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What Went Wrong For Barack Obama

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The important message is that Harper's gang is in bed with the pro-war Republicans and against the Dems.

I guess the fact that 99% if the dems voted for war with iraq and still continue to support war in Afghanistan escapes you...

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I guess the fact that 99% if the dems voted for war with iraq and still continue to support war in Afghanistan escapes you...

Of course it doesn't escape me! The drummed up emotion of the time and all the lies fabricated against Iraq brought the dems onside with the Iraq war. They were convinced by Bush and his liars that Iraq had a part in 9/11. Some Americans still believe that and they still believe that Iraq is still hiding the missing WMD's. And no, it wasn't that the Bush regime believed that the WMD's were there, they were complicit in making up lies to support their war. Just the same as the first war against Iraq which was based on US lies and fabrications.

And Afghanistan, that's just as dumb to be supporting. Bin Laden was in Rawalpindi when the towers fell and the people of Afghanistan had nothing to do with it. The Bush regime didn't even want to bother with that country.

All Americans need to be reeducated on what their wars are all about becasue they just don't take the time to find out for themselves. They always fall for people such as Powell goiing to the UN and making up lies to justify a war.

Let's dance some more. You're a great sounding board to serve my purpose of telling Canadians where it's all at. I would love to get into the first Iraq war for them and explain how it was all a US plan to find justification for a permanent occupation of Iraq.

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I think it is hilarious that majority of American (especially Ohio) think China is part of NAFTA...

Plus, Ohio was losing jobs to Texas way before NAFTA was even signed by Bill. That's what makes this argument silly. Then these media guys add fuel to the fire. Americans really have a short attention span. China which is probably the most capitalist country in the world in disguise of communism is surpassing America and people are worried and blaming illegal immigrants, immigrants, NAFTA, middle easterners, Oil producers and the list goes on... The bottom line is, Americans did not know what it feels like being #2 for once and it is really stinging them and they are unable to deal with it.

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Of course it doesn't escape me! The drummed up emotion of the time and all the lies fabricated against Iraq brought the dems onside with the Iraq war. They were convinced by Bush and his liars that Iraq had a part in 9/11. Some Americans still believe that and they still believe that Iraq is still hiding the missing WMD's. And no, it wasn't that the Bush regime believed that the WMD's were there, they were complicit in making up lies to support their war. Just the same as the first war against Iraq which was based on US lies and fabrications.

No, the stage was set long before that with Gulf War I, UN sanctions, no-fly zones, and Operation Desert Fox. Canada even helped put the screws to the poor Iraqis!

All Americans need to be reeducated on what their wars are all about becasue they just don't take the time to find out for themselves. They always fall for people such as Powell goiing to the UN and making up lies to justify a war.

Nope...America was built on wars and has thrived on wars, even ones to save your dying empire. God Save the Queen.

Let's dance some more. You're a great sounding board to serve my purpose of telling Canadians where it's all at. I would love to get into the first Iraq war for them and explain how it was all a US plan to find justification for a permanent occupation of Iraq.

Lots of threads here on that already.....5th anniversary is coming up!

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.... The bottom line is, Americans did not know what it feels like being #2 for once and it is really stinging them and they are unable to deal with it.

While Canada has known what this feels like...ummmm....since day one! Those American autoworker and call center jobs that moved to Canada are just figments of the UAW's imagination. But what goes around comes around, and Ontario is feeling the pinch.

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No, the stage was set long before that with Gulf War I, UN sanctions, no-fly zones, and Operation Desert Fox. Canada even helped put the screws to the poor Iraqis!

You are saying nothing new here because I have already commented on Canada's part in the first Iraq war. As long as you don't try to say that the no-fly zones were UN sanctioned then we have nothing to argue about. I do however maintain that it was all a con-job to get Saddam to move on Kuwait. Lots of proof for that.

Nope...America was built on wars and has thrived on wars, even ones to save your dying empire. God Save the Queen.

Lots of threads here on that already.....5th anniversary is coming up!

Not only does America thrive on wars but it now needs it's Iraq war because it needs to establish control over the oil rich ME. Lots to talk about there too but in a nutshell, no new president is going to end that war before it's brought to fruition.

Yeah, thanks for the help in WW2 but don't try to pretend the motive was all above board. Are you one of the many Americans who didn't think that the US should have gotten itself into that one because it wasn't any of their business? Actually IMO the Soviets would have won it anyway given a few more months and the world would be an entirely different place today. Not in the way in which you would like to imagine it though.

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Let's dance some more. You're a great sounding board to serve my purpose of telling Canadians where it's all at. I would love to get into the first Iraq war for them and explain how it was all a US plan to find justification for a permanent occupation of Iraq.

Don't tell me...you used to work for Alcan and Alcoa layed you off...?

