlemen, that's not a worry John McCain has to worry about. It's a pretty hard experience. He'll have to figure out which of the seven kitchen tables to sit at. Folks, again, it's not political sloganeering when I say we literally can't afford four more years of this non-energy policy written by and for the oil companies, making us more and more dependent from hostile nations on our ability to run this country and literally, not figuratively, literally putting America's security at risk; we can't afford four more years of a foreign policy that has shredded our alliances and sacrificed our moral standing around the world.


As some pundits have said, Biden will say what Obama dare not say lest it tarnish Obama's "good guy" reputation.

I think he picked Biden as much for his mouth as for Biden's Washington and foreign affairs experience. The questions I have is how will Americans react to Biden's abrasive style and how much ammunition will Biden's verbosity provide McCain for counter-attacks?

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As some pundits have said, Biden will say what Obama dare not say lest it tarnish Obama's "good guy" reputation.

I think he picked Biden as much for his mouth as for Biden's Washington and foreign affairs experience. The questions I have is how will Americans react to Biden's abrasive style and how much ammunition will Biden's verbosity provide McCain for counter-attacks?

OK....maybe the Obama camp really thinks they are running against Bush & Cheney again....so Obama has chosen his own Cheney.

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Guest American Woman

McCain ad says Obama snubbed Clinton in VP pick

John McCain's campaign suggested Sunday that rival Barack Obama snubbed Hillary Rodham Clinton as his running mate because of her criticism during the battle for the Democratic nomination.

A new McCain ad, the second since Obama made his vice presidential choice, challenges Obama's motives in passing over his former top rival and choosing Biden...

A voiceover announcer says, "She won millions of votes but isn't on the ticket. Why? For speaking the truth."

McCain's concern about Hillary being "snubbed" is bizarre, to say the least; especially in light of the fact that Biden was also critical of Obama.

Edited by American Woman
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Both Obama and Biden seem to have drunk the global warming kool-aid and if they end up with a compliant congress and senate they will be able to do more damage to the american economy than the iraq war ever did. Unfortunately, McCain is not much better and seems to be most enamoured with the most damaging form of anti-CO2 policy: cap and trade.

You sure have a one track mind.

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So much for change....looks like Senator Brack Obama will select Senator Joe Biden for his running mate. I suppose it's only fitting after Mr. Biden paid Obama the ultimate compliment:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said.

I thinks it's good move for Obama, biden is everything Barack is not....experianced in politics, experianced in washington, experianced in foriegn affairs, experianced in economic matters..... :lol::lol:

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Here's how Newsweek describes Biden in their lead article:Newsweek

I simply cannot believe that Obama chose Biden. There were so many other better choices and the VP choice is generally a no gain/lose choice. (Dukakis is a rare example who gained from Bentson. If Obama were smart, he would have made a similar choice. Biden is a loser who comes with ugly baggage.)

Where will this go? Will the American MSM bury this? The US right wing blogs won't.

The American "MSM" does not bury stuff. The "MSM" reported it when it happened, but the media simply does not like old news.

McCain was a lousy pilot. Where is that in the news ? (he graduated 895/900 in pilot school, got poor reviews and crashed 3 planes (in accidents, not in combat) ). Like Bush, he would not have been flying an airplane without his fathers connections.

McCain had big connections to lobbyists and the Keating 5 years ago ...that does not make the news very often - because it is OLD NEWS.

McCain's statements about the divorce of his first marriage and his marriage to his 2nd wife disagree with public records. Like Bush and drugs, he won't comment. (although he denies adultery)

These are not stories because they are "old news". Politicians (of types) contain at least 25% weasel DNA and there are very few without minor flaws.

I think Biden is a good choice. Obama is a lightweight all talk/little substance sorta guy, Biden has substance. Obama can't seem to attack effectively, Biden can. Obama cannot connect with the working class, Biden can.

Besides, in modern history, when has vice-presidential baggage become a liability? (Qualye's problem was his IQ, not his baggage.)

Bush's DWI did not get that much attention.

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McCain was a lousy pilot. Where is that in the news ? (he graduated 895/900 in pilot school, got poor reviews and crashed 3 planes (in accidents, not in combat) )....

Got a citation for that? I am not aware of any US Navy pilot type training with a class size of 900. Perhaps you mean his undergraduate class at the US Naval Academy, which is not "pilot school". He graduated in 1958 with a class rank of 894 out of 899.

Senator MacCain was a prominent US presidential candidate 8 years ago...it is old news, whether the media was paying attention or not.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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I spoke to a young Irish prince the other day - and we talked about Osama briefly - and it had nothing to do with the fact that he is half black - Owen said to me - maybe they should go back to measuring the scull size of the to be king? Barack is an actor - as was Bush - when are the cowards that are the committee going to step out from behind the curtain and take the throne - you would think there is one real leader somehwhere? We have fallen into a state of disgrace where surrogate kings are choosen while the masters hide in the dark - cowards!

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The American "MSM" does not bury stuff. The "MSM" reported it when it happened, but the media simply does not like old news.

McCain was a lousy pilot. Where is that in the news ? (he graduated 895/900 in pilot school, got poor reviews and crashed 3 planes (in accidents, not in combat) ). Like Bush, he would not have been flying an airplane without his fathers connections.

