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  1. The Asia-Pacific region is the largest region of the planet, comprising more than 40 countries. Today, the APR is the most dynamically developing region. In this regard, the strategic national priorities and interests of the United States are increasingly shifting toward the Asia-Pacific region. The state of international security largely depends on the situation in this region. In the Asia-Pacific region, there is a disproportionate increase in military capabilities, which reduces security in this part of the world. As part of the rebalancing of forces in the APR, the United States intends to strengthen its military presence in the region. On the territory of Japan and the Republic of Korea, the Pentagon has created a network of military bases consisting of 240 objects for various purposes. The sustained US policy of deploying the Asia-Pacific segment of the global missile defense causes the greatest concern in the world. It should be recalled that in 2017, a full-fledged “standard battery” of the United States Missile Defense Thaad (THAAD) appeared in South Korea, consisting of a radar, command and control system, six launchers with eight antimissiles each. About 200 US soldiers and officers, for which the corresponding infrastructure was built, ensure the operation of the systems. A similar US missile defense system is planned to be deployed in Japan by 2023. However, it is worth noting that all these actions of the Pentagon in the Asia-Pacific Region are accompanied by protests from residents of both South Korea and Japan. Protesters fear that electromagnetic radiation from radar will harm their health: for example it can lead to infertility or to the occurrence of cancer. Moreover, these fears are not in vain, scientists physicians and environmentalists point out the effects of electromagnetic radiation on human health, because it can cause various diseases, including cancer. Constantly staying close to the station is quite enough to provoke a surge in the incidence of cancer of all forms, an increase in the number of untimely deaths, the birth of disabled people and infertility. Furthermore, environmentalists are concerned that such a powerful radar can have a serious impact on the environment. Thus, on the territory of South Korea, agricultural lands will undoubtedly suffer, it is worth noting that after the deployment of the American system, the harvest of melons, which this agricultural region is famous for, suffered. In Japan, they fear for the marine flora and fauna, which the US military facilities are already damaging. Moreover, in Japan, they know firsthand what diseases are caused by nuclear radiation. Therefore, Washington’s plans face criticism from local residents and authorities in Japan and South Korea. However, despite numerous protests from local residents, Seoul and Tokyo agreed to deploy the American anti-missile system on their territory. Thus, at the beginning of September 2017, a full-fledged US missile defense system Thaad (THAAD) appeared at a military base in South Korea in Sonju county. A similar system is going to appear in Japan in the northern prefecture of Akita and southwestern Yamaguchi. Thus, following its goals, hiding behind the protection of the interests of some APR countries, the United States negatively affects the region’s ecology, which leads to the emergence of various serious diseases among local residents.
  2. Donald Trump has accelerated his campaign planning, hoping a White House bid will blunt a series of damaging revelations. Some Republicans are worried. check here full details.
  3. Since the first days of March EU and NATO have begun execution of their plan of global isolating Russia. Putin’s invasion to Ukraine was used as an excellent reason. This plan contained several actions which should have destroyed Russian economic and technological sectors and included strong sanctions, ban of the Russian energy import, including natural gas, oil and coal, declining Russian cooperation with the biggest world companies, cutting off their main banks form SWIFT, etc. Moreover, European countries began to intensify arms supply to Ukraine to withstand Russian aggression. At least 21 countries sent their weapon systems and supplies to the fighting zone, including tanks, helicopters, MLRS, UAVs and so on. NATO instructors were appointed to provide combat training to Ukrainian armed forces. One of the main goals of European leaders was to support Ukrainian refugees. To achieve this aim several actions were taken – simplifying border policies, creating all possible conditions for accommodation. It looked like Europe while being involved in escalating conflict would unite and follow one way together. But while European leaders are busy in dealing with foreign policy questions, Europe have begun to divide inside. Natural gas & inflation When the war began, democratic world responded with far-reaching sanctions against Moscow. In response to that Putin declared that “unfriendly” countries would pay for Russian natural gas in rubles, and if not import would be stopped for them. Of course this demand caused great indignation of European leaders, which unanimously rejected it on the G7 meeting saying that “all G-7 ministers agreed completely that this (would be) a one-sided and clear branch of the existing contracts”. That moment can be called the beginning of the European crisis. It’s important to point out that the EU depends on Russia for about 40% of its natural gas. So, if Europe admired to stop using it they should be able to find something that could be an equal alternative. As for now they could not deal with it. It’s undeniable that the gas prices had been already high before the war started. But when Europe refused to pay for natural gas in Russian national currency the “inflation bomb” finally exploded. As it’s presented in the graphics, inflation in Europe hits its celling for the first time in 40 years. Moreover, it’s not even a limit as experts make their predictions that CPI will be higher than nowadays. It’s not a secret that high inflation has an influence on a price of at least everything – from similar goods to high technologies and energy resources. It’s interesting to note that European leaders’ attempts to make an excuse for this serious fail looked very humiliating. Moreover, all their actions which were taken to stabilize the situation make the crisis in Europe more and more visible. For example, Romanian