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The Problem With Christmas


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Also there is something wrong with our society when retailers' whole year depends on whether they have a good christmas season.

There's nothing wrong with that. In the same way the summer/fall makes a farmer's whole year. In many cases, retail can also be seasonal work.

Is it greed that has us demanding ever lower prices

Nope. It's logic. People have always looked for lower prices. People always will.

and the banks have us using credit cards to buy groceries.

Banks don't force you to use their credit cards. If you don't like them, don't use them. Nobody takes responsibility for their actions anymore. And the more you change things so that they don't have to. The less they will.

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As much as I value democracy and free will, I see more and more than it's a system that must have a people that are moral and self controlled.
I think that self-control goes hand in hand with the ability of countries to function as democracies, Countries such as Russia, Pakistan, Nigeria and Ivory Coast spin out of control during "democratic" interludes since the people have no tradition or history of resolving differences among themselves peacefully, and have little work ethic. Countries such as the U.S., Canada and U.K. have far different traditions.

This is also why, when we admit immigrants, that we have to do so slowly, so that they learn our traditions rather than having their former countries' dysfunctional traditions dumped on us.

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I’m sick of consumerism and I am really starting to hate stuff in general. At one time I really yearned for things like nice cars, home theater systems, tools and appliances. Then I sort of became indifferent to our glutinous North American way of life. I wasn’t bothered by it but I personally started to make an effort to acquire less, use less, and waste less. Soon I found that I didn’t really want stuff anymore at all.

I'm starting to feel like this. material things dont mean as much to me any more. Maybe it's because i can download a lot of cool things off the internet i used to buy. HA!

I think people have their priorities shoved so far up their behinds these days. They slave away at work to pay for their nice new cars and giant plasma TV's yet they shuffle their kids off to daycare so a stranger can raise them. Nice priorities. I'd live in a timber box with a kitty litter tray before i'd send any kids i had away to be raised by others. Not even animals do that.

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Guest TrueMetis

I'm starting to feel like this. material things dont mean as much to me any more. Maybe it's because i can download a lot of cool things off the internet i used to buy. HA!

I think people have their priorities shoved so far up their behinds these days. They slave away at work to pay for their nice new cars and giant plasma TV's yet they shuffle their kids off to daycare so a stranger can raise them. Nice priorities. I'd live in a timber box with a kitty litter tray before i'd send any kids i had away to be raised by others. Not even animals do that.

No some animals would abandon or eat their kids, not the best comparison.

Edited by TrueMetis
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To condition a populace to believe that their ownly reason for existance it to consume..is very anti-Christmas. Through the religion of consummerism..is generated waste product - human shit of sorts..that eventually we get buried in...and the manure pile heats up and we call it global warming...The ancients used to insult opposing tribes by saying you worship Belzebub...translated - meaning "your god is of the manure pile" - Or LORD OF THE FLYS.. To convince people that they need things to survive that they do not need causes problems and grief...try being married to a woman who is only happy when she is spending and generating shit.. It is a slavish waste of life.

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I can't say I've figured it all out as some do around here, but something is definitely wrong with this picture when so many jobs go overseas and the banks have us using credit cards to buy groceries.

What's wrong with using a credit card to buy groceries? I use my credit card to buy literally everything, it is very convenient. Each month, I get an itemized list of all my expenses automatically (my statement), and each month I pay off the entire balance and pay no interest. In fact, in the past 7 years I've spent roughly ~$40,000 through credit cards and have never in that time paid a single cent of interest...

I honestly don't understand people who complain about credit cards. It just makes no sense. It is nothing more than a tool that makes things more convenient. Using it as a loan and carrying a balance and paying interest is the height of idiocy, however, since you can easily get loans at a small fraction of the interest rate. It is like complaining about cars making your life more difficult because despite all the useful things they can do, if you are stupid and/or drunk you might drive it into a pole and die.

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What's wrong with using a credit card to buy groceries? I use my credit card to buy literally everything, it is very convenient. Each month, I get an itemized list of all my expenses automatically (my statement), and each month I pay off the entire balance and pay no interest. In fact, in the past 7 years I've spent roughly ~$40,000 through credit cards and have never in that time paid a single cent of interest...

