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  1. Canadians, What are your top 3 sources for US political news that you see at least once a week?
  2. The Asia-Pacific region is the largest region of the planet, comprising more than 40 countries. Today, the APR is the most dynamically developing region. In this regard, the strategic national priorities and interests of the United States are increasingly shifting toward the Asia-Pacific region. The state of international security largely depends on the situation in this region. In the Asia-Pacific region, there is a disproportionate increase in military capabilities, which reduces security in this part of the world. As part of the rebalancing of forces in the APR, the United States intends to strengthen its military presence in the region. On the territory of Japan and the Republic of Korea, the Pentagon has created a network of military bases consisting of 240 objects for various purposes. The sustained US policy of deploying the Asia-Pacific segment of the global missile defense causes the greatest concern in the world. It should be recalled that in 2017, a full-fledged “standard battery” of the United States Missile Defense Thaad (THAAD) appeared in South Korea, consisting of a radar, command and control system, six launchers with eight antimissiles each. About 200 US soldiers and officers, for which the corresponding infrastructure was built, ensure the operation of the systems. A similar US missile defense system is planned to be deployed in Japan by 2023. However, it is worth noting that all these actions of the Pentagon in the Asia-Pacific Region are accompanied by protests from residents of both South Korea and Japan. Protesters fear that electromagnetic radiation from radar will harm their health: for example it can lead to infertility or to the occurrence of cancer. Moreover, these fears are not in vain, scientists physicians and environmentalists point out the effects of electromagnetic radiation on human health, because it can cause various diseases, including cancer. Constantly staying close to the station is quite enough to provoke a surge in the incidence of cancer of all forms, an increase in the number of untimely deaths, the birth of disabled people and infertility. Furthermore, environmentalists are concerned that such a powerful radar can have a serious impact on the environment. Thus, on the territory of South Korea, agricultural lands will undoubtedly suffer, it is worth noting that after the deployment of the American system, the harvest of melons, which this agricultural region is famous for, suffered. In Japan, they fear for the marine flora and fauna, which the US military facilities are already damaging. Moreover, in Japan, they know firsthand what diseases are caused by nuclear radiation. Therefore, Washington’s plans face criticism from local residents and authorities in Japan and South Korea. However, despite numerous protests from local residents, Seoul and Tokyo agreed to deploy the American anti-missile system on their territory. Thus, at the beginning of September 2017, a full-fledged US missile defense system Thaad (THAAD) appeared at a military base in South Korea in Sonju county. A similar system is going to appear in Japan in the northern prefecture of Akita and southwestern Yamaguchi. Thus, following its goals, hiding behind the protection of the interests of some APR countries, the United States negatively affects the region’s ecology, which leads to the emergence of various serious diseases among local residents.
  3. I'm going to be making some major changes to the forums over the next few weeks. The first, and likely the biggest change, is going to be in the name of the site, and the domain name you use to access the site (and consequently the discussion forums). I'm not going to release the new name yet (or the domain), you'll just have to wait and see what it is. Not to worry, all of the old URLs will still work, everything will just be forwarding to the new domain URL scheme. I will also be modifying the sub-form categories somewhat, incorporating some long overdue changes. Mostly, I'll be expanding the US Politics section, so that it has it's own section (similar to what we have for the Canadian Politics section) Canadian Domestic Politics Federal Politics Provincial Politics Local Politics United States Domestic Politics Federal Politics State Politics Local Politics International Politics Canada / US Relations The Rest of The World The remainder of the forums I plan to keep the same. Of course I'm always open to suggestion for organization of sections, so please post below if you have any ideas. If you have any other good suggestions on reasonable changes we can make to the forums, please post them below. If they're good ideas, I'll do my research and see how easy it would be to incorporate into the new forums. Thanks!