Deputy Prime Minister Hunor Kelemen said: “First of all, we, the European Union, will have to pay for the sanctions against Russia… Truth be told, we will all pay the price this winter while, unfortunately, there are no signs that the end of war is near… It well be a harsh winter, perhaps the harshest one in the last 40-50-60 years.” What’s the reason of such an aggravation of the problem? Despite the fact that G7 leaders decided not to pay for natural gas in rubles, some countries took a step back and did completely the opposite. And it was the key moment when national interests collided with alliance direction. This map shows which countries agreed (green) and refused (red) to pay for natural gas in rubles. Russia has already cut off supplies to Poland, Bulgaria and Finland. Countries which are highlighted by green are said to accept Russian demand and open ruble accounts at Gazprombank. At the beginning of July the European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen said: “Energy prices are high. People – rightly so – expect us to do something about it.” So what’s the announced decision? Not so long ago EU Commission revealed their emergency plan which calls for public, commercial buildings and offices to be heated to a maximum of 19 degrees from autumn. EU does not want to pay Russia for natural gas but in fact they have got no choice. They should deal with this winter and then develop the plan what to do next. And it feels like European lives doesn’t matter because it’s clear that EU Arms supply Since the conflict broke out, European countries had begun to actively supply Ukraine with amount of weapons. But how was declared earlier, everything has got its limit and when it was clear that war would be long and slow, arms supply strongly reduced. The first country which was criticized for it became Germany for its decision not to send heavy weapons to war zone. While Ukraine strongly needs this kind of weapons not so many countries are ready to give it to them while being aware of potential escalation of conflict with Russia. Germany is not an exception. Now their government is catching critics not only from EU/NATO partners but from opposition parties inside the country. It’s truly disappointing for German chancellor Olaf Scholz, whose approval rating sinks lower and lower every month. One more European country which refused to send weapons to Ukraine was Bulgaria. Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov confirmed that his government has no plans to send heavy weapons to Ukraine, saying that Bulgaria has “done enough” to help Kyiv with humanitarian relief. “We’ve done enough and we’ll continue to support Ukraine,” he said. Moreover, Switzerland also didn’t allow the re-export of Swiss war material to Ukraine. Following their policy of military neutrality it was declared that Bern rejected Berlin’s request to send around 12400 rounds of 35-millimetre Swiss ammunition for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, and for Piranha III wheeled APCs to Kyiv. Similarly, Switzerland denied Denmark’s request to send 22 Swiss-made Piranha III wheeled APCs to Ukraine. Switzerland also vetoed Poland’s request to send Swiss-made war material to Ukraine. Hungary Decision-making inside the coalition is not as simple as it looks. There are a lot of examples when representatives from different countries cannot deal with each other discussing various types of questions. But Hungary made a significant step aside if we consider cooperation with EU and NATO. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban during his race for election to a fourth consecutive term said that Hungary would stay out of Ukrainian war. “Russia looks at Russian interests, while Ukraine looks at Ukrainian interests. Neither the United States, nor Brussels would think with Hungarians’ mind and feel with Hungarians’ hearts. We must stand up for our own interests,” Orbans said. “We must stay out of this war… therefore we will not send any troops or weapons to the battlegrounds.” As a result, Hungary not only doesn’t support Ukraine by weapons but doesn’t allow the transit through its territory. It’s the whole opposite position in comparison with EU/NATO members. For example, nobody was surprised when Serbia declared that they would not join overall sanctions against Russia and its government while being considered one of the Russian allies; however, when EU and NATO member concludes that participation in the conflict even by supplying Ukrainian army would be harmful for the country interests, it feels at least unusual. This opinion can be a little bit controversial but at least it deserves some respect. When the interests of alliance contradict national interests and nation’s leader is brave enough not to blindly follow EU/NATO recommendations but stand on his way to improve lives of his country’s citizens – it’s kind of question for European leaders to think about. Who orders the music? It’s not a secret that armed conflict has got some visible reasons of its escalation and it serves for the people who are interested in it. On the one hand, it could be quite logical to find one to blame in conflict’s escalation but the complexity of this situation mean that it should be viewed not only from one side. If we are going to suggest that this war will end with Russia achieving all its goals – the so-called “release” of Ukraine and annexation of its territories as it was with Crimea – the last guy who laughs will be exactly Putin. But it’s not the only way possible. It’s important to find out who makes profit from the situation that armed conflict in Ukraine hasn’t any tendency to end soon. Anybody quickly can think about the United States, who has got their own interests in this war. US government is fighting for saving US dollar as a main world currency. The reason is that some countries including China and Russia are step-by-step refusing from mutual payments in dollar and beginning to make payments in national currency. This fact of weakening dollar of course is confusing US when they are fighting for its strengthening and, as a result, for stability of their economy. Moreover, Russian energy ban opens doors for the increased energy import from the US. The US will send 15 billion cubic meters of natural gas to the European countries. As a result, US economy will feel safer and Europe will depend on US stronger. In addition to that, also Russia in the last 20 years developed their economy as well as their armed