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Ron Paul on Leno

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For those interested here are some great interviews with Dr. Paul. As I have stated time and again - it's always better to listen to the actual words - straight from the horse's mouth - than to base opinions on someone's else's.

Dr. Paul on Meet the Press 23/12/07

The above links take you to the first parts on both interviews, follow the appropriate links on you tube to view the rest.

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I think your analogy is flawed and you have put the cart before the horse - it is not due to the 'internet' that Paul is gaining grounds - it is due to the supporters and patriots, Americans sick and tired of the BS out of Washington using the available means to communicate with others of like mind - Democrat and Republican alike - that there is an alternaitive to the current corporatist/globalist cabal which has infiltrated every level of the Federal government within the US. To quote Dr. Paul - turning the Administration of the US into a 'soft form of fascism', where corporate interests control the strings of government.

Dr. Paul is only about 230 years too late for that....he is neither original or remarkable as a candidate who would make such claims about America and corporate "fascists". Such candidates come and go with each election, the most recent and successful example being Ross Perot, whose numbers Dr. Paul will not even come close to matching on election day. It is not more patriotic to espouse such things...it is more patriotic to vote for what you believe in, even if that includes your bank account. One vote to a customer, please.

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Dr. Paul is only about 230 years too late for that....he is neither original or remarkable as a candidate who would make such claims about America and corporate "fascists". Such candidates come and go with each election, the most recent and successful example being Ross Perot, whose numbers Dr. Paul will not even come close to matching on election day. It is not more patriotic to espouse such things...it is more patriotic to vote for what you believe in, even if that includes your bank account. One vote to a customer, please.

What exactly is this that Dr. Paul says that is 'too late'? Really your rhetorical cheap shot posts are getting tiresome BC.

You cannot compare Perot to Paul - again it's an apples vs cucumber analysis. Perot was heavily financed by corporate and business interests, as well as having his own fortune (perhaps a Romney - Perot comparison is better ;); while Dr. Paul has now made history with the most donations in one 24 hour period! All by regular folks, REAL grassroots support.

Why does this threaten you? Why does it bother you? Are you afriad that if Dr. Paul is actually elected the teat of the Fed will be shut down and perhaps your reason d'etre ceases to exist?

Oh and edited to add: Is it 100 years or 230?? Are you now so flustered that you are flip flopping??? Bah!! :D

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What exactly is this that Dr. Paul says that is 'too late'? Really your rhetorical cheap shot posts are getting tiresome BC.

It's not rhetorical.....you neither understand what America is or has been for over 200 years, preferring to pretend some political fantasy from another nation. Even the Americans who think as you do only get one vote. In other words (because you didn't get it the first time), the very system that Dr. Paul hopes to change will assure his own defeat according to the US Constitution.

You cannot compare Perot to Paul - again it's an apples vs cucumber analysis. Perot was heavily financed by corporate and business interests, as well as having his own fortune (perhaps a Romney - Perot comparison is better ;); while Dr. Paul has now made history with the most donations in one 24 hour period! All by regular folks, REAL grassroots support.

You are ignorant of the support that Mr. Perot had in 1992 and 1996. That's OK...how could you know from the North Pole?

Why does this threaten you? Why does it bother you? Are you afriad that if Dr. Paul is actually elected the teat of the Fed will be shut down and perhaps your reason d'etre ceases to exist?

Oh and edited to add: Is it 100 years or 230?? Are you now so flustered that you are flip flopping??? Bah!! :D

Nobody is afraid of Dr. No being elected president....it simply is not going to happen. Why are you so threatened by that reality, and why is it any of your business? Are you an American citizen?

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Guest American Woman
...Dr. Paul has now made history with the most donations in one 24 hour period! All by regular folks, REAL grassroots support. [...] Are you afriad that if Dr. Paul is actually elected the teat of the Fed will be shut down and perhaps your reason d'etre ceases to exist?

