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Christian 'infidels' to eat 'Muhammad'


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See you WOULD be HIGHLY offended!

So not all things will "roll off" the Christian's back! Even a hypothetical situation makes you so angry that you froth at the mouth.

Yet in the same post you figure it's "fun" to make other people so angry that they froth at the mouth.

Commies are long gone. Your new freaky enemy is (boooga boooga!) Islam. Please try to keep up... commies and hippies no longer exist.

Ok? You up to speed now? :lol:

I think your missing my point. A girl who is doing what you propose I don't think would be taking any offense to being called a two dollar trash bag whore, therefore I wouldn't be taking any offense, instead it would be "ooh look at the two dollar trash bag whore turning some tricks for free, those other whores would be mad ha ha" (which according to you the girl would be taking a lot of offense :blink: )

But if someone is going to be stripping nude and rubbing a crucifix, they are asking to be called a two dollar trash bag whore, just like the guys eating the cookie are asking to be called assholes. If either is offended by being called an asshole or a two dollar trash bag whore then they are hypocrites.

I personally think it's scary for people to say that religion should be banned, that's taking someone's rights away. Yes I know the commies are gone, but you seem to cling on to their ideals in the case of banning religion.

Commies gone, people allowed to worship freely in Eastern Europe, religion NOT banned

OK? You up to speed now? :lol:

Edited by blueblood
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Posters keep touting "But Christians would not be offended by *such and such*!"

That's not been what I am saying at all (or anybody else as far as I've seen.)

I can guarantee you that a great many Christians do take offense at things like the "Piss Christ" exhibit, or "The DaVinci Code," or "The Last Temptation of Christ," or the recent "Golden Compass" movie, "Pope on a Rope" soap, comedic depictions of Jesus, a great many political cartoons regarding pedophile priests, music lyrics, and all kinds of other things. All the time.

Christians get offended all the time. That's not the issue.

The issue is this: when Christians do get offended... what happens?

letters are written... sometimes a consumer boycott is attempted, people stand out movie theatres with signs, that sort of thing. Riots? Nope. Fires? Pillaging? Murders? Nope.

What's one difference between Dan Brown and Theo Van Gogh? Dan Brown's book/movie was based on the premise that Christianity is a hoax, and Theo Van Gogh's movie was critical of Islam's treatment of women. Another difference? Dan Brown is alive, and Theo Van Gogh got executed on the street.

How 'bout if I go into yer church this Sunday and start strippin' and rubbin' my little naked bod all over the guy on the crucifix? Would any Christians be offended? The hypocritcal men would looove it -- the women, not so much :lol:

:lol: That'd be hilarious. Yep, the people at the church would probably be pretty offended. I can guarantee you'd survive the experience, though.

When you're done at the church, go try the same thing at a mosque and see if it works out as well for you.


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That's not been what I am saying at all (or anybody else as far as I've seen.)

I can guarantee you that a great many Christians do take offense at things like the "Piss Christ" exhibit, or "The DaVinci Code," or "The Last Temptation of Christ," or the recent "Golden Compass" movie, "Pope on a Rope" soap, comedic depictions of Jesus, a great many political cartoons regarding pedophile priests, music lyrics, and all kinds of other things. All the time.

Christians get offended all the time. That's not the issue.

The issue is this: when Christians do get offended... what happens?

letters are written... sometimes a consumer boycott is attempted, people stand out movie theatres with signs, that sort of thing. Riots? Nope. Fires? Pillaging? Murders? Nope.

What's one difference between Dan Brown and Theo Van Gogh? Dan Brown's book/movie was based on the premise that Christianity is a hoax, and Theo Van Gogh's movie was critical of Islam's treatment of women. Another difference? Dan Brown is alive, and Theo Van Gogh got executed on the street.

:lol: That'd be hilarious. Yep, the people at the church would probably be pretty offended. I can guarantee you'd survive the experience, though.

When you're done at the church, go try the same thing at a mosque and see if it works out as well for you.


Would that mosque be in Canada or in the middle east???