forces. Putin declared that time for mono-polar world was over. It’s doubtful that US will agree with this statement so easy, and it’s indirectly confirmed by US enormous arms supply to Ukraine, including HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) which made a significant shift in this war. If we talk about arms supply - war in Ukraine is a good chance for some countries including US to send Ukrainians their old weapons and equipment. While it’s off to Ukraine, US supposedly will update their weapon systems. It will be wrong to admit that only US is making significant contribution to the Ukrainian conflict continuation. But it’s a matter of fact that US are trying to strengthen their position as a world leader by way of supporting the prolongation of this war. It’s not a secret that the large part of the above-mentioned problems – natural gas prices, inflation, pro-Russian governments – had existed long before the Ukrainian war escalated. Unfortunately, at this moment actions of the European countries’ governments and Russian counteractions have leaded only to negative consequences concerning EU citizens’ wellbeing. It’s the stalemate situation – on the one hand if EU/NATO countries follow US requests and approve economic sanctions against Russia it causes financial losses not only for Putin’s government but for themselves (for example, not so long ago dollar for the first time in 20 years exchanged for euro equally) and without any doubt makes their citizens angry. As a result British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi have decided to leave their posts because of their lack of ability to handle the situation. On the other hand if European leaders refuse to take measures against Russia which is based on their desire not to leave their citizens without cheap gas and fuel, - they are going through tough critics form their colleagues form EU and NATO. We can suppose how the situation in Europe will develop in the upcoming months. First variant – Europe follows its way of absolute support of Ukraine, refusing the cooperation with Russia, what makes a great advantage for US but not for Europeans. Second way is to stop confrontation with Russia and search for peaceful decisions of existing problems with Putin as well as between European leaders. Why is this variant look quite acceptable? Everything depends on the war ending and timing; analysts are making the different predictions, European leaders strongly hope that everything would be solved before the winter begins, but nobody truly believes it. Moreover, they don’t approach the end of the war while giving Ukraine enormous amount of weapons. What we have for now – Europe is frozen in waiting for the winter and its consequences, searching for US and Middle East natural gas and it is not clear now how long they could live using only their resources. Anyways, the majority of European governments would have decided to buy natural gas in Russia despite the fact that it would strengthen Russia’s economy. In a short-term perspective a lot of these problems could be solved by way of compromise and restarting the dialogue with Russian government. Can Europe follow this way? Without a doubt. Will they have a chance to do it? Probably not, because Europe depends on US as well as it depends on Russia. How can they find a decision which would be acceptable for anyone? It’s kind of question which can’t be answered for 5 months. It’s clear that Europe will soon collide with very cold winter. How is it justified and what will be Europeans attitude for these events, – upcoming half of the year will show us that. We can only wait what decision will be made by the leaders of “free” and “independent” Europe.
  4. “Gerasimov’s Doctrine” – a key to Russian Success On the 22nd of September at the Finnish government’s Koningstedt residency in Vantaa a meeting took place between General Velery Gerasimov the Chief of General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of United States General Mark Milley. Military Commanders have held internal negotiations in the past – in 2019 in Geneve, Switzerland. As always, official information on the agenda and results of meetings of heads of general staffs of two strongest armies on the planet stands out in laconism and restraint. According to the press-service of the Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation the Military Leaders discussed “issues of mutual interest including lowering the risks of occurrence of incidents during military activities.” In the Russian Defense Ministry, by the tradition, which has settled in the international diplomacy, it has been noted that the meeting "carried constructive character". The Pentagon stands in solidarity with the Russian colleagues that, by the way, happens not so often. Mark Milley's press secretary colonel Dave Butler with the reference to the chief has noted efficiency of the meeting. According to him, Valery Gerasimov's dialogue with Mark Milley "became the next stage of the negotiations directed at improving the communication between the military management in order to decrease the risks and find ways of evading conflict situations". As reciprocal curtsey to the Russians, Butler has shared Milley’s reverence for mister Gerasimov, having specified that both military leaders have not failed to show sense of humour, of course, "when it was pertinent". In spite of the fact that Valery Gerasimov's negotiations and Mark of lasted nearly six hours, details have remained in secret. Such state of affairs in the Pentagon was explained as "established practices". The surreptitiousness of negotiations between Valery Gerasimov and Mark Milley, on one hand, has strengthened the mysterious atmosphere around the Russian army and, first of all, it’s military leaders, on another, it has led to the rapid growth of interest among the western experts in modern Russian commanders. Special attention of the American and the European analysts is directed at the general Valery Gerasimov which is quite understandable as the head of the Russian General Staff for the last several years remains a recognized ideological leader and the mentor of Putin’s group of elite commanders. Among our military experts there isn’t one, who doesn’t have a strongly established opinion about the Russian general. He is characterised as a man with stone-cold face, he keeps confidence and calm in most extraordinary and unusual situations. Mister Gerasimov along with his immediate charismatic superior