"The congressman, the only outspokenly anti-war GOP presidential candidate, has garnered a major following online, and consistently pulled in healthy fundraising totals, but has had trouble converting that support into higher poll showings. He appears to have single-digit support in most recent polls of Republicans nationwide, and in early-voting states." Link

There's no way Ron Paul is going to get the Republican nomination, much less win the election.

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Why are you so threatened by that reality, and why is it any of your business? Are you an American citizen?

Are you so out of touch with your own country's politics that you haven't noticed that American foreign policy makes sure it's everybody's buisness who is elected president? You should learn more about your country.

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Are you so out of touch with your own country's politics that you haven't noticed that American foreign policy makes sure it's everybody's buisness who is elected president? You should learn more about your country.

Oh please - your interest has nothing to do with "America's foreign policy". No matter what America's foreign policy is any election in the US would garner a lot of international interst. If the foreign policy here was Ron Paulian isolationism millions would be pulling for non-isolationist candidates. If the current policy was of disengagement in Africa millions would be pulling for an Africanist president. If reproachment with Chine the Taiwanese would eb interested in changes.

Point is - iit's American power that causes international interest. The interest would exist no matter how the power was used.

Now that I've done beat up on you BM - onto BC.

You can't have it both ways BC. You revel in America's power internationally, you must accept that a lot of foreigners will always be interested in American elections and will often try to influence these.

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You can't have it both ways BC. You revel in America's power internationally, you must accept that a lot of foreigners will always be interested in American elections and will often try to influence these.

If you go back and read the question....it is "why" are they interested and want to influence the election. Would similar "interest" and influence be readily accepted by Canadians from American "foreigners"?

Ironically, Dr. Paul uttered this response in debate with Senator McCain:

"...Isolationism isn't what I advocate, Paul told Blitzer. I advocate non-intervention, not getting involved in the internal affairs of other nations....."

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Guest American Woman
He doesn't want to end taxation. Geez...How would he get paid? haha. He simply wants to get rid of the IRS because it is a prime example of a government agency that is too large and doesn't work and is a waste of money.

He wants to abolish the income tax along with getting rid of the IRS. And he doesn't give an answer regarding where he would get lost revenue:

MR. RUSSERT: But, but you eliminate the income tax, do you know how much lost revenue that would be?

REP. PAUL: A lot. But...

MR. RUSSERT: Over a trillion dollars.

REP. PAUL: That's good. I mean, we--but we could save hundreds of billions of dollars if we had a sensible foreign policy.

MR. RUSSERT: Well...

REP. PAUL: And if you go--if you're going to be the policeman of the world, you need that. You need the income tax to police the world and run the welfare state. I want a constitutional-size government.

MR. RUSSERT: Would you replace the income tax with anything else?

REP. PAUL: Not if I could help it. You know, there are some proposals where probably almost anything would be better than income tax. But there's a lot of shortcomings with the, with the sales tax. But it would probably be slightly better than the income tax--it would be an improvement. But the goal is to cut the spending, get back to a sensible-size government.

MR. RUSSERT: But if you had a flat tax, 30 percent consumption tax, that would be very, very punishing to the poor and middle class.

REP. PAUL: Well, I know. That's why I don't want it.

MR. RUSSERT: So you have nothing?

REP. PAUL: I want to cut spending. I want to get a--use the Constitution as our guide, and you wouldn't need the income tax.

You can almost feel Russert's (understandable) frustration with Paul's not answering the question, and I have to agree that "so you have nothing" seems to sum it up. Having an idea is the easy part. Having a way to implement the idea isn't so easy, and that's where Paul seems to be lacking.

Edited by American Woman
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Guest American Woman
Would similar "interest" and influence be readily accepted by Canadians from American "foreigners"?
I think Canadians would be flattered.

Not quite. Here are some of the responses I got when posting my opinion on issues regarding Canada:

"This is our country. Piss off." Link

"Who the fuck cares. This is our vote, and you can do whatever the fuck you want in your own jurisdiction. Otherwise, piss off." Link

"American Woman, before you get involved in stuff related to Canada why don't you watch your own backyard." Link

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I think Canadians would be flattered.

