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Everything posted by L4P

  1. 1.) Ever stop to think that the "townsfolk" burned their bridges with the First People - long ago? 2.) All whites are guilty - like it or not - IF they are not telling their governments to deal with the claims at hand...if they are unwilling to see that they currently participate in the oppression of Natives if they are unwilling to acknowledge history and work toward creating justice for Native people across Canada - then they ARE guilty. I don't care if you just came to this country yesterday - you are sitting on unceeded terratory - and should acknowledge that Nowhere is this more dispicable than in BC...where the vast majorityof the land has not been legally dealth with - and where govt. insists on ignoring the blatantly obvious. It is my HOPE that the Squamish and Burrary nations drop a longhouse on the sea-to-sky 2 nights before the opening ceremonies for the 2010 Olympics. It would be a fine way of showing the rest of the world Canada's dirty little secret...and a fine way of letting local govt. lknow that the People have not forgotten.
  2. My reply in to the original article. GOOD! I agree that ignoring the issues - as the various forms of Govt. have done for 100's of years - will ultimately come back to haunt people. The bottom line is that townspeople and govt. do not give ANY weight to Native land claims... Natives have EVERY right to protest when there is an attempt to undermine their legitimacy and steal MORE land from them. The standoff at Oka in Quebec was no different. There is no way white people had ANY right to expand their golf-course on my people's terratory, and to add insult to injury, over top of my ancestors! So long as injustices remain in this country with respect to land claims - so long the govt. and the people turn a blind eye, Native's in this country will continue to stand up for their rights and demand resolution and justice. And I support that plight.
  3. Islam, Christianity, Catholacism - (pardon my spelling) - They ALL have those who are out to lunch. It is most unfortunate that we pay attention to the extreme and ignore the typical. A lot of people went postal in the US over Rev. Wright.... Obama still got elected because I like to think the majority of people recognize dogma for what it is. The original post is not representative of the norm - just like Rev. Wright isn't the typical representative of Christians. Those who latch onto such rhetoric and dogma in an effort to demonize "the other" need to do so to make sense of their own place in the world. To each his own I suppose.
  4. You forgot to mention Mc's wife being a drug addict.
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