Minister of Defence Sergey Shoygu permanently accompanies the Russian leader Vladimir Putin on military venture, tests of the new Russian weapon, and also international visits (especially, to traditionally unsteady Middle East) and meetings with world leaders (as it was at the June summit of Putin and his American vis-a-vis Joe Biden in Geneva when the general Gerasimov was part of the Russian delegation). The trust of the head of the Kremlin Vladimir Putin the chief of the General Staff shows the high status and weight of the general Gerasimov in the Russian military and political elite is unprecedented. Cardinal difference between him and his predecessors, in our opinion, lies at mister Gerasimov’s excellent expertise in the field of military diplomacy that has proved itself during numerous meetings with heads of the foreign states and the governments. Besides, there is no doubt that the role of the general Gerasimov as a head and the organizer of modern Russian military science derived from the first Russian emperor Peter the Great, the creator of the regular army. By definition the head of the Russian General Staff is obliged with key functions of development and practical introduction of scientific concepts of the military constructions. His predecessors – Georgy Isserson, Alexander Svechin, Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Boris Shaposhnikov, and many others gained outstanding practical achievements due to a theoretical judgment of character and forms of future wars. General Valery Gerasimov who looks good as the army commander, managed to be a successful leader and coordinator of modern military science. At the same time Gerasimov had a great luck to check the effectiveness of his means and ways of conducting modern war on the ground. Russia relying on its military force got back its status of a key power in the Middle East despite skepticism of its geopolitical competitors. Roger McDermott, professor in Jamestown Foundation said Gerasimov's role as president of Academy of military sciences (AVN) marked an important step in further improvement of the Russian army. He stressed that Valery Gerasimov's election as the AVN chair in December, 2020 was caused by his aspiration to let the academy revive the interest in military science and art of war. Being an inspirer of the Russian military science, Valery Gerasimov does his best in summarizing the modern armed conflicts experience and modeling of future wars. Meanwhile, his American colleague Mark Milley is not involved in any kind of scientific research and the analysis. Mister Gerasimov is widely known in Russia as the author of a number of articles in which he comprehends the experience of wars and military conflicts of the past and defines the character hostilities of the future. Mark Milley, the graduate of Priston and Columbia University is a rather a politician than a military theorist. Such differences between Russian and American military chiefs can be explained by differences of military systems of the two nations. The U.S. Joint Chief of Staff is initially engaged in combat operations planning, the Russian General Staff also conducts scientific forecasting. The American military analysts point to these disproportions in powers of Russia’s and U.S. military staffs. “The General Staff of Russian Armed Forces solves a much bigger range of problems than simple planning of operations. It is also responsible for development and improvement of the theory and practice of future war by forecasting. In the Russian military system the forecasting is directly connected with military science”, – Charles Bartls and Lester Grau wrote in the book “The Russian way of waging war”. Being directly involved into multi-level scientific researches on forecasting of the future conflicts, the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian army is a key coordinator for the enterprises of country’s military and industrial complex. Possessing information on perspective weapons of potential foes, every head of the Russian General Staff, as a rule, personally supervises development and tests of the weapons of deterrence. Eventually, specifics of Russia’s political system in which military command is most distanced from election processes allow the Chief of the General Staff to concentrate on his professional duties only. The U.S. political system expects that the chairman of Joint Chief of Staff shows flexibility to minimize political risks as the White House administrations change. Theoretical concept of Chief of Russia’s General Staff caused discussions among military experts. The so-called “Gerasimov's Doctrine” is the concept of “new generation war” or the “hybrid warfare”: simultaneous use of power methods, information campaigns, political pressure, and economic sanctions. For the first time this term was used by the British researcher Mark Galeotti in February, 2013 – almost immediately after Gerasimov’s speech Russia’s AVN conference and the publication Gerasimov’s article “Science’s value is in foresight” in “Voyenno-promyshlenny Kuryer” newspaper. The article included ideas about a combination of military and non-military methods of armed struggle between the states. Afterwards Gerasimov’s article was also published by “the Military Review”, the popular English-language magazine, and was repeatedly quoted in European and American mass media. The research associate of the Kennan Institute in Washington Michael Coffman wrote that the term “hybrid warfare” was first mentioned in an article in 2005 by Americans James Mathis and Frank Hoffman, who used this definition to describe the nature of the military conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. Coffman considers that Gerasimov precisely described the western model of “hybrid warfare” in the Big Middle East and tried to explain how the West succeeded in use of non-military methods against its foes. Despite the intrigues around terms, “Gerasimov's Doctrine” is an issue of a great interest as it describes the scale of Kremlin’s foreign policy claims and effective actions of the Russian military using methods of “new generation war”. Helsinki meeting did not become a bright political event or a breakthrough in relations between Russia and the West. But the quiet Finnish capital once again gives a hope for the military chiefs of two nuclear powers mutual understanding. In a situation when politicians fail to find a common ground, military professionals are able to avoid new global shocks.
