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Everything posted by Rick

  1. It's that whole 'if you're not with us you're against us' tribal mentality of theirs.Some could classify it as 'short man's syndrome' but in reality, it's a simple case of insecurity they suffer from.
  2. So we have an advantage on them already then.. explain again how that doesn't work in our favour?You're trying to play both ends here to support your argument but it makes no sense...
  3. Why not use Saudi Arabia... they hold us 'hostage' in a sense while raking in the profits and selling gas to their own citizens and a substantially cheaper rate.They must be doing something right..
  4. Well said.What would be the chances of let's say the right wing Sun endorsing the NDP and it's readers changing their votes.. not bloody likely. It's a tepid at best endorsement by the Globe telling Canadians they should settle and prepare themselves for more of this: Ya..ok...
  5. You're talking about John Baird taking over as 'Dear Leader' now aren't you...
  6. Harry, they're a one trick pony...Pity them
  7. Good on Iggy for speaking his mind for once. We need more straight forward, shoot from the hip talk and less of the "let me be clear" Harper bs'ing everyone once again talk that has dominated the political landscape for the past 5+ years. I might not support his politics but that is the one thing I liked about Randy Hillier ( Ontario Progressive Conservative maverick MPP) who too was never afraid to speak his mind. Same for Chretien and Trudeau who both weren't afraid to tell it like it is...
  8. The obvious answer is that this compilation was done by the Conservtives party themselves..So they must be accurate.... but when the truth is compilated by his own 'friends' it also makes Harper look bad.
  9. Harper reaped what he sowed.People simply do not like or respect Harper because of his contemptuous, lying, hateful and arrorant ways..
  10. The Conservative revolt against Harper started a while ago and it began with his own former so-con friends whom he abandoned When the "Prinicpled Conservatives" freepers have lost all faith in Harper and are openly voting anyone BUT Harper...the knives are already sharpened. Harper's loyal lackeys will still follow him blindly while those who know his best before time has long expired will want a new face that Canadians will trust, respect and actually like Expect to see a divide similar to the Chretien Libs vs the Martin camp...
  11. :angry: What about Harper's wanting to create an Office of Religion in government..Or the Conservatives wanting to spy on you and all Canadians electronically without warrants or legal process... That doesn't scare you in the slightest? And if you answer no to either..you sir are either a hypocrite or a liar.
  12. So your defence of this is to point to a Conservative pro-lifer, anti-abortionist's website?Ok then Molly McVety..... Apparently bible thumping is still alive and well in the Harper conservatives...
  13. Clearly you don't know what you're talking about Shady. The very latest Angus Reid poll also shows the NDP at 30...not 27 like you're suggesting. That would make it, multiple polling firms now that shows those numbers...
  14. Yes, according to the latest Angus Reid Poll reality is that the orange wave continues to grow. Source
  15. While I agree with your statements about only his devoted sheep being gullible enough to still like him... I have the feeling that Harper's ego is too big for him to admit that he's been a total failure and failed to appeal to Canadians through multiple elections to gain the trust of a majority.So he'll stay on to feed his ego much like most dictators refuse to give up power even when the people rebuke their message.
  16. You honestly didn't know about the draconian measures the Conservartives have planned which will allow spying on Canadians internet use without warrants or legal process?It's a very hot topic on several computer related websites I frequent and not the least bit popular amongst the members there. In fact it has zero support to the end that several memmbers have stated it's because of actions like that, that they will NO longer support Harper's growing police state style of government. It really is shades of the old Soviet Union...
  17. Why can't you believe Harper would be so irresponsbile as to do what he has said he fully intends to do?While I disagree with your views with regards to the left's viewpoints, to say that the office which Harper has stated he intends to create will be filled and highly influenced by religious extremism from all walks of life is something we can agree upon. A vote for Harper is essentially a vote to allowing religious extremists gaining a foothold within this country's government AND having power to abuse....
  18. That alone should tell everyone where Harper himself stands on this issue and how he would procede given the chance...
  19. Please..for the love of all that is good... don't be citing that with any links please.Thanks.
  20. You mean to tell this forum that you have no knowledge or recollection of the Conservatives such as John Baird or Jason Kenney for example ever behaving in the same manner as that by which you're so appalled?Really ??? Ah so it's okay as long is it's your team doing it. Gotcha... The word hypocrite comes to mind... You're absolutely right, people are on to the Conservatives cheap tricks such as SHOUTING or USING LARGE FONT to get their points across.Really..it doesn't help your cause or argument whatsoever. It's simply annoying...give it a rest mmmkay?
  21. You won't get any arguments out of me on this issue mike.But I have to question how can you vote for someone who has made it known he will implement this.. How can you in good faith (pun intended) vote for Harper knowing full well that he's going to create that monstrosity which will surely suck tax dollars into funding more religious extremists...
  22. I too see nothing but trouble coming out of this but I doubt the Conservative base is at all happy with this brainchild idea of Harper's just to sway the muslim votes in his favour.With all of the trouble the bloc ansd seperatists in Quebec cause, this would make them look like true Canadian patriots if Harper gets his way. Just think... Canada under Sharia Law.
  23. Very well put cybercoma.One of the best and most direct explanations I've seen written to refute the idiocy of those who insist that privatization of our health care system would decrease wait times.
  24. Hmmm.. there's a strange silence and lack of outrage from the Harperites. They must have been told not to talk about it.
  25. You mean shouting and drowning out as in what Harper's trained seals do each day in the house or drowning out as in cheering in order to silence a question being asked of Harper by a member of the media?Because if that's what you mean then I agree...how utterly rude.
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