I honestly don't understand people who complain about credit cards. It just makes no sense. It is nothing more than a tool that makes things more convenient. Using it as a loan and carrying a balance and paying interest is the height of idiocy, however, since you can easily get loans at a small fraction of the interest rate. It is like complaining about cars making your life more difficult because despite all the useful things they can do, if you are stupid and/or drunk you might drive it into a pole and die.


my objections to overuse of credit cards migtht be different to others that you have heard, but then again, maybe not. At any rate, it sounds like you are disciplined and organized, unlike those whose finances are day to day, and CC interest is a reality for buying groceries.

I can remember the day when I was making $7/hr and I bought a $1200 stereo system because the credit card I was issued had a $2000 limit on it. Many do not use cards properly and get themselves into much grief. I remember counselling someone who was facing bankruptcy all because of spending habits. The TV show 'Til Debt Do us Part is a good revelation of the problem.

This is just a part by which the banks make billions of dollars per year on the backs of people that have no business having the credit that the banks give them. Some people should know better, but they don't, and their lives are almost ruined because of it. For these credit cards are a tool alright, a tool by which the banks extract heavy profits from as these people since into the red.

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my objections to overuse of credit cards migtht be different to others that you have heard, but then again, maybe not. At any rate, it sounds like you are disciplined and organized, unlike those whose finances are day to day, and CC interest is a reality for buying groceries.

I just don't understand why CC interest would be a "reality" for buying groceries. If you borrow on your card, just go to your online banking, open up a credit line, and transfer money from that to pay off your credit card balance. The interest rate on a typical credit line from a bank is 3-5%, unlike the 18-25% you'd pay on a typical credit card. Takes a few seconds and you save lots of money.

If on the other hand you're credit lines / loans are maxed out and you have no income and you are just living off your credit card then you are just a few months from bankruptcy and those loans not mattering anymore anyway.

I can remember the day when I was making $7/hr and I bought a $1200 stereo system because the credit card I was issued had a $2000 limit on it.

Hopefully you had a plan for paying back the $1200.

Many do not use cards properly and get themselves into much grief. I remember counselling someone who was facing bankruptcy all because of spending habits. The TV show 'Til Debt Do us Part is a good revelation of the problem.

Whose fault is that it that some people have bad spending habits or "do not use cards properly"?

This is just a part by which the banks make billions of dollars per year on the backs of people that have no business having the credit that the banks give them. Some people should know better, but they don't, and their lives are almost ruined because of it. For these credit cards are a tool alright, a tool by which the banks extract heavy profits from as these people since into the red.

They extract these profits by providing a service which people willingly utilize. I see no problem.

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I just don't understand why CC interest would be a "reality" for buying groceries. If you borrow on your card, just go to your online banking, open up a credit line, and transfer money from that to pay off your credit card balance. The interest rate on a typical credit line from a bank is 3-5%, unlike the 18-25% you'd pay on a typical credit card. Takes a few seconds and you save lots of money.

If on the other hand you're credit lines / loans are maxed out and you have no income and you are just living off your credit card then you are just a few months from bankruptcy and those loans not mattering anymore anyway.

Hopefully you had a plan for paying back the $1200.

Whose fault is that it that some people have bad spending habits or "do not use cards properly"?

They extract these profits by providing a service which people willingly utilize. I see no problem.

You don't seem aware of anyone but yourself. Imagine if you will a world in which some people do not qualify for credit lines. These are the people to whom usually the highest rates are charged for their credit cards since they are a higher risk.

And yes, of course, the fault lies with the cc user. That is why the bank has a threshold past which they will not issue credit cards to. You seem to think the bank should issue to everyone. You also seem unaware of people that do not have the budgeting skills and discipline that you have, and the trouble they get into because the banks said yes when they should have said no. I am simply saying that the banks have a responsibility too.

Perhaps one day you will have a family member or friend go bankrupt because of the situations I mentioned above and you might understand better the realities as you watch them go through 7 years of no credit. Or you might just blame them for not having your discipline.

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Any problems with natives?