  5. The Dream to See a Female President in USA​ By Exegesisme I understand the dream to see a female President in USA, and also there is a momentum for the dream. I respect the American dream of Hillary Clinton, however, she is not well prepared enough to overcome the scrutiny on the way of the most top dream. She prepared herself in traditional manner, but runs in the information era. If she had been more sensitive for things on the edge, she would have had more momentum. The truth is, her privilege feeling lets her make some decisions for more risk enjoyments. Sometimes this attitude is a self-training, sometimes this attitude really dig some unknown traps. I hope that Hillary can receive the reality, and expect the emergence of the next female of USA on the way of the most top dream in USA.
  6. The Canadian Government is planning to waste at least $235 million for a project, The Thirty Meter Telescope, which won't even be built on Canadian soil. The Thirty Meter Telescope most likely will employ few Canadians. To make matters worse, the telescope will be built in Hawaii, USA on land which is both environmentally and religiously sensitive to the indigenous Hawaiians. I hope everybody will protest against the waste of tax money and human rights abuses. Please sign the petition to stop the injustice happening within the USA at the expense of Canadian taxpayers. I am posting a link to an online petition against the Thirty Meter Telescope and waste of taxpayer money: https://www.change.org/p/justin-trudeau-a-call-to-divest-canada-s-research-funding-for-the-thirty-meter-telescope-on-mauna-kea Please tell your friends to sign the petition too. Thank you for your time.
  7. Im currently a grade 12 student who started an Initiative to Inform Youth about Politics and World Issues. I started this podcast in the summer of 2019 after seeing the lack of attention being given to the Canadain election of 2019. My older friends were not voting, and if they were voting, they voted without the proper knowledge. That led me to create this podcast where I try to inform the youth about world issues and politics, and hopefully encourage them to vote. CHECK IT OUT HERE & TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK
  8. American analysts are anxiously watching the strengthening of the forces of the Russian army, which has been happening in recent years. The Russian fleet got at its disposal the «Caliber» cruise missile, which confirmed its capabilities during real combat firing at terrorist targets in Syria. Also the new «Zircon» hypersonic anti-ship missile, which can be used from launchers for «Onyx and Caliber» complexes, is going to appear in the fleet service. The National Interest, also, noted the power of the Russian «Poseidon» project of an unmanned underwater vehicle with a nuclear power plant on board. All this, along with the expansion of the geopolitical influence of Moscow, forces the Pentagon and the White House administration to closely monitor changes in the military sphere of Russia. For more details: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/russias-military-transforming-and-getting-stronger-right-our-eyes-67907
  9. Why should ordinary poor people suffer and die from cancer because of the political views of these rich and fat officials? People who cannot afford expensive treatment, and those who simply do not have time for complicated procedures in American hospitals, are forced to break laws in an attempt to save the lives of their loved ones. According to Roswell Park, one of the doctors of the Oncology Institute, which is testing Cuba’s anti-cancer drug «Cimavax», the political arguments against US-Cuba cooperation in this area are the height of hypocrisy: the gasoline that Americans drive into their cars, the iPhones they use, the shoes they wear are all come from the countries with which the United States has fundamental differences in women's rights, speech freedom, and personal freedoms. However, this has never prevented us from working with them in areas that benefit the people of both countries». So, this leads to the fact that US citizens who need treatment, go to Cuba, pretending to be tourists. They are not afraid of returning to face the US authorities on their return. Their situation is such that there is no point in this fear - whatever they threaten for violating the embargo; they will go anyway, just because they save their lives. And in America, voices have already been heard that it would be nice to admit the situation in fact and simply make life easier for our own seriously ill citizens. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-39640165
  10. Currently, in America they are working on building of medium-range missiles, and they also recognize that anti-missile defense facilities deployed in Romania and Poland, after conversion, allow the launch of offensive missiles instead of defensive ones. Does the US really want the third world war to start?