  4. Due to historical events, Alaska, which came under US administration on October 18, 1867, and the Baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), becoming independent states on September 6, 1991, ceased to exist as Russian lands on the world cartography. Russia then established diplomatic relations with the Baltic countries, and during the sale of Alaska, relations between Russia and the United States were at the peak of friendly relations, and there were no grounds for political conflicts between the states. However, today the situation between these states is different, partly due to the unresolved Ukrainian issue. Washington is not satisfied with the activity of Moscow in the Arctic zone, which is considered as one of the main potential areas of the future military conflict due to the huge deposits of oil, gas and the favorable location of the Russian Northern Sea Route. For example, on January 11, 2019, the US Navy Minister Richard Spencer announced his intention to strengthen the US position in the Arctic and respond to Russia's "excessive claims": P-8 "Poseidon" ships and anti-submarine patrol aircraft will be deployed in the Adak Island area to monitor the activities of the Pacific fleet of the Russian Federation. In turn, the State Duma of the Russian Federation believes that the actions of the United States are aggressive in nature and do not exclude that Americans will disregard the rules of international law. Moreover, Americans today are creating the necessary infrastructure for the operational redeployment of troops and in the Baltic States, against the background of the supposedly existing threat to the Baltic countries from Russia. It should be recalled that in 2017, the US Vice President Michael Pence in Tallinn said that Russia poses a threat to the Baltic States and promised that NATO will strictly adhere to the fifth article of the alliance's charter, according to which an attack on one of the NATO members is an attack on all members of the North Atlantic Alliance. Speaking about relations between the United States and Russia, Pence noted that President Donald Trump is ready to improve them, but "first, the Russians must stop the hostile actions that led to the adoption of sanctions". At the same time, Moscow has repeatedly stressed that Russia will never attack any of the NATO countries. According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, NATO is well aware of the absence of Moscow’s plans to attack anyone, but simply uses the occasion to deploy more equipment and battalions near the Russian borders. For example, the Americans place their military bases and ranges in the territory of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, having even signed a joint communiqué between these countries in November 2018, where they expressed their determination to continue to increase military budgets. But, despite the statements of the Baltic countries that their military doctrines are exclusively defensive in nature, it is obvious that the government of the US President D. Trump, sponsoring Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the military sphere simply invests the budget in itself, imposing three countries their ideas and crushing them under their control. And also, strengthening its position in the former territories of Russia, including Alaska, clearly demonstrates attempts to influence Russia, acting together with these states, making them puppets, continuing to fuel the confrontational line that stems from the unresolved Ukrainian issue. Therefore, we are witnessing the process of increasing the grouping of the US and NATO troops on the western borders of the Russian Federation. And it is obvious that in response to this activity of the Pentagon, Moscow will take retaliatory measures.
  5. Over the past few years, there has been a strong growth in strengthening cooperation between the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) member states in various fields of activity. Back in 2015, the Chinese agency Xinhua wrote that the SCO and BRICS are "important platforms for strengthening cooperation among developing countries". Thus, for example, at the summit held in July 2018 in Johannesburg (South Africa), special attention was paid to the cooperation of countries in creating a united collective security space to counter new challenges and threats in the information sphere, such as cybercrime, information terrorism and extremism, information warfare operations with which each of the countries included in these integration associations is not able to cope separately. However, the SCO and BRICS, unlike NATO or the ARF, are not military-political blocs or open regular security meetings, but they only exist to strengthen stability and security in a wide area that brings together the participating countries, fighting terrorism, extremism, developing economic, energy, scientific and cultural interaction, as well as to strengthen cooperation in the field of environmental safety. The member countries of the two organizations have achieved impressive results also in the economic field. So, Russia, China, Brazil, India, Kazakhstan and other countries of Central Asia, South Africa, and Iran - is half the population of the planet and 1/3 of world GDP. And this, according to experts, is in fact the basis of the new organizational structure of the world. Moreover, on October 19, 2018, a forum of small business of the SCO and BRICS countries was held in Russia in Ufa city, where they discussed youth entrepreneurship, and also presented the best practices of youth work in the territories of the participating countries and their partners. After all, the involvement of the young generation in the work opens up new opportunities for further joint work of states. Also, on April 5, 2019, the International Metallurgical Summit was held in Russia in Chelyabinsk city, which brought together leaders of international metallurgy. There the participating countries exchanged experiences and discussed issues of modern industry trends. The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, at the end of the summit, noted that "the effective work of all links of the mining and smelting complex is of key importance for the development of the economy, industry, the social sphere and the strengthening of the countries' defense capability". Thus, the economic and military independence of the SCO and BRICS countries has recently become apparent, despite various restrictions from the West, and the leaders of each of the participating countries are planning to further strengthen strategic cooperation, ensure common interests, and protect global peace, stability and prosperity.
  6. Which news source in Canada do you think is most capable of delivering spin-free news to the public about a matter of government corruption that is objective and would withstand political intimidation? This includes all medias - broadcast, print, and online.
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