This is Canada, she'd live, and get ridiculed for doing that and rightly so. Justice works out.

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Anybody eat the darned cookies yet?

The article was dated January 25, and said the episode was to air "tomorrow night", meaning the 25th of January, so I assume the prophet has been eaten and digested.

What I'm not able to determine is where this "tv show" actually airs. Their webpage ( http://www.flamethrower.tv/ ) boasts that FaithTV pulled their Jan 24th episode because they were too controversial, but I'm not actually able to determine whether FaithTV is a real network either.

People who are really desperate to see people eat cookies on TV can apparently find the video on the website (or check out



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That's not been what I am saying at all (or anybody else as far as I've seen.)

I can guarantee you that a great many Christians do take offense at things like the "Piss Christ" exhibit, or "The DaVinci Code," or "The Last Temptation of Christ," or the recent "Golden Compass" movie, "Pope on a Rope" soap, comedic depictions of Jesus, a great many political cartoons regarding pedophile priests, music lyrics, and all kinds of other things. All the time.

Christians get offended all the time. That's not the issue.

The issue is this: when Christians do get offended... what happens?

letters are written... sometimes a consumer boycott is attempted, people stand out movie theatres with signs, that sort of thing. Riots? Nope. Fires? Pillaging? Murders? Nope.

What's one difference between Dan Brown and Theo Van Gogh? Dan Brown's book/movie was based on the premise that Christianity is a hoax, and Theo Van Gogh's movie was critical of Islam's treatment of women. Another difference? Dan Brown is alive, and Theo Van Gogh got executed on the street.

:lol: That'd be hilarious. Yep, the people at the church would probably be pretty offended. I can guarantee you'd survive the experience, though.

When you're done at the church, go try the same thing at a mosque and see if it works out as well for you.


Regardless of whether or not the stipper "would survive"... she would be doing an offensive act and it would be extremely RUDE of her to do so... that was my point -- she would be a very bad, ignorant human being for doing so -- just as the cookie eaters are bad rude ignoramuses who get a "kick" out of seeing others get angry. One of the posters here got pretty p'od about it... so even the thought sets some people a-frothin'.

And yes, religion is an antiquated notion that humanity no longer needs. We know the sun will rise tomorrow, not because we sacrificed a baby last nigh, but because science tells us that the sun's rising and setting is due to the earth travelling in an orbit around it. That old religion (those who used to sacrifice to the sun god) is antiquated and useless in today's society. As our knowledge of life and the universe grows, the religions of today will be relegated to the same level as the Aztec's as a disolutional ideal utilized by the powerful to retain control over the populace. ANd the bible will be found in the basement of the Smithsonian where it belongs.

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That's not been what I am saying at all (or anybody else as far as I've seen.)


When you're done at the church, go try the same thing at a mosque and see if it works out as well for you.


kimmy, your big on promoting stereotypes, aren't ya?

who executed theo van gogh, an individual with a "beef" .your using the incident to stereotype an entire group of persons.

are there no christian's that committ murder's?

For whatever excuse they may have?

How about the young homosexual fellow who was murdered by some good "christian" folk?

Or the ones who shoot abortion doctors?

quick kimmy stereotype away.

You may not even realize that is what you are doing , but it is exactly what you are doing.

My dad was an immigrant, I've grown up hearing so many stereotypes about Italians.

Did you know , "there all in the mafia" or criminals at the very least???

How time has changed that, but I do remember, so does my dad.

Edited by kuzadd
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I'll refresh some memories on what Italians had to put up with in the "new world"

It uses crude or unfair stereotypes about Italian people, a popular one being that most Italians are unnaturally violent, or somehow associated with the Mafia. Aside from the bigotry inherent in this idea, it is also statistically improbable. Like most racist and biased sentiments, anti-Italianism often uses discrimination, prejudice, and even violence.

Italians have been stereotyped as violent, sociopathic, "knife-wielding" gangsters and street ruffians often akin to other minorities. [1] [2] This stereotype ranges from portraying Italians as working class thugs, to violent "guappo" immigrants, to Mafioso.