  11. As it is known, the tension in trade relations between the United States and China in May 2019 reached a new level. Raising tariffs on Chinese goods and the actual ousting of «Huawei» from the US market was a powerful blow to the basis on which modern China developed. Restrictions or a total ban on the supply of rare earth elements to the United States may be one of the responses from the Chinese side. It should be noted that China is a monopolist in the export of rare earth elements today. Beijing, threatening to open a new front in a trade war with the United States, believes that these measures will give China a powerful means to repel American aggression. However, the opening of a new front and the cessation of the supply of rare earth elements in the United States threatens China’s monopolism and may undermine its credibility as a partner. A sharp impetus to the demand for rare-earth elements was given by the development of «green» energy and electric vehicles. For example, «Toyota» annually produces more than 1 million of «Prius» cars, each of which contains 4 kg of rare-earth elements (2.5 kg of lanthanum in the battery and 1.5 kg of neodymium in the motor). Each «iPhone» uses a quarter of a gram of rare earth elements. Moreover, these rare-earth elements are used in every type of modern US weapons, for example, for the production of a «Virginia» class submarine, more than 4 tons are needed, for an F-35, about 417 kg. Thus, according to analysts, the cessation of supply of rare earth elements to the USA will indeed be a significant blow to the government of President D. Trump, who actually started these trade wars. Also, in the disagreements between the United States and China, there is no benefit for the Japanese, who have long-standing territorial disputes with Beijing over the ownership of the Senkaku archipelago (Diaoyu). Despite the Security Treaty, under which the United States pledges to protect Japan from third-party threats, Washington may remain indifferent to the territorial issue, because if Washington does not have the resources for its industrial activities, the Americans will not have an incentive to help their Japanese counterparts continue to maintain neutrality, giving China the opportunity to dominate the archipelago. And the Japanese government, of course, because of its weak character, will not take bold measures against Washington, in fear of losing its favour.
  12. Due to historical events, Alaska, which came under US administration on October 18, 1867, and the Baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), becoming independent states on September 6, 1991, ceased to exist as Russian lands on the world cartography. Russia then established diplomatic relations with the Baltic countries, and during the sale of Alaska, relations between Russia and the United States were at the peak of friendly relations, and there were no grounds for political conflicts between the states. However, today the situation between these states is different, partly due to the unresolved Ukrainian issue. Washington is not satisfied with the activity of Moscow in the Arctic zone, which is considered as one of the main potential areas of the future military conflict due to the huge deposits of oil, gas and the favorable location of the Russian Northern Sea Route. For example, on January 11, 2019, the US Navy Minister Richard Spencer announced his intention to strengthen the US position in the Arctic and respond to Russia's "excessive claims": P-8 "Poseidon" ships and anti-submarine patrol aircraft will be deployed in the Adak Island area to monitor the activities of the Pacific fleet of the Russian Federation. In turn, the State Duma of the Russian Federation believes that the actions of the United States are aggressive in nature and do not exclude that Americans will disregard the rules of international law. Moreover, Americans today are creating the necessary infrastructure for the operational redeployment of troops and in the Baltic States, against the background of the supposedly existing threat to the Baltic countries from Russia. It should be recalled that in 2017, the US Vice President Michael Pence in Tallinn said that Russia poses a threat to the Baltic States and promised that NATO will strictly adhere to the fifth article of the alliance's charter, according to which an attack on one of the NATO members is an attack on all members of the North Atlantic Alliance. Speaking about relations between the United States and Russia, Pence noted that President Donald Trump is ready to improve them, but "first, the Russians must stop the hostile actions that led to the adoption of sanctions". At the same time, Moscow has repeatedly stressed that Russia will never attack any of the NATO countries. According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, NATO is well aware of the absence of Moscow’s plans to attack anyone, but simply uses the occasion to deploy more equipment and battalions near the Russian borders. For example, the Americans place their military bases and ranges in the territory of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, having even signed a joint communiqué between these countries in November 2018, where they expressed their determination to continue to increase military budgets. But, despite the statements of the Baltic countries that their military doctrines are exclusively defensive in nature, it is obvious that the government of the US President D. Trump, sponsoring Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the military sphere simply invests the budget in itself, imposing three countries their ideas and crushing them under their control. And also, strengthening its position in the former territories of Russia, including Alaska, clearly demonstrates attempts to influence Russia, acting together with these states, making them puppets, continuing to fuel the confrontational line that stems from the unresolved Ukrainian issue. Therefore, we are witnessing the process of increasing the grouping of the US and NATO troops on the western borders of the Russian Federation. And it is obvious that in response to this activity of the Pentagon, Moscow will take retaliatory measures.
