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Barack Obama

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Barack Obama is a lie.

He criticizes Hillary 4 not admitting that she voted in favour of the war. However, he has also voted to keep the war which his campaign isn't making very public.

Barack Obama does NOT care about the middle class rural folk. If you take a look at the voting history, Obama only wins the vote of the big cities and Hillary drastically wins the rural vote because she actually cares about them.

If you look at the voting history, Barack's support is a huge number of black people and this is why he sometimes wins-- because of racism against hillary and women.

If you took a look at Obama's voting history, he's barely gotten anything past in his entire life and he is not ready to run a country let alone his own business.

Barack's supporters don't even really support him. 45% of his voters don't care who gets the nomination...they would be happy with Hillary.

Hillary Clinton is a vision for the United States of America. She has survived attacks by the media, Obama's campaign and republicans. She has kept her head held high throughout this process with dignity. She even gave Obama his first job, but he is willing to throw her under the bus.

Obama's campaign has been nothing but a lie. It has attacked, defended when attacked and lied throughout this whole campaign.

Let's not allow this lie to take over your country. Barack Obama is no better than John McCain or George W. Bush. Take a stand against this farce and make the wise decision.

VOTE for HILLARY! Let's make history! Let's make the right choice!

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Barack Obama is a lie.

He criticizes Hillary 4 not admitting that she voted in favour of the war. However, he has also voted to keep the war which his campaign isn't making very public.

Barack Obama does NOT care about the middle class rural folk. If you take a look at the voting history, Obama only wins the vote of the big cities and Hillary drastically wins the rural vote because she actually cares about them.

If you look at the voting history, Barack's support is a huge number of black people and this is why he sometimes wins-- because of racism against hillary and women.

If you took a look at Obama's voting history, he's barely gotten anything past in his entire life and he is not ready to run a country let alone his own business.

Barack's supporters don't even really support him. 45% of his voters don't care who gets the nomination...they would be happy with Hillary.

Hillary Clinton is a vision for the United States of America. She has survived attacks by the media, Obama's campaign and republicans. She has kept her head held high throughout this process with dignity. She even gave Obama his first job, but he is willing to throw her under the bus.

Obama's campaign has been nothing but a lie. It has attacked, defended when attacked and lied throughout this whole campaign.

Let's not allow this lie to take over your country. Barack Obama is no better than John McCain or George W. Bush. Take a stand against this farce and make the wise decision.

VOTE for HILLARY! Let's make history! Let's make the right choice!

All American politicians are liars but Obama is one of the biggest ones. We who follow the US nonsense know very well that nobody is going to end the Iraq war until it is brought to fruition by the US consolidating control over Iraq's oil resources. If you listen to any of the candidates you will not hear them saying that they are going to end the Iraq war any sooner than that. It's essential the US wins that war.

But the antiwar rhetoric is great politics for Obama or Clinton because the American people want the Iraq war to end and are basically stupid enough to think that it can end. Why does it take so long for Americans to come to this understanding? It's a great political ploy for the dems but that doesn't mean you have to play dumb about it. Or are you really sincere?

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The reality is that the in-fighting and petty politics by the Democrats, especially by the Obama side against Clinton is likely causing many Americans to look at voting for another Republican administration.

Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton whether they want to admit it or not are a dream-team as running-mates in the November Presidential vote, but because Obama is so full of himself he is lessening his chances of winning an election. What has to be remembered here is that regardless of how many Primaries he wins over how many Clnton wins is that every person who is voting for either a already members of the Democratic Party and are therefore partisan. To win the election they need to convince the American people that the Republicans need to be replaced, and so far all that is happening is this silly in-fighting.

It shows just how naive Obama is by dismissing out of hand the possibility of having Clinton as a running mate. Instead he should be looking at ways to forge a relationship with Hillary, otherwise they both just might wind up as losers in the Big Game. The actions of Obama are to me are not only signs of his immaturity and inexperience, but are also troubling signs of something even worse, and that is narcissism. He has become so full of himself that he can't see past his own hype. He needs to realize that this is not all about him, it is about the Democrats winning in a General Election against the Republicans.