Other stereotypes portray Italians as overly-emotional, melodramatic, low-class, superstitious, hot-blooded, aggressive, ignorant, obsessed with food, and prone to crime and vengeance over trivial slights. [3] The fear of Italians reproducing too much played a small role in Margaret Sanger's drive toward encouraging birth control[4]. Italian males are sometimes stereotyped as "Italian Stallions" or "Latin lovers," while females have been stereotyped as either overly matriarchal or voluptuous, flirtatious, and exotic. Italians have often found themselves at the receiving end of ethnic jokes, parodies, and discrimination due to certain stereotypes.

hmmm, isn't that the steretype wrt to Muslims, oh ya, it is!

Many ethnic stereotypes against Italians have been in use for centuries. In the 16th century, John Calvin, the French preacher who help establish Puritanism, condemned Italians as lazy, two-faced, and deceitful.

Many Americans saw the swarthy, darker skinned Italians as a "missing link" between whites and blacks. In some areas of the South, as well as the North, Italians were "semisegregated."

Yup, some compared italians to negros , and man , your talking, not welcome in a wasp family!

Italian American internment during World War II

During World War II, thousands of Italian Americans as well as thousands of Italian Canadians were put in internment camps on American and Canadian soil, along with Japanese Americans. Thousands more were placed under surveillance or had their property repossessed by the government. Joe DiMaggio's father, who lived in San Francisco, had his boat and house confiscated. One official stated that if it had not been for Joe DiMaggio's status as a celebrity baseball player, his father would most likely had been sent to an internment camp. Unlike the Japanese Americans, Italian Americans have never received reparations, even though President Bill Clinton made a public declaration admitting the US government's misjudgement in the internment. [16]

Canada circa 50's and 60's and it still continues on to this day

Italians interred like the Japanese, for nothing!

Like the arab/muslims now?

round'em up!


yet, the reality, Italians are some of the kindest, hard working, warmest and most loving people.

Edited by kuzadd
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  • 2 weeks later...

Iranian Man Sentenced to 4 Months in Jail, 30 Lashes for Walking Dog

A 70-year-old Iranian man was arrested and sentenced to four months in jail and 30 lashes for walking his dog, Adnkronos.com reported Tuesday. Police caught the man on the street with his dog in Shahr Rey, a suburb of Tehran.

Owners of domestic animals are forbidden from taking them on the streets of the city because Islam considers dogs to be impure.


Oddly enough, Ahmedinnerjacket bought 4 attack dogs for himself for $160 grand each.

Pass the whip...?


If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, an ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned.

---Ayatollah Khomeini

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Stupid & unneccesary. Why do those on the right feel the need to be so inflammatory?
Maybe they've been taking lessons from the left.

Folsom Street Fair's "Last Supper"

Crucifix In Urine

The Holy Virgin Mary" splattered with elephant dung

Then of course, you add in little incidents like 911, The Danish cartoon riots, the murder of Theo Van Gogh, Bali bombing, London bombing, Madrid bombing, Muslim girl killed by father for not wearing a head scarf, and there's bound to be a push back against Islamic radicalism, and a push forward of freedom of speech.

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Then of course, you add in little incidents like 911, The Danish cartoon riots, the murder of Theo Van Gogh, Bali bombing, London bombing, Madrid bombing, Muslim girl killed by father for not wearing a head scarf, and there's bound to be a push back against Islamic radicalism, and a push forward of freedom of speech.
But remember, all of those "little incidents" derive from Islam's hopelessness created by Zionism and the Zionist Entity.</sarcasm> Edited by jbg
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but because science tells us that the sun's rising and setting is due to the earth travelling in an orbit around it.

Science tells us that?

Funny, i thought that was how we measured a year? the orbit around the sun?

I thought that science told us that we have days because the Earth has a rotation? you know, spinning on it's axis?

Do you know why we have seasons Drea?

I think Drea should spend some more time on science and less time ridiculing someone's beliefs. That way she may be a bit more knowledgeable on these things.