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Not only does America thrive on wars but it now needs it's Iraq war because it needs to establish control over the oil rich ME.
Wrong. America actually gets more oil from Canada and Mexico then the middle east. However, they are dependent on foreign oil because the left won't allow America to develop it's own oil resources. And yet, they're the first one's to complain when oil/gasoline prices rise.


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Wrong. America actually gets more oil from Canada and Mexico then the middle east. However, they are dependent on foreign oil because the left won't allow America to develop it's own oil resources. And yet, they're the first one's to complain when oil/gasoline prices rise.


You don't have any oil resouces to develop to the extent that it would save your country from having to buy from Canada or also the ME as a big portion of what you import. At over $100/bbl your economy is going up in smoke because you are so oil dependent and you have less than half of what you need. It's time to start understanding that and the only reason why you don't understand it is because it blows the lid off the real reason for the US presence on the Arabian peninsula and the war with Iraq.

Your economy is dependent on winning the Iraq war and getting the oil flowing because alternative sources of energy won't come even close to making up for foreign oil. To put it in a simple way for you to undersand: You need to balance your trade deficit by selling your stuff and your big macs to Iraqis and the world in trade for their oil and what you need. You can't afford the bill otherwise. Or another way of saying that you want what the world has but the world doesn't want enough of what you have. Check your country's trade deficit out some day. Your politicians lie to you muricans about all that and you continue to buy their bill of goods. Get with the program Pal.

Edited by UShaditComing
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You don't have any oil resouces to develop to the extent that it would save your country from having to buy from Canada or also the ME as a big portion of what you import. At over $100/bbl your economy is going up in smoke because you are so oil dependent and you have less than half of what you need.
Very roughly, the US consumes about 15 million barrels of crude oil per day of which about 5 million is produced in the US. Canada and South America (Mexico, Venezuela) provide the bulk of the imports although Saudi Arabia provides about 1.5 million per day - about 10% of US needs. (Datalink.)

In general, the US does not import oil from the Middle East. Most oil in the Middle East is shipped to Japan, China or Europe. That's obvious - it's closer.

If the crude oil price remains at $100 per barrel or higher, you can expect to see major changes in the world energy market. Many dormant oil wells will become profitable and many current consumers will change their energy use. In real corrected-for-inflation terms, the price of oil is now at its highest level ever, similar to its previous peak in 1980. (Keep in mind that as recently as 1998, the price was about $10/barrel.)


USHadItComing, you should start a new thread if you want to discuss a new topic. You have "highjacked" another wise good thread about Barack Obama and now we're discussing the world oil market.

Check your country's trade deficit out some day. Your politicians lie to you muricans about all that and you continue to buy their bill of goods. Get with the program Pal.
For the past 20 years or so, the US trade deficit has been motivated by the lack of reliable investment opportunities elsewhere in the world. The Japanese manufactured trucks and shipped them to America because the trucks generated a better profit there than in the moribund Japanese economy.

In case you haven't noticed, the US economy has more or less had a steady boom since the early 1990s. The US has been a great, safe place to invest.

Edited by August1991
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Nonsense! State it any way you like to obfuscate the truth but the US still uses over 20 million barrels a day and it's still climbing on a year to year basis. The world contemplates dumping the USD and it sits at just over 65 cents against the Euro. And some countries are starting to favour other currencies for oil sales.

Good luck pal, you can't get a new president fast enough even if you want to paint a rosy picture while everyone else knows you're into a recession.

Well, except John McCain of course and he's not sure today. He knew you weren't 3 weeks ago.


2454512 2008/02/15 Fri 0.68150

2454515 2008/02/18 Mon 0.68273

2454516 2008/02/19 Tue 0.67837

2454517 2008/02/20 Wed 0.68202

2454518 2008/02/21 Thu 0.67517

2454519 2008/02/22 Fri 0.67459

2454522 2008/02/25 Mon 0.67469

2454523 2008/02/26 Tue 0.67164

2454524 2008/02/27 Wed 0.66090

2454525 2008/02/28 Thu 0.65910

2454526 2008/02/29 Fri 0.65847

2454529 2008/03/03 Mon 0.65818

2454530 2008/03/04 Tue 0.65747

2454531 2008/03/05 Wed 0.65441

2454532 2008/03/06 Thu 0.65124

2454533 2008/03/07 Fri 0.65222

ka-chinng, ka-ching!

Edited by UShaditComing
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Nonsense! State it any way you like to obfuscate the truth but the US still uses over 20 million barrels a day and it's still climbing on a year to year basis. The world contemplates dumping the USD and it sits at just over 65 cents against the Euro. And some countries are starting to favour other currencies for oil sales.
The world oil price is denominated in US dollars but most sales of oil are transacted in other currencies (euros, yen) and they have been for many years.