  13. In August 2019, the fate of the INF will be finally decided. On February 2, 2019, the American side announced the suspension of the implementation of the Treaty between the USSR and the USA. This situation is quite in the spirit of Washington: this is not the first, and perhaps not the last treaty, which the States neglect. In 2001, America unilaterally withdrew from the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems of 1972, which was considered an integral part of the entire system of control over strategic offensive arms. During Trump’s presidency, the States renegotiated a free trade zone agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico, withdrew from the UN climate agreement and the Iran nuclear deal. The INF was of great historical importance, it was the first Soviet-American treaty that not only limited weapons production, but also significantly reduced it. The USSR and the United States signed a treaty in 1987 with the aim of curbing the arms race that broke out in the second half of the 1970s. By agreement, the United States and the USSR have committed themselves not to produce, test or deploy ballistic and cruise ground-based missiles of medium (from 1,000 to 5,500 kilometers) and short (from 500 to 1,000 kilometers) range. Moreover, America and the USSR pledged to destroy all launchers and land-based missiles with a range of from 500 to 5,500 kilometers for three years. The United States has been talking about withdrawing from the Treaty for the first time, declaring its bilateral effectiveness ineffective. “The motto of the INF policy should be as follows: expand it or destroy it,” said Bolton in the Wall Street Journal in collaboration with former Deputy Secretary of State Paula de Sutter. Russia has not adhered to the INF Treaty, and the provisions of the Treaty do not apply to China at all. It was the behavior of the Russian side that, according to the States, was the reason for withdrawing from the treaty. The United States blamed Russia for the fact that, developed for the modernization of the operational-tactical missile complex Iskander-M, the new 9M729 missile violates the Treaty because it has a range of over 500 km. Moreover, Washington ignored the briefing given by the Russian Ministry of Defense, which demonstrated the tactical and technical characteristics of the new missile. In turn, the Russian side has accumulated a lot of complaints about the US observance of its part of the Treaty. Moscow demanded the destruction of the MK-41 universal launchers deployed on land, designed to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles; target missiles with similar characteristics to medium-range and shorter-range ground-based ballistic missiles (for testing anti-ballistic missile defense systems); as well as the destruction of strike unmanned aerial vehicles, which, according to their characteristics, meet the definition of the term “cruise missile of a land-based. Russian requirements remained unanswered. It is easy to predict what the next disregard of Washington may lead to. And the States themselves do not hide the fact that the goal of withdrawing from the treaty is to increase military pressure on the PRC and, most likely, short-range and medium-range US missiles will be placed primarily in Japan and the Republic of Korea. Furthermore, by abandoning the INF Treaty, the United States will be able to deploy ground-based missiles with a range of up to 5.5 thousand kilometers in close proximity to Russian borders, for example, in Poland and the Baltic countries. Obviously, the next step will be the US withdrawal from the “New Start”. Thus, the last treaty controlling the situation with nuclear weapons will disappear. This, in turn, will lead to an unrestricted nuclear arms race and heightening the risks of a nuclear war.
  14. As it is known, in Japan, and in particular on the island of Okinawa, where about 70% of all the United States military bases in Japan are located, residents and authorities of the island for many years regularly advocate for the elimination of the presence of the American military contingent, which is freely located on its military bases in Japan, due to the US-Japan Security Treaty. However, the US military and civilian personnel at the US military bases in Japan feel permissiveness, freedom, and behave extremely unacceptably towards the locals, also because they enjoy the right of extraterritoriality and are subject exclusively to American laws. Therefore, they commit such unacceptable acts as driving being in alcohol and drug intoxication, car accidents, theft, rape and murder. It is important to note that only in the period from 1972 to 2009, according to statistics, the American occupiers committed 5634 criminal offenses in Okinawa, including such especially grave ones. For example, in 1995, a wide resonance got the abduction and murder of a 12-year-old Japanese schoolgirl by three Americans, for which the participants in this crime received minimal sentences. In 2016, there was a loud rape and murder of a local resident committed by former US Marine C. Franklin, for which the US government was eventually forced to make concessions and extradited the perpetrator to a Japanese court that sentenced him to life imprisonment. Also, on April 14, 2019, it became known that an American soldier had killed a Japanese woman and killed himself at Okinawa in Tyatan city. As reported, "The New York Times", citing the state-public central television and radio company of Japan NHK and local media, in one of the apartments the police found the corpses of a 32-year-old US Marine, who served in the headquarters of the troops on the island, and 44-year-old resident. It should be noted that since the transfer of Okinawa to the jurisdiction of Japan in 1972, the number of crimes committed by American soldiers has been approaching six thousand, and the one described above is far from the hardest of them. However, despite the fact that Takeo Akiba, the vice-minister of foreign affairs of Japan, protested to William F. Hagerty, the US ambassador to Japan, who in turn replied with regret that the United States would fully cooperate with the investigation and "will do everything possible to prevent the recurrence of such a case", all actions on the part of the authorities are being completed. But opponents of the presence of the American military contingent on the territory of Okinawa argue their protests not only by the criminal aspect, but also by the location of the American "Futemma" base in the center of a big city of Japan, which represents a great threat to the safety of its many residents, as evidenced by numerous aviation incidents. Thus, the only one who does not oppose the expansion of the American military presence in Japan is only its government, which is supposed to protect the sovereignty and independence of its country, and also respect the rights and point of view of its own population. However, the political leadership of Japan not only cannot do anything with the uncontrolled American occupiers, but also favorably serves them. Also, it becomes clearly visible with some indifference Tokyo and Washington refer to the local people of Okinawa, spitting on the numerous immoral and unacceptable actions of the American military in Japan. And the situation, in which the country is today, shows that if the Russian Kuril Islands in some incredible way will go over to Japan, then the islands will automatically become American ones, due to the weakness of the Japanese government and complete control of the US government.