If you were on 'Are you smarter than a 5th grader' you would definitaley have to say 'NO'


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ooooopsie -- I did mean the rotation of the earth... but that's moot anyway because its gawwwwwd.

Can't you see his fingers stretched across the world? And the mid Atlantic ridge is how gawd sewed the earth together -- just like a baseball. (cool huh! Gawd likes baseball!)

Whatsa matter with you aren't you enough of a "believer" to see the fingers? Only those with "faith" can see them so obviously you are a heathen sinning evangelical fanatical atheist -- off with yer head! LOL

I've been watching The God Delusion... it boggles the mind how people, in the face of scientific fact, still believe in the invisible judge.

Edited by Drea
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ooooopsie -- I did mean the rotation of the earth... but that's moot anyway because its gawwwwwd.

Can't you see his fingers stretched across the world? And the mid Atlantic ridge is how gawd sewed the earth together -- just like a baseball. (cool huh! Gawd likes baseball!)

Whatsa matter with you aren't you enough of a "believer" to see the fingers? Only those with "faith" can see them so obviously you are a heathen sinning evangelical fanatical atheist -- off with yer head! LOL

I've been watching The God Delusion... it boggles the mind how people, in the face of scientific fact, still believe in the invisible judge.

i have never stated if I am a theist or not because I don't know myself. I certainly do not mock people because they do believe. One can believe in all facets of science and still believe.

Einstein did. Oh wait, you're smarter than him. sorry. forgot.

thanks for showing your fundamentalist colours again.


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and Einstein lied about being a believer just like I do every day. I flat out lie because nutty religious people have a "problem" with buying campaigns from a heathen.

Einstein lied so his work would be accepted. Why do you think the many ancient scientists (at work now, no time wil research later and bring link to you) waited until they were on their deathbeds before publishing their findings? Because of religious prosecution.

I'd bet that at least 50% of those who say they are religious when in a crowd, will come clean in private.

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Christians do not riot or burn stuff when they're upset. When their faith is insulted, they protest, they boycott, they write letters, they make their views known in legal and non-violent ways.


So why do those guys in the white pajamas and funny pointed hats always refer to themselves as Christians and burn crosses? You telling me they are Muslim?

Lol. The point is-show me a religion I cam show you someone in it who is using it to justify;

1-sexually molesting someone

2-beating someone

3-abusing women

4-engaging in war, violence, terrorist acts


6-rallies to burn things and wear funny costumes

7-engaging in strange dancing

8-making funny noises, vomiting pea soup and swearing and rotating wierdly

9-wearing tight collars that make them unable to breath

10-not shaving and washing

11-wearing fur hats in the heat or other inappropriate clothing.

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What about Buddism?

Lol. I like it. Find it a very kind, peaceful way of approaching things. Taoism too. Found them very helpful in helping me reconcile my disgust and anger over certain issues.

But then its like everything right AW? There is good and bad in all things. Don't get me wrong. I am far from someone in the position to judge others. Got enough problems keeping the toilet seat down and holding my stomach in.

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And Jehovah's Witnesses , those guys are even polite when i yell at them to get away from my door .

I pinched one on the buttox once. He was just so damn polite I could not resist. My wife almost killed me. I thought it was funny. So did the other guy he was with. Well he started. I said, thanks but I am one of Moses' people bye bye now. But he could not resist and asked me if I would turn the other cheek to violence or would engage in eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. So I said well let me demonstrate and pinched him good.

I said I was just seeing if you would turn the other cheek. I think I got him sexually excited too. I have that effect on missionaries.

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Stupid & unneccesary. Why do those on the right feel the need to be so inflammatory?

Maybe it is drivel. But let me ask you this. Why should any country that believes in democracy and Freedom of speech live in fear of what content they put out. How many times is Jesus made fun of on television? No, the inflammatory aspect is created by the people who have an inferority complex. I could care less if Jesus is shown smoking pot or in a hawaiin t shirt waving the peace sign. People have the right to freedom speech in a democracy otherwise whats the point?

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