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Status Updates posted by GostHacked

  1. Shooting in Orlando? Must have been a Muslim !!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DogOnPorch
    3. betsy


      That it's a terrorist attack, should be the first thing to come to mind, unless ruled otherwise.  That's a given.

    4. drummindiver


      It's telling that was @GostHacked first thought.

  2. People only care if the killers are Muslim.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      Unaware of the caste system. ^^^

    3. Omni


      Pick your poison.

    4. DogOnPorch


      The first time I had seen it was in a deck of tarot cards from India. 

      Very curious, I thought...Inspected by so and so Patel. Like an extra last name.




  3. No one cares about Afghanistan?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      If Islam murders its way across the globe, what does that make the West?

    3. Omni


      Good point. I've traveled across the globe observing some of the murder the west has done. 

    4. DogOnPorch


      Islam has a word for the West: House of War

  4. Popular Contributors OR spammers trollers?  YOU DECIDE!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Omni


      Birds of a feather...

    3. betsy


      Oooooh........taste like sour grapes to me.

  5. Americans bashing Canada more than ever.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Omni


      Castro, one of the best health care systems in the western world. And China's government, is that the guy Trump said was "raping" the US, but now says he is a very good friend.

    3. Hydraboss


      So basically, your instinctive answer to absolutely any question is "but, but, but...Trump!"  You seem to have the veracity of a troother.

    4. Omni


      Nothing to do with instinct, just that I watch the news daily. Trump seems to be always front and center.

  6. Everyone loves trolling Canada.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GostHacked


      Nah it's been his fucking schtick since he joined. But hey trolling is allowed here, but swearing is not allowed.... Fuck it.

    3. Omni


      I thought trolling wasn't supposed to be allowed, but apparently....I get your point.

    4. Omni


      I know a place where you can swear too.

  7. Canada : Fuck yeah!

    1. Hydraboss


      If that was the answer, then I have to assume the question was one of the following:

      1) Are you being led by a completely useless moron in Ottawa?

      2) Are you happy sending billions to foreign nations that can't find Canada on a map?

      3) Do you really prefer supporting illegal immigrants over actual Canadians that need help?

  8. If the US was worth staying in, they would not be coming to Canada.

    1. betsy


      Yeah....criminals hiding illegally in the US will definitely see Canada as..... PARADISE!


      Welcome to Canada!


      Bonus:  Pot is coming soon!

    2. betsy


      The USA is the pits for illegal aliens with criminal offenses!


      Canada beckons with flashing neon lights!  WELCOME!

  9. US airstrike (March) in Syria killed 300 people ..  but Sarin gas is wrong.

  10. Obama could not get the job done.  Hopefully Trump can!

  11. Can't dislike posts now?? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  12. Status updates is for trolls!

    1. Smallc


      Any time you want to come over....

    2. betsy


      There's a troll in everyone.  It's good to have this section.

  13. Trump in everything, failed to lead.

  14. Bush killed Iraq.

    1. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      Troll - fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat.
      "we trolled for mackerel"
  15. Over 200 civilians killed in recent US/NATO/Iraqi attacks on Mosul to wipe out ISIS.  Not very productive.

  16. Argus, that's how I feel when reading your posts.

    1. Argus


      You mean because I don't talk about weird conspiracy theories about international cabals and dark secrets that only I know from reading strange conspiracy web sites about aliens and Jews and evil capitalist overlords?

    2. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      I agree with Argus, most people here are too stupid, but I think it's due to feeling forced to defend an indefensible point of view.  

  17. I just caught Mike doing what he says is against the rules!

    Way to Tom Brady that shiz up yo!

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      Ha.... nice one. :)  

      FYI "crackpot" is a bad word around here.   :D 

    2. GostHacked


      You got busted and yet you hide MY post calling you out on it. I see how it rolls round here yo.

  18. Look's like Bush_Cheney2004 wants desperately to be a Canadian.

  19. Get a Visa to work in Canada.

  20. Another American whines about Canada.  Really lame.

  21. Ohhh more Canada shit .. what a fucking joke.

  22. I Identify as a toaster.

  23. Screw this trolling sidebar!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. capricorn
    3. ?Impact


      You forgot Torx, the opposite to Phillips. Phillips is designed to cam out the screwdriver to prevent over tightening, where torx is designed prevent it. When used with torque limiting screwdrivers, it helps achieve consistent torque. 

  24. A post of mine was removed and I received no message regarding it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Argus


      I usually get a gold embossed card delivered by UPS when that happens to me. I'd complain about it if I was you.

    3. ?Impact


      See drummindiver's status update a few down from this one where I responded about big stick countries.

  25.  I hate the fact that this can be so long that you cannot see the whole message and have to click on it, bringing you to another page. Then you have to click back to see what the hell you were looking at before, and what do you know, you forgot and then you end up posting garbage on this sidebar which is really not used for anything productive.  I doubt anyone will be reading this.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dialamah


      Yeah, it's annoying having to click on the SU and get taken to the members page, then scroll down and if there are lots of comments you have to keep clicking to see them.  

      But I do it cause I love all you guys!  And girls!   :)

    3. ?Impact


      Don't click on the member, click on the time or replies below the status message and it will take you to the comment. I agree the older interface was better in that regards, but at least you don't have to scroll down through other comments.

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