For example, the world oil price is quoted in US dollars but Canadians buy gasoline using Canadian dollars. The same is true in China, Russia and Germany.

You state that "the US uses over 20 million barrels a day". Provide a link to that statistic. Do you mean crude oil, natural gas or energy equivalent? It remains that America does not source its foreign oil in the Middle East. Japan, China and Europe do. Of course, it's a world market since oil is fungible.

The US dollar - why has it fallen?

USHadItComing, I'll start another thread - in your name - on that very topic.

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You don't have any oil resouces

your economy is going up in smoke

Your economy is dependent on winning the Iraq war

You need to balance your trade deficit

Check your country's trade deficit out some day.

I'm Canadian. That's why London, Ontario is listed under my name. Learn to read, and stop assuming what fits your narrative.


And please listen to others, start your own threads instead of hijacking everyone into a constant "American is bad" discussion.

Edited by Shady
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I'm Canadian. That's why London, Ontario is listed under my name. Learn to read, and stop assuming what fits your narrative.


And please listen to others, start your own threads instead of hijacking everyone into a constant "American is bad" discussion.

Then act like a Canadian and not like a warmongering American. Listen to yourself too because you are disgusting and if you don't like the topic and how it morphs to other issues then don't join it.

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Yes, please continue.....you name shall prove quite prophetic.

My name relates to this forum a very simple concept which the entire world understands only too well and many educated people in the US have come to understand. There are dozens of books written on the subject and lots by American authors. You would do well to stop your nonsense of pretending it isn't so and read some literature on why it is so. Chalmers Johnson's, Nemesis is probably easy enough for you to understand for a beginning. A Canadian who doesn't understand is really becoming quite an anomaly! Americans have an excuse of having to support their war by being patriotic and pretending it's for an honourable cause.

As simply stated as possible for Americans:

When you stop killing them over there then they will stop wanting to kill you over here.

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My name relates to this forum a very simple concept which the entire world understands only too well and many educated people in the US have come to understand.....

Yes, yes, yes...but you're overthinking this one. If you continue posting in such a way, hijacking threads for your own partisan purposes, it will be quite amusing if you are banned...i.e.... "had it coming".

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Then act like a Canadian and not like a warmongering American. Listen to yourself too because you are disgusting and if you don't like the topic and how it morphs to other issues then don't join it.
Yes, I'm disgusting. Grunt out some more insults. Grunt, grunt UShaditComing.

This is not a matter of "acting Canadian" or "acting American". As if all Canadians, and all Americans act in the same manner. Maybe you should start acting Canadian, and stop calling anyone who disagrees with you un-Canadian. There are legitimate differences of opinion that deserve to be discussed. Maybe you need to be a little more understanding and accepting of others opinions, the same way you claim Americans need to be.

On a side note, I believe the name's IRAQhaditComing, or IRANhasitComing would be more appropriate. :lol:

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Yes, I'm disgusting. Grunt out some more insults. Grunt, grunt UShaditComing.

This is not a matter of "acting Canadian" or "acting American". As if all Canadians, and all Americans act in the same manner. Maybe you should start acting Canadian, and stop calling anyone who disagrees with you un-Canadian. There are legitimate differences of opinion that deserve to be discussed. Maybe you need to be a little more understanding and accepting of others opinions, the same way you claim Americans need to be.

On a side note, I believe the name's IRAQhaditComing, or IRANhasitComing would be more appropriate. :lol:

If you don't like to act like a Canadian then stop acting like an American in denial. The world knows the truth and there is so much at stake that it's important enough for the world to talk about and try to correct those who support the US evil wars of aggression. Nothing less than the millions of lives of innocent civilians who have died under US bombs. Not to mention the millions more who will die if they are not stopped.

It's an honourable cause and I will not stop. Any other opinion on the future fate of those people is not legitmate in my opinion.

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If you don't like to act like a Canadian then stop acting like an American in denial. The world knows the truth and there is so much at stake that it's important enough for the world to talk about and try to correct those who support the US evil wars of aggression. Nothing less than the millions of lives of innocent civilians who have died under US bombs. Not to mention the millions more who will die if they are not stopped.

Proof positive that some Canadians can only define themselves in terms of Americans (as foils). This member has taken the paradigm to an extreme, ironically trying to bully another countrymen's free speech and actions.

It's an honourable cause and I will not stop. Any other opinion on the future fate of those people is not legitmate in my opinion.

Canadian bomb fragments in distant lands tell of a different cause and legitimacy.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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So much for discussing the Barack Obama Presidential campaign. The new troll/hijacker has decided he's going to fight for the world's "freedom" in every thread he chooses, while at the same time dismissing anyone elses opinion which differs from his own. Stalin would be proud.


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