I say Narcissism, because Obama is acting as if this whole contest is about him specifically, that the world turns on only him and the decisions he makes. "Narcissism," is is defined as being quite common during adolescence but if it continues into adulthood it then becomes a mental illness. Obama needs to take a reality pill and grow up, look at what is best for the Democratic Party and less about scoring a defeat against Clinton. Both have good ideas an on most of the main issues they seems to be on the same page politically, so the wise thing would be to set aside their differences and think about joining forces to take the Presidency away from the Republicans. The last thing the U.S. needs is another term with a Republican President, because we already know from the experiences of the Bush's, that the Republicans stand for continuing the war. Both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have turned into another Vietman, where their opposition does not where uniforms but instead uses guerrilla warfare, and they fight from within the civilian population, and that makes it impossible to determine who exactly the enemy is.

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With regards to Obama being a Vice Presidential running mate for Hillary Clinton........

With hubby Bill lurking in the bedroom, it reminds me of a quote I heard from one of Yankee owner George Steinbrenner's partners:

"There is nothing more limiting than being a Limited Partner of George Steinbrenner"

Edited by Keepitsimple
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The damage the Dems are doing to each other is too early on to make a big difference. Hoping they will and repeating ad nauseum that they will hurt each other is just wishful thinking of the right biased media like Fox especiallly. Sean Hannity has created a comedy routine which is even worth watching now for the sake of seeing Alan Colmes make Hannity's face go red in anger. Hannity's gotten to the point now that he asks questions and then disqualifies the answer of his guest by screaming that the guest isn't answering the question the way he wants it answered.

I would recommend it for Canadians who want to see how ridiculous their politics has become. And then they keep repeating the 'fair and balanced' silly joke!

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Wait a minute. The US voters couldn't wait to get rid of the Clintons and so they voted GW in, thinking their problems were now gone! Wrong! Why oh why would the US voters put BACK the Clintons into the White House again?? Just look what happen in the Clinton years. Clintons connected to China and selling of military secrets, Foster's death, the sex scandal, the trashing of the White House when they left. IF Hilary gets in, you'll have Bill trying to change her mind on issues, he already said so. How can anyone trust the the Clintons?? Besides, the Bush family want McCain in and they will do anything to make that happen, anything!

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Wait a minute. The US voters couldn't wait to get rid of the Clintons and so they voted GW in, thinking their problems were now gone! Wrong! Why oh why would the US voters put BACK the Clintons into the White House again?? Just look what happen in the Clinton years. Clintons connected to China and selling of military secrets, Foster's death, the sex scandal, the trashing of the White House when they left. IF Hilary gets in, you'll have Bill trying to change her mind on issues, he already said so. How can anyone trust the the Clintons?? Besides, the Bush family want McCain in and they will do anything to make that happen, anything!

I think people look at how Bush has nearly destroyed the country and then contrast that with the prosperity Bill Clinton brought to the country. Maybe some of them are grown up enough now to understand that doing an intern is not all that important. I have heard it said by Americans that Bill Clinton was one of the most popular US presidents. Didn't he leave office with a high approval rating which rivaled any of them?

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Wait a minute. The US voters couldn't wait to get rid of the Clintons and so they voted GW in, thinking their problems were now gone! Wrong! Why oh why would the US voters put BACK the Clintons into the White House again?? Just look what happen in the Clinton years. Clintons connected to China and selling of military secrets, Foster's death, the sex scandal, the trashing of the White House when they left. IF Hilary gets in, you'll have Bill trying to change her mind on issues, he already said so. How can anyone trust the the Clintons?? Besides, the Bush family want McCain in and they will do anything to make that happen, anything!

In regards to this statement, the US respected president clinton. They only voted for GW Bush in because President Clinton couldn't run again (2 terms max). So if you don't know this, don't even say anything.


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QUOTE(UShaditComing @ Mar 13 2008, 12:12 PM)

...Hannity's gotten to the point now that he asks questions and then disqualifies the answer of his guest by screaming that the guest isn't answering the question the way he wants it answered.

Does anyone else see the irony in this statement?

Thats the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. :lol:

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Guest American Woman
Just a comment about Hannity and Colmes - that would be a better show if Colmes had a stronger personality, he seems unable to stand up to Hannity. They need a stronger democrat on that show IMO.

You have to keep in mind that this program is on Fox News. According to Colmes' biography on Fox News, he's a "hard-hitting liberal." Yet Colmes himself has said "I think I'm quite moderate."

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