Not quite. Here are some of the responses I got when posting my opinion on issues regarding Canada:

"This is our country. Piss off." Link

"Who the fuck cares. This is our vote, and you can do whatever the fuck you want in your own jurisdiction. Otherwise, piss off." Link

"American Woman, before you get involved in stuff related to Canada why don't you watch your own backyard." Link

As a Canadian, American Woman, not all Canadians views are that way just like some Americans would say similar things to Canadians. Because of the way Bush has acted, the world is watching this election in the US and hope the country votes someone just of the opposite of Bush and hopefully can bring peace back to most of the world. I thought I heard if Paul does get picked , he'll run as a independant.

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Guest American Woman
As a Canadian, American Woman, not all Canadians views are that way just like some Americans would say similar things to Canadians. Because of the way Bush has acted, the world is watching this election in the US and hope the country votes someone just of the opposite of Bush and hopefully can bring peace back to most of the world. I thought I heard if Paul does get picked , he'll run as a independant.

I know all Canadians aren't like that, Topaz. I just questioned the "I think Canadians would be flattered" perception because so far no one's been flattered by my interest in Canadian issues :P while I have received the opposite reaction. Also, I think it's kind of appropriate to point out that it's against the law for 'foreigners' to try to have an effect on Canada's elections, isn't it? Within Canada, I mean.

I do realize that what U.S. presidents do affects the world, and that Bush has acted in such a way that has the world, understandably, watching. I was just reading a few days ago that Bush plans on making a sort of worldwide attempt to regain trust and respect; that he's going to be doing more traveling abroad his last year in office. I found it particularly interesting that he came out with this not too long after Clinton said Hillary, if elected, would send him and GW's father on a worldwide 'tour' to try to undo the damage GW and his administration have done internationally.

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I think Canadians would be flattered.

I was interested in seeing the Libranos out. The tories are more consistent in acting like Canda's is a US ally. They provide moral support. I even talked to some of my family in Canada prior to election and arguably made comments that would be considered as attempts to influence. Nothing wrong with that.

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... Because of the way Bush has acted, the world is watching this election in the US and hope the country votes someone just of the opposite of Bush and hopefully can bring peace back to most of the world.

The president that Bush replaced did not bring peace back to most of the world....far from it. Nor did the one before that. Why would the next American president be any different?

I thought I heard if Paul does get picked , he'll run as a independant.

Not sure what this means....if nominated by the GOP, he will run an an Independent?

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I'm not shooting the messenger, i.e. the internet, but rather - praising its ability to get a complete zero candidate such as Ron Paul to where he is today.

Yes, the 'vested interests' exist, and one of their interests is not to give the keys of power to crackpots.

Do you realize that you're stumping for somebody who wants to eliminate 1 trillion dollars in government revenue ? Do you think that the world would be the same after such a change ?

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I'm not shooting the messenger, i.e. the internet, but rather - praising its ability to get a complete zero candidate such as Ron Paul to where he is today.

Yes, the 'vested interests' exist, and one of their interests is not to give the keys of power to crackpots.

Do you realize that you're stumping for somebody who wants to eliminate 1 trillion dollars in government revenue ? Do you think that the world would be the same after such a change ?

Michael, he wants to dismantle the foriegn policy of the last decades which has seem America become the most interventionist of all states of the planet. He no longer wishes the US to be the world's police force. That in itself would save any losses incurred by scrapping the federal income tax.

I really think you need to visit his site and read what the man has to say - as oppossed to reading what his detractors say he said - as it is two different things.

Funny though, the anti-Paul crowd is sure a mix of odd bedfellows!! You have the extreme right neocons now laying with the extreme left marxists!! (That in itself is pretty good proof that Dr. Paul has hit a nerve with the status quo).

Surely, I don't agree with all of his points - but certainly more than I would agree with any of the other Republican nominees. Forget about the Dems - it's the same old network operating there. The idea of Hillary becoming president scares the bejeebus out of me (she is one nasty piece of work - to the point where I would almost prefer Bush over her! :o )

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Guest American Woman
Funny though, the anti-Paul crowd is sure a mix of odd bedfellows!! You have the extreme right neocons now laying with the extreme left marxists!! (That in itself is pretty good proof that Dr. Paul has hit a nerve with the status quo).

