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Everything posted by Rick

  1. There's something very un-Christian like isn't there about racists supporting a party which names itself the Christian Heritage Party isn't there?I'm sure the CHP must be proud to be labelled as a racist party.
  2. More likely is that the U.S. refused to use its influence because President Obama has no use and little respect for Bush's ole pal PM Steve. President Obama is clearly a very wise and intelligent man.
  3. Well stated.Lest we forget the fact that by and large the sole reason why the conservatives are even holding onto power is only because a significant number of moderates felt the Liberals needed a 'time-out' due to the sponsorship scandal. Not because the conservatives policies were suddenly that much more attractive to the moderate base. A shift to the right by the Conservatives and Canada will have another decade of Liberal government.
  4. I seem to recall @ CKA you being nothing of the sort. Based on your postings here, not much has changed but ToadBrother and bloodyminded have called it correctly and witnessed that already.
  5. A "cargo handling facility" ?Is that the latest release of Conservative talking points on how to describe that military base which we've now lost and to downplay the importance Mirage has played to our troops movement?
  6. So to summarize what's happened here..Courtesy of PM Harper, we lost our shot at holding an UN security council seat and we lost our secret military base in UAE just so we could protect Air Canada? Wow, great job Steve. Can't wait to see what he does for an encore performance. Alienate another one of our allies to protect Westjet?
  7. Well it wasn't quite the "Army in your streets" that the Liberals several years ago warned Canadians about what life under a Harper government might look like. But it wasn't too far off. What it was though was a sheer waste of our tax dollars to hold that event in the downtown core of Toronto when they should have held it in a secure remote military base or at the very least, remote resort. I mean it's not as though the press needed to have direct access to the particpants since the press were pre-occupied with relaxing by their fake lake to report on anything.
  8. Would you prefer they cover themselves up grainfedckaburkaboy?
  9. It makes you wonder who's in charge of our foreign affairs, Peter (I'm going to take a walk with my dog) McKay or Air Canada.Hmm, I thought Conservatives favored "open skies".
  10. I suspect that Monsieur Bernier might have helped influence this decision perhaps to help out his former girlfriend. Either that or the PM is once again looking for yet another chief for his staff.
  11. Or myopic ideological twits living in their own fantasy world and too bloody ignorant and blind to see it does exist to some extent, would deny its existence.
  12. Nor any mention of the right wing Argus's initial comment along the same line.
  13. It'll be much sooner than that if you listen to the discontent within the blogging Conservatives over PM Harper's 4 consecutive failures to win a single majority government.I'll bet when the Conservatives fail to win a majority in the next election, after failing 5 times with Canadians loudly rejecting to trust them with a majority as long as he's at the helm, the party will want blood and it'll be Harper's. Bernier's choice to move the party further to the right will not play well with those within the party who now believe they're entitled to hold power at any cost to their principles. Either way, a divided Conservative party is a win win for Canada.
  14. Hmmm, division within the ranks.Could this be the next Reform/PC split of the Conservatives? Let's hope so.
  15. Because the illiterate fascist cretins who support him on these message boards would never allow for the truth to be an option.
  16. Indeed. One would think after sponsorship that the Conservatives would have learned that appointing a Quebecor to the portfolio of Public Works is a corruption scandal just waiting to happen. However, given the arrogance of the current government, they probably thought they were too smart to be caught.
  17. Donations, another word could be bribes. Perhaps with payoffs to the Conservatives to follow?We all know how these things work capricorn and whether it be the Conservatives Airbus scandal or the Liberals sponsorship previous to this, it's not acceptable.
  18. Well I do know that they are 'facts' because they are documented records.Unlike your definition of Conservative talking points as 'facts' Interesting how you would now defend these types of actions given that during the Liberals sponsership scandal there was no Liberal MP's involved. Double standards scribblet?
  19. I couldn't help but notice that you selectively chose to quote the Conservatives talking points and label them as facts from that article.When you could well have quoted these facts:
  20. Well said Pliny and I couldn't agree more with you.That said,regardless if the money is allegedly coming from a 'self-sustaining' plan in this instance, ultimately it is tax payers who are funding its existence. Hence I cannot nor will I support it in any shape or form for it is essentially corporate welfare.
  21. Supporting Crown Corporations such as the CBC is good in your mind then?
  22. It certainly appears that Minister Paradis is indeed lying. When one looks at the numerous, lengthy ties that Sauvin has to the Conservative party, there's no doubt in my mind he is guilty on some level. The question now is, is Minister Paradis guilty or party to a criminal offence and why hasn't Prime Minister Harper removed him from caucus pending the RCMP's investigation.
  23. Is EDC not a Crown corporation?Who funds Crown Corporations such as EDC, CBC etc... Taxpayers do. That's who.
  24. Ignatieff, Harper or whomever is holding power...I'm with you on this. Enough with the corporate welfare. Businesses should either sink or swim on their own money, not with the aid of our tax dollars. Especially, foreign corporations.
  25. Precisely.If they have a billion of OUR tax dollars to lend out, it should go directly back into CANADIAN TAXPAYERS pockets not into foreign corporate pockets. Simply appalling but then I've come to expect this of the Harper government's lack of ethics when it comes to throwing our tax dollars around frivolously. See: Fake Lakes and ridiculous security spending for G8/G20
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