Nope as usual though all the problems of society stem from those ritualized cannibals called Christians. If they had not killed and then eaten Jesus' body and drank his blood, I'm sure the world would have been a much nicer, more tolerant place. But in imitation the world's Christians have followed in those early Christian footsteps in the days of massacring Muslims, to hallucinating about witches because they were stoned on ergot infested rye, to burning witches and torturing believers for entertainment, to murdering and sodomizing native children while they were stolen from their parents.

Yes, you Christians and pseudo Christians (those who celebrate Christmas while denying your true religion) have lots to celebrate. Merry Christmas and I hope Santa brings you lots memories in your stockings! :lol:

Edited by charter.rights
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The Problems with Christmas:

Watch Zeitgeist -The Movie first half where it describes the sham of Christmas and the birth of Jesus. Watch the whole series to get a take on why we are in the corrupt society we live in.

I accidentally put the wrong comment here previously. All I want to add here is that you have to take that Zeitgeist movie with a grain of salt. The creators of that documentary never seem to get around to explaining how the three issues they discuss are actually connected to each other -- what does the origins of Christianity have to do with 9/11 conspiracy theories, and the modern system of global banking? For some reason they have focused only on the similarities between the ancient Egyptian Trinity and the modern Christian version. What about the other influences that came from Sumeria, and the Persian religions for example? Maybe that would complicate things too much for them.

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I think Christmas is great myself.

But if theres a PROBLEM with it, its that its on the wrong day. December 25th is ACTUALLY the birthday of the Vedic Solar Deity, Mitra. Mitra was a hindu god that was also worshipped by the Persians (known the them as Mithra) and eventually the Romans. Worship of the sungod (whos birthday we honor today) became popular, in rome as 'Sol Invictus' (the unconquerable sun) or Mithraism. When Constantine decided to shove Christianity down the throats of the Romans, making it the official state religion and diverting all religious funding from other cults to the cult of Christ, early Christians decided Christianity would be accepted more readily if they borrowed already well known customs.

Some of these Christian customs plagerized from Mithraism were...

1. Communion with bread and wine.

2. The idea of a sacrificial savior.

3. All of the sacrements.

4. The holy sabbath (sunday).

5. The december 25th birthday.

So, Merry Christmas! And Happy birthday Mithras!

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I think Christmas is great myself.

But if theres a PROBLEM with it, its that its on the wrong day. December 25th is ACTUALLY the birthday of the Vedic Solar Deity, Mitra. Mitra was a hindu god that was also worshipped by the Persians (known the them as Mithra) and eventually the Romans. Worship of the sungod (whos birthday we honor today) became popular, in rome as 'Sol Invictus' (the unconquerable sun) or Mithraism. When Constantine decided to shove Christianity down the throats of the Romans, making it the official state religion and diverting all religious funding from other cults to the cult of Christ, early Christians decided Christianity would be accepted more readily if they borrowed already well known customs.

Some of these Christian customs plagerized from Mithraism were...

1. Communion with bread and wine.

2. The idea of a sacrificial savior.

3. All of the sacrements.

4. The holy sabbath (sunday).

5. The december 25th birthday.

So, Merry Christmas! And Happy birthday Mithras!

LOL! Sweet. I play a drinking game every time a Christmas hater mentions the winter solsitice, or that December 25th isn't actually Jesus birthday. And thank you proving that having partial knowledge of something can be dangerous! :lol:

Edited by Shady
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LOL! Sweet. I play a drinking game every time a Christmas hater mentions the winter solsitice, or that December 25th isn't actually Jesus birthday. And thank you proving that having partial knowledge of something can be dangerous! :lol:

Thank YOU for proving that people that drink too much are idiots, and that having no knownledge at all of ANYTHING can be hilarious :)

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Guest TrueMetis

LOL! Sweet. I play a drinking game every time a Christmas hater mentions the winter solsitice, or that December 25th isn't actually Jesus birthday. And thank you proving that having partial knowledge of something can be dangerous! :lol:

Shady do me a favour, quote me the passage of the bible that mentions when Jesus was born. It never does because it was not considered an important date, and the brief description of the birth shows that he was not born during winter.

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