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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Straight out of the right wing's Holy Post Well isn't that just simply swell of the guy...I mean with everyone struggling to help get rid of the defecit and balance the budget, good ole Pope steve thinks we need a new government office to throw millions of dollars into. Tell me again how Conservatives are good money managers and believers in small government? I'm sure this ought to play well towards his socially conservative christian right wing base when they find out :lol:
  2. Now that's what you call having an open arms policy....
  3. Embarrassing to show the world he had lost whatever integrity he had left.Kind of like what's happened to Peter Kent with his flip flop and now supporting a known terrorist supporter running as a fellow candidate for the CTC* *conservative terrorist party of canada
  4. You've studied Goebbels teachings well. Joseph would be proud of you.
  5. If it were a one off event you might be able to excuse it as a screw up but when you have a known terrorist supporter actually running and approved by Harper himself as a candidate for the Conservative party...It's fairly obvious. Harper and the Conservatives clearly support terrorist sympathizers..well at least they do as long as they're Conservative supporters.
  6. And after having Harper's mob pay him a visit to smarten him up... Peter Kent flip flops and is now singing in tune like a good little choir boy would when told not to say anything by his priest... Conservative MP now backs his terrorist supporting new best bud
  7. It would be funny if it were not true.
  8. What's there to touch other than to help you adjust your reynolds wrap hat...You're giving Dosanjh's camp far too much credit if you honestly believe that.
  9. Ok so I'm not the only one then who can recall vivid memories of his spittle flying tirades...When the term frothing at the mouth is used to describe a politician, John Baird's mug should be used to illustrate that it does indeed happen.
  10. But PM Bubble Boy wants you to question him... :lol: Gee how does one do that when Herr leader only permits scripted questions to be asked of him and limited to no more than 4 on most days Link to PM Bubble Boy's defining irony
  11. Oh I've mentioned it. I started a thread on it but the Harperites were suprisingly silent or muzzled in their response I know..shocking isn't it...
  12. Did Dosanjh seek or choose to associate himself with Malik in order to gain support? No. If Malik has now chosen to switch to support Dosanjh then that is his choice and has no bearing on Dosanjh's campaign.Personally I want both of them to lose so either way it's a win win situation for the party which I am supporting. That said, the fact remains that Harper has now had multiple candidates either directly involved with supporting terrorism or associating themselves with terrorist sympathizers. And in both cases, has chosen to ignore the ties and permit these candidates to continue running under the Conservative party banner. Says a lot about his willingness to permit anything as long as it gains him his precious majority..
  13. See we learn something new about posters here every day. I'd have had you pegged for someone who's head was invested deep into sand.
  14. Oh so you're completely fine with the incredible incompotence she and her campaign team have displayed by associating with a known terrorist supporter. Thanks for letting us all know that you're okay with Conservatives aligning themselves with terrorist sympathizers and where you stand then
  15. You do realise that it is the press who we rely on to keep us informed through investigative jouranlism and hold politicians accountable by reporting the news to us right?I get that Conservatives under Harper would really love to do away with the press gallery and have something more suited to their ideology such as say... a Ministry of Propoganda to inform Canadians of all they need to be told. But what Harperites want is not how it works here..well at least in a free democratic society...
  16. LOL.. Guelph... the Conservatives caught facebook profiling ring any bells?
  17. Well while highly unlikely that someone such as Wai Young who associates themselves with a known terrorist would succeed in being elected, I will concede that there's probably no shortage of terrorist sympathizers who view the Conservative party as the one they most closely align themselves with.Peas in a pod and whatnot... That said.. I have to agree with Harry. She's toast.
  18. Obviously Jack Layton and the NDP are doing things which resonate well with Canadians while Iggy's made some improvements, enough to vaunt him moving into a tie with Harper who is in a free fall and failing miserably in his quest to attract voters. People simply like Jack for his honesty and integrity. Something the other two parties fail to give them. Sourve
  19. Another vote for the good guys! Your friend is not alone. Unless you're a devout blindly loyal Harperite, you are sick of both of those two parties and their continual lying to Canadians.A vote for the NDP is a vote for positive change.
  20. Using a golf analogy guitarman,I'd have sworn you had a right hook to your golf swing or at least leaned to the right based on your staunch defence of everything pro-Harper. But rest assured, while I sincerely hope Jack Layton's strong showing continues to help elect an NDP government here, as long as Harper is refused his coveted majority, I will be able to sleep at night knowing there is hope for this country. Enough Harper..he has to go.
  21. Hey maybe you'd understand it better if you read your own principled Conservative friends explaining it
  22. Better adjust your tin foil hat guitarman If you think for one moment that it's just the left wing who despise Harper...you clearly don't even know of your party's own grass roots and its own movement to topple Harper from his throne. Even the freeper's despise Harper.
  23. Well it appears you're in the minority based on the overwhelming outrage shared by many others at the Conservatives silence and associating with a well known terrorist supporter..According to the comments at the Globe and Mail's coverage on this at least
  24. Who's desperate to have their omnipotent leader finally achieve his majority at all costs. Who are the party most closely associated with and desciples of the Republicans from down south who have made this type of campaigning their specialty..complete with rigged elections..see Florida.Bannana republic is an accurate description of Canada under Harper's fascist tin pot dicatator rule. Especially given his disdain and contempt for our parliamentary system and constitution.
  25. punked, you've got to keep in mind that the Harper crew is heavily influenced by the Bush republicans/ tea party. Of course this isn't the Canada you grew up in. It's being run into the ground by Harper's band of fascists.
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