  15. Cruz On The Way, 2016 Election USA by exegesisme Cruz will win Trump first, then win Hillary, a new US President will be born on this way. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/nh/new_hampshire_republican_presidential_primary-3350.html Reason​: 1 US needs preparation for long term growth, the economic moral foundation should be laid by GOP. 2 Trump has dug US politics farther away in his campaign, no other candidates can deal with its influence well. 3 Trump himself was injured in his digging and would be injured with his attitude towards Putin, only Cruz could receive his supporters positively. 4 And also, Cruz is a very good self-disciplined candidate, and in general a very good self-disciplined person. 5 My confidence about US political system and good will for a good leadership of US and so to the world gives me some more energy to put this possibility over other possibilities.
  16. 2016 Election Should Debate For Real Solution On Real Issue​s By Exegesisme 1 the moods of peoples may be driven by many transient factors, the social institutions have the duty to rule the moods of peoples into the efforts for a real solution of real issues. 2 safety is always a fundamental concern for all existence, which should not be twisted to lose balance by momentum from any transient factors. 3 a strategy of safety should always be considered as a whole solution on all issues of safety, any special issue of safety should be considered on its relative importance to the whole solution. 4 for a whole solution of all issues of safety, I think all these factors should be considered on its importance. http://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/usa/suicide 5 even only to the categories of homicide, suicide and accidents, there were 180,000 deaths in 2013 in USA. The 2016 election should debate how to decrease this number as most as possible, and should not be twisted to a few rare but striking events. If the attention is twisted, a solution may be good for one reason but bad for other reasons, then as a whole the solution may not make a proper contribution to the decrease of the whole number.
  17. No Challenge to the Leadership of USA Globally​ By Exegesisme By tracing political culture of USA, I get a feeling that there is not real challenge to the Leadership of USA globally. The leadership of USA globally is trained in their inner political campaign and the political culture formed in their inner political campaign. No any other nation has so strong and peaceful campaign than USA. The people are educated how to lead in every area with the political culture formed in the campaign, no any other people has a chance to play a leadership higher than the people of USA can play. Although there are many challenges in practical benefits, all these challenges are not any importance of replacing the position of USA globally, and are only important to promote USA to improve its global leadership. In other words, there is no challenge prepared itself well enough to replace the position of USA with global progress.
  18. The Huge Mistake of USA on Chinese War Field in WWII​ By Exegesisme There would have been no winning of that communist party in China if USA had made a correct strategy on the war field of Chinese north-east area. There did not need the army of former Soviet Union to fight the army of Japan, who would have surrendered to USA just after the explosions of the two atomic bombs. If USA with the correct strategy, the communist forces in far eastern Asia had been much small, both the Korean War and the Vietnam War had been avoided, and 516 Canadian deaths in Korean War had been avoided, now the situation of far eastern Asia would be very different and would be much more peaceful.
  19. The Free Votes In Congresses Make The Super Power Of USA​ By Exegesisme "In the United States, parties exercise comparatively little control over the votes of individual legislators, who are almost always free to vote as they wish. Accordingly, most legislative votes in the United States can be considered free votes, although in rare circumstances a legislator may be disciplined by his or her party for a renegade vote. Such discipline usually occurs only on votes regarding procedural matters on which party unity is expected as a matter of course, rather than substantive matters. For example, Democrat James Traficant was stripped of his seniority and committee assignments in 2001 when he voted for a Republican, Dennis Hastert, to be Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Because free votes are the norm in the United States, the terms "free vote" and "conscience vote" are generally unused and unknown there."(1) In the congresses of USA, the legislators can more freely to vote to represent their constituents and states over their own parties, the well representative function makes the well legislative function, then the benefits of the constituents and states are well represented in the legislation over the benefits of their own parties. This practice along has been making the strength of USA over all other western democratic nations, for the passion of the people are more encouraged in the practice to develop their own benefits which in turn make the super power of USA, and still in turn the powers of the parties in USA are increasing in the super power of USA. Here, I see a good model of much less party-discipline making more party-power in a large cycle in long run as in USA, over a evil model of much strict party-discipline making the extreme power in a small cycle in short run as in China, and a neutral model in Canada is just the middle between them. Reference (1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscience_vote
  20. And some say it does not happen. Well now we have some pretty damning proof and admissions. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-26872866 So ... where else have the CIA done this kind of thing? Using shell companies to hide the trail. Just like other professional full time criminals. Next time you see the USAID thing .. you may want to go in the other direction .. I have a feeling Hillary Clinton's fingerprints are on this somewhere.
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