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  1. Yes, that's correct and they also have begun a concerted effort to have me banned from their forum. It's being led by American woman. I've even offered to change my name but that's not really the problem and it's not going to be enough. Thanks for your support and thanks to the others who have offered support publicly and privately via PM's. The US is responsible for their actions and the least we can do is bring it back on a forum such as this to haunt them. Keep it civil with them and let them be the ones to hurl the abuse and personal insults and this forum can help us to accomplish at least that meager goal of exposing them. They need to know that the world is aware of their lies and aggression. Thanks again for the encouragement! We good and decent people need to stick it out and stick together.
  2. There are lots of people in Canada who believe exactly what I say and there are many books expressing the same view and most of those books are by American authors. Yes, it is off topic and if you want to know more about me then ask questions in the appropriate place.
  3. I have been asked by the moerators to either ignore this kind of thing or keep it on topic. If you haven't been warned yet too then maybe you should be. Start another thread if you want to learn some facts.
  4. The Times published the stinking photos you bozos say didn't exist. Read some of this which contains some stories of some other lies too. http://www.new-enlightenment.com/like_son.htm
  5. Say what you like from now on. It's makes no difference to me. But don't try to pretend our military is in Afghanistan defending Canada because it is not. It is in Afghanistan at US request and supporting US aggression. Nothing else. I draw the line on that lie even though I feel sorry for you and have backed off kicking your ass around here.
  6. The question of whether or not Saddam used chem/bios on his own people is another one altogether. According to Stephen Pelletiere, it's likely that he didn't. They killed Saddam without investigating that question further because of the inconvenient facts of the matter. They now want socalled Chem ali handed over because of what he might say. The entire issue deserves a thread of it's own. Not here please.
  7. I put you on my friends list as a gesture of kindness and to show that I didn't want you to leave the forum. Please come back and if you would like me to change my name then ask nicely and I will go to the mods and make the request. Really! If it's that terrible for you to be reminded of the truth then I can spare your feelings at least. I think the reason why Canada pays so much attention to the US agression and evil it is doing in the ME is because we care about you Americans. We were your best friends before you had to start your Iraq war and we told you we didn't want to be a part. It's called tough love dear. You won't get the same tough love from France because you people sincerely hate them with all your heart and soul because it turned out that they got it right on your phoney Iraq war.
  8. Well, is it true or not sonny boy? The US is even now using as an excuse the need to stay in Iraq to protect the Sunnis and the Kurds because they're toast as soon as the Shiites get to them. I 'TOLD' you and I 'TOLD' you repeatedly the other day to do your homework on the satellite issue but you just didn't want to listen. Now look at the mess you have yourself in!
  9. In the interest of maintaining a higher level of debate, please rehearse your ideas at sub-committee level before bringing them to my attention. http://psweb.sbs.ohio-state.edu/faculty/jm...er/shafapsa.pdf Thanks anyway!
  10. You see folks, this example of shady's silliness is why sub-committees are important. Had he talked to his supporters he would have been informed ahead of time that what he is doing is waving the flag for what the US has created in Iraq. Namely, a Shiite dominated society which allows no other religious persuasion to exist and which in going to align itself closely with Iran, itself being a Shiite dominated nation. And all along Saddam allowed freedom of various religious persuasions including Chrisitanity and only needed an ocassional heavy hand to keep his country together. Duhhhhhhhhh!
  11. Promise? If you break your promise you are then going to be a liar as well as a fool! (you never make that kind of offer to your opposition dancer because it's as good as tying your hands behind your back) (I thought I had made that clear to you people but you must have missed it) (I can't overemphasize the importance of reading what I say more carefully)
  12. Do your homework at sub-committe level before bringing uninformed questions to me.
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