McCain had big connections to lobbyists and the Keating 5 years ago ...that does not make the news very often - because it is OLD NEWS.

McCain's statements about the divorce of his first marriage and his marriage to his 2nd wife disagree with public records. Like Bush and drugs, he won't comment. (although he denies adultery)

These are not stories because they are "old news". Politicians (of types) contain at least 25% weasel DNA and there are very few without minor flaws.

I think Biden is a good choice. Obama is a lightweight all talk/little substance sorta guy, Biden has substance. Obama can't seem to attack effectively, Biden can. Obama cannot connect with the working class, Biden can.

Besides, in modern history, when has vice-presidential baggage become a liability? (Qualye's problem was his IQ, not his baggage.)

Bush's DWI did not get that much attention.

You forgot to mention Mc's wife being a drug addict. :unsure:

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Biden should be at the top of the ticket, and Obama should be the understudy. He's immensely more qualifed to be President. But Obama gives a good prepared speech, so I guess that was the primary qualification of the Democratic primary. Too bad. And maybe Obama was thinking tha same thing, when he introduced Biden "as the next President of the United States".

Quick somebody get Barack his teleprompter back, please!

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Guest American Woman
Biden should be at the top of the ticket, and Obama should be the understudy. He's immensely more qualifed to be President. But Obama gives a good prepared speech, so I guess that was the primary qualification of the Democratic primary. Too bad.

Yep. It's definitely too bad that the Democrats didn't pick someone that the conservatives approve of/wouldn't vote for anyway. :D

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Biden should be at the top of the ticket, and Obama should be the understudy. He's immensely more qualifed to be President. But Obama gives a good prepared speech, so I guess that was the primary qualification of the Democratic primary. Too bad. And maybe Obama was thinking tha same thing, when he introduced Biden "as the next President of the United States".
Biden has tried several times to get to the top of the ticket (as recently as 2008) always without success. There's a reason. Biden has poor judgment. He stole a speech from a failed UK Labour politician and he cadged exams in university. Biden is an ambitious fraud.

Biden also happens to be a Catholic from Pennsylvania and it also happens that Obama was on the same Senate Foreign Relations Committee that Biden chaired. These are the only possible reasons to explain why Obama chose him.

[i suspect Obama is in the middle of a hurricane right now (imagine how fast all of this happening around him and the pressure on him; he has no time to think) and he has chosen someone that is a known quantity.]

From the outside looking in, Obama had far better choices. Kennedy chose Johnson and Dukakis chose Bentsen - excellent, inspired choices for non-WASP candidates attempting to get to the White House. Biden is none of this.

Biden is a failed presidential candidate - Biden has the ambition but lacks the judgment or talent. There's a chance that Biden will turn into another Eagleton. If it happens, it will occur in the next week or so. I think that it's fair to say that many journalists and Republicans (Repugnicans?) are now scouring Biden's past.

Edited by August1991
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Biden has tried several times to get to the top of the ticket (as recently as 2008) always without success. There's a reason. Biden has poor judgment. He stole a speech from a failed UK Labour politician and he cadged exams in university. Biden is an ambitious fraud.

McCain stole his recent speech from Wikipedia and finished 894 out of 899 in Anapolis. And look where he ended up.

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McCain stole his recent speech from Wikipedia and finished 894 out of 899 in Anapolis. And look where he ended up.
There's no comparison between McCain's speech about Georgia and Biden's free use of Neil Kinnock's ideas.

I always considered this whole episode amusing. Stealing ideas and speeches from Neil Kinnock is the Canadian equivalent of copying Jack Layton speeches. Why would anybody bother? For some absurd reason, in some American circles with little judgment at the time, Neil Kinnock was considered enlightened and progressive. (Kinnock is now a European commissioner which seems an appropriate place for him.) Joe Biden, who desperately wanted to be President, has now resigned himself to being a candidate for VP. Heck, even Nelson Rockefeller had better judgment.

McCain's campaign denies they plagiarized Wikipedia, but also didn't state whether they used it as a source for his speech.

"We did not copy Wikipedia in Sen. McCain’s remarks. There are only so many ways to state basic historical facts and dates and that any similarities to Wikipedia were only coincidental," said a spokesman for the McCain campaign, Brian Rogers to The Politico. Wikinews contacted McCain's campaign, but has yet to receive a response.



Biden has nice white teeth and hair. If I had a sugar daddy, he would probably look like Joe Biden. :lol:
The sad thing is that underneath all, Joe Biden probably views himself this way too. Edited by August1991
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There's no comparison between McCain's speech about Georgia and Biden's free use of Neil Kinnock's ideas.

I always considered this whole episode amusing. Stealing ideas and speeches from Neil Kinnock is the Canadian equivalent of copying Jack Layton speeches. Why would anybody bother? For some absurd reason, in some American circles with little judgment at the time, Neil Kinnock was considered enlightened and progressive. (Kinnock is now a European commissioner which seems an appropriate place for him.) Joe Biden, who desperately wanted to be President, has now resigned himself to being a candidate for VP. Heck, even Nelson Rockefeller had better judgment.

I personally didn't think Biden would survive after the incident myself but he did.

As for McCain's denial, he doesn't know how to use a computer but someone in his staff definitely cribbed Wikipedia and didn't give credit.

Edited by jdobbin
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