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Army Guy

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Status Replies posted by Army Guy

  1. Progressives have gone full Taliban.  Mount Rushmore must be destroyed!

    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      Shady, how does it feel to have your own lying liberal stalker,  did he just follow you home one night, .stop feeding them the truth they can't handle it...

    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  2. Progressives have gone full Taliban.  Mount Rushmore must be destroyed!

    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      Atleast not when your shoveling shit it's not...might want to try one of Justins support groups to sow that much shit...


    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  3. Progressives have gone full Taliban.  Mount Rushmore must be destroyed!

    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      I read the report "where does it state that Russian government has been paying the Taliban bounties for US / NATO service pers"...It does not, once again the lying liberals are pulling shit out of those little 1/4 inch speakers called their arses once again…..whats worse than an apologist...a LAIR....more fake news out of the liberal camp....


      Russia very likely continues to support U.S.-Taliban reconciliation efforts in the hope that reconciliation will prevent a long-term U.S. military presence. As of February, the Russian government was working with the central government, regional countries, and the Taliban to gain increased influence in Afghanistan, expedite a U.S. military withdrawal, and address security challenges that might arise from a withdrawal. 

      Putting bounties on US military pers would be counter productive would it not....They want a US/NATO withdrawal so they can gain influence in the area... but you knew that already... you should stick to what you know, what ever that is....

      I get it, your jealous, of the fact you did not have the parts to join the military, it must of stung a little… but on the bright side there is going to be some openings for lying liberals in the new defunded police force....here is your chance to step it up...give something back to this great nation... instead of just taking in valuable oxygen from the rest of us.

    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  4. Progressives have gone full Taliban.  Mount Rushmore must be destroyed!

    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      This has nothing to do with Russia, or trump....it has everything with soldiers and how  liberals like you like to fake concern over their welfare...an organization that they dismiss on a regular bases, the only time you even take 5 mins to acknowledge them is when you can use it in an augment to slam the right.... 

      I get it your butt hurt because I called you out about using soldiers name sakes to further your slams on the right.

      Now all you can do is resort to personal insults, I get that to, it's what kids liberals do today, when they have nothing to contribute to the conversation... 


    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  5. Progressives have gone full Taliban.  Mount Rushmore must be destroyed!

    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      What is funney is your acting shocked ,like this is a new thing, that it has only happened once. Mother Russia/china  and NATO have been doing this for decades now... 

    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  6. Progressives have gone full Taliban.  Mount Rushmore must be destroyed!

    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      Here in Canada, the right has done more for our nations military, not by much but it is more....If you take a look at our military history, you might find that liberals have sent our troops into the world shit holes more often, in fact twice as often....

      The decade of darkness, was under liberal rule...budgets slashed, equipment purchases canceled, troop levels routed to unheard of levels...all under liberal rule...Veterans are still in courts fighting for rights that every Canadian already has, the liberals response was they are asking for more than we can give right now....Veterans are struggling under covid 19, no response from Justin and his lying liberals....why because they are asking more than they can afford right now...  So don't stand up and preach to the world you care, because it is BS...

      I'm not defending Putin, far from it....I'm saying your a hypocrite for using  an organization you don't give a rats ass about to shore up your petty attacks on the right...and I'm calling you out on it....

    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  7. Progressives have gone full Taliban.  Mount Rushmore must be destroyed!

    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      Since when did they left give a rats ass about soldiers anyways... this is an excuse to puff up their chests and thump on tables, and act like they care...funny you did not mention that those bounties were also paid to kill NATO troops, Canada being in part of that group, Not a peep out of Justin, or his merry band of twits he calls followers....This is a distraction for all the vandalism going on in the US and Canada....It's OK to tear down statues, and national landmarks, but placing bounties on soldiers , lets all take a knee shall we and pretend we care... on three shed some tears. 1,2,3....Spare us please...

    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  8. The NHL will return in Edmonton and Toronto. All teams will go to Canada to finish the season to avoid the bleep show that is the US right now. 

  9. Progressives have gone full Taliban.  Mount Rushmore must be destroyed!

    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

       It is almost time for the left to be delegated to the rear of this crazy train....before something really stupid happens

    2. (See 49 other replies to this status update)

  10. How and why are we even celebrating this racist and unjust country?

  11. Domestic chicken hawks should join the police force and show us how it’s done.

  12. BLM Toronto:   Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a white supremacist.

  13. I will continue to fight for the ideal of a free society where we all have equal rights. But I am NOT going to express shame for crimes I did not commit, feel guilt because of my gender and the colour of my skin, or submissively kneel before any group or for any cause. = Maxime Bernier

  14. Trudeau's knee virtue signals the Colin Kaepernick way, following Americans.

  15. So who was it that was touting Sweden as the model country for opening up? Bet you feel stupid now.

  16. So who was it that was touting Sweden as the model country for opening up? Bet you feel stupid now.

  17. "Canada is free and freedom is its nationality,"  - Sir Wilfred Laurier

  18. Canada gets U.S. help for CH-148 salvage...still hates America.


  19. Canada needs to beg China for economic mercy.

    When the funds get depleted and there's no buying power,

    the empty dollar will fall to a level never before seen.

    Negative interest, negative value.

    Then the commies will want to run us.


    Trudeau doesn't want the lockdown to end as he can continue to usurp democracy, accountability and Parliament. Questions only allowed from from his bought and paid for unelected fawning media.

  21. “At this point in the crisis, the worst you can say about the Canadian response is that it has been basically competent—what you would expect from a country with a functioning political and health care system. The United States, by contrast, hasn’t cleared this lowest of bars.” — Zack Beauchamp

  22. “At this point in the crisis, the worst you can say about the Canadian response is that it has been basically competent—what you would expect from a country with a functioning political and health care system. The United States, by contrast, hasn’t cleared this lowest of bars.” — Zack Beauchamp

  23. Why doesn't the Feds just buy the agricultural produce from farmers to keep them producing?   If hospitals can be built in a matter of days, surely humonguous storehouses can easily come up as well in strategic places! At least, that ensures that we don't have any shortages.  They can be temporary suppliers to grocery stores, and can supply Food Banks and other charities.  Any surplus can be exported to help other struggling nations.

    The preparations made in the Biblical famine of the  Joseph narrative comes to mind.

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