Are you saying that you think "the extreme right neocons" and "the extreme left marxists" are the "status quo" in the U.S.?? :blink:

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Are you saying that you think "the extreme right neocons" and "the extreme left marxists" are the "status quo" in the U.S.?? :blink:

I think one US gazer with so many "preferences" doesn't realize that the American political process nominates candidates and elects a president, not a Pied Piper.

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Michael, he wants to dismantle the foriegn policy of the last decades which has seem America become the most interventionist of all states of the planet. He no longer wishes the US to be the world's police force. That in itself would save any losses incurred by scrapping the federal income tax.

I really think you need to visit his site and read what the man has to say - as oppossed to reading what his detractors say he said - as it is two different things.

Funny though, the anti-Paul crowd is sure a mix of odd bedfellows!! You have the extreme right neocons now laying with the extreme left marxists!! (That in itself is pretty good proof that Dr. Paul has hit a nerve with the status quo).

Surely, I don't agree with all of his points - but certainly more than I would agree with any of the other Republican nominees. Forget about the Dems - it's the same old network operating there. The idea of Hillary becoming president scares the bejeebus out of me (she is one nasty piece of work - to the point where I would almost prefer Bush over her! ohmy.gif )

Are you actually saying that if the US ceases it's interventionist policy, income tax will no longer be needed ?

I have read of his proposals. If implemented, these would be the most extreme changes to peacetime policy than anything that has ever happened. Do you not think such a radical change would be extremely risky ?

I agree that some people are unhappy, and that there is unease. However, the US has an economy that is the cornerstone for the world economy.

You're "scared" of Hillary becoming president, but she certainly wouldn't throw the dice on the world economy the way Paul is willing to do.

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Here's some new fun on Ron Paul...

From a 1992 piece in the "Ron Paul Political Report"...

Regardless of what the media tell us, most white Americans are not going to believe that they are at fault for what blacks have done to cities across America. The professional blacks may have cowed the elites, but good sense survives at the grass roots. Many more are going to have difficultly avoiding the belief that our country is being destroyed by a group of actual and potential terrorists -- and they can be identified by the color of their skin. This conclusion may not be entirely fair, but it is, for many, entirely unavoidable.

Indeed, it is shocking to consider the uniformity of opinion among blacks in this country. Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5% of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty, and the end of welfare and affirmative action.... Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the "criminal justice system," I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.

Are some people on here still supporting him then ?


More here....

Daily KOS

Blacks have "civil riqhts," preferences, set-asides for government

contracts, gerrymandered voting districts, black bureaucracies, black

mayors, black curricula in schools, black beauty contests, black tv shows,

black tv anchors, black scholorships and colleges, hate crime laws, and

public humiliation for anyone who dares question the black agenda.

Two years ago, in a series of predictions for the 1990s, I said that

race riots would erupt in our large cities. I'm now predicting this will be

the major problem of the 1990s.

I guess he was wrong...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ron Paul is a flake.

That someone like this would actually get measurable political support shows the complete lack of thinking people do before voting.

When people buy a TV they research all the consumer reports, talk to several sales people, negotiate on price, warranty etc. perhaps spending weeks.

When people vote, they say "hey - I like that guy - he sounds pretty neat!" and they click a box.

Well - not entirely true in the US, because thanks to their lengthy system of leadership selection, Ron Paul will be a memory by the time they get to St. Paul.

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I get the impression that many of the people who support Dr. Paul are left-leaning for some reason. I have nothing to prove this impression, just the tone of the posts I read.

Yet, he seems to be very much a right-wing politician, even if he is against US involvement in foreign wars.

He is far from leftist. He is against any state involvement and refers to any government initiative as a welfare initiative.

This man's political views are extreme right wing and right out of Lyndon Larouche's play-book word for word.

For those who are enamoured with him, its time they find out who Lyndon Larouche is and try find out where his ideas come from and what his real agenda is. They might be a tad disappointed.

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